:- &MiMr .'•'-: '••W*% - -.M '"-'*-"• :"r'-7V-.' ' ;7'"*f -. ..;,•-> " ••;7^iv . :i*sj*j» -.-.-. t T^Y•••'•' - v77!**r;,7/'.:;^ £•**•"*•••,'•- - y_4, v>- ;T*';- .77 7-V. ' ; ; '**?- # -':' ''-^ •*•$ ;*£• '• 7 -i '*•*. -1;.. '•''istri - 7 . •*•* Y • '"' *'^ ' •' v , • ,- " ;:•-.••' ]>$#£:% V •'" , i'M'-;.'.'.' THE OHIO SENTINEL vxav. 9« OHIO STATS nmzm i-iBRARt 1-5TH 4% fltOB BT. WC OHIO S-P^^TS COLUKBUS, OHIO SATURDAY, aTUNB «, 1»5V» THE PEOPLE'S CHAMPION SENTINEL • - s SPORTS GLEANINGS NTINEL By BILL BELL • Sports Editor To The Victors Go The Spoils TKTUrXbAV, JUN_S IS. 1959" -.0- cii-NTa CQLUMBUS, oHIff Summer Ahead For Rvss On Cinderpalh AMERICAN TRACK stars served itotic, on the Russians Sat­ urday in the California relays that they will hava to be in top form if they expect to defeat tht U. S. runners this summer in the annual inter-country meat. Cobb Wins Heated At Modesto thert wera nine eventa in which contestant* rose to great heights. Perhaps the greatest ract of tht night wss th* 100 yard dash in which tht groat Bobby Morrow ran a poor fifth, although ht was clocked in .09.5. Winner waa newcomer Rosco* Cook, sophomort from Oregon U. Coof, who tqualed the world'* record of .09.3 in winning, was pushed to the tape by San Jos* War For Union Leadership State's great Negro runner, Ray Norton. Norton and tht third and fourth plact winners wtrt all clocked at .09... By TED COLEMAN Other sepia stars ameng top athletes of the night were Hayes Jones of Eastern Michigan, who won tha 120 high hurdles In .13.8 Ther* was plenty of action around Local 423, Hod* and tht 220 low hurdles In .22.5, and Joel Wiley of Los Angeles carriers, Building and Laborers Union, 569 E. Long tt., State, who entered the select class in the broad jump by doing 28 Saturday. It waa election day and time for selecting new ft. 2V. in. officers for 1959. Tha air was thick with verbal rebellion against a slat* WE HAVE NEGLECTED TRACK THIS SEASON, SO HERE referred to by tb* opposition as th* "handpicked" slat* of L, ....:J.L are names of a few more septa boys who will be competing for Marshal! Cobb. COACH LARRY SNYDER OF OHIO STATE CONGRATULATES Nate Adam of Cleveland national titles la June: Charlie Dumas of DSC and Ernie Shel­ A confident looking man who answered to the nam* Glent-llte on winning 100 and 220 yard state dash titles. Right of Adam is Glenn Davis, Ohio by of Kansas in the bjgh jump. Let Calhoun and Ellas Gilbert of Herman Sally was busy handing out literature and cards State and Olympic record breaking middle distance star. On extreme right is Adam's coach, In tba high hurdle*. Otis Davis of Oregon la tht 440. Josh Col- bearing the nam** of candidates opposing the present ad­ Frank Zubovicli, former Columbus South High star. Photo was taken at slat* high school AA breath in the 440 hardies. John Kerr of Illinois in tht 880. ministration. He was quick to lot ob.erven know that th* track and field championships at OSD Saturday.—Roosevelt Carter Photo. dt.tenter* picked him to oppbs* the strong man of th* or­ No Doubt Left About Yanks-KC 'Farm' Setup ganization—Marshall Cobb—-for th* post of financial _#c- retary-treasurer of th* prosperous organisation. CC-MI No Match For Cincy WHEN THEY FIRST SAID KANSAS CITY WAS A FARM team for tht N. York Yankees wt thought it was a case of sour COBB IS A VETERAN UNIONIST WHO HELP ED ORGANIZE By FINNIS BREEDLOVE week before. matches but were forced to grapes because tht Yankees would not make a trade which would tht local nearly 30 years ago. Last week mark-id .the second tim* "I'D BATHER lose with a Reason Cartwrlght was so compete against such seasoned makt a first division team stronger. In history he faced opposition for his post as financial secretary. group of beginners and average proud wa$ the play of Pauline players as Mary Burton, Spring­ But as wt watched developments through the years we were **» .Presidency of the local, according to soma members, has just been golfer, than win with champion­ Johnson. Playing on a regular field, and R, L. Hayes, Cincin­ forced to believe thert was somt truth to the rest of the league's a post in name only with Cobb holding the controlling strings. ship players I have to beg to course the second time, Mrs. nati. complaint. Latest, shennanigans—or should w» sa**. trade?