weather page I. 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOL.83.NO. 2H; 4»W. MraUy gmn 'WMW. fewa OUu fonts* RED BANK; N. J., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1961 BY CARRIER •Jf- PAGE ONE It Art Buk ua at MUtlonu iOiUnt'OKIBM Car, Truck Collide Shepard Is Selected Bad Weather Halts K& Shot Info Space Bair CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)-The United States' flrit effort to launch a man Into ipace wu postponed today became of bad weather. The announcement of the postponement coincided with the disclosure that Alan B. Sbepard, 17-year-old Navy commander, Is Imposed by Ststte had been selected to be (he first American In space. ltd King, a spokesman lor the National Aeronautics and Space Admlniitratlon, tald the flrlng of the Mercury capsule Pollution wu postponed because of poor weather conditions over the Directive •••/. Cape and at the down-range stations. No new date for the firing of the capsule wai set but King Fear Is said that at least a 41-hour wait wu necessary. MANGLED WRECK—Pictured are remains of a car Pressed 1 drivtn by Jamet E. prater, Jr., Gl«n Old«n, ?*., a tot Announcement Telt dier stationed at Fort Monmogth. The soldier died in The announcement said: Reason . Riverview Hoipital several hours after his ear collided "An attempt to launch a manned Mercury spacecraft here TRENTON (AJP) — Fear with a tractor-trailer at Rt. 36 and Wilton Ave., Port today baa been postponed due to bad weather here and in the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP pollution and resulting Monmouth. recovery area downrange, The pilot selected lor the first — The state Attorney Geri' yellow jaundice has caused manned flight attempt wu Alan B. Shepard. He wu prepared eral's office has given the New Jersey to close por- for flight but held In the pilot's preparation area. No new tions of Raritan Bay, Sandy launch date has been act but the minimum recycle time Is 48 Sewer Authority, until May Hook Bay and the Navesink hours. The pilot will remain in the crew quarter* In tie 10 to reply to a directive Rt. 36 Crash NASA Meicury hangar here." and Shrewsbury rivers to ordering that the authority Tbe selection of the (jack-dp pilot for Shepard wu>not the taking of shellfish. announced. cease pollution of Raritan New York State also closed its jortion of Raritan' Bay and New ler After his selection, Shepard began bit preparations for the Bay and the swamp area adja- York City ordered a ban on ship- flight. When it became apparent that the firing wu to be de- cent to Matawan Creek. ments of clams from the Raritan - layed during the count down,'he went upstairs In the hangar PORT MONMOUTH - A At a meeting of die Township Bay area. and sat quietly for nearly two hours awaiting the decision u to Dr. Roscoe P. Kandle, N. J. year-old Fort Monmouth soldier stop street. He said the truck whether the flight would be made today. Committee last night, the clerk died this morning several hours jack-knifed after it was hit by read a letter addfessed to the state .health commissioner, said after his car collided with a the car. COALITION TICKET—A new slate «f candidate* was yesterday the areas involved may 140 Minutes authority, from ThonW P. Tan tractor-trailer at Rt. 36 and Wil- Firemen from the Port Mon- sey, state deputy attorney gen- formed yesterday in Keansburg in the doling dayt of be a source of pollution in dams. ion Ave. mouth. East Keansburg and Bel- /• eral, r Last week, he said there was The countdown had progressed to within 149 minuter of tha hot municipal election campaign. The date features evidence indicating the eating of The soldier, identified by police ford Independent fire companies launch time of tbe Redstone booster, which was to boost MKTSnsey pointed out OKI Mayor Jamei J. Gravany, Councilman Martin C. Lotitsn raw clams might be tied to this as James E. Fraser, Jr., of Glen extinguished Ihe, truck fire. Shepard US miles Into space and drop hb space capsule 290 the state's order had been Is- Olden, Pa., died in Riverview Members of 'the Port Mon- miles downrange IS minutes later. The flight Is planned and Benjamin Andreach, local Democratic leader. Work- year's upsurge in infectious hepa- Hospital. • sued in 1959 and tailed for com- titis (yellow jaundice) cases. mouth First Aid Squad struggled strictly ai an up-and-down flight It la to be a prelude of an pliance by March of I960, men were busy yesterday changing sigm throughout Police said the youth suffered for 15 minutes before freeing the attempt to send an American apace pilot into orbit anil return Clamming areas in New Jersey multiple fractures of the arms him safely to earth—a feat already accomplished by the Rus- Legal Action town