A PROJ"ECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HEALTH EDUCATION BY FLORENCE OLUCHI ATUFUNWA (MRS) REG. NO.: PG/PHD/89/7919 CODESRIA - LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA 1993 =· ___ ....-~ -- -----~~· - -~- --- ----·---·-_.- -----1 r---. _- - _______ .... _____ - -------------- ____ ·_____ ----t.--- ~----- -- --------·- 1, \ ·--·------- . \ ( ti) j 1 CERTIFICATION i \ \ 1- 1 At~funwa, Florence Oluchi, a post-graduate student in the Department of Health and Physical Education with the Registration Number PG/PHD/89/7919 has satisfactorily completed the requirement for Course and Research work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Health Education. The work embodied in this dissertation- report is original and has not been submitted in part of full for any other diploma or degree of this or âny other University. Head of Department 1 ! CODESRIA - LIBRARY .,,,, / 1 /, 1 ' 1' i '! 1 1 ' 1 ,\., . •.11 .,,,L '("'. \ 1 ) } ·',il,.Y 1' ( i i } ,.,;. ,,, PA.GE ,\ 1 ,J J NVESTI GJ\'l'OH: /\l'llr~L1NWA, F. ~. (:vms.) . THIS PROJECT REPORT HAS BEEN APPROVED· FOR THE A tv'ARD OF, PEJl,REE OF Docr,qf?. P,f..'. .. /?!U J/)S.OF;HY J Ph .D)._ .. -·.:-··. ."·~. ·,,"l ', IN EDUCATION OF 'l'HE DEPARTME'N'l' OF HEALTH AND Pf!YSICAL EDUCATION, . UNTVENS TTY Oli' NlrJERIA, NS U li /i'!l • CODESRIA - LIBRARY , .. , ' . INTERNAL EXAMINER HEAD OF DEPARTMENT _: .-ii> ·:>·:. ·.: .' l)E:AN:., i-~~Àcr/i:ry OF _EDUCATION ·_ .... ~x~:t/i::1iit11itf?)i;:~;:( ;é · ";.,;----· ---·-·--- - (iii) DEDICATION To my late Parents: Mr. Jonathan Ebolugwu Nwokorie ,, & 1 Mrs. Jemimah. Aburuaku Nwokorie 'I il· ' ", For they laboured to sow "this mustard seed" ' j'i)' ,:--, 'I 1 1 Also To my belovedCODESRIA husband, MR. ALFRED - AHAMEFULALIBRARY ATUFUNWA. Without his permission, encouragement and support, this height could not have been attained. i i 1 1 ( '. \, / \ \1, \_ 1 - '\ ! ( ..~ ,,' "', 'I ~·- ---',, ,,'- -- - - ~-- ( iv) ;1(11 i )! :. ' ~ .: '\'' .,, 1 : 1 ,; • '1 .: \. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 '\ \ 1 1 ::·: I· [ - I wish to express my appreciation ta my project superviser, 1 ' Professer G. B. I. Onuoha, whose guidance and encouragement brought '.i 1;i, l: · the aspiration of this work ta fruition. Worthy to be mentioned 'I') '';) are the valuable suggestions by Professer F. A. Amuchie; Dr. (Mrs.) o. C. Nwana; Dr. S. U. Anyanwu and other members of the academic staff of the Department of Health and Physical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka ( UNN), whicb enhanc.ed the successfu.l ·\ completion of this project. 1 1 'l'o Dr. B. G. Nworgu of Department of Education ( UNN) whose constructive sugge::~tio·ns added to the quality of this report, I am indebted. I cannot fa.il ta mention the support and generous , ,':. donation of· text books and other Ji tera.ture by Prof essor Njoku Awa of CorneJ.l Un:iversity, U.S.A., which si.gnificantly aided this work. 1,( To him, I am most .grateful. (\\ /a :·, t.. \ I \.; i s h t o reg i s te r 111 y s in c. e r e a 1) ]? r e c i a t i on ·t o Dr . .A . A j id tl ah l~: of University of Lagos; Mr. FredA Oshinarne - LIBRARY of University of Ibadan · . )(! for read ing the manusc r ipts andI making · use fu 1 suggestions. My !: thanks also goes to the entireR EPI workers at Okpofe Health Centre . · 1 in Ez inih~tef Mbaise, Imo St]a]te for provid_ing dme ~vith th,he 1:i,ecessahry 1 , 'f' base 1 ine· in.