qRifrq frruqrflT yrffir AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA rio:,A.6ool U\s/2ots-m./ I4zL- qC Eo: n.oz.zozo ': The Regional Executive Director The ExecutivO Director ' Airports Authority of Irtdia : Airports Authority of India NR/SR/WR/ERA.IER RCDU/T'ru De lhi/ChennaiMumb aill(olkata/Guwahati New behi The The Airport Director Director - . Airports Authority of lndia Indian Aviation Academy Kolkata/Chennai New Delhi The Principal The GeneralManager Civil Aviation Training College (CATC) Airports Authority of India Bamrauli CRSD/ E&M [orkshop Prayagraj New Delhi B9-q : Recognition process in respect'of CNS Cadre Officers' Associations - Modalities for exercise of option through ERP-SAP - thereof Hil{zr, In pursuance to this office circular of even No. dated 29.07.2019, two Officers' Associations namely Airports Authority Officers' Association (India) (Regn. No.S-21593) and CNS Officers' Guild (Regn. No.S-54400) have applied for recognition as CNS cadre Association. Considering the Policy on Recognition of Officers' Association, issued vide this office letter dated 01.0J.2017 and amendment issuqd vide this office letter of even No. dated, 14.01.2020, it has been decided that the recognition process in respect of CNS cadre Association shalt be conducted through ERP-SAP. 2. Accordingly, the draft voters list of CNS cadre executives was circulated vide this office letter of even No. dated 24.01.2020.After considering the comments received from the contesting CNS Associations, the final list of eligible voters for CNS cadre is attached herewith for information and further circulation to respective stations / units under your region. 3. In order to execute the recognition process for CNS cadre through ERP-SAP, the eligible CNS exgcutives, as per the voters list enilosed, may be advised to exercisei their option through ESS, as per'the procedure indicated below : , (a) Use URL https://ess.aai.aerg/irj/portal (b) Fill User ID and password. (c) Select tab t'Employee Self Service" ,' (d) Select option "Recognition of Officers' Association in AAI" (e) Choose the option amongst two contesting CNS Officers' Associations (g) After subrqission, a message will6ppear i.e. "successfully submitted the option" ,) ... Cont' 2l- ilfrd qiff "irwch qEsr ffi Eqrt d ffirrooo3 24632950 Rajiv GandhiBhawan $qry Safdarjung Airport, New Dethi:1 1 0OO3 Phone 24632950 2 4. The link for exercising the ontion through ESS will be made available from 0700 hrs on 24.02.2020 (Mondav) till 1800 hrs on 26.02.2020 (Wednesdav). 5. While exercising the option through ESS, if eligible voter finds any difficulty, then he may contact Sh Rajiv Duggal, Jt. GM (HR) at [email protected] (01l-24632985) or Sh Himanshu Singh, AM (HR) at [email protected] by 25.02.2020 (Tuesday) till 1700 hrs. 6. Each eligible voter is vested with the responsibility to cast his vote within the prescribed time limit, after expiry of which, any request for invoking the same shall not be considered. 