INDEX ABADAN (Map p . 386), 374, 383-7 Ajax, British cruiser (Plate p. 271), 224-5 , ABADAN ISLAND (Map p . 386), 383-7 230-1, 234, 241, 307-8, 316, 327, 329, 332n, ABANG ISLAND, 561-2 333n, 338, 343, 345, 350-1, 354-5, 379, 382, Amon', Hon C . L. A., 594 406 ; with 7th Cruiser Squadron, 301 ; carries ABBREVIATIONS, List of, 653-4 troops to Greece, 305-6 ABDA COMMAND (Map p . 520), 516, 518-27, Ajax, French submarine, 219 534, 536, 553, 558, 560, 563, 578, 580, 581-4, Akagi, Japanese aircraft carrier, 466, 471, 585, 585, 597, 600-1, 603-6, 627, 632, 634, 636, 603 649 ; naval organisation, 517, lacks cohesion, Akbar, British ship, 204 552 ; dissolved, 602, 625 . Akebono, Japanese destroyer, 171, 599, 623 ABDAFLOAT, 517, 519, 553, 558, 57 1 Akltsu Maru, Japanese aircraft ferry, 620n Abdiel, British minelayer, 350-1, 360, 361n, Alagna, Australian ship, 596n 395, 402 Albatross, Australian seaplane carrier, 26, 29, ABDUL ILLAH, Amir, 37 5 30, 39, 17 0 Aberdeen, British sloop, 228 n ALBANIA (Maps pp . 148, 161), 142, 147, 228-9 , ABEY, 38 1 230, 239, 241-2 Abingdon, British minesweeper, 15 8 ALBANY (Maps pp. 261, 272), 92, 110, 140 , ABOUKIR, 143-4 260, 262, 577n ; War Signal Station at, 40 Abruzzi, Italian cruiser, 309, 31 0 Alcides, Norwegian ship, 107 Abukuma, n Japanese cruiser, 467, 471, 537, 603 Alden, American destroyer, 490, 511, 531-2 , ABYSSINIA (Map p. 202), 154n, 202, 286, 374 ; 554, 600, 609, 61 8 . Italy invades, 35, 145 ; war in, 146, 148, 151 , ALERS-HANKEY, 153 Capt C . B ., 120n, 397 n Achilles, New Zealand cruiser, 82, 126, 260 , ALEUTIAN ISLANDS (Map p . 485), 497, 645 284, 470, 486, 510-12, 521, 59 8 ALEXANDRIA (Maps pp. 161, 304), 123, 135, AcHIN HEAD, 80, 133 138-9, 145-6, 149, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162-4, ADAMS, Rear-Adm W . L. G., 385-6, 388, 52 4 167-9, 172-4, 180-1, 183-5, 193-5, 197-8, 199, ADDISON, Admiral Sir Percy, 65 1 206-8, 211, 221, 223-4, 226, 230-1, 233, 236, ADDU ATOLL, 525, 56 3 238-9, 241, 244, 253, 286-7, 289, 290, 292-3 , ADELAIDE, 125, 128, 129, 270, 276, 422n, 436n, 296, 300-3, 305, 307, 309, 315, 317, 318, 319-20, 577n 324, 327, 332, 334, 338, 340-3, 347-9, 350-1 , Adelaide, Australian cruiser (Plate p . 15), 5, 354, 356-9, 360-1, 364, 373, 379, 380, 382, 12n, 22-3, 28, 47, 57, 58, 66, 87, 103, 109, 390-3, 394-7, 400, 402-3, 405-6, 407-8, 414n , 115, 117, 118, 259, 260, 270, 279, 284, 436, 494, 525, 52 7 451, 470, 486-7, 496, 519, 521, 576, 580, 650 ; Alfie Cam, Australian auxiliary minesweeper, converts to oil fuel, 39; escorts Strathallan, 259n 84; becomes Western Force cruiser, 110 ; Alfieri, Italian destroyer, 31 6 visits Vila, 263- 6 ALGECIRAS BAY, 39 8 ADEN (Maps. pp . 46, 148, 202), 87, 90, 93.4, Algerie, French cruiser, 149 97, 133-4, 138, 199, 200, 201-3, 205, 227 , ALGIERS (Map p. 161), 146, 14 9 241, 244, 338, 365, 366n, 370, 375, 396, 400 , ALICE SPRINGS, 586 403, 442, 59 7 ALLEN, A . G ., 54 6 ADEN, GULF OF (Maps pp . 148, 202), 79, 112 , ALLEN, Capt A . M . R ., 427 133-4, 168, 199, 206, 243, 368, 372, 51 1 Allenwood, Australian minesweeper, 411 n ADI UGRI (Map p . 202), 206, 373 ALLIED TRANSLATOR AND INTERPRETER SECTION, Adjutant, Norwegian ship, 447 506 n Admiral Graf Spee, German battleship, 77-8, ALOR ISLAND, 580 79-80, 82-3, 86, 135, 138 Altmark, German oiler, 78, 83 Admiral Halstead, American ship, 510n, 589, Amagtri, Japanese destroyer, 559 593 ; damaged in Darwin raid, 59 5 AMAMI 0 SHIMA, 506 Admiral Hipper, German cruiser, 7 8 Amatsukaze, Japanese destroyer, 603 Admiral Scheer, German battleship, 77-8, 81 , Amber, British armed trawler, 203, 306 105, 245, 367-8, 449, 51 1 AMBON (Map p . 