International Journal of Geosciences, 2012, 3, 1176-1186 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2012.326119 Published Online November 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ijg) Lineament Analysis of Morphostructures of the Uchur-Maya Basin (Southeastern Siberian Platform) from SRTM Data: Relationship with Metallogeny Gul’shat Z. Gil’manova, Mikhail V. Goroshko, Oleg V. Rybas, Alexei N. Didenko Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia Email: [email protected] Received September 25, 2012; revised October 22, 2012; accepted November 11, 2012 ABSTRACT Based on digital elevation models SRTM03 and SRTM30_Plus (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Survey) the tech- nique for detecting major structural elements and elucidating details of the geologic structure including discrimination of linear structures and texture features is elaborated. The computation of the modulus of the first derivative by the co- ordinate, i.e., the modulus of the topography gradient, characterizing the state of the surface by steepness and direction of slope (azimuth) is assumed as a basis. The technique was applied for the study of tectonics and metallogeny of the Uchur-Maya Meso-Neoproterozoic basin. The structural and lithological controlling factors of ore occurrences are es- tablished. It has been shown the efficacy of using the transformed digital elevation models for the geological and tec- tonic studies. Keywords: Space SRTM Survey; Lineaments; The Uchur-Maya Basin; Metallogeny 1. Introduction techniques providing detection of the leading types of ore-controlling structures for different scale level inves- Meso-Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic deposits of tigations contribute significantly to the establishment of the Precambrian platform covers draw much attention, in metallogenic features of the regions, still poorly studied the first place, because of their high mineragenic poten- by land-based methods, including the eastern margin of tial. The discovery of major and unique uranium, nickel, the Siberian platform. The paper deals with digital eleva- cobalt, copper, polymetallic and oil and gas deposits is tion models [1], to which a specialized processing tech- clear evidence. Such deposits are known to be explored nique has been applied. It involves the detection of linear on the Australian, South African, North American and structures based on the computation of the modulus of North China platforms. Poorly studied eastern Siberian the first derivative by the coordinate—the modulus of the platform areas, where non-estimated uranium, copper, topography gradient, characterizing the state of the sur- polymetallic, molybdenum, gold, vanadium deposits and face by steepness [1,2]. The WinLessa program tech- numerous ore occurrences have been found, have great nique has also been applied for the detection of linea- exploration prospects for super major deposits. ments [3]. Presently, the satellite images and the results of digital The object of our investigations is the Uchur-Maya elevation model processing are widely used to study the Meso-Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin (Figure 1(a)) geologic structure, tectonics and peculiarities of localiza- located in the southeastern Siberian platform in the Uchur, tion of ore deposits. Topography, considered one of the Maya, Aldan and Amga River basins in the northern areas main evidences of geodynamic processes developing in of the Khabarovsk Territory and the southeast of the the Earth’s subsurface layers, reflects the geologic struc- Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors have analyzed the ture of the area. The lineament network and different size materials on stratigraphy, magmatism, tectonics and the concentric structures, often structurally and tectonically deep structure of the basin area. This allowed detection controlling the spatial distribution of melts and solutions and description of characteristics of the main sedimentary and the associated mineralization at different depths, are and magmatic rock complexes and implementation of the suggested to be one of the manifestations of the above joint analysis of distribution of ore deposits and occur- processes. rences, on the one hand, and of tectonic faulting, on the In this connection, we believe that distant space-based other hand. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG G. Z. GIL’MANOVA ET AL. 1177 2. A Brief Description of the Geologic stratification, the shrinkage cracks and ripple marks are Structure of the Study Area seen in abundance. The deposit thickness is increasing from 150 to 2000 m from west to east; The Uchur-Maya basin (depression), covering a large area 3) The Kerpyl complex, to 1350 - 1700 m thick, of about 200,000 km2, represents a continuously evolving formed 1200 - 1000 Ma ago (Stenian). Pb-Pb age of depression structure (Figures 1(b) and (c)). The basin limestones of the Malginskaya Suite (the middle part of has a complicated block structure; in terms of paleonto- the Kerpyl series) is 1043 ± 14 Ma [10]. A significant logy, its stratigraphic section is one of the most complete break in sedimentation is established between Stenian and well described Upper Proterozoic reference sections deposits and overlying Tonian rocks, the development of in North Eurasia [4-9]. the weathering crust to 0.5 m thick is evidence. Accord- 2.1. Stratigraphy ing to Pb-Pb method, the age of this boundary is esti- mated to be 1025 40 Ma [11]; The basin formed on the peneplenized granite-gneiss 4) The Lakhanda complex, to 500 - 850 m thick with basement of the platform at the beginning of the Meso- an eastward increase, originated 1000 - 850 Ma ago proterozoic about 1650 Ma ago, having been filled with (Tonian). The complex is divided into two parts: the the sedimentary rocks for more than one billion years. lower silica carbonate-clastic and the upper significantly The pre-plate and plate rock complexes are discriminated carbonate. The limestones and dolomites of the upper in its composition. The pre-plate complexes are com- part accumulated in the tidal zone. The age of baddeleyite pletely built up of weakly dislocated Meso-Neoprote- from sill of basic rocks, intruded into the upper hori- rozoic rocks, whereas the plate complexes are composed zons of the Lakhanda complex, is 974 ± 7 Ma [12]. In of horizontally occurring Upper Neoproterozoic (Edia- compliance with the Materials of Interdepartmental caran)—Silurian and Mesozoic rocks. There have been Stratigraphic Committee (ISC) of Russia, the boundary distinguished six Meso-Neoproterozoic pre-plate com- between the Kerpyl and Lakhanda complexes is about plexes, including the Mesoproterozoic (Uya, Uchur, Aim- 1030 Ma. According to the Russian General Stratigraphic chan and Kerpyl) and Neoproterozoic (Lakhanda and Scale of Precambrian, it is just the age determination Uya) ones separated from one another by breaks in oc- value which is assumed to identify the isotopic age of the currence and unconformities and marking the most im- Upper Riphean (Neoproterozoic) lower boundary [13]; portant stages of sedimentation. 5) The Uya complex corresponds to the Cryogenian 1) The Uya and Uchur complexes formed 1650 - 1400 (850 - 635 Ma) in accordance with the regional strati- Ma ago (Calymmian). The Uya complex with an angular graphic scheme. Its thickness is eastwardly increasing unconformity occurs on the crystalline basement rocks from 400 to 4500 m. The rocks of the series are pre- and Paleoproterozoic felsic effusive rocks, being sepa- dominantly clastic; the prevalence of siltstone component rated from either of these rocks by 40 m thick weathering over the clayey one is increasing toward the top of the crust. The total thickness of the deposits ranges from 500 rock series. There exist some problems as to the absolute to 1500 m. They are comprised of red conglomerates and age determination of the Uya complex. The age of sandstones with flow units of almond-shaped sub-alkali baddeleyite from sill of basic rocks, intruded into the olivine basalts and leucobasalts. The rocks of the Uchur lower horizons of the complex (the Kandykskaya Suite), complex are unconformably overlying the Uya complex attains to 1005 ± 4 Ma [12] and is considered as the up- deposits. In the lower part of the section of the series, a per age limit for the entire series. Based on other isotopic specific feature of rocks is displayed in an intense red data, the age of the complex is significantly younger: 1) color, approximately similar relationship between sand- Rb-Sr age of mudstones from the middle part of the sec- stones (55%) and silt sandstones and siltstones (40%), tion is 730 ± 80 Ma [14]; 2) K-Ar age of the deposits under sharply subordinated carbonate rock amount (5%). from the lower part of the Uya series reaches ~760 Ma [4, The total thickness of the Uchur complex varies from 15]; 970 to 2700 m; 6) Ediacaran deposits of the region are discriminated 2) The Aimchan complex, a large sedimentary trans- as the Yudoma complex of mudstones, dolomites, dolo- gressive rhythm, .originated 1400 - 1200 Ma ago (Ecta- mitic limestones and siltstones of 100 to 900 m thickness. sian). In the basal horizons of the complex, light green, The bottom of the Yudoma complex is dated 645 Ma [16] intermediate- and coarse-grained quartz, sometimes weakly and 639 20 Ma [17], whereas the top is dated 553 23 glauconitic sandstones containing lenses of quartz grave- Ma [17]; lites and iron sand layers occur, whereas in the upper part 7) Cambrian deposits, 50 to 215 m thick, are repre- of the complex the siltstone
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