Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish “Where Miracles Happen” 1035 Turner Avenue Drexel Hill PA 19026 Rectory: (610)789-7676 Fax: (610)789-9539 School: (610)449-5184 www.stbl.org April 26, 2020 — Third Sunday of Easter ____________________________________________________________________________ Mass Schedule Sunday Masses Holy Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Times Announced in Sunday Bulletin Sunday: 9:00am and 11:00am Weekday Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday—Friday 8:30am Saturday: 3:30pm — 4:15pm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Director of Religious Education Marykate Murphy (Ext. 212) Parochial Administrator School Principal Rev. Michael J. Saban (Ext. 104) Mrs. Joanne Montie Resident Parish Business Manager Rev. Hugh J. Dougherty Robert J. Helmig (Ext. 103) Administrative Secretary Permanent Deacons Helen V. Kraus (ext. 101) Deacon Thomas P. Fitzpatrick Parish Music Coordinator Dorothy Toomey 0234 Page Two April 26, 2020 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER We are an Easter people so we are a joyful people. Jesus has conquered death, broken open our tombs of sin and despair, and redeemed us in our humanity. Animated by the Holy Spirit, we live in the light and life of Christ, spreading that light and life on to those around us. Let our hearts be glad and tongues exult as we lift our voices in praise to God. Parish Information NEW FAMILIES VISITS TO THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT can be made Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish! To register in the parish, please in the Chapel email Deacon Tom Fitzpatrick at [email protected]. He will get back to you to arrange a convenient time to meet with him to regis- RECITATION OF THE ROSARY takes place every Monday ter. We are eager to greet new members of our parish community through Thursday at 8:00am in the church and on Wednesday eve- and look forward to meeting you. nings along with the Miraculous Medal Novena at 7:00pm in the Chapel. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS The rectory office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am UNITED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY meet every Monday to noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm. During the summer the rectory will evening at 7pm in the Chapel. close at 3:00pm on Fridays. Items for the Sunday newsletter must be at the rectory by Monday at noon for publication the fol- NOVENA TO ST. LEONIE AVIAT takes place every Tuesday at lowing Sunday. 7:00pm in the Chapel. FLAME OF LOVE PRAYER CENACLE takes place every Thurs- BAPTISMS day at 7:00pm in the Chapel. Baptisms are held at 12 noon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class held in the Wright Center at 12 noon on the first Sunday of every other month (please RESPECT LIFE GROUP information can be obtained by calling refer to the bulletin for exact dates). Registration for the class is Doris Hurd at 610-789-2708. required. In order to arrange for a baptism, the parents must be active members of the parish for six months. To register, please MEN’S PRAYER GROUP meets in the chapel every Tuesday at call the rectory office at 610/789-7676. Godparents should be prac- 7:30pm. ticing Catholics, confirmed and at least 16 years of age. If not from this parish, sponsors must have a letter of eligibility from their par- is open to all who wish to share their time and ish stating that they have been actively participating for six months. MUSIC MINISTRY St. Bernadette Parishioners must be registered and actively partici- talent in praise and thanksgiving to God – call Dottie Toomey at pating for six months to receive a letter of eligibility. 610/449-4013 for rehearsal times. MARRIAGES We request that couples contemplating marriage call the rectory to ST. BERNADETTE MARTHAS AND A JOSEPH are a dedicat- make an appointment with the priest. At this initial interview, the ed group who clean the church every Thursday after the 8:30am date and time of your request will be recorded and you will receive Mass; new volunteers always welcome—call Johanna Ryan at 484- a copy of the Parish Wedding Guidelines. 988-2414. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK/COMMUNION CALLS A priest will administer Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to come to Church. If you desire, Eucharistic Ministers can KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ave Maria Council #4063 serve bring Communion each week. Please contact the Rectory to be St Bernadette Parish invites interested men 18 years of age and old- placed on our Sick List. Parishioners who are to undergo serious er to join in fraternity and the service to our parish and greater com- surgery at a hospital are encouraged to make an appointment at the munity; contact [email protected] Rectory before going to the hospital. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meetings are held ever RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Bernadette School offers sessions for Pre-School and Kindergar- Thursday at 9:30am in O’Brien Hall. ten and conducts full-time classes from first through eighth grades. PREP classes are held in the parish school for all students attending ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE Casseroles to feed the homeless sponsored public school. PREP classes are held on Monday evenings at by St. John’s Hospice in Philadelphia are collected in O’Brien Hall 6:45pm. Adults seeking religious instruction should call Marykate Murphy, Director of Religious Education at (610) 789-7676 ext. before the weekend Masses that precede the first Thursday of the 212. The RCIA Program begins in October. month. Casserole pans are available in the main entrance of church. Call Mary at 610/789-6206. SAINT BERNADETTE PARISH ON FACEBOOK FOOD PANTRY We can be found at “Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Parish”. Non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry can be place in bags Check out the page and “like” us to keep up with the latest parish and left in the vestibules of church. Any monetary donations or news. donations of gift cards should be sent to Fr. Saban. If you have a question, call the Food Pantry at 610-789-7676 ext. 213. 0234 Page Three April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter Saturday, April 25 4:30pm Regina M. Dengel EASTER SEASON FUN Sunday, April 26 God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good! 7:00am Regina Ronayne (moved to May 4) 9:00am Frank & Gertrude Erdlen 11:00am Kenneth Bohs Remember, Easter is more than a day. It is a whole season with 50 days! Monday, April 27 8:30am Dolores & John A. Georeno, Jr. Check out the PREP curriculum web page at Tuesday, April 28 - St. Peter Chanel & and https://st-bernadette.org/prep-curriculum St. Louis Grignion 8:30am Jean Lewandowski for fun interactive ideas, projects and resources to celebrate this Easter Season! Wednesday, April 29 - St. Catherine of Siena 8:30am Rita Wolfington Bennett (23rd Anniv.) Marykate Murphy will post new resources each week through the rest of the school year so be sure to check back. Thursday, April 30 - St. Pius V 8:30am Deacon Frank Burke Friday, May 1 - St. Joseph the Worker 8:30am Charles DeVitis Fourth Sunday of Easter Saturday, May 2 SYMPATHIES AN PRAYERS 4:30pm Frank Reinke We extend our sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Emma O’Brien who was recently buried from our church. Sunday, May 3 7:00am Ambrogio & Theresa Rocca (moved to May 5) 9:00am Deceased of Grace and Johannesson Families PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL 11:00am Anthony Nicholas Venini (12th Anniv.) THE ARCHANGEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be All Masses will be private but will be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the streamed online at www.stbl.org devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ______________________________________________________ TOGETHER WE PRAY . FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL REFLECTION May the Lord support us This week’s readings are: all the day long, Firsts Reading - Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22-23 until the shades lengthen, Second Reading - 1 Peter 1:17-21 the evening comes, Gospel - Luke 24:13-35 the busy world is hushed, the frenzy is over Next week’s readings will be: and our work is done First Reading - Acts 2:14a, 36-41 Second Reading - 1 Peter 2:20b-25 Then in His love and mercy, Gospel - John 10:1-10 may He give us a safe lodging; a holy rest and peace at the last. QUESTION OF THE WEEK When have I acutely realized the Lord’s presence? In the Eucharist? In listening to scripture? When we gather in his name? In my day-to-day life? 0234 Page Four April 26, 2020 FINANCIAL FACTS WE PRAY FOR THE SICK - Fred Amatucci, Joseph Anthony, Lisa Pfaff Bevilacqua, Pamela Bower, Joseph Bradley, Marie Bree, Theresa Ca- Easter 2020 (To Date) puto, Michael Carroll, Robert & Joanne Christo- Easter: $18,004 pher, Ron Christopher, Elaine Cole, Dennis Conway, Operation Rice Bowl: $680 Dave Costella, Barbara Cunningham, Molly Curtis, Holy Places in Palestine: $700 Vinnie D’Ambrosio, Ann Davis, Laurel Dee, Michael DeEmilio, Tom and Peggy Dever, Frances Diegnan, Christopher DiMarto, Easter 2019 Gabriella DiSaverio, Julia Donohue, Darrin Dougherty, Dawn Easter: $29,462 Dougherty, Michael Dougherty, James Drumm, Jeff Dudley, Bernie Operation Rice Bowl: $1,424 Dupras, Jason Durkee, Trevor Durkin, Matthew Dwyer, Marie Holy Places in Palestine: $1,120 Feola, Patrick Flanigan, Emily Flynn, Jerry Flynn, Joe Flynn, Sr. Rose Foulk, Maggie Franz, Maureen Gibbons, Tom Glancey, Christine Grosso, Joan Grycewicz, Rachel Hagan, Christian Hamp- ton, Kim Hayman, Lizzy Hennessy, Pat Henningsen, Michael Ho- gan, Judith Holmes, Baby Lila Holmes, Adrian Hughes, Christo- pher Hunt, Frank Iacone, John Ingle, Anthony Jones, Ashley Juli- ano, David Kasella, Linda King, Tommy Lake, Catherine Lavan, Wilmer Lehman, Steven Little, Betsy Long, Michele Malolie, Dal- JUST A NOTE!! ton Martin, Kathy Martin, James Maynard, Neil McClelland, Hele- ne McCole, Karen McIlvaine, Sean McKeefery, Baby Rosie Please! Please! Please! Remember your Easter envelopes! McKenna, Marianne McLaughlin, Megan McLean, Theresa Fill them! St.
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