i'-.;·: Page Twolve THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, April 8, 1954 Thursday, April 8, 1954 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Page Thirteen: lender of Germnn Jcwcy wns held even made the long trip from the Ch.orlcs Tadman, Leo Davis, DavJd quest for human betterment, is now that they did not create Him, but thnt spcct, would sec them facing in Moses for ransom, but he remained stcnd- ,np camp nt Fochrenwnld, south of Haid es acting officer commanding Censer, Sllm Portlgnl, Al Levin·. • • Cohn. busy nt work on his forthcoming He created them. The pcrsonaHty of The Fate of the 100-Year-Old fnst in his refusal to permit his co- Munich, DeMille To Produce Story Of Moses and n personality too ·big for their nc~ No. 1 Trained Soldier company at • • • production bused on the life of Moses. Moses, ns portrayed in the Bible, is ceptnncc und understanding." Shilo camp, wns nnnounccd by mili­ rcliglonl.sts to purchase his freedom, They all stop nt the spot In down­ (From tho Fllos of Tho Westorn Jowish Nows) • RCesa Slgcsmund1 pupil of Nena Behind the new venture is the same vivid, his individual chnrnctcristics In his motion picture, "The Ten tary authorities, 5 Years Aga, 1949 "Rashi Shul" lest such n precedent inspire the Em- town Worms where the Synagogue Trepel, obtained the highest marks The ' Ten Commandments brilliant fervor which produced such • Ben Gladstone* was named . mitzvah. of their son, Jack, at the urc lively nnd unmistakable. The Commandments/' DcMillc will point peror to repeat this species of blnck- used to stnnd-the Romanesque nuc- 25 Years Ago, 1929 (Continued on next Page, By LEON GUTI'ERl\1AN be prClduced by the greatest crentor • • • d1airmnn of Young People's Hebrew Fr1cnds' Temple, profitable Biblical masterpieces as Bible, hnwcvcr, has little to say about out that the Hebrew, Christian and • Lieut. Phlncas Shraggc, son of YOuth By SAM MILLER though, that the first Jews came here mail. Unyielding to the end, Rabbi Jeus erected in 1034, tho Gothic-style • Officers elected nt the Boys' _synn• HOLLYWOOD-The greatest film of motion pictures, Cecil B. DeMillc. Aliyah organization. goguc meeting were Harry G, Good­ • • "The King of Kings," the 1923 (silent) the young Moses. There is n 33-ycar Moslem religions nil stem from one l\lr. and Mrs. J. Shraggc o[ Etlmon­ WORMS-When Nazi vandals s~t together with the Roman legionnircs, Meir passed away in prison. wing added in 1218, and the "Rashi • the history of the motion pictures, DeMillC, who has distinguished ' • At the Montcflore Bowling Histadrut Pays Tribute 1n "Then Commandments" and ''Samson span nbout which nothing jg said. individual-Moses. '!'he Hebrew faith ton, was JJromotcd to U10 rank or . H. fire to the synagogues in this ·Rhine- Around the year 1000 at any rate, re- Other gaonim, too, were buried in Chapel" that was constructed in 1624. man, Harry Asowitch, Jack Cohen, •(Continued from page 10) and Dclilnh.'' Herc we must turn to contemporary • Dorothy Korn of thC Maccab~nm land town during · the November cords- of the Cologne Fair show the Worms cemetery-in 1427, for Thoughtfu11y, they survey the rubble Aaron Dorodit.'>ky, Lawrence J. banquet, Sam· Llbennnn was de­ "The Ten Commandments.'' is soon to himself through his plcturcs in the did not take place until Moses cn11L'lln In No, 10 comiiany, Royal "During this period he has. raised · DcMillc is a man who has proven history, Although the Scriptures arc Zionist club was crowned Queen pogroms of 1038, the walls remained among the visitors a Jewish merchant example, Morenu Jacob Ben Moses strewn plot left behind not by nn un­ Dalen, Max: C. Waldhorn, Isadore clared the most improved bowler. brought the commandments tO his Canadian Army Corps in Winnipeg. the prestige of the Histadrut by r------------------,----------7lby aclion rather than words thnt the greatest coltcction of truth and Esther. Proceeds of $1500 was stnnding - they had already with~ from Worms. Halevi, the eminent "Maharil." In discriminating wartime bombing raid Daicn, Sidney Dorfman, Services people and to nll the world. It was • • • High average prizes went to Cecil enro1ling 0,000 friends who have con­ producing Biblical films is as much thought, the greatest source of spirit donated to overseas aid. stood the vicissitudes of better than ln the Middle Ages, the Rhine Inter centuries, the progress of the but by the' evil men who brought were hc]d at the Talmud Tomb hall. then that the Hebrews brought God • D. P. Gotlicb presided nt the ' Blanl,stcln1 Joe )Cay, Dy MlshkJn, tributed close to $200,000 yearly. n requirement of an industry ns it is and lnw-we must turn to historians • • • 900 years, cities of Speyer, Worms and Mainz times was