Student aid audits add to hassles By Canadian University Press ting audited," Mak said. "When these dit of here expenses and savings from dent aid branch, said detailed informa­ in Winnipeg audits happen the student aid people March, 1978 to July, 1980. tion is required when students don't give "I can see why students iust say to want very specific and detailed informa­ "They asked for food receipts from enough information on their original hell with student aid, and decide it isn't tion in response, and most students, es­ three years ago," she said. application. The audits, he said, do not worth the trouble applying for it." pecially this time of year, just don't have In mid-February, she was told to pro­ delve into people's personal matters un­ the time or energy to produce the infor­ less they are seen as relevant to their stu­ Larry Didow, dean of students at the vide—at a cost of $30—a record of trans­ mation." actions in a savings account that had dent aid application. University of Winnipeg was speaking been long closed. in response to the news that several hun­ Debbie jansen, a University of Winni­ "Having these audits'" Kleiman said, dred students in Manitoba post-secon­ peg student who was randomly selected Valerie Pattern, another University of "really protects the honest student by dary institutions are being subjected to a for audit, received notice )esterday that Winnipeg student selected for audit, weeding out those students who don't comprehensive audit by the Manitoba the $1,660 provincial bursary she was was recently given 14 days in which to really need the student aid...It also helps government's student aid branch. promised last September will now be re­ collect receipts documenting expendi­ the credibility of the student aid program duced to $580. tures and income dating back to 1978. by making sure that the people who re­ Under this year's audit procedure, a- She said she may have no recourse Both Didow and Mak said if the same ceive the aid are the people who need it." bout 650 students have been required to but to leave school, even though only demand had beet given to them they Didow said the tune and energy con­ produce everything from grocery re­ three weeks remain in the term. would be unable to comply. suming audits and the complexity of the ceipts to cheque stubs dating back sever­ "If I had known ahead of time that There is no way I could produce that student aid application are discouraging al years. this could happen, I would never have sort of information now," said Mak. students from applying for student aid. bothered," she said. "I don't see how they can expect students "It is harder to fill out one of those The intensive personal investigation, Jansen was told last August she had to come up with it." student aid applications than it is to do which has taken six months or longer to been randomly selected for a routine au­ Fredric Kleiman, director of the stu­ your own income tax," said Didow. complete, has forced some students out of school and made life miserable for others. "A number of students have come to me having a hell of a time with the au­ dits," said Henry Mak, head awards of­ ficer for the University of Winnipeg. The LUeaopist "I can really appreciate how upset stu­ MARCH 27,1981 UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA VOLUME 14, NUMBER 21 dents are getting because they are get­ British tuition fees forces Hongkong fund By Carmel Tse when British authorities first imple-. former Meliorist news editor men ted the two-tier fee system; in Hongkong The latest proposal, Likely to be The government of Hongkong has adopted by institutions, will boost the indicated that it will establish a special annual tuition fee for a foreign student fund to assist Hongkong students in in arts to £ 3,500 (Canadian $8,000), Britain who are seriously affected by in sciences to £ 4,500 ($9,000) and in increasing differential tuition fees. professional courses to £5,500 Hongkong financial secretary Sir ($10,000). Philip Haddon-Cave said recently in Britain began to impose foreign the colony's annual budget speech that student differential fees in 1979. a fund would be set up to offer Hongkong students, who are mainly financial help to Hongkong students British passport holders are also re­ who cannot afford the soaring fees. quired to pay the two tier fee. However, British universities and institutions students from the European Economic have recently proposed to increase Community (EEC), who are not British foreign student fees by 20 to 25 per nationals are treated as 'home students' Willie Dunn of Montreal in a U of L main foyer performance. mom cent. The proposal, if approved, will and pay the same fee as British stu­ be the second increase of fees for dents. foreign students in two years. EEC students are also allowed to Foreign student fees were increased work in Britain but not other inter­ Native awareness week offers by more than 100 per cent last year national