AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF A p ril 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK COUNTY To December 27, 1916 Carf Library HOULTON TIMES HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1917 VOL. LVII. NO. 31 be had to the 24 candle power limit AMENDMENTS TO BE tions and to adopt such other means DR. A. 0. THOMAS IS DE­ madquarters for General Cornwallis. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of bulbs as higher candle power pro­ VATEH AM QEPT 1A ' °f administration- as shall maintain Its troops during the darkest and STATE OF MAINE duces the dangerous glare from any V U ltU UN * the prescribed standard of organiza- LIGHTED WITH AROOSTOOK most decisive days of the Revolution­ The people of Maine will pass upon ; tion. armament and discipline: and “While you are speaking about food In the matter of regulations govern­ such lens. ary struggle were led by General Na­ production and feeding the nations ing the use and operation of headlights < 5) Any light may be “dimmed" five proposed constitutional amend- *orders, regulations and means adopt thaniel Greene, a Rhode Islander and on motor vehicles provlUd for in <"hap- in cities and villages where street ments at a special election, which ed shall have the full force and effect what is the matter with Aroostook the man for whom the camp has been ter 272, Public Laws of the State of will be held on the second Monday of Gf jaw ('ounty. Maine?" said Dr. Augustus O. Maine for the year 1917. lights exist and are burning not over named. After all these years our peo- five hundred (500) feet apart. September, and the Department of Section Persons of the denom- Thomas. formerly of Lincoln, Nebras- j pie are happy to renew the bonds of The Public Utilities Commission of (6) No spotlight shall be used on State wil furnish the first copy to the ^nation of Quakers and Shakers, justi- ka, the new State superintendent of j fe]lovvship and fraternity of this sec- Maine, having under consideration any motor vehicle except for the pur­ printer for the ballots early the com-|ces ()f the supreme judicial court, schools. last week j ond and greater struggle for liberty Chapter 271 of the PuilU Laws of pose of casting a light to the right or ing week. Aproximatelv 400,000 bal- j ministers of the gospel and persons “The farmers up in that c ounty are . with thoge who were ln our allies on0 the State of Maine for the year 1917, the left or the rear of a car and then lots wil1 be Printed and under the law | exempted by the laws of the United surely doing their share," continued j hnndred and fifty years ago. and particularly Section 3 which pro­ only where the car is stationary or 60 ballots are furnished for every 50 i states may be exempted from mili- Dr. Thomas." Recently in company We wish the troops who come to vides that said Commission shall pre­ at slow’ speed or in reverse. When votes or fraction thereof cast at the tarv duty, hut no other able-bodied with Col. Charles I*. Allen of Presque pare rules and regulations governing us to use the offices and the faci’ities any motor vehicle has gotten under preceding gubernatorial election The,perf;on ()f the age jg and under | Isle, I made the drive from Presque of our organizations freely in what- the uae and operation of headlights headway, the spotlight shall be turn- law stipulates that the Department of the age of 45 years, excepting officers Isle to Fort Kent, a distance of over J Gver way ,nay t)e of advantage to on motor vehicles used on public ed entirely out and under no circum- State shall send one set of ballots tos 0f the militia who have been honor- 50 miles. It is interesting every foot them. We extend the same invita- highways, and having carefully in­ stances shall be turned toward any received by the city, town oi jdan ably discharged, shall be exempted ' of the way, hut from Presque Isle to |tion to those who visit the soldiers formed itself and maturely consider­ tation clerk 72 hours before election unless he shall pay an equivalent to Caribou, a distanc e of about 14 miles, 1 jn this camp and we pledge the hos ed the matters involved in said chap­ approaching vehicle. I NOTE: A committee representing day and a duplicate set to be received . be fixed by law- is the finest agricultural possibility in pitality and the hearty welcome of ter, does hereby make, subject to the jthe Maine Automobile Association b>r lhe clerk 48 hours before election | Appointment of Representatives America. The homesteads are won- our entire citizenship both to the approval of the Governor and Coun and the Maine Automobile Dealers day. The derful. It is a mighty sweet scented troops and their friends, ell of the State of Maine, the follow- resolve proposing an amend­ M-niQiinn, _nvprT,iT1_! Association recommends the barring Suffrage to Women ment to Section three of Part One of country at this season. The fields of Very sincerely yours. Four of the Constitution in timothy and clover are up to your CHARLOTTE CHAMBER OF COM­ •s sssi*As used -by many<* motorists, this light granting . uffrage to women on equal regard to the apportionment of repre­ neck and the fragrance is country MERCE on motor vehicles used on public terms with men reads as follows: | embraces all the dangers and annoy sentatives in the event of merger Wide. I never saw’ such fields of po­ highways in the 8tate of Maine. “The right to vote or to hold office , CHARLOTTE MINISTERIAL AS­ ances of an unprotected headlight. wdth cities and towns, is as follows: tatoes, which are just white with blos­ After August 15, 1917, shall not be denied or abridged on ae- ; SOCIATION It has, however, its legitimate uses, “Each town having 1500 inhabitants soms. No motor vehicle shall be count of sex; provided, however, that I YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN AS­ among which are the searching out may elect one representative: each “In potato culture Aroostook county operated on or along any* highway citizens by marriage only shall not be , SOCIATION of sign boards, the observations on town having 3,750 may elect tw’o; each has no competitor. A 2U.000.000 yield or other way between the hours of allowed to vote or hold office until | one hour after sunset and one hour the driving side of the car made to town having 6.750 may elect three, looks easy for that county. You will avoid ditches or see where the rear after a period of residence in the Unit- j each town having 10,500 may elect have to give it to the Murphies. The A MESSAGE FROM THE RED before sunrise unless the headlights ed State equal to that required bv law on any such motor vehicle are con­ wheels are going while the car is four; each town having 15,000 may Lord did a good job when he made j CROSS i backing. It may also be used to cast f°r the naturalization of men in this Aroostook county and the people were structed and operated as follows, elect five; each town having 2b.500 ; Mrs. Belmont Tiffany has written | a light under the hood in making re- state. Jn the construction of this con- viz: may elect six; each town having 26- no fools when they moved into it. Do j for the August issue of Harper’s Ba- | pairs to or observations of the en- stitution the masculine pronoun shall (1) No bulb or lamp used in any 250 may elect seven; but no town you know that this is one of the eight j zar a very interesting article on “A j gine. Fearing that it may at pre- construed as meaning both men banner counties of the United States? such headlight shall be of greater shall ever be intitled to morn than Message from the American Red Cross sent be unfair to entirely bar the and women candle power than 24 (or equivalent seven representatives, except that in It attained distinction in 1914 along to the Women of America ” She es­ spotlight, we make for the present Removal of Sheriffs wattage.) the merger of towns or cities, the new with Los Nngeles county, California, pecially mention the part that worn- the above regulation giving notice The resolve proposing an amend- (2) The lens or glass in the 'rent town or city shall be allowed the corn­ Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and , en of society are taking in this great that if these lights are improperly went to the constitution relative to part of any such light, (if tue lens bined representation of the former lroquis county, Illinois, tor its agri­ ( work, and also tells of the organiza­ used, they will be entirely barred. fhe tenure of the office of sheriff be of plain glass) shall be sandblast units; and towns and plantations duly j cultural production and it has been tion's rapid growth since the w’ar be­ (7) To avoid misunderstanding, reads as follows: ed or frosted on the inside so that organized, not having 15(>0 inhabitants ! climbing up ever since. No mention gan in 1914. let it be understood that all these "Whenever the governor and coun- no direct or reflected ray from said shall be classed as conveniently as (needs to be made of its vast lumber regulations apply to motor cycles.
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