Norfolk Coast GUARDIANFREE guide to an area of outstanding natural beauty 2018 2 50 YEARS NORFOLK COAST GUARDIAN 2018 Artist’s outstanding gift to the coast lue sky, a skein of geese overhead and as a freelance wildlife artist and has been in con- sailing boats at ease in the Morston mud stant demand ever since. Among his achieve- – all come together in Robert Gillmor’s ments are designing several series of Royal Mail Bglorious, celebratory new work ‘Out- stamps, helping to found the Society of Wildlife standing’, featured on our cover. Artists and serving as its President for ten years. One of the best-known wildlife artists in the He moved from Reading to Cley-next-the-Sea UK today, Robert embarked on the commission in 1998, where he returned to printmaking. Since especially for the Norfolk Coast area of outstand- 1985 he has designed the jackets of the renowned ing natural beauty in its 50th year, and has given New Naturalist book series. the first print of the edition to the Partnership. “I was pleased to help and celebrate this area A new book of Robert Gillmor’s work, Pressing On: which I have lived and worked in for many years a Decade of New Linocuts (hardback, 168 pages, now, and which has given me so much,” he said. £25 incl. UK p&p; ISBN: 978-1-9998457-1-1), is “50 years of protecting its valuable nature is published by Mascot Media mascotmedia.co.uk something the designation can be proud of as it looks towards a positive future. As well as a solo show of his work, also called “I spent a very pleasant afternoon at Mor- Pressing On, at the Pinkfoot Gallery, Cley-next- ston looking at what I could do. I wanted to con- the-Sea, NR25 7RB, from 28 April, Robert vey that this is a place much used by people for and his wife Susan Norman are to open their their own pleasure and enjoyment, and also fa- studios on some days as part of the Norfolk and voured by wonderful birds and wildlife. Using six Norwich Festival’s Open Studios event from blocks of black, brown, red, yellow, grey and blue 26 May-10 June. I sought to convey something of the atmosphere.” pinkfootgallery.co.uk Clockwise from above: a first look at the printed Born in 1936 in Reading, Robert’s first illus- nnopenstudios.org.uk page, press in background; some of the spines of trations appeared in the magazine British Birds the artist’s many New Naturalist covers; applying when he was sixteen years old. While he was still ‘Outstanding’ is available as a poster and greet- ink to one of the cut blocks; and rollers hang at university, he illustrated the first of over 150 ings card to mark the 50th anniversary. Details alongside mugs featuring his work in Robert’s books. In 1965 he embarked on a full-time career at norfolkcoastaonb.org.uk studio. Partnership Coast Norfolk 6SHFLDOLVLQJLQOX[XU\VHOIFDWHULQJKROLGD\SURSHUWLHVLQ <0- 1RUWK1RUIRONUDQJLQJIURPURPDQWLFKLGHDZD\VWRGHOX[H *4)3-6-A EDUQFRQYHUVLRQVZLWKFRDVWDOYLHZV +7<<)/- ZZZEODNHQH\FRWWDJHFRPSDQ\FRXN7HO +758)6A dŚĞ'ƌĂŶĂƌLJ͕,ŝŐŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ůĂŬĞŶĞLJ͕EŽƌƚŚEŽƌĨŽůŬEZϮϱϳ> ERRNLQJV#EODNHQH\FRWWDJHFRPSDQ\FRXN The Granary, High Street, Blakeney, North Norfolk NR25 7AL )LQGXVRQ)DFHERRN 7ZLWWHr *GZPVBSFJOUFSFTUFEJOBEEJOHZPVSQSPQFSUZUPPVSIBOEQJDLFEQPSUGPMJPQMFBTFDPOUBDUVTCZQIPOFPSFNBJMPXOFST!CMBLFOFZDPUUBHFDPNQBOZDPVL NORFOLKNORFOLK COAST GUARDIAN 2018 50 YEARS 3 5050 things to celebratec GETTINGGETTIT NG THINGS DONE p4/5 1. DarkDark nightsnig 2. BaBarnrn owowlsl 3. BeBeachach ccleansle 4. Local pproductsrod 5. SensiblSensiblee dodog owners 6. The CoaCoasthoppersth 7. ChanginChangingg hharbours 8. SensitiSensitiveve sisitest 9. CommuniCommunityty homes 10. Local histohistory A RARERARE NATURALNATU PARADISE p6/7 11.11 Migrants Mig 12. Seals 13. Cradle of conservation 14. Bernard Bishop 15. Cromer Shoal MCZ 16. Moths 17. Saltmarshes years of the Norfolk Coast area LOOKING TO THE FUTURE p8/9 18. Sound of outstanding natural beauty 19. Treasures of the west 20. Coastal change 21. Horsey windpump n 1968 the Norfolk Coast joined national ing at designation started work on the Norfolk strategy for the coast, which identified areas most 22. Holkham Reserve parks such as the Peak and Lake District Coast area. A team of Norfolk county council plan- at risk (like Holme and Holkham Dunes) and as one of the UK’s most treasured places. ning officers joined a government advisor to be- which could be developed. 