Show Off Your Inclusion On The SOLAR POWER WORLD TOP 400 SOLAR CONTRACTORS LIST Solar Co Please contact Michelle Flando for exclusive creative/package products 2014 TOop Ontractors 888.543.2447 ex.718 [email protected] 1. Online Profile An online listing of your company on the Solar Power World website is included as part of being named to COMPANY XYZ 3 Delest, omni ulpa voluptiis quis milit, quidi qui net venest arit harcimHicia ab ipsa dollupt atendissit voluptam eium re ipsanisimus 2014 TOop Solar COontractors et aborecae lam, es dolupti il moluptas dolupta quatiur? Quibea sinullorerum quissec aboreptatas aut repreicab inus the 2014 Solar Power World Top Contractors list. voluptibus volorro doloratur, 2. Enhanced Online Profile An enhanced listing links to your site and lets you customize the profile with a company overview, COMPANY XYZ videos and other marketing materials. Delest, omni ulpa voluptiis quis milit, quidi qui net venest arit Top Solar Contra harcimHicia ab ipsa dollupt atendissit voluptam eium re ipsanisimus 2014 OOctors et aborecae lam, es dolupti il moluptas dolupta quatiur? Quibea sinullorerum quissec aboreptatas aut repreicab inus voluptibus volorro doloratur, Delest, omni ulpa voluptiis quis milit, quidi qui net venest arit harcimHicia ab ipsa dollupt atendissit voluptam eium re ipsanisimus et aborecae lam, es dolupti il moluptas dolupta quatiur? Quibea sinullorerum quissec aboreptatas aut repreicab inus voluptibus volorro Investment: $300 doloratur,Igendamet http://Domniulpaoluptiisuismilitidieten.asfd.,afjnsd,asdjasd 3. Logo Usage and Licensing Rights Add the Solar Power World Top Contractors logo to your marketing materials, website or company vehicles, and get the enhanced online profile, too. 2014 TOop Solar COontractors Technology • Development • Installation Investment: $645 4. Framed Award THE 2014 OO TOP 400 SOLAR THE 2014 TOP 400 SOLAR CONTRACTORS IN NORTH AMERICA = UTILITY CONTRACTOR = RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR = COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS = EPC = CONSTRUCTION FIRM = DEVELOPER =ELECTRICALSUBCONTRACTOR = ROOFTOP CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR = NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR = SOLAR HOT WATER TOTAL MW PRIMARY IN NORTH AMERICA RANK COMPANY CITY STATE FOUNDED EMPLOYEES INSTALLED INSTALLED WEBSITE 4 Top Solar Contract MARKET 201 OOors MW IN 2013 29 Main Street Power Company Boulder CO 2009 30 56.696 25.361 www.mainstreetpower.com = UTILITY CONTRACTOR = RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR = COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR 30 FLS Energy Asheville NC 2006 45 47.455 24.718 www.flsenergy.com = EPC = CONSTRUCTION FIRM = DEVELOPER =ELECTRICALSUBCONTRACTOR = ROOFTOP CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR = NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR = SOLAR HOT WATER 31 Radiance Solar Atlanta GA 2007 21 29.37 24.5 www.radiancesolar.com 32 AUI Contractors Fort Worth TX 1983 325 94 23 www.auigc.com TOTAL MW PRIMARY RANK COMPANY CITY STATE FOUNDED EMPLOYEES INSTALLED INSTALLED WEBSITE 33 McCarthy Building Companies St. Louis MO 1864 1600 72 23 www.McCarthy.com MARKET Perfect for an office or lobby, this customized MW IN 2013 34 Trinity Solar Wall NJ 1994 251 