1 GARDEN, f FARM j9° AND FLOWER SEEDS m WEEBER ®. DON 114 CHAMBERS STREET NEW YORK ': LIBRARV. BOTMfCUli MEBH» ^Q^^^^^m^^^mMmR^M 1907 VSPRIIIG CATALOGUE of Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Tools and Horticultural Requisites NEW YORK, January 1907. E take pleasure in submitting our Catalogue of Seeds, etc., for 1907 and beg to thank our friends for iheir liberal support in the past, and hope to have a continuance of their valued patronage in the future. We W have spared no pains to secure our supplies of the best possible excellence. From those who have not hitherto favored us with an order, we respectfully solicit a trial which we are confident will lead to further business. The germination of all our seeds is carefully tested and we only send out seeds that are of full germinating power. We will be pleased to furuishjany varieties not mentioned in this Catalogue, and all orders entrusted to us will have our prompt and careful attention. NON-WARRANTY Weeber and Don give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants they send out, and they will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned.—W. & D. REGISTER OF GARDENERS AND FARMERS We have at all iimes upon our Register the names of competent men, qualified either to fill the situation of Head Gardener, Under Gardener or Farm Manager. Ladies and Gentlemen requiring help in the above capacity will please send particulars, when we will be pleased to make selections for the different requirements and answer all correspondents Free of Charge. HORTICULTURAL BOOKS PEICE PRICE. American Dairying Arnold $i 50 Insects of the Farm and Garden Trent ...$I 50 American Gardens Lowell 7 50 Landscape Gardening Kemp ... 2 50 Asparagus Culture Hexamer 50 Land Draining Miles 1 00 An tgg Farm Stoddard.. 75 Lilies, and Their Culture Dr Wallace 1 75 Book of the Farm Waring 2 o'3" Mushrooms. Culture of Wm. Falconer 1 50 Cabbage." ! Allen 50 Mushroom Pamphlet; How to Grow Mushrooms 10 Cyclopedia of American Horticulture. ..Bailey... 20 00 Ornamental Gardening Long 2 00 Farm Implements and Machinery Thomas 1 50 " " ." Moller 3 25 Fertilizers Voorhees 1 00 Peach Culture Fulton..., 1 50 Forage Crops other than Grasses Shaw 1 00 Pear Culture Quinn 1 00 Fruit Garden Barry 2 00 Play and Profit In mi) Garden E. P. Roe 2 00 Fumigation Methods Johnson 1 00 Practical Floriculture Henderson 1 50 Garden and Farm Tobies Menderso n 1 00 Practical Forestry S. Fuller 1 50 Gardening for Pleasure Henderson 1 50 Practical Poultry Keeper Wright 2 00 Gardening for Profit BJ Henderson 1 50 Grabe Culturist Fuller 1 50 Rose Culture Ellwanger 1 25 Grape Growers'Guide Chorlton 75 Success-in Market Gardening W. W. Rawson 1 00 Grasses and Forage Plants Flint 1 80 Small Fruits '.J.'...'....: Hills 1 00 Hand-Book of Plants Henderson 3 00 The Nut Culturist, Illustrated A. S. Fuller 1 50 Hardy Perennials Wood 200 Violet Culture (Commercial) Galloway 1 50 How the Farm Pays ....Henderson & Crozier 2 00 Your Plants, and How to Grow Them.. Sheehan 40 SEED MERCHANTS WEEBER & DON, AND GROWERS... Telephone, No. 2766 Cortiandt | | 4 Chambers Street, New York wccDcr & Don's Novelties and Specialties in vegetable seeds tor 1907 THE DON TOMATO New Extra Early forcing (Introduced by us last year) This new Tomato is remarkable for its bearing qualities, plants forming 3 to 6 stalks, and averaging in height 6 to 7 feet, with comparatively very little foliage. The plants are covered with clusters of fruit, averaging from 5 to 9 Tomatoes in each cluster bearing right down to the bottom of the stem. The fruit is of medium size, somewhat larger than the " Stir­ ling Castle" and is a much heavier cropper than that favorite variety. Color dark scarlet, very smooth, solid and almost globe shaped. For flavor and quality it is unequaled. We consider this Tomato the finest forcer yet introduced. It is also very valuable for first crop outside planting. In our trials last season it was two weeks ahead of all the others. Pkt. 25c. NEW EARLY TURNIP W. & D.'s White Model We consider this to be the earliest Turnip in cultivation, and feel sure that it will become a general favorite. It is quite round, medium sized, flesh perfectly white, and very sweet and juiey. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15&, y lb. 50c, lb. $1.50. 