FAO SPECIES IDENTIFICATION SHEETS FOR FISHERY PURPOSES WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN FISHING AREA 51 VOLUME VI DENMARK FUNDS - IN-TRUST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS FAO SPECIES IDENTIFICATION SHEETS FOR FISHERY PURPOSES WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (Fishing Area 51) edited by W. Fischer and G. Bianchi Marine Resources Service Fishery Resources and Environment Division FAO Fisheries Department Rome, Italy Prepared and printed with the support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) VOLUME VI CONTENTS: Alphabetical Index of Scientific and Vernacular Names FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1984 FAO Sheets Fishing Area 51 EXPLANATION OF THE SYSTEM USED Italics Scientific : species names (species and genera cross-indexed). Invalid names or misidentifications are marked with an asterisk ROMAN caps : Family names Roman l.c. : Vernacular names Abbreviations for : BO.F = Bony Fishes major groups CHI = Chimaeras LOB = Lobsters SHA = Sharks SHR = Shrimps TUR = Turtles P.G. : Picture Guide to Families Sheet Codes : Example - ACANT Acant 4 Family Genus Species Note : When no code is indicated, it means that the species or family in question is only mentioned in the introductory material to the corresponding major group. For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: Fischer, W. and G. Bianchi (eds), FAO species 1984 identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Rome, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, vols. 1-6: pag.var. Identification sheets. Taxonomy. Geographic distribution. Fisheries. Vernacular names. Bony fishes. Chimaeras. Sharks. Lobsters. Shrimps. Sea turtles. W.I.O. - 1 - Other Volumes FAO Sheets INDEX Fishing Area 51 NAME GROUP CODE(S) NAME GROUP CODE(S) acutirostris, Cynoglossus BO.F CYNO Cyno 13 * acutus, Carangoides BO.F CARAN Carang 3 acutus, Rhizoprionodon SHA CARCH Rhiz 3 A * acutus, Scoliodon SHA CARCH Rhiz 3 * acutus, Scoliodon SHA CARCH Lox 1 Abadèche du Cap BO.F OPHID Geny 1 Aden splitfin BO.F ACRO Syn 1 * Abalistes stellaris BO.F BALI Abel 1 adenensis, Antennablennius BO.F BLENN Abalistes stellatus BO.F BALI Abel 1 * adenensis, Bembrops BO.F PERCOPH abbreviata, Acanthocepola BO.F CEPOL adeni, Synagrops BO.F ACRO Syn 1 abbreviatus, Gerres BO.F GERR Gerr 1 adensis, Phenacoscorpius BO.F SCORP Ablabys binotatus BO.F SCORP * Adioryx caudimaculatus BO.F HOLOC Sargo 1 Ablabys macracanthus BO.F SCORP * Adioryx ruber BO.F HOLOC Sargo 3 Ablabys taenianotus BO.F SCORP * Adioryx spiniferus BO.F HOLOC Sargo 4 Ablennes hians BO.F BELON Ablen 1 * adriatica, Trigla BO.F TRIGL Chel 4 Abu mullet BO.F MUGIL Liza 7 adustus, Myripristis BO.F HOLOC Myrip 2 abu, Liza BO.F MUGIL Liza 7 aeneum, Pachymetopon BO.F SPARID Pachy 2 Abudefduf bengalensis BO.F POMACEN aequalis, Hymenopenaeus SHR SOLENO Abudefduf margariteus BO.F POMACEN aequatoris, Holcomycteronus BO.F OPHID Abudefduf notatus BO.F POMACEN aequidens, Atractoscion BO.F SCIAEN Atrac 1 Abudefduf septeafasciatus BO.F POMACEN * aequidens, Otolithus BO.F SCIAEN Atrac 1 Abudefduf sexfasciatus BO.F POMACEN Aesopia cornuta BO.F SOL Abudefduf sordidus