-'ormation as weS ___ as cooperat1 on _ur1ng t e SJ.X mont s ··; ·. l. 1-l ,: period of this study. is Royal Highness, Eze D. 0. Eke, 11 Eze Ala I of Akabo; The BLP group in Akaba and the entire members ' • \ of Akabo Comrnuni ty in Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo State of Nigeria, I owe \:(-you my thanks for you r s incere cooperat ion and i nvo1 vement in th i s ,i' 1, .. pro.j ect. '1 \ This projectCODE w011ld not have been a reaLity w:i.thout the 1 financial assistance f~om Council for the Development of Economie and Social Research in Africa ( CODES'RIA) to them I express my profound gratitude. I wj sh to aclrnowledge my profound indebtedness '·. \ to all the members of my family whose untiring support and pra.yers /1 J · counted much in the successful complet ion of this project. ' i\ Above all, to Gad be the glory for the successful completion of this work. 1 ,,, !1 ,- Signed / v-1 t""\'Y',...."'"'r-r- n1 ,,,,....1 ..... ~ t~.f"'Y>rt ------- -- ...--- _____ ,;.:~· (V) TABLE OF CONTENTS :: ,i 'fITLE PAGE ·_),, t,\ CERTIF'ICA'l'ION ..•••.••.••••••••••••••••.••.•.••••••• i !., 1 ;/, ( APPROVAL PAGE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • , ••••• ii . \ ) ~I ! / '{ L DEDICATION •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.••••••.••• iii ,J,,, ·1~; ' '!,) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT •••.••••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••••• iv /Yi TABLE OF CONTENTS ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • V - vii \ 1 1 1 i LIST OF TABLES •.•• ; •••.•••••••••••••••• , ••••• , • , ••• v:i.ii - ix :, '. j LIST OF APPEND IGES ......•...•...................... X , "'( ABSTRACT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• xi - xii ' ·'i .2, ' ''\ \!. l \ \ ,· CHAPTER ONE: IN'J'R.ODUCTION 1 \1, \ 1 1 'J• /H,i ( 1 ·• 1. B ac k g roun d t· o th e St... u d y ••..•..•...•..•..• 1 ,, 1 2:2 Statement of Problern 7 2:3 Purpose of the Study 8 ' ) 1:4 Research Questions .............. ·........ 8 'I ' ·! i 1: 5 Hypotheses ............. ., .... ." ........... 8 1:6 Signific~nceCODESRIA of the Study - LIBRARY ............... 9 1:7 Scope of the Study ...................... 11 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELA'J'ED LITERATURE 13 2: 1 Introduction ............................ , 13 2:2 Theoretical Basis of the Study-.· ......... l :1 2:3 EPI and Communication ................... 15 2:4 Control Measures Against Tetanus ........ 21 ~' = "--- -.- -. ___ _ •" • ·...,-.;-.r __ '":.:. .._,:f..2:- ",-- -- ·- . ·- .:. ( vi) 2:5 Groupas a Working Strategy 30 2:6 Factors for Effective Communication ....... 40 2:7 Obstacles to Effective Communication ...... 47 2:8 Summary of Literature Review ............. 50 CHAPTER THREE : METHODOLOGY 52 3:1 Introduction 52 3:2 The Research l)es ign ...................... 52 The Study Area 53 3:4 PopulatioD; for the Study ................. 53 3:5 Construction and Development of Instrument. 54 3:6 Validation of Instrument ................. 55 ,( '.. /_, ' 3:7 Reliability of Instrument ................ 56 3:8 Orientation of Research Aides and BLP .· .... 56 3:9 Diffusion of Tetanus Toxoid Information ... 