'The Don" Tomato BRUSSELS SPROUTS W. ir» D.'s Brechin Castle A remarkably flne, distinct, early variety, and a decided improve­ ment on many of the older sorts. The plants are of medium height, vigorous in growth, and entirely covered from top to bottom with solid dark green sprouts, very tender and of excellent flavor, remain­ ing a long time fit for use. Pkt. 25c, oz. $1.00. Brechin Castle Brussels Sprouts NEW WINTER CABBAGE The Volga This new variety is a very quick grower, maturing fully two weeks earlier than other late sorts. The heads are uniform, and very solid, weighing from 10 to 15 lbs. each, and the flesh is firm, white and tender. The Volga is con- sidered'the hardiest, and best winter cabbage yet intro­ The Volga Cabbage duced. Pkt. 10c., oz. 30c, 14 lb. $1.00. Novelties and specialties in Vegetable Seeds WEEBER y DON NEW WAX BUSH BEANS The Hodson This new long-podded variety is a very rank grower: the plants grow about 30 inches high bearing enormous quantities of long handsome pods, of a waxy cream-yellow color, and free from rust. Pt. 25 cts., qt. 50 cts. BEET Crimson Globe An extra fine early table Beet of medium size, uniformly round, and of a deep crimson color throughout. It has very small tap roots, is sweet, : tender and a good keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, \ML'ji:.. yf''' •- M s % lb. 60c. The Hodson Bean NEW CUCUMBER The Davis Perfect This new variety is undoubtedly the best of recent introduction both for forcing and itb&k%&BM growing out of doors. Shape, slim and sym­ metrical. Color, dark, glossy green, with an average length of 10 to 12 inches. Its excel­ lent eating qualities, shape, color, and pro­ ductiveness, place it without a rival. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % lb. $1.00. '.•:'•••'••• . ; '• •'£&. "Vii The Davis Perfect Cucumber The Don This Sweet Corn has proved superior to all other early sorts. It'is as early as the.Cory, with ears measuring from 8 to 10 inches long. The grains are pure white, sweet and tender, and have from 10 to 12 rows on each cob. Our private gardeners claim that for large size, earliness and productiveness it has no equal. Pt. 15c, qt. 25c, peck $1.50. W. £* D.'s Half-Long forcing This new half-long forcing carrot is of medium size,"of dark orange color, with very little core. The shape is perfect and has very small tops, making it desirable for forcing or growing in frames. It is also a good variety for outside planting. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, *4 lb 50c lb. $2.00. W. e* D.'s first and Best This is the earliest of all Cauliflowers. For forcing under o-lass during winter and spring, first and Best is peculiarly well adapted, from its dwarf growth and short outer leaves, and for this purpose no other cauliflower is now so largely grown. Pkt. 50c, %oz $2 50 oz. $8.00. ' ' W. & D.'s Forcing Carrot WEEBER y DON Novelties and Specialties in Vegetable Seeds NEW FORCING LETTUCE Ideal This new lettuce "will be found to be for forcing pur­ poses what May King has proved to be for garden culture. The heads are round, firm and of excellent quality. The earliest and best forcing variety in every respect. Pkt. 25c. LETTUCE f Iceberg Handsome variety with very solid heads, leaves curving in, and keeping center well blanched. Stands the heat well and does not run to seed. Always crisp and tender. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, Vi lb. 50c LETTUCE May King . An early outdoor variety and a good forcer. The heads are globe-shaped, large and solid; leaves yellow­ AI1SA CRAIG ONION ish green with brown tinge, crisp and tender. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, %. lb. 75c ONION Ailsa Craig A handsome, globular variety with pale straw- colored skin. It grows to an enor­ mous size; the flesh is beautifully white and mild, a splendid keeper, and for ex­ hibition purposes it cannot be sur­ passed. (Trueseed.) Pkt. 25c, oz. 75c. "THE GRAND" MUSK MELON NEW MUSK MELON NEW PEA The Grand Sutton's A high grade early variety of superior quality. The deep flesh is scarlet colored and of excellent flavor. The Excelsior fruit is uniform, of a good size, sets near the roots of the An extra early vigorous growing vines, and ripens 10-14 days earlier than the popular " Osage " variety. The superior^' and dwarf wrinkled earliness of this melon is sure to gain for it the favor of Pea, g r o w i n g every grower. Pkt. 10c, 3 pkts. 25c about iy2 ft. high. It is an immense cropper producing PEPPER large pods well fill­ Procops Giant ed with peas of de­ SUTTON S EXCELSIOR PEA A very large, fine red pepper, measuring 8 to 9 inches licious flavor. The in length, flesh verv thick, and of excellent quality. largest podded and heaviest cropping dwarf pea Pkt.
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