BO.F POMACEN aestuarius, Gilchristella BO.F CLUP Abudefduf vaigiensis BO.F POMACEN Aethaloperca rogaa BO.F SERRAN Aethal 1 Abudjubbe wrasse BO.F LABR Che 1 * affinis, Caranx BO.F CARAN Atul 1 abudjubbe, Cheilinus BO.F LABR Che 1 affinis, Euthynnus BO.F SCOMBR Euth 2 * Acanthacaris opipara LOB NEPH Acant 2 * affinis, Hirundichthys BO.F EXOC Hir 5 Acanthacaris tenuimana LOB NEPH Acant 2 affinis, BO.F HEMIR Acanthocepola abbreviata BO.F CEPOL Hyporhamphus (Reporhamphus) Acanthocepola limbata BO.F CEPOL affinis, Metapenaeus SHR PEN Metap 1 ACANTHOCLINIDAE BO.F P.G.page 23 affinis, Narcetes BO.F ALEPO Acanthocybium solandri BO.F SCOMBR Acan 1 affinis, Pagellus BO.F SPARID Page 5 Acantholatris monodactylus BO.F CHEILOD Acan 1 * affinis, Parapenaeopsis SHR PEN Para 11 Acanthonus armatus BO.F OPHID * affinis, Pseudorhombus BO.F BOTH Pseud 3 Acanthopagrus berda BO.F SPARID Acanth 1 * afra, Allenetta BO.F ATHER Hypo 2 Acanthopagrus bifasciatus BO.F SPARID Acanth 3 African angelshark SHA SQUAT Squat 5 * Acanthopagrus cuvieri BO.F SPARID Sparid 1 African blackmouth croaker BO.F SCIAEN Atro 1 Acanthopagrus latus BO.F SPARID Acanth 2 African coris BO.F LABR Cor 4 acanthops, Centropyge BO.F POMACAN African flyingfish BO.F EXOC Cheil 4 acanthorhinus, Ostichthys BO.F HOLOC African longfin eel BO.F ANGUIL Anguil 6 acanthorhynchus, Neocyttus BO.F OREOS African mottled eel BO.F ANGUIL Anguil 38 Acanthosphex leurynnis BO.F APLO African pompano BO.F CARAN Alec 2 ACANTHURIDAE BO.F ACANT African pompano BO.F CARAN Trachin 8 Acanthurus bariene BO.F ACANT African sailfin flyingfish BO.F EXOC Par 2 * Acanthurus bicommatus BO.F ACANT Acant 8 African scad BO.F CARAN Trachur 7 Acanthurus bleekeri BO.F ACANT Acant 4 African sea catfish BO.F ARIID Ariu 19 Acanthurus dussumieri BO.F ACANT Acant 5 African spadefish BO.F EPHIP Trip 1 * Acanthurus fulginosus BO.F ACANT Acant 10 africana, Coris gaimard BO.F LABR Cor 4 Acanthurus guttatus BO.F ACANT africana, Solenocera SHR SOLENO Acanthurus leucocheilus BO.F ACANT africana, Sphyraena BO.F SPHY Acanthurus leucosternon BO.F ACANT Acant 6 africana, Squatina SHA SQUAT Squat 5 Acanthurus lineatus BO.F ACANT Acant 7 africanum, Poroderma SHA SCYL Acanthurus mata BO.F ACANT africanus, Arius BO.F ARIID Ariu 19 * Acanthurus matoides BO.F ACANT Acant 10 africanus, Atherion BO.F ATHER Atherion 1 Acanthurus melanosternon BO.F ACANT africanus, Callionymus BO.F CALLION Acanthurus nigricans BO.F ACANT * africanus, Callyodon BO.F SCAR Scar 28 Acanthurus nigricauda BO.F ACANT africanus, Hydrolagus CHI CHIM Acanthurus nigrofuscus BO.F ACANT * africanus, Psenes BO.F ARIOM Ariom 1 Acanthurus polyzona BO.F ACANT * africanus, Tachysurus BO.F ARIID Ariu 19 Acanthurus sohal BO.F ACANT africanus, Trachinotus BO.F CARAN Trachin 8 Acanthurus sp. BO.F ACANT * africanus, Trigloporus BO.F TRIGL Chel 4 Acanthurus tennentii BO.F ACANT Acant 8 * Afroscion thorpei BO.F SCIAEN Argyr 7 Acanthurus thompsoni BO.F ACANT * afuerae, Decapterus BO.F CARAN Deca 1 Acanthurus triostegus BO.F ACANT Acant 9 agassizi, Chlorophthalmus BO.F CHLOR Chlor 1 Acenthurus xanthopterus BO.F ACANT Acant 10 agassizii, Chelonia mydas TUR CHEL Chel 1 acarina, Erythrocles BO.F EMMEL