Information 3 Evaluatian of shear strength in cohesive soils with special reference to Swedish practice and experience ROLF LARSSON ULF BERGDAHL LEIF ERIKSSON STATENS GEOTEKNISKA INSTITUT EVALUATlON OF SHEAR STRENGTH IN COHE8­ IVE SOILS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SWE­ DISH PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE In this publication, information is given on how different test results and empirical experience can be weighted and combined to give the best possible estimation of the shear strength proper­ ties in cohesive soils. The procedure described has evolved during the continuing work at SGI as research results and practical experience from the Institute as weil as others have been obtained and taken into con­ sideration. The publication describes how the Institute cur­ rently proceeds in the evaluation of shear strength in cohesive soils. The intention has aiso been to bring about a more unified and objective proce­ dure t han that has been used up to now. Valuable views on this work have been given by colleagues in and outside the Institute. Linköping November 1984 Rolf Larsson Ulf Bergdahl Leif Eriksson CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 DEFINITIONs AND SYMBOLS 3 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED 4 AND SLIGHTLY OVERCONSOLIDATED SOILS eorrection of values of undrained shear strength 4 obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests Estimatian of shear strength values on the basis 5 of Hansbo's relation Estimatian of corrected shear strengths on the 6 basis of results from other soundings Estimatian of corrected shear strengths on the 6 basis of laboratory tests and empirical rela­ tions for undrained shear strength Selection of undrained shear strength 8 Estimatian of increase in shear strength at 8 consolidation SHEAR STRENGTH IN DRY CRUST, OVEReONSOLIDATED CLAY AND IN 9 CONNECTION WITH LAYERS WITH HIGH PORE WATER PRESSURES DRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH 9 CHOICE OF DRAINED OR UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH 10 EXAMPLE 10 REFERENCES 19 APPENDIX: BACKGROUND TO THE NEW RECOMMENDATION FOR CORRECTION OF 21 VALUES OF SHEAR STRENGTH OBTAINED BY VANE SHEAR TESTS AND F ALL CONE TESTS Introduction 22 Historical development up to 1969 22 SGI correction factors of 1969 23 Bjerrum's correction factors 23 Later studies of correction factors 23 Results from research on vane shear tests 25 Empirical relations for undrained shear strength 27 earrelations between empirical relations and full scale 29 failures in the field earrelations between empirical relations and shear strength 29 values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests eompilation of results and comparison with the new 30 recommended correction l INTRODUCTION In Sweden, calculation of stability in cohesive soil is mainly based on shear strength values determi­ ned by vane shear tests or fall cone tests. These values of shear strength have to be corrected be­ fore they are used in calculations. An engineer­ ing judgement must also be made as to the rel­ evancy of these corrected strengths to the par­ ticular case. An empirical knowledge of how the shear strength varies with plasticity, preconsolidation pressure and overconsolidation ratio has evolved from re­ sults from other types of tests such as triaxial tests and direct shear tests. A new sounding method, the combined cone pen­ etration test and pore pressure sounding (CPTV­ test), has also come into use. This method gives a good picture of stratigraphy and variation in shear strength, although it cannot yet be con­ sidered to give good enough numerical values of the shear strength. In this publication, a recommendation is given for how the shear strength values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests should be cor­ rected. Guidance is also given for how other test results, empirical knowledge and results from soundings can be incorporated in the engineering evaluation of "real" shear strength. The recommendation for correction of shear strength values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests given here does not involve any larger differences in the end result campared to the old SGI recommendation from 1969. The new procedure, however, is more precise and objec­ tive. The recommendation and the guidelines are main­ ly based on experience of Scandinavian soils and cannot be applied directly to soils from other geo­ logical regions. Part of the historical development and research that has led to the present recommendation and the empirical relations that are used is presented in an appendix. 