7 This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. t]-q-dr( sFd, ffi{rqr, dl @aftar E0 rdrcdtrfi (Trf,{ Ti{Frd) daaaq : qqffi (r, e"a*) Distribution : GS, AAOA(I) / GS, CNSOG Copy to : o OSD to Chairman r JGM/DGM (ES) to Member (HRy(ANSy(Ops)/(Plg)/(Fin)/ CVO o GM (HR)-GB - through ED (HR)-l - for information and appropriate action. o AM (PA) to ED (HR)-2 - for information, please. r PS to ED (lT) - with the request to ensure seamless operation of ESS module. LIST OF CNS EXECUTIVES S.N. Emp No Name Desgn I 10020703 P.K.Gupta(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 2 10021775 P.Sarabadhikari(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 3 10021777 Prakash Kumar V(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 410017643 Shib Prasad Ghosh(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 5 10003 502 K.Venugopal AGM(Com-Ops.) 6 r 00l 8765 Uttam Sen Gupta(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 7 10021781 Rashmi Sharma(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 8 10001197 Hardeysh Kumar(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 9 10016443 K.U.K.Umashankar(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 10 I 00 t 8756 Jayenta Ghosh(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) il 100t6427 T.Patturaja(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 12 10016446 D.Kanagasabai(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 13 10022407 S. Balachandran AGM(Com-Ops.) t4 10021771 Prabhat Gajanand Bhagwat(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) l5 10013545 J.Sundara Rajan AGM(Com-Ops.) r6 1001 8780 Panchanan Chatterjee(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) t7 100103t6 Malay Das Gupta(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) t8 I 0009145 Ms Neelam Sareen(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) l9 I 001 8785 V.B.Sawant(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 20 I 001 0426 Pranab Kumar Basu(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 2t 10012267 Kumamath Sarkar(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 22 I 001 8771 Kiran K. Pawala(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 23 10013422 S.Vasusi AGM(Com-Ops.) 10013913 Ms V.Budha Purnima AGM(Com-Ops.) 25 10013989 N.Manickam(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 26 10013813 T.K.Kannan(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 27 10013870 S.Ravisankar(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 28 I 0013476 S.Sahajahan AGM(Com-Ops.) 29 I 0016450 T.Vasugi Vennila AGM(Com-Ops.) 30 1001 8 I 62 Debashish Roy(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 3l 1002 l3 85 Alok Kumar Varshney(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 32 10006334 Ms S.lndira(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 33 10013944 S.Sankaran(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 34 10003358 P.Vasanthi Shakila AGM(Com-Ops.) 35 10008686 Bhupendra Kumar Sharma ACM(Com-Ops.) 36 r0003618 G.S.Krishna Bharathi(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 37 100 l40l 6 V.Raja Arumugam(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 38 10021386 Ms Punithavathy Charles AGM(Com-Ops.) 39 10008936 Kripal S. Kathayat(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 40 10013457 P.Saminathan(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 4l 10008806 Rishipal Gupta(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) I 0014087 M. Raj ith Ali(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 43 10003 5 78 S.Parameshivan(SAZ) ACM(Com-Ops.) 44 100135 79 C.Jeyaraj Kumar AOM(Com-Ops.) 45 10008737 Anil Kumar Gupta AGM(Com-Ops.) (-\ 46 100 13949 S.V.Thamarivachelvi AGM(Com-Ops.) a rjhffr, SIN(,N, 1 fi-i fHE / GEETA d" _*A"€,,":i,"r"#:,r,fl,J.