Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 2000-01 The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 3-22-2001 The thI acan, 2001-03-22 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_2000-01 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 2001-03-22" (2001). The Ithacan, 2000-01. 23. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_2000-01/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 2000-01 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Sports ~nside Going national Spring Break construction Accent 13 Classified 21 Gymnastics team wins ECAC meet Students travel south to work with Comic~ 20 and looks for second national title in Habitat for Humanity Page 13 Opinion 10 four years. Page 23 Sporb 23 The VOL 68, No. 22 THURSDAY _: ITHACA, N.Y. MARCH 22, 2001 28 f>AGES, FREE www.ithaca.edu/ithacan The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community YDS vows to continue campaign Williams makes decision to keep Sodexho Marriott BY JOE GERAGHTY ing the prison owners and the legis­ Staff Writer --------- lators who make the laws that fill the prisons, she said. The Young Democratic Social­ The college would have had to isL~ promise to continue their push spend money to hire a new food ser­ to remove Sodexho Marriott from vice provider in time for next year campus and-outfit the dining halls to suit that despite new provider's needs, she said. If President a new company had been hired, all Peggy R. current Sodexho Marriott employ­ Williams' ees would have had to reapply with decision the new company and would not be not to cancel the college's contract guaranteed their positions. with the food service provider. Williams said she consulted The decision came Monday as with the board of trustees and vice the final aspect of a six-point presidents before making her deci­ agreement signed by Williams and sion. She said the board realized six students who staged a 34-hour it was a decision that should ulti­ sit-in in the Office of Admission in mately be left up to her, but they of­ December. fered their thoughts and opinions "It was a difficult decision in during their February meeting. which I had to keep the best inter­ Members of YDS believe that ests of the college in the forefront," Williams ignored their position. she said. "I felt very confident that we had A number of considerations made our point perfectly clear," said went into her decision, Williams said. junior Mark Frank, YDS c_o-chair. JOE PASTERIS/THE ITHACAN The most effective way to fight pri­ PRESIDENT PEGGY R.-WILLIAMS speaks with campus media Monday morning in Park 220 announcing vate prisons is by directly address- See PROTESTERS, page 4 the college's decision to continue its five-year contract with food service provider Sodexho Marriott. Weapons confiscated Senior Class announces Six students charged for possession of guns commencement speaker BY ELLEN R. STAPLETON judicially referred six Bogart Hall residents BY KELLI B. GRANT "We feel her ability to give a really good Assistant News Editor for allegedly playing with spring-loaded pel­ Staff Writer and appropriate commencement speech over­ let pistols on college property. Three of the shadows that," she said. "She has proved her­ In the last month, Santana High School students have also been charged with crim­ Senior class cabinet members have selected self m so many other ways as a good Journal­ in California witnessed the worst school inal possession of a weapon and issued ap­ journalist and author Gail Sheehy as their 200 I ist and'a gcxxl writer, and we are proud to have shooting since Columbine and an Elmira, pearance tickets for the Town of Ithaca Court. graduation speaker. her as our speaker." N.Y., high school found 18 bombs in its Court Clerk Betty Poole said freshmen Shcehy's journalistic resume include Assistant Professor Barbara Adams. writ­ building. Amidst chis recent rash of school Joshua Cooperstein and Carmine DeCres­ positions at the Rochester Democrat and Chron­ ing, said Sheehy's methods and relationships violence, Ithaca College has had its own gun cente pleaded not guilty at an arraignment icle, New York magazine with sources have been discussed by the µcc~~ problem. - Monday for a violation on possession of and Vanity Fair, and the before. Since mid-February, ~ampus Safety has weapons on school grounds. The students will New York Herald Tri­ "The charge of plagiarism m a person in­ appear with lawyers before Judge Clarence bune. vited as a graduation speaker 1s a real con­ Larkin on April 23. She is well-known cern, particularly when the person has come The name of third student, who was crim­ for her profiles of