•1 Circulation Statement. ATcrage daily drcolatiom of THB Partly cloudy and slightly wanner EVENING HERAIiD for O ton i^t; Thursday fair. MONTH OP AUGUST itufntjtto Try THE HERALD’S WANT COL­ Established as a Weekly 1881. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEHNIJSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. UMNS. Cost one cent per word for PRICE TWO CENTS Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888i first Insertion, half cent thereafter. V O L XXXYUI NO. 302 Established as a Daily 1914. DEADLOCK STRIKE CARMEN M A Y OUT IN SYMPATHY MOTHER JONES ARRESTED EUGENE DEBS SAYS BUT SOON DISCHARGED. SAY THAT HOOVER Royalists Start Drive Pittsburgh, Sept. 24.— “Mother” Jones, the gray HRST SIGN or WEAKNESS ALLOWED PACKERS haired grandmother of indus­ trial disturbances, was freed For Ex-KaiseFs Return today following her arrest in WITHIN TWO YEARS the steel mill districts on Sep­ TOO MUCH PROHT tember 7 last. She came be­ NOTED IN CJCAGO DISTRICT Berlin, Sept. 24.— German royal­ adorned with two photographs— a fore Magistrate Richard Ken­ nedy and was permitted to go family group of four generations of ists have begun another campaign of Avithont a fine. the Hohenzollerns and a picture of Disagreenent Between Fed­ propaganda for a return of the mon­ Predicts the Overthrow of All “iWhat is your age?” queried Four Large Furnaces Start Work and 2,500 Men Are Back President Ebert jind Minister of Na­ the court. archy. Pamphlets are being circu­ “ Ninety on the '< 1 1 ^ day of tional Defense Gustav Noske attired Enropean NatiiHis By at Work— Trouble Reported in Several Steel Towns— eral Trade Board and lated among the troops contrasting next May.” in bathing suits. “ Where is your home?” Food Administration “ The glorious days of Hohenzollern Distribution of the pamphlets was That Time. “ Wherever there is a good Strikers Depending Now on Sympathetic Walkout of Rail­ sway” with the state of affairs under assured by the connivance of roy­ ______ H fight for freedom going on,” a government which “ is the protector alist army officers who saw to it that replied the old lady vigorous­ large numbers of them were circu­ ly- road Men in Pittsburgh District. of criminals.” “ You may go.” The front page of the pamphlets is lated among the soldiers. FOOD EXPERT ANSWERS NOT SEEKING PARDON; Plltsburgh, Sept. 24.— With the out. Further upstate, however, the CHARGES THAT ARE MADE LIKES THE PRISON LIFE strike situation in the Pittsburgh situation was somewhat more alarm­ ing. Rioting at Farrell was renewed SIMILARFFY OF NAMES PRESIDENT VERY BITTER district practically deadlocked so fai GARY AND EITZPAM K with one killed and several Injured. Very Easy to Become Popular By PUTS IN F. T. BURRELL AGAINST ANTI-LEAGUERS Well Known Socialist Says .Wilson’s as extension of the tie-up here Is Cleveland Tied Up. Denouncing the Packers and Their Industrial Conference W ill Also W O N T MEET TOMORROW concerned, labor leaders today turn­ Cleveland, Sept. 24.— With every Profits, Nowadays, Ho Declares. Fail—Two Classes W ill Never ed their attention to other methods iron mill in the Cleveland district Thousands Vote for Him Thinking; “ So Long as I Live I W ill Accept the Harmonize. to force the steel operators to deal “ dead” and steel plant operations gon They Were Nominating C. L. Bur- Issue That Peace of World De­ ing on in only two or three instances with them. Washington, Sept. 24.— Disagree­ rill, State Treasurer. pends Upon America.” to a limited extent, the steel strike Steel Director and Head of Their chief weapon is the “ sypa- ment between the federal trade com­ Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 24.— Eugene tie-up In the Cleveland district con­ On board President Wilson’s spec­ mission and the food administration Boston, Sept. 24.— Nomination by V, Debs is not personally -seeking a thetic” strike. B^ effective use of tinued complete today. the Republicans of Massachusetts of ial train en route to Cheyenne, Wyo., Workers Were Called over the profits allowed by Herbert pardon from the president, has re­ this method they hope to bring the Deporting Strike Breakers, Representative Fred J. Burrell of Sept. 24.