reflected in the activities these raids upon themselves. ATTENTION! into the consciousness of n-mn. _But Men'.s Youth Aliyah dinner, Sam z. • W. H. Kankewitt, brother of Jack • Sir Otto Jaffe, fnrst Jewish· Lord Dr. J(arry A. Corman, "The committee is also grateful to JEWISH COMMUNITY OF FORT WILLIAM mnking films for entertainment. He to fill in these gnps. Herc is whl'Te the (Continued on next page) Sacks of Montreal was ~ucst speaker. This solidity irked the local Nazi (Maycnec-known in Hebrew by the of the distinguished sons of the Watching these visitors hos 5ug- Mr. Witman fo"r the lending part he hus always recognized that the dramatist meets the historian." King of Winnipeg was elected mayor boss·es. In 1942, with Allied bombs abbreviation "SHUM," formed of the- Worms Community. One of them, J:{csted to some.Worms boosters of the Mayor of Belfast, died .u1 London, • • • AND PORT ARTHUR! • • • of Edson, Albert.a.. England. has always taken in all local and na­ motion picture offors a dual oppor­ According to DcMi1lc, Moses wns Remember When • Maurice Samuel, noted nuthor and rnining on German cities, they contracted initials of the trio-were Samson Wertheimer, · became the chamber-of-commerce type that, if • Rending the Mount Carmel Clinic tunity: to produce works of art and • • brought special machinery into tho renowned among Jews cverywh:rc potent Vienna financier and Court the Synagogue were to be restored, • • • tional problems affecting all gi-0ups We are pleased to announce that we hove made special primarily a general. He was vigorous, (Continued from previous page) lecturer, was nwnrded the Anisfcld • were A. Harris-Oretzki, president, to do the most magnificent thing of virile, popular, the hero of the In the piano grade at the 1\-lanltoba • Sally Schultz was chosen sweet­ structural shell that remained of the as centres of wealth and learnmg banker of the 18th century, n great it might be developed into o major • Rabbi J. L. Zlotnick or Montreal who make up the Aclions committee · arrangements to supply Passover Milk and Cream nwnrd for 1043 for his book, "The all-to make people think, and hav­ Egyptian people, the hero of all l\tuslcal festival. heart of Sigma Phi chapfor of Alpha synagogue and, with trained engin- ihat enjoyed far-reaching privileges Talmudic scholar and benefactor of tourist attraction. Not every city, spoke in Winnipeg on "Baal Shem and Reuben Cohen and S. B. Levin, of the Labor Zionist Movement in during the eight days of Passover. World of Sholcm Aleichem." honot;ary vice-presidents. ing thought, to search their own slaves and later the hero of the Jew- Epsilon Pi fraternity. ecrs in attendance to sec to it that granted by various Emperors. Not so Jewry, More than 100 years ago, it after all, is in the fortunate position Tov," the most romantic figure in 1 * • • Canada." minds and souls. Jewish history. ish peoplc. God gavc.---...him the power • Lillian Freiman chapter, Jladas­ neighboring houses were not endan~ long ago the ceiling of the synagogue was in Worms that, probably for the of Frankfurt to have a Goethe House The resolution n1so includes Mrs. Throughout the years in the motion of leadership. He came not to say rs • • • · c t• 15 Yea Ago, 1939 sah or Trail, n.c., clccte<l l\lrs. Ben Our Best Wishes for a Happy and gered, blew up the walls. Only a field in a city ns far away as Mohilev in first time in Germany, a professing that can be reconstructed for the • • • Th d B picture industry, Cecil B. DeMille has • Dr. B. J. Ginsburg opened the • Working on a country-wide carni- Sara Witman, who "helped Mr. Wit­ Ufl e_ f ay. O•Opera tve Something but to do something. He • Barney Sectner, pupil of Jasclrn Segall, presidenti Mrs. I\lax Woog­ Joyous Passover to all Our of rubb1c was left where Jews had, White Russia was decorated with a Jew was elected mayor of his native sake of paying guests, and one must consistently made pictures which Mount Carmel Clinic Yarid held at val for the Jewish Orphanage were man in n0 small way in carrying out was the first man to make the most Rcsnitsky, was _winner of the senior rnan, vice-president; l\lrs, Jack Jewish Friends with short interruptions, prayed r:nural showing an idealized picture city. make do with what one has. only a man of unflinching courage significant contribution to civiliza. violin so1.o comp:tition at the Mnni­ the McGregor street barracks. M. Hesse Levinson, Ben Jacob, 'his work." ·ry L1'm1'ted Segal, sccrctnry, and l\lrs. Sam morning and night to the Almighty of Worms. In 1934, when Je,Vs celebrated Published reports have placed the Dal · would dare lo make. They were pie- tion He gave the laws by which toba Musical festival.
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