May 17, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16159 paign reform to the Committee on House Ad­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 7933. A blll for the relief of Luis Os· ministration. valdo Salazar-Cabrera; to the Committee on By Mr. MYERS (for himself, Mr. FREN­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private the Judiciary. ZEL, Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. bills and resolutions were introduced and RoY, and Mr. TALCOTT) : severally referred as follows: H.J. Res. 560. Joint resolution to authorize By Mr. COUGHLIN: the President to issue a proclamation desig­ H.R. 7931. A b1ll for the relief of Bruce A. nating the week in November which includes PETITIONS, ETC. Feldman, lieutenant commander, Marine Thanksgiving Day in each year as "National Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Family Week"; to the Committee on the Corps, U.S. Navy Reserve; to the Committee Judiciary. on the Judiciary. 2160. The Speaker presented a petition of By Mr. FUQUA: By Mr. HELSTOSKI: Norman L. Birl, Jr., Rosharon, Tex., relative R. Res. 397. Resolution disapproving Reor­ H.R. 7932. A bUI for the relief of Mr. and to redress of grievances; to the Committee ganization Plan No. 2; to the Committee on Mrs. Manuel H. Araya; to .the Committee on G~vernment Operations. the Judiciary. on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SENATOR RANDOLPH EXPLAINS IM­ dents in high schools throughout West "The District Line" . by Bill Gold, which Virginia. In 1968, he said, there were only appeared in the Washington Post on Feb­ PORTANT ROLE OF POLICE­ ruary 16, 1973, and in which your latest idea WEST VffiGINIA PROBLEMS ARE three drug arrests made in the State but concerning Charleston's "Buzz-the-Fuzz" LISTED-NATIONAL POLICE WEEK last year there were 434 and he expects program was published in the suggestion FOCUSES ATTENTION 600 this year. The age group most seri­ box. ously affected ranges from 14 to 23. Since the establishment of "Buzz-the­ During this week and throughout the Fuzz", Charleston Police have been success­ HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH year, Mr. President, our citizenry is re­ ful in reaching approximately eighty per OF WEST VmGINIA minded to say "Hello" to the neighbor­ cent of the teenager and pre-teen youth in IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES our City. hood policeman or to nod "Thank you" Our last radio broadcast was on Thursday, Thursday, May 17, 1973 at the officer when he assists us in February 22, 1973, between 7:00 P.M. and crossing the street or giving us directions. 7:30P.M. After "Buzz-the-Fuzz" left the air, Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, this It's a small token of appreciation but yet our officer remained at the radio station for week, May 13-19, is "Police Week"-a a well-deserved one. more than thirty minutes, answering ques­ week that deserves recognition by Amer­ I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Presi­ tions still being telephoned in. ica's citizens. The policeman's job today dent, that the following articles be We feel that "Buzz-the-Fuzz" acquaints is tougher than ever. Patrick V. Murphy, printed in the RECORD: An excerpt from adults and youth with "their" police depart­ head of the Police Foundation, says the ment and establishes a better relationship Bill Gold's "District Line" column about between our department and the citizens of Nation's law enforcement community is a radio program responsible for better crippled by frustration, low morale, and the City of Charleston. It also makes our communication between the police and officers more aware of their personal lives a shattered self-image. Murphy feels the community in Charleston, W. Va.; and conduct so as not to be exposed on that- my statement on the anniversary of this "Buzz-the-Fuzz". The policeman has never been able to tell unique program; a letter from the Our program is very successful and one of the public how different and tough his lite Charleston chief of police about the which we are extremely proud. is, how dangerous it is. People have no idea May I thank you for your suggestion to of the complexities and pressu.res of his Job. "Buzz the Fuzz" program; a new article other Police Departments that such a pro­ on Patrick Murphy of the Police Founda­ gram might be advisable to establish com­ The policeman's roles are many and tion; and a "letter to the editor" of the munications between the police and the varied. He or she must be a traffic di­ News-Tribune in Keyser, w. va., by a community. rector, a "big brother," a teacher an former West Virginia State trooper. Very truly yours, administrator, and a protector of' the There being no objection, the ma­ L. H. MORRIS, public. At a recent meeting of the West