93.886 22.038 www.Trinity-Solar.com 35 DKD Electric Albuquerque NM 1978 117 63.5 21.5 www.dkdelectric.com 1 First Solar Tempe AZ 1999 4850 2887 1130 www.firstsolar.com 36 Resolute Performance Contracting Tempe AZ 2011 30 30.5 20.439 www.resolutepc.com 2 NRG Energy Princeton NJ 1989 10000 1200 672 www.nrgenergy.com 37 Cantsink Manufacturing Lilburn GA 1988 50 46 20 www.cantsink.com www.rosendin.com 3 Rosendin Electric San Jose CA 1919 3500 478.844 383.41 38 Wilson Electric Tempe AZ 1968 533 61.519 18.519 www.wilsonelectric.net 4 SolarCity San Mateo CA 2006 5000 567 280 www.solarcity.com 4 Top Solar Contract 39 Nexamp Boston MA 2007 38 42 18 www.nexamp.com www.csielectric.com o 5 CSI Electrical Contractors Santa Fe Springs CA 1990 750 378 260 1 r 0 San Luis Obispo www.recsolar.com 2 OOs 40 REC Solar CA 1997 140 104.453 17.885 6 Strata Solar Chapel Hill NC 2009 110 300 200 www.stratasolar.com 41 Tecta Solar Fort Washington PA 2000 2147 72.435 17.435 www.tectasolar.com and framed plaque will draw attention to your 7 E Light Wind and Solar Englewood CO 1998 298 456.8 189 ewindsolar.com 42 JE Dunn Construction Kansas City MO 1924 2650 42.7 16.7 www.jedunn.com 8 AMEC Atlanta GA 1946 27000 250 187 amec.com 43 Amberjack Solar Energy Oakland NJ 2009 70 36 16 amberjacksolar.com 9 Mortenson Construction Minneapolis MN 1954 2400 522 185.8 www.mortenson.com 44 Solar Design Tech Ogden UT 1996 14 27.9 15.4 www.solardesigntech.com 10 Signal Energy Constructors Chattanooga TN 2005 85 360.6 132.7 www.signalenergy.com 45Thef Alternate Energyadflin adfoiuHonolulu HI ewr1993 60asdf 267.856 14.689 alternateenergyhawaii.com 11 Swinerton Renewable Energy San Francisco CA 1888 1700 339 102 www.swinerton.com 46 Solar Universe Livermore CA 2008 93 37 14 www.solaruniverse.com 12 Cupertino Electric San Jose CA 1954 1800 800 100 www.cei.com 47Delest, Energy omni Systems ulpa& Installation voluptiis (ESI) Jonestown quis PA 2008 62 23.4 13.7 esipowercorp.com 13 Moss Solar Ft Lauderdale FL 2004 400 268.89 99.8 www.moss-solar.com COMPANY XYZ 48milit, NRG quidi Home Solar qui net venest Wallarit har- NJ 2010 503 29 13.5 www.roofdiagnostics.com 14 Gehrlicher Solar America Corp Springfield NJ 2010 50 115 80 www.gehrlichersolar.us 49cimHicia BITHENERGY ab ipsa dollupt atendissitBaltimore MD 2009 17 22 13.3 bithenergy.com outstanding achievement. Our designers will 15 Arraycon Sacramento CA 2009 47 193 75 www.arraycon.com 50voluptam Ray Angelini eium re ipsanisimusSewell NJ 1974 300 113 13 www.raiservices.com 16 Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives (IEA) Westchester IL 2011 900 400 71 www.iea.net 51et aborecaeHannah Solar lam, es doluptiAtlanta il GA 2008 23 26.9 13 www.hannahsolar.com 52 Natural Power and Energy Scottsdale AZ 2008 7 23.176 12.815 naturalpowerandenergy.com 17 Vivint Solar Provo UT 2011 1600 99.053 58.26 vivintsolar.com moluptas dolupta quatiur? 18 Sunstall Novato CA 2011 27 108 52 sunstall.com Delest, omni ulpa voluptiis quis milit, quidi qui net venest arit 53 Advanced Green Technologies Fort Lauderdale FL 2007 25 86.771 12.771 www.agt.com 54Quibea Hanwha sinullorerum Q CELLS USA quissecIrvine CA 1999 59 131.228 12.668 www.q-cells.us 19 M Bar C Construction San Marcos CA 2005 65 158 44 www.mbarconline.com harcimHicia ab ipsa dollupt atendissit voluptam eium re ipsanisimus 55aboreptatas Bland Solar & Airaut repreicabBakersfield inus CA 1985 35 48 12 blandsolar.com 20 Quanta Power Generation Greenwood Village CO 2008 650 344.193 42.793 www.quantapower.net et aborecae lam, es dolupti il moluptas dolupta quatiur? 