*iq$#"'H.'lu: 47 100 r 3936 J.Yuvrani(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 48 100137s7 R.R.Ravi Kumar(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 49 10003555 M.Gnanagani(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 50 l00l 8802 Karan Chand Mahanta(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 51 10014057 Ms T.K.Ranjana AGM(Com-Ops.) 52 10013904 G. Revathi(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 53 10013982 Vijaya Kumari R AGM(Com-Ops.) 54 10003625 S.Shanmugha Sundaram(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 55 t0002742 M.M.Shaj i AGM(Com-Ops.) 56 100141 l0 George J.Joseph(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 57 10010394 Santanu Kumar Das AGM(Com-Ops.) 58 10021762 P.Latha Kumari(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 59 10003714 S.Rama AGM(Com-Ops.) 60 10002736 Jiji Thomas AGM(Com-Ops.) 6t 10006262 C.Jaganath Rao(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 62 10005067 A.Ayr:b Khan AGM(Com-Ops.) 63 1000361 5 Badi Sujatha AGM(Com-Ops.) 64 10003 587 S.Subbiah(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 65 10006346 Shankar Basu(SAZ) AGM(Com-Ops.) 66 10013907 B.Senthil Selvan AGM(Com-Ops.) 67 r 0020309 Lakshaman Chander AGM(Com-Ops.) 68 100 13932 P.Uma Maheswari AGM(Com-Ops.) 69 10002719 Selen V.Peter AGM(Com-Ops.) 70 1001 3646 S.K.Mallika AGM(Com-Ops.) 7t 10003737 K.Ramadurai AGM(Com-Ops.) 72 10003761 S. Anathanaravan AGM(Com-Ops.) 73 10013383 S Lalitha AGM(Com-Ops.) 74 1000275 I K.V.Manikantan AGM(Com-Ops.) 75 10002965 Subhash Singh Yadav AGM(Com-Ops.) 76 I 0014 I 96 Delcv Thomas AGM(Com-Ops.) 77 t0021747 Sree Kumar A.R. AGM(Com-Ops.) 78 r 0007861 S.Sunadresan Nair AGM(Com-Ops.) 79 I 00089 t 8 Amar Nath AGM(Com-Ops.) 80 10014189 Pius C.K. AGM(Com-Ops.) 81 l00l 8798 Joshi T.F. ACM(Com-ops.) 6i t0002997 Girish Chand Sharma AGM(Com-Ops.) 83 10003544 Ms Shylaja K.J. AGM(Com-Ops.) 84 10009067 Jitendra Kumar Jain AGM(Com-Ops.) 85 I 001965 I Naresh Kumar AGM(Com-Ops.) 86 t0022326 Thomas John AGM(Com-Ops.) 87 10014205 K.P.Prasanth AGM(Com-Ops.) 88 1002t'749 Binu Mathew Chacko AGM(Com-Ops.) 89 10014067 Latha Balakrishnan AGM(Com-Ops.) 90 10003 I l 8 Manoj Kumar Jain AGM(Com-Ops.) 9t 1002 I 780 Sathva Seelan R. AGM(Com-Ops.) 92 10003694 Venugopal N. ACM(Com-Ops.) 93 t0008698 Sunil Kumar Tomar AGM(Com-Ops.) 94 t0014214 Geetha K. AGM(Com-Ops.) 1 4 J?:r, 2- 2 .1ten file / GE.E, iA S|l\rirt {6rc6 riq6 (qr{q {Hqr-) /Asstt. Manager (HR) qT(frc EqlTffi{ crk6.(ol / Airports Authority of lndia fr. 3., Irff{ qi0 T{r / cHo, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan qq;rci,r rsrt !q-Fr / Safdarjung Airport .- -rii: .iAno? 95 10002766 Arvind Kumar Tripathi ACM(Com-Ops.) 96 10009162 Bhupender Singh Dhapola AGM(Com-Ops.) 97 100102 I 8 Sudhir Kumar Sharma AGM(Com-Ops.) 98 10015360 Java Mohan K AGM(Com-Ops.) 99 10003518 Krishna Swamy K.V. ACM(Com-Ops.) 100 10017627 Satheesh P. AGM(Com-Ops.) l0l 10003464 Margaret A.P AGM(Com-Ops.) t02 I 001 8786 Haridasan Pillai R ACM(Com-Ops.) 103 1001 I 890 Vinay Kumar Mishra AGM(Com-Ops.) 104 I 00141 53 Poulose T.T. AGM(Com-Ops.) 105 10001187 Anil Vajpayee AGM(Com-Ops.) 106 10003543 Ms. Javakumari S. AGM(Com-Ops.) 107 10006239 V.Satyam AGM(ELEX) 108 10005069 M.R.Hariharan AGM(ELEX) 109 I 0008919 Shailesh Kr.Rathore AGM(ELEX) ll0 10005026 B H P Krishna AGM(ELEX) lll l00l 5097 Ashish Kr Saxena ACM(ELEX) nz 10012896 AIok Kumar Rawat AGM(ELEX) 113 10006370 G.Rama Chander AGM(ELEX) l14 10008979 Sanjay Saxena AGM(ELEX) 115 I 00 t 3999 Ms.
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