^*B^#&I% Attli^iM^flfl 1 7 "^ ^y^O-il-p)^ ^ ^ 4i Jk it H 17 ^ r*H/xa*tteMiftiP¥»H43^^-r4i^@»iMi6ftE * k, ssms (37) iism35;a3^ ra*4fcgi3ttHStt--f.ft^ttKM^{tE mmn (85) r*B««K»r^ftiaM^ftE £.«£ (117) 't'H## mMmm-fi'kmm^mmvi f 17 -!• 19 8 2 rt ^ jsj ^ £ 90 mmm). 290 #(vE#), K^^^ 26 ifm (irSEM). iso if# (irSZ + 1 14 # ^ * 4^ ^ <k J(L ^ \h ^ ittf-V^miPi-KVa in % * 1982^6 ;3JB — (IR 9f*:787X1092 l/l6 1982^6 ^m-^EnM nn5K:iii/4 ttS : i6 • rflSk 0001—2,400 ^^ : 257,000 tt— *9 : 13031 • 1882 *li*^ : 2557' 13—16 S at: 2.50 7c f4SiT^@: 24-32 3 mi7^ ^m^^^mM^^^^^m%B\M'f^\ No. 17 1982 ^ 6 ^ Mem. of Nanjing Inst, of Geol. & Palaeont., Acad. Sinica Jun., 1982 m f=t *:X^ffi^fi^mS^^^^^^^^^PA6^^^^ 1972-1974 ^iHl^i^m^^ (-) BfeeM1tt:<^:5i^ ^6tlM^W Valvata sp., Hydrobia anhuiensis Pan (sp. nov.), //. langxiensis Pan(sp. nov.), Parhydrobia minima Pan (sp. nov.), Peringia carinata Pan (sp. no\\) , Reesidella oiientalis Pan (sp. nov.), R. rotundaconvexa Pan (sp. nov^,Truneatalla sp., T.rabora Pan(sp. nov.), T. obliqua Pan (sp. nov.), T. crassolabia Pan (sp. nov.), T. xuanchengensisPza (^sp. nov,), Hippeutis langxiensis Pan (sp. nov.)o ^Ll^if^^ ^ Valvaia sp. ^^iI^l^±SM^K:^ •&m*rS5>^6tl^t5o Truneatella M^'M.m^^^^n^mt'^o ^4^ Truneatella rabora H1{'/::TlW-WM^^i^Wif^^ T. maxima Yu et Lee ^^^UoParhydrobia minima Pan (sp. nov.) -^affiiT^^#t_h^^^]^;^fl^^^ Parhydrobia yuanshuiensis Yu tt^tgjfio i?e«/Vf//fl on>«/«//V Pan (sp. nov.) ^{J^^tim^l^SJEitSffnji.'efitJttS^SffHif^ ^#tm^^m#So ^T±3iM^l^^h. Hydrobia, Hippeutis mm^^m5^^^mf^^ 2 ^mm^^mp.mm^^^^m^mmn %n^ ^J^^*S^^fe^J^3^5^^S^^^^S*, S^rfnSm^Jl^W Theodoxus xuancheng. ensis Yu (sp. nov.), Bithynia loxostoma Wang (^sp. nov.), Pupoides (^I schnopupoides^ antiquus Yu et Wang, Enteroplaxo luosigangensis Yii (sp. nov.), Prionolabium polyptychium Yii (gen. et sp. nov.), Xuanchengospira jlexilabrosa Yii (gen. ct sp. nov,), Archaeozonites luosigangensis Yii (sp. nov.), Anhuispira granulijera Yii (gen. et sp. nov.), Giffordius antiquus Wang (sp. nov.), Multiscapta raris Yii (gen. et sp. nov.), Ganeselloides latus Wang (sp. nov.), Undatornatus peregrinus Wang (gen. et sp. nov.), Crenatilabiellus profundus Wang (gen. ct sp. nov.)o l.mt'^^, Ganeselloides -m^^^^\h-^Mm^^W\^'^]^m.]Ho ^ M^ffii^fl^ Ganeselloides latus -^^P^^^^^^^fff" Ganeselloides marianus Yen ^^Uo Pupoides (Ischnopupoides) antiquus ^^-'MMfU-'^Mi^^-'r^l.