57 3:10 Method of Data Collection ................ 58 3:11 Method of Data Analysis 59 ,I, 1 CHAPTER FOUR: R E S U L T S 61 / f PresentationCODESRIA of Data ....................... - LIBRARY , .. 61 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION OF RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATION AND SUMMARY 79 ·\ 5:1 Introduction 79 5: 2 Summary of Findings ...................... 79 5:3 Discussion of Findings ... ..... ......... ... 81 ---- L--- -------- --- - -- ::..::.:_-.... ~~- --- .,,--- - ·~~.~- -~~ - -- ,--· - --....... -- ----------- ..... ____ --- -- -::.-=:-;.______~--------------------------------------- ... __ ---------..... ___-::----------/ (vii) 5:4 Conclusion 92 5:5 Educational Implication .... 93 5:6 Recommendations 97 5:7 Suggestions for Further Research .......... 91) 5:8 Limitation 100 5:9 Summary ... 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 105 116 ,,'' i ' \APPENDICES 117 - 13:3 '''l,, 1li ·1 "· ) ! r CODESRIA - LIBRARY \ \ \ ''il } ;" ( ' / ' 1 1 1 ' ) 1 L. / . -:..;--...--.-1..---~ - -----;-:·- _..-- ---- ---- -----.-- ,______ :::::..--------- - ,--- """=" -._,....---~--~ --.. \ î __.. ------·· ----~-:-- -----·-------- ____ .. ------------------- -ce-_______________________.J (viii) -~ i • rl-') iÎl \ .' r1 LIST OF TABLES t Î. TABLE 1. Percentage of Respondents Dernonstrating Correct Knowledge of Diseases Covered by EPI Programme 2. Percentage of Respondents Demonstrating Correct Knowledge of Information on Tetanus 3. Percentage of Respondents Dernonstrating Correct Knowledge of Tetanus Toxoid Administration 4. Percentage of Respondents Demonstrating Correct Xnowledge of Duration of Protection of Each Dose of Tetanus Toxoid 5a. Turn-up for Tetanus Toxoid Immunization in Ihenweorie Health Centre (Experimental) 5b. Turn-up for Tetanus Toxoid Immunization in Okpofe Health Centre (The Contra! Community) 6a. Turn-up for Tetanus Toxoid Immunization in Ihenweorie Health Centre (Pre-Experimental) 6b. Turn-up for Tetanus Toxoid lmmunization Okpofe Heal th Centre ( Pre-Experi_mental) 7. Test of Significant Difference Between Proportiôns of WomenCODESRIA Demonstrating Correct - LIBRARY Knowledge of Diseases Covered by EPI 8. Test of Significant Difference Between Proportions of Wornen Demonstrating Correct Knowledge of Information on Tetanus 9. Test of Significant Difference Between Proportions of Respondents Demonstrating Correct· Knowledge of Tetanus Toxoid Administration 10. Test of Significant Difference Between Proportions of Respondents Demonstrating Correct Knowledge of Duration of Protection of Each Dose of Tetanus Toxoid -- ,n_f'; -,. r - - --.• - :--~--:-.-::-:::. ~ . _._- . - --~ ' ---·"'---..__ ___ _ ------------- =. - --------- ----- _____:__,;--·'- ---___ ,.. __ . ··: \ . (X) 1 1 \'· '_1 ·' 1 1 ) :' ' r--' LIST OF APPENDICES .' ' l':i. { ·.1 \ 'I \ 1 1 1 1 1 \ A. Orientation Test Instrument (English Version) 1 ·i 1 '),, ,, /B, Orientation Test Instrument (Igbo Version) f( 1:l: j 1 '\ c. Orientation Objectives ) Orientation Curriculum Lecture Handout on Tetanus Toxoid (English Version) Lecture Handout on Tetanus Toxoid (Igbo Version) Personnel Involved in the Study and Their Functions Project Programme of Activities Sample Procedure for Computing
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