56voluptibus Fun In The Sun volorro Solar doloratur,DolorOrlando FL 1998 33 42 12 www.funinthesunsolar.com 21 Helix Electric San Diego CA 1985 1500 104.8 41 www.helixelectric.com Quibea sinullorerum quissec aboreptatas aut repreicab inus 57 Renewable Assets Trenton NJ 2009 32 30 12 www.renewableassets.com www.borregosolar.com audandamaefdoihsd adfoiuhadfoad 22 Borrego Solar Systems San Diego CA 1980 112 103.5 37.296 voluptibus volorro doloratur, customize the plaque’s layout and design. 58 U.S. Light Energy Latham NY 2009 65 32 11 uslightenergy.com 23 S&C Electric Company Chicago IL 1911 2500 69.2 34.2 www.sandc.com asodihas doif fouahdf adofua 59 Standard Solar Rockville MD 2004 58 33.994 10.589 www.standardsolar.com 24 RGS Energy Louisville CO 1978 300 235 31 rgsenergy.com asufha ajba sfljas asjhad dfjuhadf 60 KDH Solar New Orleans LA 2006 5 13.964 10.452 kdhsolar.com 25 Cenergy Power Carlsbad CA 2008 42 68 30 www.cenergypower.com asdihsd ekfjgadc efkjd asdkhas 61 Beaumont Solar New Bedford MA 2006 50 24.5 10.2 www.beaumontsolarco.com 26 Inovateus Solar South Bend IN 2008 27 126.35 28.35 inovateus.com 62w bqugbfSolar Electrical dfv Systems Westlake Village CA 1981 20 106 10 solarelectricalsystems.com 27 Helios Developments Sudbury ON 2011 120 42 26 heliosdevelopments.com 63 Sunetric Kailua HI 2004 100 67 10 www.sunetric.com 28 Verengo Torrance CA 2008 1050 61.2 25.4 www.verengosolar.com 18 SOLAR POWER WORLD 7 • 2014 www.solarpowerworldonline.com 16 SOLAR POWER WORLD 7 • 2014 www.solarpowerworldonline.com Top 400 list 7-14_Vs4SBKZ.indd 18 7/24/14 9:09 PM Investment: Top 400 list 7-14_Vs4SBKZ.indd 16 7/24/14 9:09 PM 1 page: $445 2 pages: $545 3 pages: $745 OO THE 2014 TOP 400 SOLAR THE 2014 TOP 400 SOLAR CONTRACTORS IN NORTH AMERICA = UTILITY CONTRACTOR = RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR = COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS = EPC = CONSTRUCTION FIRM = DEVELOPER =ELECTRICALSUBCONTRACTOR = ROOFTOP CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR = NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR = SOLAR HOT WATER TOTAL MW PRIMARY RANK COMPANY CITY STATE FOUNDED EMPLOYEES INSTALLED INSTALLED WEBSITE IN NORTH AMERICA MARKET 2014 TOop Solar COontractors MW IN 2013 29 Main Street Power Company Boulder CO 2009 30 56.696 25.361 www.mainstreetpower.com 30 FLS Energy Asheville NC 2006 45 47.455 24.718 www.flsenergy.com = UTILITY CONTRACTOR = RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR = COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR 31 Radiance Solar Atlanta GA 2007 21 29.37 24.5 www.radiancesolar.com 5. Reprints = EPC = CONSTRUCTION FIRM = DEVELOPER =ELECTRICALSUBCONTRACTOR = ROOFTOP CONTRACTOR = OFF-GRID CONTRACTOR = NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR = SOLAR HOT WATER 32 AUI Contractors Fort Worth TX 1983 325 94 23 www.auigc.com TOTAL MW PRIMARY 33 McCarthy Building Companies St. Louis MO 1864 1600 72 23 www.McCarthy.com RANK COMPANY CITY STATE FOUNDED EMPLOYEES
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