2 DEFINITIONs AND SYMBOLS c' shear strength parameter CRS-test oedometer test with eonstant rate of strain FB calculated factor of safety at failure k eonstant point resistance in cone penetration tests time to failure reference time liquid limit (wL in equations is given in decimal numbers) coefficient !J. a 'c increase in preconsolidation pressure increase in undrained shear strength shear strength parameter correction factor for shear strength values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests existing overburden pressure a' effective normal stress preconsolidation pressure existing effective overburden pressure T shear stress uncorrected value of shear strength obtained by vane shear test uncorrected value of shear strength obtained by fall cone test Tf u undrained sh ear strength Tfd drained shear strength TACTIVE undrained shear strength at "active shear" TDIRECT SHEAR undrained shear strength at "direct shear" TPASSIVE undrained shear strength at "passive shear" TeR mobilized shearstress in passive triaxial tests at a deformation corresponding to the deformation at failure in active triaxial tests TAVERAGE average undrained shear strength (TACTIVE + TDIRECT SHEAR +T PASSIVE)/3 ~VERA GE from laboratory tests value of shear strength obtained by vane shear test with a waiting time of 5 minutes between installation and start of the test value of shear strength obtained by vane shear test with a waiting time of 24 hours between installation and start of the test value of shear strength obtained by vane shear test with standard rate of rotation value of shear strength obtained by vane shear test with a rate of rotation giving the time to failure 3 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN NORMALL Y CONSOLIDATED AND SLIGHTLY OVERCONSOLIDATED SOILS Correction of values of undrained shear strength obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests The correction that was previously recom­ The correction factor l1 is a function of the mended by SGI dated 1969 and consequently liquid limit w1 and can be calculated from did not include the research results obtained during the last 15 years. 1t implied a pre­ 043 045 treatment of the measured values which JA = (- l - ) l ~o 5 was subjective and also differed from what WL l is customary in other countries. or taken from Fig. l. New building codes, new methods for statis­ tical treatment of measured data and also w1 in the equation is expressed as a deci­ the need for compilation and comparison mal number. of experiences demand a uniform treatment of the measured data. This also calls for Correction factors higher than 1.2 ought an according actjustment of SGPs correction not to be used without supporting evidence factors. 1t is therefore now recommended from complementary investigations. that s hear strength values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests be corrected Each shear strength value ought to be cor­ with respect to the liquid limit of the soil rected using a correction factor calculated in accordance with from the appropriate liquid limit. For cor­ rection of a shear strength value obtained by vane shear test a determination of the TfU= JA • Ty liquid limit at the same point is thus nor­ TfU =JA• Tk mally required. where Tf u= undrained shear strength The corrected shear strengths are then plot­ l1 = correction factor ted as a shear strength profile versus depth. Tv = shear strength value In slopes created by erosion, the strengths obtained by vane shear are normally plotted versus elevation. An test engineering evaluation of the corrected Tk = shear strength value ob­ strengths considering all other known pro­ tained by fall cone test perties of the soil is then made. After even­ 1,3 l l l 1,2 l ::s__ 11 \ 0::: o \ l- u <( 1,O LL z 0,9 \ o \ l­ u w 0,8 ~ 0::: 0::: o ;;IL u 0,7 """ ~ K ~ 0,6 l-- 1---- 0,5 r-­ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 LIQUID LIMIT, wl% Fig 1. Re.c.omme.nde.d c.oJUte mon 6ac;toJL nOfL .6 he.cuz.. .6Vl. e.ng-th vatuu o b-tained b!f van e. .6he.cuz.. -tuu o!L t)at.t c.on e. -tut. 4 tual exclusion, supplementation or modifi­ which are normal for the type of soil in cation of values considered erroneous on question. The typical result in normally con­ the basis of the following guidelines, aver­ solidated and slightly overconsolidated ages of the corrected shear strengths are Scandinavian soils is that the shear strength then used in the caleulations. values obtained by vane shear tests and fall cone tests mainly follow Hansbo's relation. The correction factors are based on arith­ metic averages of measured shear strength Tv,k =oc · 0.45 wL (Hansbo 1957) values and consequently arithmetic averages of corrected shear strengths must be used where when more than one shear strength value Tv= uncorrected shear strength from the same level is taken into consider­ value from vane shear tests ation. Tk = uncorrected shear strength value from fall cone test In cases where only a few determinations = preconsolidation pressure of shear strength have been made, this de­ ac ficiency should be accounted for by the re­ WL = liquid limit quired calculated factor of safety. A compilation of a number of shear strength values obtained by vane shear tests in Scan­ Estimatian of shear strength values on the dinavian soils is shown in relation to precon­ basis of Hansbo's relation solidatian pressure and liquid limit in Fig.
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