If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. j:1 / ,i 'I ( I j 113496 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice Tnls d:Jc~rT'€m! nas been ("produced exactly as r£c&r"ea Ir Jrr, lr,e person or organizatiOn cr;ginatlr.g ;,1. Points of vie'.!') or up:niOrl$ stated in thiS dccument are those of !r,e authors and do not necessarily represeN the official position cr policies of the NaMnai insHl'le of Justice PermiSSion to reproduce !r"S copyngr,!ed material hdS been granted by Denver Police Department to Ine NatIOnal Cr',mlf'al 0usllce Referer.ce Sen,lce INCJRS' ~ Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system reqUires permis­ G' sion of the copyright owner • ! ~ , i., J I I - " I' II ,. I • Is • Is t'\ • • , • • ..• ~---­ I '. '~'.. , / I .3 f-/ 9" ttrJRS '. Contents !Ep 13 19Se :.:: A G'Q trJ e.1,T I 0 l",sc; Denver Data ...•.............•...•......•.•....•..••......••• ~.............. 5 Ci ty Government ...••••••••••..•.•........•...••••..•.•. ,0 : , • ~ • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • 6 Manager of Safety ....................................................,. - ... ..•. 8 Chief of Police ......•..........•....•••. .., ...................... ~ .••• ~ .•.••.... 9 Transitional Administration ...•........•.•.••••.•..•••..•••••• -~~4 ••• ~ ••••• 10 Div; sion Command ....................................... ~. ,.•..•.•. ".' _._ .••••.••. , .. 12 Table of Organization •.•........ , ..•.•...•.•••..•••••.•... , .•.••. >c•••••••••••• 14 Staffing ........... , ............................................. _. ~ •.•.•....••• 15 Pol ice Personnel Profile, Age & Tenure .................. eO ••••• -~. " .... i.~ .... 18 Personnel All ocati ons .........•...••.•............•..• , ..••....•.'.,:.'. =.. ::.'. .. 19 Ethnic Composition, Department & City ...... H .............................. 20 1987 Finances ...................................................... ,.~ •••.... 21 District Four ..............•...••.•...••••.•••..••••.••••••••••.•.•.~;.;~ •..•. 22 Calls for Police Service .•.•...••...•••..•....•.••..•••••..•••......•.•.•.•.•.•••• 24 Cri me Index ............•.•••....•..•.••.••.•••••.• ·.......... « ........ '. ;.:.:•.••• ,> ~ 26 Offense Compari sons ............................... _, ••••.•..•.•.. ~ ......~: .•: ...~ •. t... 27 District One .........•.•..•.........•..•.•••.•.•• ~ ••·: ••..•." .................. 28 Di s.tri ct Two ........••.•••......••..•.•••••••••••.•••••.••••....•.~ ~ .-•.' .•• ;~, -32 Oi stri ct Three •......•••.•.....•••.••.•• ,••••••.•.••.•...••••••.••.• ; .:.•.• '.'. ~. 36 Di stri ct Four .•.••••••••..••. ~ ..............................o' .. ~ ••• ~.~ ........ '. •• 40 Adult Arrests ......•..•.....•.•••••••••••••••••••••........•..•• ;,~~ .•. ~ •...... 44 Juvenile Statistics ............•••••••.•••.•.••...••.•••.••• -~~.:.~ .•..•... 46 Traffic Statistics .•..•.....•...••.••.••.•••......•• ~ ..•...•, .... :.; .••••••••• 50 In 1987 .......•.•.....••.................•........•...•..•••.••'.' •....••.•. " 52 In Recogni ti on ......•. '."'" .......•........•..•...•...•.•' ..••..••...•... '" 54 Crimes Against the Elderly .....••.•......•.•.......•· ••... : ••..••....•...... 56 Officers Assaulted .