^^WM^^^ ff^ )*PBf.1^^*. ±§13^^5ilWi^^^o Bithynia loxostoma r-^'^l^^-M.^^^^Mm^. ^6t) Stalioa deschiensis Deshayes tS^fl^o Theodoxus xuanchengensis ^'m.^^^^^^M^^ l^|5ft" (Sannoisian stage) ^ Theodoxus (Theodoxus'>^ cryptospiroides (Fontannes) ^{Ko y^^n^'^mnm.^t'^ Mirolaminatus -^lIj^sWl£M43^J^^^[Rl-^^,'giil:^^ ^M^^m^n^rt^nm^1iK^^^1:K^^m':kMm Pkysa yuanchUensis Yu ^ Australorbis odhneri Yen, T ig*jAL^Lij®Mffi5^i-tfe±^if^Miim4Jo Hjtfc, ^^^it H. >ft ^ fS ii ^tS3E^ Prosobranchia iiiillf4 Neritidae ^H^iSJll Theodoxus Montfort, 1810 ^^?lll#iR(|3T=H') Theodoxus xuanchengensis Yu(8p. nov.) ^^m-. t^m^&m^mw-m^mmmm&mt^ mo ^n^^^,mg;k:,^M JS s «i^) g iS ^ ^ i^ ^ ^ ^Pi^g ^n^g 36257 9.50 10.50 7.50 6.00 36256 9.00 10.50 8.00 7.00 36255 8.40 8.50 7.00 5.80 tb«i ^^^nm^^^^mrmm^WL^m^m Theodoxus (Theodoxus-}) cryptospi- roides (Fontannes) ^i^U.'^n±^.'^l'W^^^^m(-'^m^.^mU^%±\>XR%^^ fi4^xf4 Valvatidae StlM Va/vafa Miiller, 1774 S4S(^^^) Va/yafa sp. (®)KI, ® 18-20) ^£fth|t]-liirxii^-f§, m^li^r^ii^M^, ^m-^m-m^o ±«M^fl,T«® *rg;k:a^6^1^?Lo ^Pia?^,f« 1.26 m^.% 1.47 «^,^®1$^^0JS6lj^^^o tK^^ Hydrobiidae TKiiM Hydrohia Hartmann, 1821 $?R7)c4i(^f4') Hydrobia anhuiensis Pan (sp. nov.) (Sftgl, S6,7) kk^ jit^^^mW. Hydrobia acuta (Draparnaud) ^^tgf:!,!!^? #^!gJ^^^di, tpmm^^mp.m^-^^'ii^m'^mmn 17^ 6P}|l7KiS(|5Tf4') Hydrohia langxiensis Pan (sp. nov.) (SRgi. S 10,11) «l^ ^#:^/h,a^,ift^^, ^ift 2.3 «^,1S 1.05 «^, :i: 5 ^^Ifo ^IS?L^ =f-mM^^^u(ho ^^mm,^m^o MmMmE:m^>i]u%KM±> ^^^^Mm 1/2, Kmi^j^^o is^pa,5cB^?Lo ^nm3m,M 0.63 m^,% 0.55 m^,±^'^n'jdt,y -r-mi^-^^^f^^ Hydrobia chopardina (de Loriol) ^^^U^^m^^^'i^^^'^M 7K!«(*3£#) Hydrobia sp. (SRgI, 4,5) ^^Eao !liIr^®Blfl, *!li5r^M^s^, ^M^fS]]S§i5ii^^o -.A. ^Mi^?