students. In Light of the differential treatment activities, political perspective students have. protested the British policy as racially originated. By Kevin Kooy The theme for this year's' Native In London, three institutions were A unique and entertaining perfor­ Awareness Week is "perspective of occupied by foreign students in pro­ mance, part of the U of L's Native Indian Government" and various test of the differential fee. At the London American Students' Association Native activities are planned for Saturday, School of Economics administration Awareness Week program, was staged March 28 in the main gymnasium of building, the occupation involved in the main foyer Wednesday, March the physical education building. Hongkong participants. 25 by Willie Dunn of Montreal. Student Lai Hon-wai said in a tele­ Dunn's solo-guitar exhibition in­ The competition expects to attract phone interview March 10 that their cluded "The Pacific" from Moby Dick 200-300 dancers along with 12-20 actions have drawn the attention and by Herman Melville; an adaptation of drum groups from across North support of the british public. T.S. Elliot's Love Song of J. Alfred America. Lai said that most overseas students Prufrock, and John Winkwater's South­ The fact the whole affair has been at the London School of Economics hampton Bells. planned and co-ordinated by U of L took part in the protest. Alfred Youngman, U of L professor, students is quite impressive, and with Another Hongkong student at Ox­ also delighted the audience by 'taking the many other events set to take place ford University, Andy Hor, said dif­ the stand' himself and stringing off a in conjunction with Native Awareness ferential fees will terminate the edu­ few tides including Janis Joplin's eternal Week there should be something for cation of many lower income students. hit, Me and Bobby McGee. everyone to take in. Sheaf autonomy bid disappointing By Canadian University Press Sheaf editor Bob Kozak. "It's just that Don Rutherford, president-elect of in Saskatoon some people didn't understand what we the U of S student union, said the refer­ The University of Saskatchewan's stu­ were asking for." endum outcome was disappointing, but dent newspaper has lost a bid for finan­ "Obviously there are some 1,500 was pleased at the number of people cial separation from its student union. people on campus who feel The Sheaf voting in favour. In a March 5 and 6 referendum, 54.1 isn't their own paper," said Peter Ham­ He said he would support another per cent of voters rejected a proposal mond, western fieldworker for Canadi­ referendum for Sheaf autonomy during that would have seen a $2.88 per stu­ an University Press. his year as union president. dent levy go directly to The Sheaf Pub­ Hammond said the main reason for Only 2,736 out of a possible' 9,600 lishing Society. Presendy the newspaper guaranteed financing is "to prevent stu­ voters cast ballots. "It's an unfortunate negotiates public funding from the stu­ dent council control over the content of outcome," said managing editor Jim dent council. the paper." He said the long term guar­ Sutherland. "Autonomy is the trend of U of L protestor Alfred Youngman in part of most Canadian college newspapers." Native Awareneai Week, mom ovm wot "It was a reasonable proposal," said antees for freedom are important. 4 THE MEUORIST MARCH 27.1M1 «•••••*•« GUPourri Al«c Arms presents UCCLLEMT COMPUTE* • PBMONAL OATIMQ 8€R VKX IN YOUR AREA. Student federation Romantic y«t realistic way to maet oornpatlWa friend and Rockies membership strengthens partner. Request fnw Infor­ 'Good' ole Rock 'n Roll mation from our main office OTTAWA (CUP) — Membership in thc Canadian Federation of HUMAN COMTACT March 30 to April 4 ^ttBjwayajtw Students (CFS) has topped the 40,000 mark. The University of Alberta students' union voted unanunoi.* ly to join CFS as a prospective member at their March 17 council The total number of campuses now full or prospective CFS H aAr CnvwonnwM crivifOon#n>#ni W~ Canada Canada members is eight. Earlier this month three western campuses voted overwhelm­ EnufcOflfrWit dft r#nv*roon*rn#f»l WrVIQS tffTiOflpnAnQiRf ingly to join CFS as full members. CARIIRt At CFS has yet to lose a referendum. According to John l**1"*?» executive officer of the national union of students (NUS), "this MITIOROLOQIST is a good sign that there will be a lot of support for CFS.and will strengthen us in our fight against proposed cutbacks m financing, QUALIFICATIONS I ver Graduation from a -ecognueei university with at lean three and a of education by the federal and provincial tP *f**£, STEELER naif courses in Phytic*, including General Physics, Mechanics, Twenty mere campuses are expected to hold CFS referenda Electricity and Magnetism plus one or more courses in Fluid Mechanics, Optics or Advanced Mtcha lies, and at least four and next year, mo* of them in conjunction with provindaTfee votes.
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