— With a declaration of war Hoover to the largo packers came to nounced none of his principles and mill owners to terms. Already, ao>^ Possibility of trouble is believed Medford as their candidate for state on his Ups and a demand that the to Testify. >42 light today. will serve out his ten year term anc cording to directors of the strike in to have been averted by the prompt treasurer in the primaries came as Senate of the United States shall ac­ The federal trade commission. In for the rest of his life, if necessary, this district, the switchmen and action of city authorities in deport­ the greatest surprise in the politics cept the issue of ratification of the resptonse to a Senate resolution, laid if It requires a surrendering of any yardmen who operate the cars which ing strike breakers. Following of the state in years. Burrell’s vic­ Treaty of Versailles as a guarantee before the Senate its report on prof­ of his principles to get a pardon, he JUDGE CALLED AWAY feed the mills are growing “ restless” complaint of strike leaders to Mayor tory was generally credited in po- of peace or Its rejection as a declara­ m its allowed by Hoover, which report said at the federal pen in Atlanta in sympathy with the strikers. Davis that strike breakers were be­ itical circles today to the similarity tion that war must continue, Presi­ was submitted to President Wilson. today. Debs said Clarence Darrow, Senate Committee Is Investigating Railroaders Restless. ing imported by one mill, police last of his name to that of the retiring dent Wilson moved eastward today. The letter of response from Hoover Chicago lawyer, was interested In Steel Strike— Meeting Postponedi “ Our reports” , said Wm. Z. Fos­ night met a squad of 59 from Detroit state treasurer Charles L. Burrill, The President has decided that the attacking the federal trade commis­ his case and had discussed with Sec­ a Week. ter, secretary of the strikers organ­ at union station mnd escorted them who has served the statutory limit of issue has been raised by his oppo­ sion was also made public. Both of retary of War Baker and Attorney ization” , show that yardmen and to central police station for investi­ five years. It is believed that thous- nents. Last night in the tabernacle orts had previously__been. Gen. Palmer the qiJ^tlon of obtain­ Washington, Sept. 24.—Judge El­ switchmen are getting restless. They gation as suspicious characters. Up­ miitSSLm "irfTd's'ot voters cast their ballots for of the Mormon church Mr. Wilson '*-■ withheld from publication at the re ing a pardon. He said the matter bert H. Gary, chairman of the board are becoming incensed over the on agreeing to return to Detroit they Burrell thinking they were voting explained his position. In effect he quest of Hoover. had been discussed with the presi­ of directors of the United States treatment accorded us in this dis­ were placed on the night boat for for the state treasurer. said: Report to Wilson. dent with the result that word comes Corporation, and John Fitzpatrick, trict— suppression of free speech, that city. Burrell led Col. Frank Perkins, U. 8. as German Ally. The report submitted to President to Debs that “ now is not the time’’ chairman of the national committee ‘cossack "methods of oppression, ar­ Mayor Davis in a statement said /I of Salem, the Yankee division hero 1— Any rejection of this treaty Wilson by federal trades commis­ for the granting o%the clemency. organizing the steel workers, will rest of union men and denial of the he desired to prevent the bringing and the other four candidates by a loaves the United States as the ally sion on Juno 28, 1918, said: There is a germ of revolution in not face each other tomorrow when right of free assembling. We have of undesirable characters into the substantial margin. A cry of “ scrap of Germany. "The maximum profits for the five the strike of the steel men now In the Senate Committee on Education reports that the railroad workers in city and would continue to exercise the popular primary” and return to 2— Amendments to this treaty largest packers under the food ad­ progress, according to Debs. and Labor opens its investigation of Youngstown and Cleveland already the most careful scrutiny of all per­ the convention system for the nomin­ which make necessary resubmission have refused to operate the cars sons coming into the city during ministration regulations are un­ Predict.s More Strikes. the steel strike. ation of state officers was made in to any signatory power, including which take raw products into the the period of industrial unrest. reasonably high. These rates of “All the classes of labor that have Gary Can’t Come. some political quarters today. Germany, defeats the objects of the Slight Disorders. profit are estimated to be from two grievances are watching the strike Judge Gary last night telegraphed mills and bring out the finished ma­ The Democrats for the second time war. Slight disorders last evening re­ .A and one quarter to three times as of the steel men” . Debs declared. “ If Senator Kenyon, chairman of the terial.” nominated Richard H. Long, the 3— Opponents of the treaty must Leader Goes to Capitol. sulted in calling out of the police, great as those earned in the pre­ they lose nert month it will be the investigating committee, stating it Framingham manufacturer, as their consider whether their “ benovolent” The extension of the strike to but in each Instance the trouble was war years of 1912, 1913 and 1914.
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