polit­ to the point of a law~u1t," Adam, said. ..How­ inally charged Monday, was not available. ical figures, including ever, the kind ofJoumahsm she does requires Norm Wall, associate director of Campus Al Gore, George W. a very complex system of sources, and th1~ Safety, said the students were seen with the pel­ Bush, Bill and Hillary is not an easy case to judge." let guns, which were originally ordered from Clinton, Mikhail Gor­ Despite the lawsuit, Sheehy's overall an Internet site for use as film props. The bachev and Saddam success with "Passages" prompted a contin­ weapons are exact replicas of real guns in­ Hussein. SHEEHY uation of the senes with "Silent Passage," cluding those carried by Campus Safety offi­ As an author, Shec- "New Passages" and "Understanding cers, except for an orange tip at the end of the hy 's most famous work is "Passages: Pre­ Men\ Passages." barrel. dictable Crises of Adult Life." It enjoyed a more In each of her books. Sheehy break~ down Under the Ithaca College Student Con­ than three-year run on The New York Times adult life into four stage~ She claim~ adult­ duct Code and New York state penal law, bestseller hst and has been translated into 28 hood can only be completed when a person it is illegal to possess or use firearms, am­ languages. ~ucccssfully break~ through all four ~tagcs. munition, fireworks or other dangerous sub­ But Sheehy's career has not been wllh­ Booze said the graduation speaker 1s cho­ stances or weapons on college property. out criticism. In 1977, UCLA psychiatrist sen by searching through long list~ ot ~peak­ State law specifically prohibits air guns and Roger Gould, an expert consulted for "Pas­ crs and tindmg someone who has a glx>d mes­ spring guns. sages," sued Sheehy for plagian!>m. Gould ~age, 1~ available and 1s w1thm the budget set College policy requires students who wish received $10,000 and 10 percent of the by the Commencement Committee. to have hunting rifles or paint ball guns while book's royalties as an out-of-court settle­ That doesn't mean the committee auto­ at school to store them with Campus Safe­ ment, according to Contemporary Author~ matically looks for celebnt1es, said Semor ChL\~ ty, Wall said. Students can sign out the Online. Vice President Lauren Acker ALEX MORRISON/T-HE ITHACAN weapons for recreational use off campus, but Senior Class President Meg Booze said se­ .. We look for someone mtel11!!cnt. who SPRING-LOADED PELLET PISTOLS, anything other than a pocket knife is illegal nior class officers were aware of Shcehv'::. al­ can speak abou1 thmgs that arc 1m~portant to ' which resemble guns carrJed by Campus legedly plagianst1c past when they cho~c her a graduatmg cla~~." ~he ~aid Safety officers, lie In an evidence bag. See PISTOLS, page 4 ~------------ ---·-· -·· --- --- -----· - --·- -·- -- -·- -- • - -- J 2 THE ITHACAN THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2001 a class of mostly men in the late !960s at Iowa State Uni­ ,? 1, versity in Ames, Iowa. "I ver~ mu_ch felt unusual m t)1ose :-~; classes," said Tebben, now dean ot Northern State Univer­ sity's School of Education. _ Today, women are making up greater percentage~ of ,., students at colleges and universllies around the Unrted States. Accordrng to U.S. Census Bureau figures, more young women are completrng high school and college. compared to their male counterparts. The figures are part of a Current Population Survey, an annual survey taken each ~pring and not part of Census 2000. Overall, women make up about 51 percent of the population, or 140 million. There are about 136 million men. The Census Bureau e~timates that 89 percent of young women, age~ 25 to 29 have completed high school. Eighty­ seven per:ent of men that age have a high school diploma. At the college level, 30 percent of young women have degrees, while 28 percent of young men do. Since 1979, women have represented the majonty of col­ lege students. Nationwide, about 56 percent of those enrolled in college are women. Nationally, women were awarded 57 percent of master's degrees, 44 percent of law degrees and 41 percent of med­ ical degrees in 1997. the most recent year cited by census officials. But despite narrowing the education gap, women are still making less than men. Bristol-Myers cuts price of AIDS drug Bristol-Myers Squibb announced Wednesday that it will sell AIDS medicines for less than $1 a day to countnes in Afnca. making it the la_test company to enter mto an esca­ lating global drug price rivalry. With sub-Saharan Afnca devastated by AIDS, pharma­ JOHN P. SNOW/SUAF ceutical companies are under growing moral.
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