John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-21-1952 The aC rroll News- Vol. 34, No. 5 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 34, No. 5" (1952). The Carroll News. 354. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/354 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ORROQ RRRO RAOpOOO RORO OQO R IRRRRARRRRRRRRPRRRRRRRRR ' Fill Jam the the Ballroom THE CARR LL NEWS Auditorium Representing John aaaaoa aoaaa aooo ooooooaoc I lAARRRRAORARAQAOOQAAOQQO • Vol. XXXIV, No. 5 John Carroll University, Uni Friday, November 21, 19J52 I' SeniOr Football Dance .. Gri_dders Tonight - I LTS 'GlOss Menagerie' its Boards Tomorrow , . Eleven '53 Graduates Bauhof,Gorman,Solens, to Get Gold Footballs; DeChant Star in 1945 Ralph Barlow Plays Crit.ics' Award Winner ·: Senior football players will be honored tonight at the annual Football Dance jointl:r sponsored by the Senior Class \The Little Theater Society will present its fall play. and the Carroll Student Union. "The Glass Menagerie," by Tennessee Williams, at 8:30 p.m. :30 :30 !\fusic for the dance will be fur- r-------------::~----------­ tomorrow and at 2 and 8 p.m. Sunday. n ishcd by the Ralph Barlow Or­ Ticket&, available at the ticket chestr:t !rom 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. in office, are printed at $1.00, and Glass l\tenagerie" will bC' staged the Gmnd Ballroom of the Hotel Railroaders' Club activitie::J pooks will be honored with unusual freedom. In charg~ Gle\'eland. Bids are priced at for one free admission. All faculty of the lighting, most. compllcat~d $2.50 per couple. members are guests of the LTS. ever in a Carroll Play, is Senior To Honor Eleven S<"niors Calls 'All Aboard!' "Tht> Glass Menageriell was a 1945 New York Critics' Award win­ Graduating gridders will be The Model Railroad Club of ner. Based on the early life of t.he By presenting his student .af ­ honored by t he school with gold John Carroll wm hold two or­ author, it is story of a family t ivities book at the door at any footbnll~, emblematic of their one of the t hree perf orm anr~ or sen·ice to Carroll ~ri d teams dur- ganizational meetings Tues- living in a tenement and of the conflicts arising among the mem­ "Glass Menagerie," a Carroll l!tu­ ing the past !our years. Mt>n to· day afternoon at 1 :00 and dent will be admitk>d to the Audi­ bers of the family and between the be honored are: Daniel Dover ·l :00 to elect officers and dis­ tor ium. Any student who dues spik<". David Dvorak, Anthony ,.cuss projects ~ Ioderator l\Iaj. family and the world. F in,t All-JCU Cast not have a student activitie!t book Ferrante, Joseph F ratoe, Ron- F . · · R' may obtain one at the ticket of­ nld Kaminski, George Murray, 1 "This is the first time in the anc1s \-\ · . Jacobson has fire in the lobby. James Porter, Paul Schmidt, Wil- announced. history of the LTS that we have lium Swnnson, Gerald Weber, und As proposed, the club's activi- had an all-Carroll cast," Richard nichard Zoller. ties will be divided into five phas- Bauhof, president of the dramatic Mike Braun. Chairman or the dance is Leo cs-railroad, highway, air, and club, declared. Jerry Perko and George Gres­ Longville, Senior Class President, ocean transportation. It will also Playing the part of Amanda, the sle handle the music. The Play while Committee members are As- build a platform for tactical t er­ mothct seeking to relieve the days Production class constructed t he sistant Chahma'n Leo Scullv and rain. of her youth, is Genevieve Gor­ set. Roger Sargent, Publie1ty Chair- "We can utilize any talents man. an Evening Division student Frank Tesch is Stafte Manager man. whatever," :\Iajor Jacobson said, making her LTS debut. and Bernice Bolek is bookholder. Conch Eisele Chaperones "for these projects demand a great Another. Evening Division stu­ William Ginley and Jon Altman Chapl'rones will be ~fr. and :\Ir:;. variety of skills, especially that dent, Alverda Solens, plays Laura, are Business Managers. Herbert C. Eisele and :\1r. and of modd making.'' the crippled daughter whose at­ Stage Fjrst Matinee ... Mrs. Frank G. Belanich. Eisele tempts to overcome her inferiori­ is h<'ad coach and Belanich line The platforms require models ty complex symbolize the struggle The Sunday matinee will be an­ coach. of trucks, airplanE's, helicopters, with reality of the whole family. other first for tl1'e LTS, which has ships, railt'Ol'.d cars, and the like. Tickets may be obtained at the Miss Solens last year starred as put on seven previous dramaR un­ door the night of the dHnce. or The cl ub is expected to stimu­ Amy in "The Show-Off" and as der the direction of Mr. Leone J. may be obtained at the University late student interest in the business Ismene in "Antigone." Marinello. "The Glass Menagerie" Ticket Office prior to dunce tim~:. of transportatiOn, as well as ex­ Bauhof in Sev~nth has been in rehearsal for six ercise a varietv of bobbies. Bauhof appears as Tom, the son, weeks. a would-be poet forced to work in Bauhof and DeChant arc presi­ L~~r.llO' Displays a warehouse to supp~!