like this one in front of Patrick Keelen's houie- on south of the Shrewsbury River and legs plus Internal injuries. (See FATALITY, Page 2) sian Yuri Gagarin April 12. Main St., urging voters to cait their ballot for tha new Were permitted to remain open. Driver of the truck, Allen Pred- He said that unless the au Said Kandle; thority replies to his letter by slate. more, 49, of 419 Florence Ave., "In the face of. v, evidence, Long Branch, was treated for Jury Favors May 10, the attorney general's have no alternativei except to abode at the hospital and later Shannon Cleared office will "institute legal pro- close the indicated areas to the released. ceedings to force complianci taking of shellfish until further He narrowly escaped serious In Anonymous Pamphlet Case Mandatory with the order." notice.1' . ' injury when he managed to free In other business, the commit- Andreach Joins 186 Hepatitis Cues himself from the burning truck tee adopted an ordinance estab- The evidence he referred to was before its three gas tanks, ex- FREEHOLD—The Grand Jury; The Union Beach school board lishing a five-member recreation referred the case to the prosecu- Cop Training that of 186 hepatitis cases where ploded. has cleared Richard A. Shannon, commission, with terms to run people had.eaten raw dams in Jr., member or the Union Beach tor's office-two months ago aft- FREEHOLD — Endorsement Gravany Ticket Police said Predmore was able : one to five years. Members wi only one or two restaurants, 85 Board of Education, of misde- er the board attorney, Ktnnetb o* a law which would require to kick out a window In the cab E. Joel, advised the body that It receive no remuneration. were known to have eaten clams of the truck.' meanor charges resulting from all newly, appointed police offic- KEANSBURG — Local politi- or Gravany said the new ticki traced to Raritan Bay. was a misdemeanor for any per- ers to take basic training was in- The governing body also adopt- cal activity took an unexpected would reach a broad spectrum Side Street the distribution of an unsigned son to prepare and distribute an ed an ordinance exempting per- Kandle added thaL the New cluded in th9 presentment hand- twist yesterday with tha an- tha voters in the borough. According to police the sol- flyer prior, to: » Union Beach anonymous pamphlet nch as the sonal -property front taxation York side of the bay Wight be ed up by the retiringvGrind Jury, nouncement that the leader of . At the beginning of the electioi involved as well. »x dier's oar _Mme~ out' of Wilson school budget election. one distributed Feb. 28-r.aad that starting In 1962. the Republican party had teamed such an offense If punishable by The ^'ryiujiiiortM passage bl campaign, Mr. Andreach had d< In Albany, N. Y., last night, Av»t onto" the highway and The county prosecutor's office A one-year garbage contract, up with his. counterpart in the nicd reports that he had teame •mashed into the truck. The ac- disenfranchlsement for up to two Senate Bilf 89 wtadTwould mafcf the Conservation Department announced yesterday that "no "mandatory basic training for for 1962*, was awarded to Earl Democratic ranks to form a slate cident occurred at 2:36 a.m. bill" had been handed up in the years. ' W. Emmons, Matawan, on low coming up next week. up with the Gravany ticket. banned taking of clams from New newly appointed police office™ Councilman Louis Collichio York State's portion of Raritan ' Albert Evernharn, Lorraine PI., Shannon case—meaning the Mr. Shannon, although he had prior to their assignment to bid of J19.600. The firm currentl Mayor James J. Gravany con- East Keansburg, a witness to Grand Jury refused to make an taken "full responsibility" for the holding the contract, M&O Dis- T. Edward Kinlin, his runriinj Bay, which separates Staten Is- duty." „ •- firmed reports that he and Coun- tnate, have charged throughou1 land- and New Jersey. tbe accident, told police the sol indictment. unsigned flyer, voted with other posal Co., Cliffwood, Beach, dii cilman Martin C. Lohsen htve members of the board to refer The bill would require "train- not bid on the 1962 job. the campaign that Mr. Andreac Commissioner Harold G. Wilm the matter to the prosecutor. ing to high standards" which formed a slate with Benja- had been aligned with the Gra said the.actioh was taken because Asked For Defeat would be recommended by an Clean-Up Week min Andreach, Democratic chief- vany faction—both in this election of "possible relations of infec- tain. The flyer had asked fora dfr t»perience<L--1x>arxl of law en- and in the contest four years agi tious hepatitis to the eating of Vacancies Filled! t The week of May.
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