^c jkSPI JSTKiiJS Parhydrobia Cossmann, 1913 ^'J^ifiTKJSC^'H') Parhydrobia minina Pan (sp. nov.) (SKI, S 12,13) 1^ iH ^ ^ iBj ^ % ^Piisg ^P3ES 36301 3.36 1.39 0.84 0.88 36300 2.4 1.00 HH^G^s'^l^fr (Bartonian stage) ^nJ^ST^C Lutetian stage) Wif^ Parhydrobia subulata ^.^m-. m^^&m^^m^m^^immm&mit^ -ffiRJiJl Peringia Paladilhe, 1874 ^'^i^^Wsi^^) Peringia carinata Pan (sp. nov.) (MUh S8,9) J£ ft («^) g iH -t 7C H ^ ^ ^PiSS %U%^ 36305 4.62 3.00 1.76 1.47 36306 5.04 3.30 1.89 1.68 Pm-/7^/a Mf^o lltiJ'h, iT^-^i*HE^^:Hfe-¥-mH^B^^Ti5A- (Xhaneticn stage) mt^^ Peringia turgidula (Deshayes) W^tgf:i, {0|tI^^*!^I^T§Pl*:^^-yclS^M^0JM, J£^ m^^M Acrostele Wenz, 1925 S§r°l^'feiS?(ifflt) Acrostele? incertum Pan (sp. nov.") (Sfigl, ® 14,15) fl«V«/a (Sandberger) ^^ffifK,g?W6^^|^SA-a^^o T^ifeM^i ^tii#o M^i^^ Reesidella Yen, 1951 ^^MKiS(^W) Reesidella orientalis Pan (sp. nov.) (®)igl. ® 26,27) Hf^o M^mM.M9wmmM^i^mMmy^< r^ ^0JM,Mi^?^o T^il^fNiSA,!^ xpmm^mmp.mm^^^B^^mmn 17^ Jt s («^) § iS ^ ^ iSi 7C X- ^Pi^S ^n^m 36316 8.2 6 4.1 3.4 36317 7.9 5.2 4.0 3.4 ^mT^Mmmf^tfd Reesidella montanaensis (Stanton) ^-:^^U,^'^n^^-^=^m^^ 7==ilfeM<i ^J ^/A m;'M.m^^^o I§ldhMR4^(^f4') Reesidella rotundaconvexa Pan (sp. nov.) (Sligl, ® 28,29) S ft («^) g iH ^ % m ^ $ ^PiSS: ^P?£S 36321 7.00 5.40 4.00 3.50 36320 6.80 5.00 ii^JlSM^ (S. T. Mary River formation, Willow Creek formation) ^f^^ Reesidella sp. cf. R. protea (Yen) ^^W^UMm^^i^Wh.Mm^m.o SL*^M Bithynia Leach, 1818 ffiDs!41R(^=M') Bithynia loxostoma Wang (sp. nov.) mWL n. S5,6) ^fxm: ^mm&m^^^m^m^mmms^mit^ m («^) § xH ^ ^ i^ ^ ^ ^mMM 36328 9.20 5.50 6.50 36327 9.40 6.00 6.70 36326 10.00 6.60 7.30 kkSt it^^?:^^^^} 4f:^tl?^-^ Stalioa deschiensi Desh. (Cossmann et Pissarro, 1910, pi. XIV. fig. 90-2) m'^X^^m^^^^^MUm^hM^^U^lu^^no >5lclls!JS(^f4') Bithynia ravidiatrata Wang (sp. nov.) (SMII, ® 7,8) § ia ^ ^ i^ 70 "Xt 36342 7.00 4.60 36341 5.80 3.90 hongl^ongensis (Yen) ^f:i,^^:t;^^^tl]^^^]^^tB >^^M^fi^#tiEo l£iKf4 Truncatellidae #i^M Truncatella Risso, 1826 ^^^iS(llT^) Truncatella xuanchengensis Pan (sp. nov.) (®M n. S 9-11) stage) f^f^^ Truncatella parisiensis Deshayes W^t@fK»'fM^lRl:^^^^tl)^^liJ^MBg- ^m^^^mp.mm-s^^mnmmn 17^ J^^^tSC^^) Truncatella crassolabia Pan (sp. nov.) (SIS I. S 23-25) tklgE Jhfcif^6^^l^a£tt?