Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 133.136 percent by weight of the cream cheese are not pasteurized, the cheese is cured and in no case less than 27 percent of at a temperature of not less than 35 °F the finished food. The moisture and fat for at least 60 days. contents will be determined by the (2) If pasteurized dairy ingredients methods described in § 133.5, except are used, the phenol equivalent value that the method for determination of of 0.25 gram of washed curd cheese is fat content is not applicable when the not more than 3 micrograms as deter- added food contains fat. mined by the method described in (b) Optional ingredients. The following § 133.5. safe and suitable optional ingredients (3) One or more of the dairy ingredi- may be used: ents specified in paragraph (b)(1) of (1) Foods. Properly prepared fresh, this section may be warmed, treated cooked, canned, or dried fruits or vege- with hydrogen peroxide/catalase, and is tables; cooked or canned meats, rel- subjected to the action of a lactic acid- ishes, pickles, or other suitable foods. producing bacterial culture. One or (2) Other optional ingredients. (i) Sta- more of the clotting enzymes specified bilizers, in a total amount not to ex- in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is ceed 0.8 percent, with or without the added to set the dairy ingredients to a addition of dioctyl sodium sulfo- semisolid mass. The mass is so cut, succinate in a maximum amount of 0.5 stirred, and heated with continued stir- percent of the weight of the sta- ring, as to promote and regulate the bilizer(s) used. separation of whey and curd. The whey (ii) Coloring. (c) Nomenclature. The name of the is drained off, and the curd is matted into a cohesive mass. The mass is cut food is ‘‘cream cheese with lll’’ or, alternatively, ‘‘cream cheese and into slabs, which are so piled and han- dled as to promote the drainage of lll’’, the blank being filled in with the name of the foods used in order of whey and the development of acidity. predominance by weight. The slabs are then cut into pieces, (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- cooled in water, and soaked therein gredients used in the food shall be de- until the whey is partly extracted and clared on the label as required by the water is absorbed. The curd is drained, applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 salted, stirred, and pressed into forms. of this chapter, except that: One or more of the other optional in- (1) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- gredients specified in paragraph (b)(3) crobial origin may be declared as ‘‘en- of this section may be added during the zymes’’; and procedure. (2) The dairy ingredients may be de- (b) Optional ingredients. The following clared, in descending order of predomi- safe and suitable ingredients may be nance, by the use of the terms ‘‘milkfat used: and nonfat milk’’ or ‘‘nonfat milk and (1) Dairy ingredients. Milk, nonfat milkfat’’, as appropriate. milk, or cream, as defined in § 133.3, used alone or in combination. [54 FR 32053, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 58 FR 2893, Jan. 6, 1993] (2) Clotting enzymes. Rennet and/or other clotting enzymes of animal, § 133.136 Washed curd and soaked plant, or microbial origin. curd cheese. (3) Other optional ingredients. (i) (a) Description. (1) Washed curd, Coloring. soaked curd cheese is the food prepared (ii) Calcium chloride in an amount by the procedure set forth in paragraph not more than 0.02 percent (calculated (a)(3) of this section or by any other as anhydrous calcium chloride) of the procedure which produces a finished weight of the dairy ingredients, used as cheese having the same physical and a coagulation aid. chemical properties. The minimum (iii) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- milkfat content is 50 percent by weight crobial origin, used in curing or flavor of the solids and the maximum mois- development. ture content is 42 percent by weight, as (iv) Antimycotic agents, the cumu- determined by the methods described lative levels of which shall not exceed in § 133.5. If the dairy ingredients used current good manufacturing practice, 375 VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:02 May 17, 2013 Jkt 229069 PO 00000 Frm 00385 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 133.137 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–13 Edition) may be added to the surface of the of 0.25 gram of edam cheese is not more cheese. than 3 micrograms, as determined by (v) Hydrogen peroxide, followed by a the method described in § 133.5. sufficient quantity of catalase prepara- (3) One or more of the dairy ingredi- tion to eliminate the hydrogen per- ents specified in paragraph (b)(1) of oxide. The weight of the hydrogen per- this section may be warmed and is sub- oxide shall not exceed 0.05 percent of jected to the action of a lactic acid- the weight of the dairy ingredients and producing bacterial culture. One or the weight of the catalase shall not more of the clotting enzymes specified exeed 20 parts per million of the weight in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is of dairy ingredients treated. added to set the dairy ingredients to a (c) Nomenclature. The name of the semisolid mass. After coagulation the food is ‘‘washed curd cheese’’ or, alter- mass is cut into small cube-shaped natively, ‘‘soaked curd cheese’’. pieces with sides approximately three- (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- eighths-inch long. The mass is stirred gredients used in the food shall be de- and heated to about 90 °F. and so han- clared on the label as required by the dled by further stirring, heating, dilu- applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 tion with water or salt brine, and salt- of this chapter, except that: ing as to promote and regulate the sep- (1) Enzymes of animal, plant or mi- aration of curd and whey. When the de- crobial origin may be declared as ‘‘en- sired curd is obtained, it is transferred zymes’’; and to forms permitting drainage of whey. (2) The dairy ingredients may be de- During drainage the curd is pressed and clared, in descending order of predomi- turned. After drainage the curd is re- nance, by the use of the terms ‘‘milkfat moved from the forms and is salted and and nonfat milk’’ or ‘‘nonfat milk and cured. One or more of the other op- milkfat’’, as appropriate. tional ingredients specified in para- [54 FR 32054, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 58 graph (b)(3) of this section may be FR 2893, Jan. 6, 1993] added during the procedures. (b) Optional ingredients. The following § 133.137 Washed curd cheese for man- safe and suitable ingredients may be ufacturing. used: Washed curd cheese for manufac- (1) Dairy ingredients. Milk, nonfat turing conforms to the definition and milk, or cream, as defined in § 133.3, standard of identity prescribed for used alone or in combination. washed curd cheese by § 133.136, except (2) Clotting enzymes. Rennet and/or that the dairy ingredients are not pas- other clotting enzymes of animal, teurized and curing is not required. plant, or microbial origin. [54 FR 32054, Aug. 4, 1989] (3) Other optional ingredients. (i) Coloring. § 133.138 Edam cheese. (ii) Calcium chloride in an amount (a) Description. (1) Edam cheese is the not more than 0.02 percent (calculated food prepared by the procedure set as anhydrous calcium chloride) of the forth in paragraph (a)(3) of this section weight of the dairy ingredients, used as or by any other procedure which pro- a coagulation aid. duces a finished cheese having the (iii) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- same physical and chemical properties. crobial origin, used in curing or flavor The minimum milkfat content is 40 development. percent by weight of the solids and the (iv) Antimycotic agents, the cumu- maximum moisture content is 45 per- lative levels of which shall not exceed cent by weight, as determined by the current good manufacturing practice, methods described in § 133.5. If the may be added to the surface of the dairy ingredients used are not cheese. pasturized, the cheese is cured at a (c) Nomenclature. The name of the temperature of not less than than 35 °F food is ‘‘edam cheese.’’ for at least 60 days. (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- (2) If pasteurized dairy ingredients gredients used in the food shall be de- are used, the phenol equivalent value clared on the label as required by the 376 VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:02 May 17, 2013 Jkt 229069 PO 00000 Frm 00386 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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