23. People care I Inscribed in law as an area of outstand- gin the task of deciding on the area’s boundaries. Following on from this, the 1998 Management 24. Pilgrimage ing natural beauty, it also became part of a fam- In 1962, the county planning officer, Mr Maxwell, Strategy brought together all the organisations 25. Wells Maltings ily of protected areas stretching across Europe came up with a ‘very comprehensive programme involved in looking after the coast – from local and the world. of works’ including the removal of defences (left and national government to charities like the 26. Beach art Protected, like all 46 AONBs in the UK, to over from the war), and removal or regrouping National Trust, to wildlife organisations like the 27. Special edition conserve and enhance natural beauty, meet the of caravan camps, chalets and beach huts. He RSPB and Norfolk Wildlife Trust – and signed 50need for quiet enjoyment of the countryside and also was the champion of a new idea – to desig- them up to pursuing joint policies. A flurry of YOURS TO EXPLORE p12-16 have regard for the interests of those who live nate the whole of the Norfolk coastline (not just work followed – the Norfolk Coast Cycleway was and work in them, the ‘area of outstanding nat- the north), expanding it west towards Sandring- set up, the Coasthopper bus route established. 28. Wells art trail ural beauty’ status provides for long-term care. ham and east towards the Broads. The revised This working together approach was a huge 29. Quirky heritage One of thehe outstandingoutstanding aspectsaspects of the Nor-Nor- boundaryboundary was agreed,agreed, toto include two extra are- step forward. Today the Norfolk Coast Partner- 30. Cley calling folk Coast’s beautybeauty is its diversity.diversity. BehindBehind as in thethe east andand west. ship brings together the many organisations in 90.8km of coastline,oastline, in its 453 squaresquare AlthoughAlthough designateddesignated in 1968, a special organ- the area and produces a statutory management 31. Deep history kilometres therehere are sand dunesdunes,, salsalt-t- isation was not set upup to manage the area un- plan on their behalf. 32. Coastal skills marsh and grazingrazing marsh; openopen chalk til the earlyearly 1990s.1990s. The Norfolk Coast Pro- The guiding principle of the partnership is that 33. Parkland downland, secludedecluded river valleys,valleys, wood-wood- jectject (originally(originally calledca the Green Tourism this special, rare place is everyone’s – a place we 34. Walking from Cromer lands, heathh and bog;bog; as well as villag-villag- Project)Project) aimedaim to ‘bring about a more all have a right to – and a responsibility to look es, ports, farmm buildingsbuildings and quietquiet coun-coun- thoughtfulthought tf approach’, ‘enhance after. Today, natural systems are under threat 35. Welcoming walkers try lanes. It’ss remarkablyremarkably rolling,rolling, too - the nature conservation and land- from man-made global warming and other fac- 36. Explore more highest pointnt in Norfolk,Norfolkfol , RomanRoman Camp,Camp, is in scapescape interests’in and ‘enhance the tors, and the coast is part of a natural network 37. Walks for all the area. A wealthwealth ofof habitatshabitatsat supportsupport an aston-aston- visitorvisitor experience’expe of the area. of areas that can create resilience and hope for ishing, internationallynationally importantimportant rangerange of TheThe projectproje was set up in 1991, the future. The area is not a museum, but a dy- 38. Circular walk natural species.cies. withwith a dedicateddedic officer and an assis- namic, changing place, where we can better un- 39. A Coasthopper walk During WorldWorld War Two architect and tant.tant. ResearchResea into visitor pressure derstand the processes of nature, and share what 40. A western walk planner Johnhn Dower was asked byby the ledled to thethe 199519 visitor management we know. 41. A town walk government to looklook into thethe establish-establish- ment of nationalonal pparksarks in EnglandEngland andand 42. Sunsets Wales, to protectotect specialspecial areas andand give ...and silver anniversary for Guardian 43. On the trail access to ordinarydinary people.people. In 1945 he 44. Norfolk Coast Cycleway reported backck with a list of today’stoday’s na-na- ThisThis year’syear’s NorfolkN Coast Guardian is also marking a special anniversary – 25 years 45. Try cycling tional parks – and an extra list – are-are- ofof publication.publication Every Easter it’s distributed along the coast, and its range of topical as of landscapeape beautybeauty that ‘merited features, walks,wal guides, competitions, recipes and more is enjoyed by more than 46. Reusing railways some form off nationalnational protection in thethe 60,00060,000 people.peopl 47. Norfolk Coast Path future’. A 444 squaresquare mile area of the All the NorfolkNo Coast partners contribute to the publication, and local businesses 48. Heritage railways North Norfolkolk CoastCoast was in thisthis listlist help immenselyimmens by advertising. This year, we feature 50 things to celebrate about the 49. Buses to the coast – from Holme-next-the-Seame-next-the-Sea as ffarar as coast,coast, from starrys skies
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