•......••.............•.•.....••••..•..•.•..•.....•..•... 57 They Made It ....................................... : ••. , •.•••.•., ••........•...• 58 Served Honorably ••...•.•..•.., ...•.•.••.•••.•.•••..•..•...•••••: ....•.•.•.... 62 In Memori am ..........•••••.•• _ .•.••••.•..•.•••••' ..•...•.....~ ;.;'~ . • • . • • . .. 64 Designed and edired by rhe sraff of the Research and r~velopmenr Bureau Miriam Reed Al l1itterer Kay Davidson Ben rloffsinger Mark Shonk Joan Vecchi and Shirley Williams Cover design by Paul N. Chipman Cenrral Services City and County of Denver Pri.nting by Central Services R Burns E Robinson J Martin G Torsney J Jones C Dressel S Metros C Simpson C Kennedy G Jackson L Baca L Bellio T Lahey L Beaulieu Jr B Wolfe J Bensard L Hesalroad H Taborsky C Berry C Smith G Schaffer J Ballegeer D Black K DelMonico M Dowd D Burkhart D Miller W Card L Peters J Pinson S Flint C Saterberg W Martin H Walker D Lawless E O'Dea F Anderson P Kaiser G Masciotro H Sanderson R Scheer J Arko V Seader H Thomas R Wright D Gavito W Y.night R Benfante G O'Neal Jr S Gacioch H Burroughs F Carter C Nidey Jr L Amman L Finicle T Lehman T Orecchio F Lopez R Freeman R Rankin R Secrest R Greenbaum K Pennel D DeNovellis 0 Knight C Rowland R Cribbs T Lohr E Hansen M Martinez G Hanes F Bustillos J Gray D Snider M Wilson L Iantorno J Russell D Frodine J Warren L Dickerson A DePinto K Harris W Hagnes J Lindsey F Boston Jr L Carlson DRay R Gray D Brown R Johnson D Brenning R Shaffer A Mitterer C Scavo N Kelsey R Ebell K TUten Jr J Fitzpatrick D Dunne J Isenhart A Martinelli MOrton J Stubblefield L Shinofield D Bowling R Carroll H Dressel L Shaw S Laurita M Karlin L Driskill R Steely C Stanley E Carroll L Summers R Atkinson M Rosales D Squier Jr C Ferguson R Libonati L Smith R lYelch B Reagan A Hutchison J Price D Harris P McCabe D Rask R Swanson R Scofield L portugal C Flos J Catalina W Stoops R Cantwell G Schwanke D S'Jsuras P Gotlin B Haze Jr R Hake G Gosage J Brown C Richmond R Moravek J Randolph K Cliff L Vecchiarelli J Larson H Straight A Sandoval J Tyus Jr R Haze lY Garson B Yarr W McLellan A Kientz R Parisi J Cox J Thompson R Kaspersen R Barber D White T Campbell S Kern C Bcstro~ G Frazzini A walker S Fine R Ulrich R Brath J Cain W Fester H Oaks J Vacca D Remley D Bolton D Sewald A Zavaras R Dunkley R Baltz R McFadden J Clontz GRay J B~ysse R Lasley E Davis R Freburg J Pugh Jr J Martinelli P Dinan W Carter W Aumiller J Schnittgrund Y Honer D Talty R Co~stock R Burkhalter R Ryan C Carpenter P Mulhern R Wallis R Thompson P Diaz M Davin C Anderson W Mohr R Ccchran Jr R Petry D _'!icha:Jd A Kl:Jg R Beery ,i Brandenburg H O'1[ei11 R Thiede Jr E Headrick D Archer K Brath T ROwe Jr G Hise 'v Kroekel 7 Gulliksen F Wagner T Ticer B Cnesy W Shaw A Gardella K Chavez L Greenwald A Iacovetta D Morahan R Peryington F Ferguson P ~T.ory G 'ifalter L Fenstemaker E Ornelas C Noe R Partenheimer R Colborn J Mulligan W Cosby J Vacca A Conrad M Hoyer D Duncan R Nelsen R Stei:::bacb P Colaiano J Rames 0 Haase Jr R Avila F 17essa G Haney R Damrell R Wolf R Prince L Neverdahl L Kelsey Jr M Ritchey J Brezzel K Applehans R Grisham GReed R Smith A Capolungo R Walker C Torres T Metzler T Haney S Shrag Jr D Petersohn M Golden J Bame D Staebell G Gerken 'v !