NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting Wednesday, 23rd May 2018 14:00 – 17:00Hrs Salford and Worsley Rooms, St. James’s House AGENDA Part I 14:00 Public Meeting Welcome and Introductions - open agenda for members of the public to raise items previously shared with the Clinical Commissioning Group 14:10 Start of NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting Item Time Description Lead 1 14:10 Patient Story Chair a) Apologies for absence Chair 2 14:15 b) Declaration of Interest in items on this Chair Meeting’s Agenda Minutes of the meeting and matters arising st a) 21 March 2018 Meeting Minutes Chair st b) 21 March 2018 Action Log Chair 3 14:20 th c) 25 April 2018 Meeting Minutes Chair d) Matters arising Chair Leadership Reports a) Chair (Verbal) Chair 4 14:25 b) Chief Accountable Officer (Paper) Chief Accountable Officer For Assurance/Decision Strategy a) Quality and Safety Strategy (Paper) Medical Director 5 14:40 b) Integrated Commissioning (Paper) Chief Accountable Officer Performance 14:55 a) Quality of Commissioned Services (Paper) Medical Director 15:10 b) Governing Body Assurance Framework Chief Accountable Officer 6 Report (Planning, Performance and Risk) (Paper) 15:25 c) Financial Performance (Paper) Chief Finance Officer 15:40 d) Information Governance Tool Kit (Paper) Chief Finance Officer 15:55 e) Annual Report (Paper) Chief Accountable Officer Process 7 16:10 a) Constitution Changes (Paper) Chief Accountable Officer For Information Minutes/Reports of Partnership Boards/Sub Committees 16:25 a) Commissioning Committee Report (Paper) Chair of the Commissioning Committee 16:30 b) Primary Care Commissioning Committee Chair of the PCCC (PCCC) Part 1 (Paper) 8 16:35 c) Executive Team Report (Paper) Chief Accountable Officer 16:40 d) Association of Greater Manchester CCG’s Chair Governing Group (AGG) Report (Paper) 16:45 e) Audit Committee Report (Paper) Chair of the Audit Committee Reflection a) Key Decisions Chair 9 16:50 b) Key Messages Chair c) Benefits to the Population of Salford Chair 10 17:00 Meeting to close Date and Time of Next Meeting: 14:00-17:00Hs on 18th July 2018 Venue: Salford & Worsley Rooms, St James’s House, Pendleton Way, M6 5FW MINUTES OF NHS SALFORD CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY MEETING Held on 21 March 2018, Salford Room, St James’s House Governing Body reports and previous minutes can be found by following the link: http://www.salfordccg.nhs.uk/GoverningBodyMeetings.asp Part I Present: Dr Tom Tasker (TT) Chair Dr Nick Browne (NB) Neighbourhood Lead Mr Steve Dixon (SD) Chief Finance Officer Mr David Flinn (DF) Neighbourhood Lead Mr Anthony Hassall (AH) Chief Accountable Officer Mr David Herne (DH) Director of Public Health Mrs Kate Jones (KJ) Neighbourhood Lead Dr David McKelvey (DM) Neighbourhood Lead Mr Paul Newman (PN) Lay Member – Innovation Matters Dr Jeremy Tankel (JT) Medical Director Dr Ben Williams (BW) Neighbourhood Lead Mr Brian Wroe (BWR) Lay Member – Patient and Public Participation Mrs Alison Kelly (AK) Governing Body Nurse Dr Chris Babbs (CB) Governing Body Secondary Care Mr Harry Golby (HG) Assistant Director of Commissioning In attendance: Mrs Hannah Dobrowolska (HD) Director of Corporate Services Mrs Francine Thorpe (FT) Director of Quality and Innovation Ms Jade Booth (JB) Assistant to Chief Accountable Officer Miss Dawn Taylor (DT) Personal Assistant (minute taker) Apologies: Mr Edward Vitalis (EV) Lay Member - Audit, Remuneration and Conflicts of Interest Dr Tom Regan (TR) Clinical Director for Transformation Consultant Mrs Karen Proctor (KP) Director of Commissioning Cllr. Gina Reynolds (GR) Lead Member for Adult Services, Health and Wellbeing 1. Questions raised by members of the public and CCG Video 1.1 During the public part of the meeting the issue of the intermediate care unit at the hospital was raised and an enquiry made as to what the current situation was. It was pointed out that a public meeting was held in December but no information following that meeting had been sent out and no minutes were available. 1.2 TT responded by confirming that the CCG has written twice since the public meeting to the individual raising the question. Judd Skelton from the CCG has provided an update and this will be forwarded to the individual. The issue was discussed at this week’s Integrated Care Advisory Board at which all relevant stakeholders were in attendance. Two sets of plans are being considered, one for the unit to be sited on NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting 21 March 2018 the Stott Lane car park and one for it to be sited on the main hospital campus. An initial assessment from the hospital will be received back by the end of April, and then it will go to the Council for progression The Council has committed to update the Claremont and Weaste Community Committee as things progress. 