512), 474, 488, 496, 503, 529, Admiral Wiley, American ship, 124 533, 551-2, 581, 585, 636 ; Australian reinforce- ADMIRALTY; see BRITISH NAVY ment, 42 7 ADMIRALTY ISLANDS (Map p. 423), 538-9, 543 , AMBON BAY, 552 545 AMERICA, UNITED STATES OF, 6-7, 83, 115, 140, Adrastus, British ship, 563, 579n 169, 214, 248-9, 257, 266, 285, 337, 351n , ADRIATIC SEA (Map p . 161), 142, 147, 234, 240 , 363, 427, 430, 436, 439, 465, 469-70, 492 , 241-2 497, 500, 505, 507-8, 510, 515-16, 550, 555 , AEGEAN SEA (Maps pp . 161, 232), 152-3, 156 , 597, 633, 637-8, 640, 648 ; increases naval 163-4, 184, 187, 195, 197-8, 208-9, 210, 224, expenditure, 27 ; agrees to reduce capita l 226, 238-9, 241, 292, 299, 300-1, 303-5, 307, ships, 28 ; increases shipbuilding, 33 ; battle- 316, 319, 322, 324, 335-6, 341, 343-4, 347, ship limits fixed 1938, 39 ; orders return of 349, 521, 556, 560 fleet to Pacific, 58 ; naval frontiers, 213; AFRICA, 114, 142-3, 144, 146-8, 156-7, 162, 167, criticises Dakar expedition, 220 ; fails to sup- 170, 211, 215, 229, 240n, 364-5, 374, 398 , port Britain, 253 ; Japanese prepare for wa r 642, 648 ; see also EAST AFRICA, NORTH against, 250-7 ; represented at Singapore con- AFRICA, SOUTH AFRICA, WEST AFRICA ference, 267 ; remains neutral in Pacific, 268 ; Africa Shell, British tanker, 80-2, 13 5 declares Red Sea and Gulf of Aden "non- Afric Star, British ship, 448 combat zones", 372 ; considers possibility of Afrika, Danish ship, 13 4 war with Japan, 424 ; strategical employmen t AGENTIUM ISLAND, 61 7 of forces, 428-9 ; agrees with recommendations Agnita, British ship, 449 of Anglo-Dutch-Australian conference, 431 ; AGRIA GRABOUSA ISLAND, 192 unprepared for war, 437 ; agrees to Atlanti c AGULHAS, CAPE, 124, 126, 200 Charter, 442 ; promised British support, 446 ; AGULHAS BANK, 11 3 negotiates with Japan for peace, 461, 486 ; AHLBACH, Yeoman of Signals, 45 3 rearmament program, 513-14; West Coast Aikoku Maru, Japanese cruiser, 500n, 515 n communications, 541 ; development of Aus- AILINGLAP, 28 1 tralia as base, 601 ; command problems,. Airone, Italian torpedo boat, 225n 646-7 656 INDE X AMERICAN AIR FORCES, 508, 585n ; losses in ANGOLA, 21 2 Philippines, 498 ; diverted to Brisbane, 510 ; ANIR ISLAND (Map p. 423), 546, 634 sight Japanese Menado force, 530 ; at Dar- ANKARA, 33 5 win, 591 ; reinforce Java, 59 7 Anking, British depot ship, 518, 617, 626 , AMERICAN ARMY, 462, 508 ; casualties at Pearl 629n, 630-1 Harbour, 493n ; reinforces Australia, 510, 515, Anniston City, American ship, 38 5 550, 645• in Philippines, 516 ; reinforces ANSALDO, G., 110-1 1 Timor, 580-1, 585 Anson, British battleship, 442n — UNITS : 147 Field Artillery, 580-1 ; 14 8 ANrHONY, R. (Plate p . 463), 56n Field Artillery, 58 1 ANTI-COMINTERN PACT, 63 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, 251 ; transfers destroy- ANTIGUA ISLAND, 21 3 ers to Britain, 213 ; Anglo-American talks , ANTIKITHERA CHANNEL (Map p . 328), 184, 224 , 1940, 266-7 ; passes "Two-Ocean Navy" Bill , 327, 343 437 ; approves Lend-Lease, 438 ; freeze s ANTIKITHERA ISLAND (Map p . 358), 228n, 339 Japanese assets, 440 ; negotiations with Japan , Antilochus, British ship, 525n 441, 461 ; arranges inter-Allied conference at Anton's, Greek ship, 44 8 Singapore, 500 ; allotment of Perth to ABD A Anzac, Australian destroyer, 5n, 12n, 650 area, 553 ; British-American Routeing Agree- ANZAc AREA (Map p . 