-he fami­ dent and vice-pre:oident of the -v-- Facuity , Seniors Tall( ly. In his Carroll career Bauhof LTS. Roger Sargent is secl'etary:- -~ has acted in six previous plays, treasurer. Moderator is the Rev. Historic Photos To Akron Businessmen notably as Death in "Everyman;" William J. Murphy, S.J. "Ten Years," a selection of news Carroll's growth and long range as Chris in "All My Sons;" as photographs from LIFE maga­ plans were explained by the Very Choragos in "Antigone;" and as zine's first decade of publication, Rev. Frederick E. Wel!le, S. J., Tranio in "The Taming of the ETS To Conduct Tests­ will be displayed in t he Library president of t he University, at a Shrew." He has also starred in untJI Dec. 12. The e..'<hibit has 33 Notre Dame College plays. At Carroll in February panels. Nov. 13 banquet sponsored by a group of Akron businessmen led Like Bauhof, James DeChant Beginning with majo1· events of by William O'Neil, President and is in his fourth year of Carroll For .Education Students 1937, three panels are devoted to Chairman of the Board of the Gen­ dramatics. He plays the part of John Carroll has been de­ each year through 1946. A total of l'ral Tire Co. of Akron. Jim, the Gentleman Caller, who signated as a testing center 64 photographs document the na­ represents the Wingfield family's tional and international events of Two Carroll seniors f rom Ak­ chance for success. DeChant has for the 1953 nation-wide ad­ the last. ted years. They were se­ ron, Leo Longville and John Ber­ appeared in three previous plays ministration of the National lected !rom LIFE's files for their inger also spoke. Long\·ille is • and bas handled lighting in four president of the Senior ClaS4l and Teacher Examinations next news significance as well as their first all-Carroll ca!<tt in the history of LTS. others. He also starred in two Beringer of the Carroll Union. The STARS OF STAGE in the Litlle Theater Socie­ February, Dr. Walter S. No­ unu~ual photographic interest. ty's play tomorrow night, Sunday afternoon, and six weeks of r eharsal, 'tr. Leone J . ;\larinello, Notre Dame plays, "Spreading the sal, director of Education, banquet was in Akron's Mayflow­ di rector of t.he LTS, pronounced the fall play ready News," and "The Satin Slipper." A single year, 1939, shows such er Hotel. .Sunday night. reht>MRe the "Glass 1\renagt'rie.'' Al­ verda Solens and J ame!i De Chant, top, Genevieve Cor production. Photos by Carroll News photo- Braun H andles Lights announced this week. news cv<-nts as the blitzkrieg in College seniors preparing to Poland, the "phoney" war on the Master of ceremonies was t he Gorman and Richard Bauhof, bottom left, make ul) gra1)her Richard LaiSaMuskas. As a "memory play," "The Rev. Edward C. McCue, S. J., Dean teach and teachers applying for f't·ench Ql>rder, and at the ~arne time the New Yo1·k World's Fair, of the College of Arts and Sci­ positions in school systems which the splitting of t he atom, and ences. Other faculty g.uests includ­ Sunday Roto Features Dorm Students Featured encourage or -require applicants to "Gone With the Wind." ed the Rev. William J. Murphy, Pacelli Hall Chapel On Akron Pictare Page Campus Radio Station submit their scores on the exam­ S.J., the Rev. James J . .McQuade, inations are eligible to take the S.J., the Rev. Henry F. Birkcn­ Carroll stuclents f rom the Great­ Pacem Hall's chapel will be the er Akron area were featured, Sun­ tests. Roche E~p lains Sale Policies hauer, S. J ., .Mr. H. H. Kennedy cover picture of the Cleveland day, Nov. 1, in a pictorial story in (Continued on page 4) and ~lr. J. Patrick Rooney To Broadcast Tuesday At Commerce Club Meeting Plain Dealer's pictorial section the Akron Beacon Journal Roto­ ~lcthods of advertising and this Sunday.
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