agassizii, Pomacentrus BO.F POMACEN acclinidens, Cyclothone BO.F GONOST Agonostomus catalai BO.F MUGIL Agon 1 acclivirostris, Parapenaeopsis SHR PEN Para 1 Agonostomus telfairii BO.F MUGIL Agon 2 Acetes erythraeus SHR SERG Agrostichthys parkeri BO.F REGAL Acetes indicus SHR SERG Aguja azul BO.F ISTIO Mak 3 Acetes japonicus SHR SERG Aguja negra BO.F ISTIO Mak 2 Acetes johni SHR SERG Agujeta congaturi BO.F HEMIR Hypor 4 Acetes natalensis SHR SERG Agujeta de Dussumier BO.F HEMIR Hypor 3 Acetes sibogae SHR SERG Agujeta de Lutke BO.F HEMIR Hemir 6 achirus, Lampanyctus BO.F MYCT Agujeta malabárica BO.F HEMIR Rhyn 1 achlamys, Gazza BO.F LEIOG Gaz 2 Agujeta manchada BO.F HEMIR Hemir 4 * Acinacea notha BO.F GEMP Gemp 1 Agujeta saltona BO.F HEMIR Hemir 5 acinaces, Gerres BO.F GERR Garr 6 Agujón cintado BO.F BELON Strong 4 Acreichthys tomentosus BO.F MONA Agujón de quilla BO.F BELON Platy 1 Acropoma japonicum BO.F ACRO Acro 1 Agujon needlefish BO.F BELON Tylo 1 ACROPOMATIDAE BO.F ACRO Agujón ocelado BO.F BELON Strong 5 aculeatus, Rhinecanthus BO.F BALI Agujón sable BO.F BELON Ablen 1 acuminatus, Heniochus BO.F CHAETOD Aiguillat à peau rugueuse SHA SQUAL Squal 5 acuta, Dussumieria BO.F CLUP Duss 1 Aiguillat épinette SHA SQUAL Squal 6 * acuta, Nibea BO.F SCIAEN Chrys 1 Aiguillat nez court SHA SQUAL Squal 4 * acuta, Pseudosciaena BO.F SCIAEN Chrys 1 Aiguille crocodile BO.F BELON Tylo 2 acuticeps, Ichthyapus BO.F OPHICH Aiguille voyeuse BO.F BELON Tylo 1 acutidens, Negaprion SHA CARCH Neg 2 Aiguillette ocellée BO.F BELON Strong 5 acutipinnis, Sphyraena BO.F SPHY Aiguillette ruban BO.F BELON Strong 4 * acutipinnis, Squalus SHA SQUAL Squal 4 Aileron argenté BO.F STROM Pamp 1 - 2 - FAO Sheets INDEX Fishing Area 51 NAME GROUP CODE(S) NAME GROUP CODE(S) Aileron chinois BO.F STROM Pamp 2 ALOPIIDAE SHA ALOP * ajax, Carangoides BO.F CARAN Alec 2 Alose à gros yeux BO.F CLUP Ilish 4 * akaadsi, Decepterus kurroides BO.F CARAN Deca 7 Alose blanche BO.F CLUP Esc 1 akallopisos, Amphiprion BO.F POMACEN Alose chaconde BO.F CLUP Anod 1 * akame, Liza BO.F MUGIL Liza 11 Alose indienne BO.F CLUP Ilish 3 * alalunga, Germo BO.F SCOMBR Thun 1 Alose palli BO.F CLUP Hils 1 alalunga, Thunnus BO.F SCOMBR Thun 1 Alose paluva BO.F CLUP Tenu 1 alata, Liza BO.F MUGIL Liza 8 Alose toli BO.F CLUP Tenu 2 * alatus, Isurus SHA LAMN Isur 2 Alose-écaille indienne BO.F CLUP Pellon 2 alatus, Lampenyctus BO.F MYCT ALPHEIDAE SHR ALPH alba, Cyclothone BO.F GONOST Alpheus euphrosyne SHR ALPH albacares, Thunnus BO.F SCOMBR Thun 3 Alpheus malabaricus SHR ALPH * albacora, Neothunnus BO.F SCOMBR Thun 3 * alticarinata, Solenocera SHR SOLENO Soleno 4 Albacore BO.F SCOMBR Thun 1 Alticus erdersonii BO.F BLENN Albacore BO.F SCOMBR Thun 3 Alticus kirkii BO.F BLENN Albacores BO.F SCOMBR Alticus kirkii magnusi BO.F BLENN albaiensis, Scorpaenodes BO.F SCORP Alticus monochrus BO.F BLENN albelle, Sardinelle BO.F CLUP Sardl 6 Alticus monochrus anjouanae BO.F BLENN albescens, Remorina BO.F ECHEN Alticus saliens BO.F BLENN albicaudatus, Pomacentrus BO.F POMACEN * altifrontalis, Lutjanus BO.F LUT Lut8 * albide, Daysciaena BO.F SCIAEN Nib 7 altimus, Carcharhinus
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