Jriy 10, 1W7 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC ELEVEN Motion Picture Classification To Aid BP'S Father Roche Belleville Bishop jutei Issued by the National Legion of Decency ¿Lfiimor* recent films are listed here. The classification of Dies Suddenly Dies, Aged 74 ¿Let however, will be gladly given to those who inquire at ¡¡¡Thane COurt 0662. Solemn Requiem Mass will be Belleville, 111., July 5 (NC) — I /utnt or groups desiring to receive the weekly report of the offered this morning in St. Philo- Most Rev. Henry John Althoff, Jgj legkm of Decency may order it from the headquarters, mena's Church, Squirrel Hill, for aged 73, who has served for the ¡JillSift St., Sew York City. The charge is $2.50 per year. Rev. Thomas B. Roche, C.Ss.R., last 33 years as the second Bishop a member of the mission band of of the Belleville Diocese, died CLASS A-I I Cover Big Town Imperfect Lady St. Philomena's Monastery, who here Thursday after an illness of rttbJectionable For All it Happened on Fifth Avenue died suddenly last Sunday of a L-iZt*BtOroan Ivy three months. \ffS- Jewels of Brandenburg brain hemorrhage. Burial will be Johnny O'clock in Calvary Cemetery. Born in Aviston, 111., Bishop ; fgiSt Bobby-Soxer Killer at Large Lady Chaser Father Roche, who was a chap- Althoff studied for the priesthood Ladies Man > iSlTJom End, The Lady Surrenders, A lain in both world wars, and who at St. Joseph's College, Teutopolis, HPTl* Angelo Last Frontier Uprising was widely known as a mission- noon i-es Miserables (French) 111., and at the University of Inns- ürt Likely Story. The ary among Italian-speaking Cath- bruck, Austria, where he was or- IjBjitatti. Little Martyr, The olics, was born in Rochester, N.Y., Long Night, The dained on July 26, 1902. On Dec. Locket, The 62 years ago, a son of Thomas and Lone Wolf in Mexico. The Mary McLean Roche, and was 4, 1913 he was named by Pope "Lmw One* Homo Love and Learn ¡¡LliMdM Again Macomber Affair, The ordained to the priesthood July Pius X to succeed Bishop John S Drummond at BaI y Millerson Case. The 2, 1911, at Esopus, N.Y., by the Janssen in the Belleville Diocese. Millie's Daughter gar—* Mr. District Attorney late Bishop Thomas Cusack, then 1 Moss Rose Auxiliary of New York. He took My Favorite Brunette Mrs. Anna O'Donnell Ss* New Orleans post-graduate studies at the Re- Northwest Outpost demptorist College in Rome, and sv*«* Other Love, The Solemn Requiem Mass was of- Phllo Vance's Gamble on his return to this country was Phiio Vance Returns appointed pastor of St. Gregory's fered Saturday morning in St. SVs ^ Possessed Casimir Baltramaitis, member of Francis de Sales' Church, Mc- ftafen Notation: Contrary to the traditional Church, North East, Pa. He serv- SdwDoneys, TIM Christian interpretation of the Scrip- the staff of War Relief Services- ed as an Army chaplain in the Kees Rocks, for Mrs. Anna Mary g BwghtfT. Iii« tures, diabolical possession described National Catholic Welfare Con- first World War, being stationed Walters O'Donnell, widow of Eu- in this film is identified with insanity. gene A. O'Donnell, who died on Un of Rusty Queen of the Amazons ference, who is en route over- first at Camp Lee, Va., and then ««•a Ramrod overseas for 14 months. Tuesday, July 1, at her home, 134 fcpccuttons Red House, The seas to assist in the agency's pro- Renegade Girl Amelia St., McKees Rocks. Burial Riff Raff gram for Displaced Persons In On his return he was assigned was in St. Mary's Cemetery, Mc- Santa Fe Saddlemates Germany, particularly in the set- to the Redeiriptorist house in An- Kees Rocks. B hndc of 1HT Secret Heart, The napolis, Md., and then to the one Paradise Valley Secrets of a Sorority Girl tlement of these people in new A daughter of the late Joseph Hü Toun Shop Girls of Paris at Baltimore, conducting missions Where fn Going Sin of Harold Diddlebock homelands. A native of Elizabeth, in Italian. He came to St. Philo- and Eva Fleci;enstein Walters, 111»« I M Smash Up 1 iMMi in Brooklyn Spoilers of the North N. J., Mr. Baltramaitis studied at mena's, Pittsburgh, in 1930, and