University of California San Francisco Campus Planning University Advancement and Planning FINAL INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The Institute for Regeneration Medicine at UCSF University of California, San Francisco State Clearinghouse No. 2008022027 Lead Agency: The University of California Prepared by: UCSF Campus Planning 3333 California Street, Suite 11 San Francisco, CA 94143-0286 March 2008 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CAMPUS: SAN FRANCISCO PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project title: Institute for Regeneration Medicine University of California San Francisco (UCSF) 2. Project location: Parnassus Heights campus site City and County of San Francisco Latitude: 37 deg 45 min 46 sec North Longitude: 122 deg 27 min 27 sec West 3. Lead agency name: University of California 4. Contact person and phone number: UCSF Campus Planning 3333 California Street, Suite 11 San Francisco, CA 94143-0286 Attention: Michelle Schaefer, Environmental Coordinator (415) 476-2911 email: [email protected] 5. Custodian of the administrative record for this project (if different from response to item 3 above.): UCSF Campus Planning 7. Identification of all applicable LRDP and project EIRs and address where a copy is available for inspection. • Final Environmental Impact Report on the 1996 Long Range Development Plan (1996 LRDP and LRDP FEIR) certified by The Regents January 17, 1997 (State Clearinghouse Number 1995123032). • Final Environmental Impact Report on the Long Range Development Plan Amendment #2 – Hospital Replacement (LRDP Amendment #2 FEIR), certified by The Regents on March 17, 2005 (State Clearinghouse Number 2004072067). Copies of the 1996 LRDP FEIR and LRDP Amendment #2 FEIR are available at UCSF Campus Planning. (Note that LRDP Amendment #1 and LRDP Amendment #1 SEIR cover the development of UCSF Housing at the UCSF Mission Bay site and thus are not directly applicable to the proposed project.) i J:\CEQA\IRM\Final Institute for Regeneration Medicine Mit Neg Deg.doc Initial Study Institute for Regeneration Medicine I. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATION The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) proposes to develop new research and instruction space at the Parnassus Heights campus site, in the City and County of San Francisco. This environmental analysis is an Initial Study for the proposed new construction of a total of approximately 80,000 gross square feet of research and instruction at Parnassus Heights. The purpose of this Initial Study is to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based on the analysis presented in this Initial Study, it has been determined that the proposed project would not result in any potentially significant environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated to less-than-significant levels; or following review and consideration of the analysis presented in the LRPD EIR and application of LRDP EIR mitigation measures or adoption of overriding considerations by The Regents for significant unavoidable impacts, the proposed project would not generate new significant unavoidable impacts. Mitigation measures are identified in this document and will be adopted in project approvals. Therefore, the preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate. A. UCSF Long Range Development Plan Each campus of the University of California (University) is required to prepare a Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) that sets forth concepts, principles, and plans to guide future growth of that campus. The Board of Regents of the University of California (The Regents) adopted the 1996 LRDP, which outlines development proposals for the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) through the academic year 2011/12. Amendment #1 to the LRDP was adopted in 2002 to permit development of campus housing at the Mission Bay campus site. Amendment #2 to the LRDP, which discussed hospital replacement and clinical planning, was adopted in March 2005 and identified a preferred plan that proposes two major integrated campus sites with clinical care co-located with basic and translational research programs. The 1996 LRDP FEIR, the Amendment #1 SEIR, and the Amendment #2 EIR are collectively the “LRDP EIR.” The proposed UCSF Institute for Regeneration Medicine project would construct a new one-story building that would step up in four segments along the contours of the slope adjacent to Medical Center Way with building heights of 20 to 45 feet above the roadway. The proposed building would contain laboratory research and support functions totaling approximately 71,100 gross square feet (gsf). The Institute for Regeneration Medicine building would consolidate and provide expansion for the programs in stem cell research and development currently occupying dispersed laboratory spaces at Parnassus Heights. It would provide a venue where research using non-registered stem cell lines can demonstrate clear separation from lines eligible for Federal funding. In addition, UCSF proposes to construct an Auditorium of about 8,000 gsf adjacent to the proposed Institute building that would provide replacement space for the Toland lecture hall in the seismically poor rated UC Hall. The Auditorium would be a freestanding structure and may be constructed on a separate schedule from the Institute building; however, for purposes of this analysis, both projects are evaluated together and constitute the “proposed project.” The proposed project would provide space that is needed to support the University’s mission and to relocate functions out of seismically poor or obsolete structures at the Parnassus Heights campus site. The proposed project would implement a number of goals and objectives of the 1996 LRDP, and would specifically implement the LRDP proposal that identified the need for new research and teaching space in one or more new developments totaling up to 85,000 gsf at the Parnassus Heights site. The proposed project has been 1 identified by the University as meeting that need. Thus, this Initial Study is “tiered” from the LRDP EIR. 1 The CEQA concept of “tiering” refers to the coverage of general environmental matters in broad program-level EIRs, with subsequent focused environmental documents for individual projects that implement the program. 1 Initial Study Institute for Regeneration Medicine Although the proposed project site is identified as a future development site in the LRDP, its Functional Zone label is Logistical Support consistent with the former uses in the now demolished MR I & II buildings. Project approvals would include a minor amendment to the LRDP to change the Functional Zone on a 0.9- acre portion of the 1.9-acre project site to Instruction and Research to reflect the proposed building uses including research, academic / administrative office, and teaching / seminar space. In addition, the boundaries of the Mount Sutro open space reserve would be adjusted to exclude the area on the campus shelf between Medical Center Way and the Health Sciences Buildings (approximately 0.5 acre). In exchange, Buildings 4 and 5 in the Aldea San Miguel Housing are scheduled for demolition, and their footprints and surrounding aprons totaling approximately 0.5 acre would be included in the open space reserve. B. Approvals Required The University is the Lead Agency for the proposed project. The Regents is the University’s decision- making body for review and approval of the proposed project (including any Regents-delegated committee or official). Upon review and consideration of the environmental consequences of the proposed project, The Regents (including its delegates) will 1) consider for approval, the adoption of this Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration, 2) consider approval to modify the 1976 Regents Resolution “Designation of Open Space Reserve – Attachment I” to remove approximately 0.5 acres (a portion of the project footprint) from the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve, and add an equivalent amount of land in the Aldea San Miguel housing parcel to the open space reserve; 3) consider approval to amend the 1996 LRDP “Parnassus Heights Site Map” to reflect the modification to the 1976 Regents Resolution; 4) consider approval of the minor amendment to adopt the revised Functional Zone designation illustrated in the 1996 LRDP “Parnassus Heights Functional Zones” graphic, to re-designate 0.9 acre from “Logistical Support” to “Instruction and Research;” and 5) consider approval of the design of the proposed Institute for Regeneration Medicine building. C. Agency and Public Review There are no responsible or trustee agencies that require review or adoption of this Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration is circulated for public and agency review from February 2, 2008 to March 3, 2008. Copies of the document are available at the address below and on line at http\\campusplanning.ucsf.edu. Reading copies are available at three area library branches: UCSF Kalmanovitz Library, 530 Parnassus Avenue; SF Public Library Sunset Branch, 1305 – 18th Avenue; and Park Branch, 1833 Page Street. All written comments about the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 3, 2008 at: [email protected] or Michelle Schaefer, Environmental Coordinator UCSF Campus Planning 3333 California Street, Suite 11 San Francisco, CA 94118 Mailing address: Box 0286 San Francisco, CA 94143-0286 2 Initial Study Institute for Regeneration Medicine D. Organization The Initial Study / Mitigated
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