terial was ordered to be printed in the Chief of Police. Virginia Governor's Committee on RECORD, as follOWS: Crime, Delinquency, and Correction the [From the Washington Post, Feb. 16, 1973] RADIO STATEMENT BY U.S. SENATOR JENNINGS discussion of community relations 'cov­ RANDOLPH, MARCH 8, 1973 THE DISTRICT LINE ered issues such as:· The relation of edu­ I commend WXIT's Buzz the Fuzz Pro­ cation, religion, and employment to (By B1ll Gold) gram on its first anniversary. I know the im­ crime; new directions in education and SUGGESTION BOX portant public service role it provides and employment efforts; specific community A young friend named Jennings Randolph its value to the people. and individual actions as deterrents to served his state for 14 years in the House of The Charleston Area Chamber of Com­ crime; integrity of government; delivery Representatives, has already put in 14 more merce, The Charleston Police Department in the Senate, and was reelected to another and the management of WXIT are all to be of social services; responsiveness of gov­ 6-year term last November. Somehow dur­ commended for their participation in this ernment; drug abuse prevention, treat­ ing all these years he has managed to main­ unique program. ment and education. tain a lively interest in new ideas. I am especially interested in the drug in­ I am seriously concerned over the in­ The latest from him is about the "Buzz the formation effort of WXIT. As a member of creasing number of law enforcement Fuzz" idea that gained almost instant popu­ the Senate Subcommittee on Alcoholism and larity in Charleston, West Virginia's capital. Narcotics, I know of the drug problem fac­ officers who have been killed by crimi­ ing us. I believe informational programs such nals. Our able colleague, Senator EAsT­ Any citi~ren who has a police-related ques­ LAND, has called for "immediate action tion can get it answered by dialing a special as Buzz and the Fuzz are very beneficial. number listed in the Charleston phone book. Again, my best wishes for continued suc­ from Congress." One hundred or more In addition, there's a Buzz the Fuzz radio cess. police officers have been killed in each program sponsored by a Community Involve­ of the last 3 years-double that of the ment Task Force. [From the Washington Post, May 14, 1973] mid-1960's. In 1971, 126 policemen were Big city police departments looking for Ex-CHIEF MURPHY SEES WORK AHEAD killed. Last year 112 officers were slain. ways to establish better lines of communi­ More officers were killed attempting cation between themselves and their com­ (By Paul W. Valentine) arrests than in any category. We must munities might be well advised to consider Patrick V. Murphy, cop for 27 years, police stop warfare against the police. Sen. Randolph's report on Buzz the Fuzz. chief in four cities including New York and An ever-increasing problem for law Washington and now head of the Police CHARLESTON POLICE DEPARTMENT, Foundation here, says the nation's law en­ enforcement is drug abuse. Col. R. L. forcement community is crippled by frustra­ Bonar, head of the West Virginia State Charleston, W.Va., February 27, 1973. Han. JENNINGS RANDOLPH, tion, low morale and a shattered self-image. Police, has asked the State to .provide U.S. Senate, "There have been improvements, yes, but additional troopers to meet the drug Washington, D.O. we still have a very long way to go," said situation. Bonar said that the drug prob­ DEAR Sm: This is to acknowledge, with ap­ Murphy, 52, in his new office at the Police lem is a serious one and has affected stu- preciation, receipt of the article entitled Foundation, an arm of the Ford Foundation 16160 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 17, 1973 with a $30 million grant to devise experi­ armored personnel carriers-and to encour­ attitudes of many would change. I venture mental and innovative training and research age instead the use of low key tactics, non­ to say that there would be many people who projects among the nation's pollee depart­ violent crowd control procedures and in­ couldn't take it for a week. ments. dividual dispute settlement skills. I hear people talk about police harassment. In a wide-ranging but bleak overview of As president of the Police Foundation, You people don't know what harassment 18 law enforcement in America, Murphy said Murphy says he hopes now to combine his until you are a policeman. pollee departments lack professionalization, experience as a policeman with the energies A policeman Is a lot of things, but what resist change, suffer organizational fragmen­ of the foundation to help cure the ills of people forget Is that he is an individual wtth tation, place undue emphasis on hardware contemporary law enforcement.
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