^. m^-M^{hm^%^^ Truncatella xuanchengensis Pan ^l^o ^9V,'^^mit±.^^^m^^i^mrm TruncateUa sp. ^^^tS^fi, {Ittl ^^ r^m^ iRiitj^o tt^feJSC^f^') Truncatella rahora Pan (sp. nov.) (SfiSn, a 3,4) -^ g tH ^ rl] ^ 3£ ^Pi^S ^P3ES 36332 5.70 3.20 2.50 2.00 kb^ ^luirf+fit]— M#tIE-^ Truncatella xuanchengensis Pan (sp. nov.) :t^|gf:i> J^ifeMti ^J ,/,\ m^'M.m^^^o ifeiiC^Jllfl') Truncatella sp. (Eiisi. a 16,17) f§. s (1i^) § ia ^- ^ S ^ *^ ^Pi«6S ^n?ES 36335 6.60 ,^ . 30 2.60 2.20 36333 6.40 2.40 2.20 1.80 36V34 6.40 3.00 2.40 2.00 ^^m-. ^mm&m^^m^m^mmmm&mit^ ^^ilC^ft) Truncatella ohliqua Pan (sp. nov.) (Sligii, 1,2) *i5^ %w.w\^M'^A\^m^>%% 5.6 «^,ig 2.2 «^, ^ 3 ^rn^^o %wh. m ^,% 1.5 «^,±^^^,T^BI:^^,i5'h^^ftM^?^,MSM^4,a#3£^mo kb^ ^ fifif ^6^^t*:;^/J^^^flfi^l|5r^M m^^mn Truncatella xuanchengensis Pan (sp. nov.) ^^tgfi^,{a|t]^6t]^I^^^M^,*il!i£f 0JST^4,^P^5P?^o ^BA^iSCIfrf'l') Truncatella arcicostata Wang (sp. nov.) (SMI, S 21,22) fili^ ^fr«#^^^,^^ 5.2 «^,lg 2.2 «^, 'D^gTSaH^^^liif, ;^^S m^:tr, mn^^, m^-t^i^, m^mmo *4ii^*^^iS:^¥, M^m^m^^^m^^ Truncatella antediluviane Deshayes ^U^^Wi'WMMf^^^^^B^^^o MitlM^ Pulmonata ^i^§ Basonunatophora Wi%¥i[ Physidae }^i^^ Physa Draparnaud, 1801 ^A)^il Physa yuanchiiensis Yii (Sfigll, S 12,13) 1922 Physa ci. lambeni Odhner, (non Deshayes 1863), % 127 M.SRS 1, S 5, 6^ 1943 Aplexa cf. pulchella Orbigny, Yen, p. 289. 1949 Physa QAplexa') cf. pulchella Orbigny, Suzuki, p. 210. 1963 Physa yuanchiiensis Yii, 5^R,Il[S,$i=-#,|^ 280 S,®)jg 61, S "c 1965 Physa yuanchiiensis, YQ, ^ 34 J^,m^ 1, S 20— 25o 10 tpmn^^mp^mm-^^^m^mmn 17% l^B^iSJUClffft) Physa temdcostta Wang (sp. nov.) (SliSII, S 20,21) \tn ^§J^^mmJ2.M±mm^ Physa acuta wattsi Arndd S^?^jg:^®^ ^ )S«(*^ft) Physa 8p. (SIKH, a 19) J^ife^ti lRlmII4'o J^^iS^ Planorbiidae BliiStlJl Glyptophysa Crosse, 1872 8l)S!!«?(*^f+)G/ypfopAj.sa? sp. (SKgii, S18) SlJ^iSiS^ja Hippeutis Charpentier, 1837 spin BUSi£4S(^^) Hippeutis langxiensis Pan (sp.
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