·:cCreary R Hosier L Halverson G Schweers R Bilstein H Lewis D Hobart D llicholas D Staff W Schell W Craven D Sbigley M '-lalker R ;-;alker M Pierson G Ortiz G Cross R Grimm ;i NcCray B goran ,'1 Kldd II J I'leber A Hack S Jeffries B O'Donnell M Hayes Jr R ::'vrner Jr R ;,"allace M Foery B Curneen R Norman P Scott A Burrougbs N Freeman Iv ~lonto!ia J Egan J Ortiz J Northern 11 Luchetta 1-' Gilbert J Gropp L Alverson C Erickson R Burkhalter T Hagne':J J Nyers D .'!:tzler W Bierbach V Zimblis R Gonzales D Haley R Niebur R Grant Jr P Lyda P Regan R Aultman L Dominguez C Fuermann G Leuthauser F Guigli L Weant M Fio:i B Stewart D Springer G Rennert J Helm M Whisenant D Hathaway L Graves M Patterson M Rondinelli C Landin C NcYay R Leslie H Mages E Rowe G Riddell R Lindner C Kaptain R llation R pitt W Schlitter S Tanberg T Tedesco GEllis J Leo HEckard H Brungardt R Bauer J C::>stigan III D lYagner D Novak J Scht-lab C DeVault D Danhour D Hildebrant M Mullen R Henderson ~ Jantz g Huskins C Drake P Mueller A Woods D Wood J Wyckoff R Cruz M Buckley H Sprigg M Kiddoo L Skinner R Phillips E !1cGuire G Fitzgibbons G Kennedy L Lindsey G Wagner R Boroff D Cinq'Janta R Sandoval G Omdahl N Scanlan B Deasy D Hendricks J Greer R gonahan R Huskey R Potter II Davidson P Reeve Iv Ro,.,e M Staskin J Collier D Yount oJ Huff P. Weiss D Hudleg G Seurer S Carter J Teel P Po,~ers R Evans S Wright R O'Connell R Vescio J Crowe R Nicholas R Nichols D Kechter J DeWitt .'! l-forahan N r"asher T r.'ood J Langfield A Wodack J Singleton C Jones T Casper J Neier P Gentry E Shaw R Thompson Jr F Hoag J Costigan G Fortunato z.J DeSanti A .'{ontoya J Hise D wittk<' D Cram J Ginsburg W Franklin Jr K VonFeldt P Fitzgibbons G Allendorf W Depew W Baldi M Carrigan T Sanchez 3 ... For all at last returns to the sea - to Oceanus, the ocean river, like the ever-flowing stream of time, the beginning and the end. Rachel Carson 4 ...• Denver Data 1987 1986 Denver Area (Square Miles) •••.•••••..•.•••.••.••••••••••••••.• 111.32 111.32 Mi 1es of Streets ••••.••.••••••.••••.•.••.••••.•.••...•...•••.. 1,665.52 1,665.52 $; gna 1 L; ghts ••..•.•.•.•.•..•••••. , •.•..••...•••.••....••.•... 1,228 1,230 Denver Popul ati on .•..•••.•.•••••.••..•.•••...•.••• , ••••••••••• 510,700 509,800 Metropolitan Area •.••.•••••.•••••••.•••••••..••..••••.•••.•.•. 1,876,500 1,848,150 Vehicle Registrations ...••••••.••••.•••.••.••.••.••.•.••••••.• 417,714 396,445 Cl ass I Actual Offenses •••.••..••.•••••••••..•..•....•••.••.•• 31,641 39,398 Cl ass I I Actua 1 Offenses ...•••.•.•••.•...•..••..•....•.•••..•• 25,853 31,160 Requests for Police Service .•.••.••..••....••..••..••..•••.... 1,069,663 1,103,900 Juvenile Arrests (Excluding Traffic) •••.•••.•.•..•.••..••....• 9,822 8.647 Adult Arrests (Excluding Traffic) ••..•..••.•.•.••.•.•..•.••..• 55,219 60,611 Adult Traffic Arrests (Excluding DUI) ••.•••..•..•...•..•••••.• 2,234 1,797 Driving Under the Influence Arrests ..••.•..•••..•••••..••..••. 4,655 4,818 Traffic Citations (Moving) ................................... 213,459 223,993 Traffic Accidents (NSC Standards) •••••••••.•...•••..•.••.•.... 20,798
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