520), 519, 520, 551, 553 , ment (BUSRA) established, 644-5 ; unity with 635, 646-8 Allies attained, 64 9 ANZAC FORCE, allotment of ships to, 519-21 ; —JOINT DEFENCE BOARD, 21 3 Leander joins, 553 ; proposed employment of, —NAVY DEPARTMENT, 497 584, 597-8 — SUPREME WAR COUNCIL, WASHINGTON, 507 Aoba, Japanese cruiser, 467, 472, 509, 53 7 AMERICAN NAVY, 248-9, 253, 266-7, 426, 445 , AOSTA, DUKE OF, 374 507-8, 588, 643 ; battleship strength 1924, 2 ; APARRI, 472, 499 visits Australia, 23 ; trade protection prob- Aphis, British gunboat, 133, 287-8 lems, 25 ; proposed employment in defence APOLLO BAY, 27 1 of Malaya, 42-3 ; shadows Perth, 132 ; at APOLLONIA (Map p . 291), 297 Hawaii, 249-50, 407 ; sends observer to Oct Aquarius, American ship, 568n 1940 Singapore Conference, 257-8 ; planne d Aquitania, British ship, 103, 110, 113, 258n, employment of capital ships in Atlantic an d 259-60, 367n, 434, 452, 459, 512, 524 at Gibraltar, 429 ; appoints naval attache i n ARABIA (Maps pp . 148, 369), 91n, 371, 374 Canberra, 432 ; development of "Two Ocea n ARABIAN SEA (Map p . 369), 80, 91, 64 2 Navy", 437 ; transfers units of Pacific Fleet ARAFURA SEA (Map p . 591), 590 to Atlantic, 438 ; cooperation with Britis h ARAKI, General Sadao, 247 Navy, 460-1, 462 ; strategic control of, 488 - Aramis, Norwegian ship, 107n 91 ; strength and losses in capital ships, 494 ; Arashi, Japanese destroyer, 606, 628- 9 adopts defensive role, 500, 510 ; reorganisa- Arashio, Japanese destroyer, 582- 3 tion after Pearl Harbour, 514 ; responsibilities Arawa, British armed merchant cruiser, 61 , in Pacific, 516 ; allots ships to Anzac Area, 139, 200, 246, 448 519, 551 ; attacks Balikpapan invasion con- ARBUTHNOT, Admiral Sir Geoffrey, 38 3 voy (first US surface action), 534-5 ; attacks Archerfish, American submarine, 467 Marshall and Gilbert Islands, 550-1 ; in ABDA ARCHER POINT, 12 7 Area, 553-8, 571, 573-4; escorts Timor re- ARCHIBALD, AB J . R ., 632n inforcement convoy, 581, 585 ; attacks Bali ARCTIC PASSAGE, 38 3 invasion convoys, 581-4; in 19 Feb Darwin ARCTIC SEA, 21 4 raid, 592, 595 ; raids Wake Island, 598 ; ARDENNES, 353 n ships in Surabaya, 599 ; in Java Sea battle, AREA COMBINED HEADQUARTERS, 121-2, 124 , 607-9, 610-24 ; ships leave Java, 625 ; attemp t 420-4, 486, 53 3 to stem Japanese thrust ends, 633 ; and ARENDS ISLAND, 607 BUSRA organisation, 644-5 ; strength in- Arethusa, British cruiser, 163, 399 creases, 648 Argonauta, Italian submarine, 168 n — FLEETS : Asiatic, 427, 429, 430, 489, 490, Argus, British "Queen Bee " tender, 114, 149 , 504, 506-7, 519, 553 ; destroyer strength in 198, 212 Western Pacific, 469 ; deployment in Western ARGYROKASTRO, 24 1 Pacific, 473 ; agrees to operate cruisers i n Ariake, Japanese destroyer, 60 6 Malay barrier area, 488 ; based on Darwi n Ariel, Italian torpedo boat, 225 n and Fremantle, 589 ; Atlantic, 438, 494 ; ARITA, General Hachiro, 24 9 Pacific, 429, 431, 438, 463, 465, 471, 514n , Arizona, American battleship, 469, 493 n 520 ; strength of, 468-9 ; at Pearl Harbour , Ark Royal, British aircraft carrier, 80, 82, 163 , 477, 491, 493 ; adopts defensive role, 497 , 173, 179, 183, 208, 214, 217, 220, 233, 398, 540-1 443, 445 ; sunk, 40 2 —GROUPS AND FORCES : Enterprise Group , ARLISS, Vice-Adm S .
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