—con­ A -piece of campaign literature passed out by tht dissenters reprcse*iit us." said George Johnson played the first nine • Another bright spot for CC-MI vinced us. We are talking about tht deal which took Hector Lopez, called Cobb a "dictator" who'put part of his family on tht Lock! Cartwrtght, summing up CC-MI holes as any beginner. On the was stellar play ot Paul (Old tht hard hitting infielder whom most of the league conceded 423, or "Cobb's local," payroll and accused him of attempting to play as they took the worst de­ back nine, she bettered her Dad) Cummings. would bt tht best hot corner man in the game if he was allowed add another family member in tht election. feat of any club to represent Co­ score ~by 25 strikes and is~~con- REMAINING OPTICS for CO- to stay On third, to the Yankees. - - - They referred to DaVld R. Cobb, candidate for assistant busl- sidered a real threat to begin­ ness agent.- - ' . lumbus injustory. MI: * No sooner was ht in a Yanket uniform than Casey' Sts^nget had ners when^CC-MI has jts tourni-. Represented by *•..-.' players* ... June 7, CC-MI aj, ^Dayton. him at third base. He -responded, with two for three in.the first ment June 27-28. • LARGB GROUPS OF UNION MEMBERS GATHERED early CC-MI lost to-Greater Cincinnati June 2*1, blind bogey al Ray­ game Sunday, including a home run. - _ ' mond. June 57-28, third annual Saturdayjnoming on the 11th st side of_the"union hall. They ban­ *;' '*- 23-S but the match was much BIG JDISAPPO I N T M E N T We cannot understand why" Kansas City did not play Vic Pow­ tournament at, Raymond (begin­ died their oplnion^abouf and at times-almost came -*n blows oyer-, closer than the score indicates. came when Greater Cincinnati er.at first regularly and Lopez at'third and then Try to'build an ners and junior girls play at procedure in voting and other technicalities.' Most tenst moment There were cases where CC-MI infield around them. Power and Lopez are regarded as tops at golferettes failed to show. De­ Olcntangy). July 5, family pic­ came when Nathaniel Biakely,' candidate for assistant business players won as , far as medal their favorite positions. Yet Kansas City juggled Power between pending on the golferettes fo win nic and golfing at Springfield, •gent, became enraged when a surprise last minute slatt waa i_- play is concerned but lost on third and first and played Lopez at second and tht outfield mora all its matches led to downfall July 19, golf carnival at Mans­ match play. Cincinnati had a than at his natural position. Cleveland's general manager, Frank of Columbus. Louise Holland, field. July 20, mixed ball at Continued On'Page 4 contingent of SO to pick from. Lane, tried for two yoars to get Lopez for third base so ht would Margaret Calloway and Willa Raymond. Aug. 2, club play at And. a-t a result, waa in position bt able to play Power at first after he obtained Vio from tht A's. to save face for the humiliating j Rosemond played the calibre of Raymond. Aug. 23, Scotch four­ [golf that would win most some at Canton. Aug. 23, CC- defeat it took at Dayton the TENSE FitOMENT DURING ELECTION BALLOTING OF LOCAL 423, Hodcar- MI at Toledo. Sept. 13, begin­ 'Sports Gleanings' Salute To Lew Byrer ners union, Saturday it mirrored in face of Marshall Cobb, financial secretary-treas­ ning of club championship play Plans Get Underway For urer, pictured after he emerged, from group gathered in alley adjoining headquarters, at Raymond. THIS COLUMN WISHES TO ADD ITS VOICE TO THE many salutes to veteran sports editor Lew Byrer of tha Columbus Citi­ to see that a 'rule* was enforced. Cobb wears angry expression as he returns to union zen as he writes "30" to 40 great years of sports reporting. vTo hall after snatching up cards he claimed were used illegally by opposition. —- Staff Swimming Classes Se\ give you an idea of the respect we have for him, ht is tht only 'Miss Bronze' Contest Photo By Combs. Registrations are being taken sportswriter whom w« address as "Mr." now for summer swimming THE ENTIRE PROGRAM for The Sentinel'*, "Miss THE WASHINGTON SENATORS HAVE FINALLY secured classes at the YWCA The Bronze" contest has been reorganized. This new pro­ ara American Negro player. They have had several brouse classes begin June 13. Regis­ gram includes sponsorship of contestants by club group* players on their roster the past few years but they were all Cu­ trants should call the health ed­ within the community. bans. Last week they traded Alble Pearson, last year's regular ucation office of the YWCA. A centerfielder. to the Baltimore Orioles for Lennle Green. Pear- They will not be required to participate in any tic­ Urge Mike Act In physical examination is requir­ ket or newspaper subscription selling campaign. How­ ed ot everyone using the pool sen had not been a regular this year, having been beaten ont of the job by Ben Allison.
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