1.3 SD commented that he was at the public meeting and local residents raised issues which Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT) has put forward resolutions for. Confirmation on the progress made with these resolutions needs obtaining. SD confirmed that 60 intermediate care beds had continued to be available through this winter elsewhere at Barton Brook and The Limes and that the new unit would consolidate the 60 beds onto one site, rather than creating additional capacity. When a decision on the site has been made the plan would need to go through the Council’s planning process. 1.4 TT informed members that the meeting was being recorded and enquired if they were in agreement with this. Members confirmed their acceptance of this. SD confirmed that the recording was only for the purpose of producing the minutes and would be deleted. ACTION - JB to send an update to the individual member of the public ACTION - JS and colleagues to ensure future communications are handled appropriately 1.5 Patient Story 1.6 Members watched a video presentation on carbon literacy. As an organisation Salford CCG has pledged to become an accredited carbon literate organisation and approximately 20 of the senior management team have undergone carbon literacy training. 2. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest 2.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Gina Reynolds, Mrs Karen Proctor, Mr Edward Vitalis and Dr Tom Regan. 2.2 There were no declarations of interest received. 3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising 3.1 Minutes from 31 January 2018 3.1.1 The minutes were approved as a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. 3.2 Action Log from 31 January 2018 and Matters Arising 3.2.1 It was noted there were no outstanding actions. 3.3 Matters Arising 3.3.1 There were no matters arising. 4 Leadership Reports 4.1 Chair’s Report 4.1.1 TT reported that on a GM level there were changes to the governance structure with the Health and Social Care Partnership. The Greater Manchester Strategic Partnership Board is now the Health and Care Board. 4.1.2 The Greater Manchester Joint Commissioning Board now has a much closer remit and meets on a monthly basis. NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting 21 March 2018 4.1.3 TT stated that he chairs the Greater Manchester Mental Health Programme Delivery Board, which approves business cases for Pan GM projects. Investment funds have now been approved and plans can be progressed. 4.1.4 TT sated he was also involved with a new programme board at GM level concerning housing and health. An introductory workshop with partners was held last week. 4.1.5 TT noted that Bev Humphrey, Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust (GMMHFT), will be retiring in March. On behalf of the Governing Body TT acknowledged the contribution she had made. 4.1.6 TT confirmed that Salford CCG was continuing work with Council colleagues regarding the commissioning review and its implementation, and members would be kept advised of progress. 4.1.7 TT informed members he attended a recent Citizen Patient Panel Event which included presentations on the mental health strategy, Salford Together’s urgent care work and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) care model, and policy and safety were given. 4.1.8 TT had also attended a PIPS event (Practice Improving Processes in Salford), which is a Salford CCG funded scheme commissioned from Haelo. There was a lot of learning to be taken from this event and it was important to share this across the neighbourhoods. 4.1.9 It was confirmed that practice visits were underway and it was hoped all 45 practices will be visited by the end of the year. 4.1.10 TT stated that BWR has been appointed Deputy Chair and Senior Lay Member from April. TT expressed his thanks to Edward Vitalis for his support and contribution. 4.1.11 The Governing Body noted the verbal update provided in the Chair’s Report. 4.2 Chief Accountable Officer Report 4.2.1 AH reported that work with partners was being undertaken to resolve the winter pressure issues. 4.2.2 Stranded patients are an issue at present. These are patients who are ready to move out of an acute hospital setting into a setting requiring a lower level of intervention or their own home. Work with SRFT is being progressed on this. 4.2.3 As Salford has a high level of falls, fall prevention is a priority for the CCG. A programme has been developed and delivered to address this and the data suggests benefits are being seen. 4.2.4 AH indicated that the Practice Nurse Awards have been held and 2 practices in Salford have won accolades.
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