Mrs. O'Donnell was born in Pitts- nTSTta Stairway to Heaven St. Benedict's Preparatory School, burgh Sept. 10, 1871, and had in Cmi To Be Young Stallion Road organized an Italian Mission Band ; Mm Story, Thd Strange Journey Newark, and at Villanova College. here. He was also active in pro- lived in this district all her life. I at * WW Hones Suddenly It's Spring She was the mother of four I & «1 IN INmwi Tarzan and ihe Huntress (NC Photos) moting devotion to St. Gerard m Otttm Apley That Brannan Girl: Majella, the Redemptorist lay daughters, Mrs. Mary Shrode, of 1* footer That's My Gal St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Elizabeth litCaMi to Gunaight Tiger Woman Brother, and wrote a number of IK rf tht Canyoo Too Many Winners John C. Larkin articles dealing with the life and Green and Gene O'Donnell, of ¡it rf the Lash Two Mra Carrolls, The McKees Rocks, who survive her, jiNtai lean Undercover Maisie t works of the saint. He contribut- 1 id Stir Moonlight Untamed Fury Solemn Requiem Mass will be ed two series of articles to The and the late Mrs. Anna Garvey. iigtanr, The Violence Also surviving are seven grand- I MN (German) Web, The offered this morning in Assump- Pittsburgh Catholic, one dealing f HMm Kid Winter Wonderland tion Church, Bellevue, for John with moral problems and the oth- children; three sisters, Mrs. Su- Yank in Rome, A C. Larkin, of 510 California Ave., er with the teachings of the san Dawson, of Pittsburgh, Mrs. 1Mb Hickelby Mary Fink and Mrs. Cecilia Kess- Jorti cf the Border CLASS B Avalon, son of the late John B. Church on marriage. Puring ; Oete Santa Ve Trail ler, of Etna; and one brother, MfcAtnnture Objectionable and Rose Canevin Larkin, who World War II Father Roche serv- Wk of Pauline Angel and Sinner died Tuesday in Presbyterian ed as a civilian chaplain, being Joseph Walters, of Kansas City, Nptn My. The Bellman, The Md. Pirnr Jwtice Objection: Tends to justify revenge and Hospital after a brief illness. A assigned to an Italian prisoner- Mil «riders unlawful retribution; suggestive lines. member of the Holy Name Society of-war camp in Virginia. i N Bajfond Born to Kill the Blue Carmen (Revised; formerly Class C) of Assumption Church, Mr. Lar- A member of Trees-Carlisle Catholic Daughters i Wn of the South Carnival in Costa Rica kin was an employe of the County Post No. 166 of the Veterans of j UN Tht California Trail Cheyenne 1 kwan of Beey Ridge Children of Paradise Elections Department for the past Foreign Wars, Father Roche had Of America j fcfaadi of Assist Duel In the Sun eight years, and had formerly 1 H Otmctrio, London Fall Guy The served as chaplain of the state i iNOaa to College Fear in the Night conducted the Schenley Pharmacy department of the organization. Court Pittsburgh I INaaaaha (German) Fun on a Weekend Mrs. Freida A. Jones and Mrs. Objection: Suggestive dialogue and sit- at Fifth Ave. and Neville St. Surviving is one brother, James Sevan Kqri to Baldpate Edith Weber will be chairman of N Wva Sawed uations. Roche, of Chicago, feNN Miss Pilgrim Ghost and Mrs. Muir Mr. Larkin's father was one of the first of two summer card par- •MB» Sailor Jungle Flight the outstanding Catholic laymen ftflaa Wwnaila Keeper of the Bees ties to be held by the court on tot tf Sffcaheraiade Objection: Reflects acceptability of di- of Pittsburgh, having been post- Meeting of History Monday evening, July 21, at the Wh H the CMsholm Trail vorce. master here under President Gro- J laiM v" Sigma Chi Land of the Lawless home of the Congress of Clubs, 1 IN 4 toe Wasteland Life Begins Anew ver Cleveland and city controller Society Scheduled Penn Ave. Mt if Kings Lighthouse for' two terms, just before his hN the Western Way Little Miss Broadway Court Charleroi toft lb Man Living in a Big Way j> death in 1908, and his mother was Very Rev. Felix Fellner, O.S.B., MNaft Sour Objection: Reflects acceptability of di- a sister of the late Archbishop professor at St. Vincent's College, Following the reception of new toi Bvpf Bleed vorce. candidates at ceremonies in the ton« a Ticket Los \mores de un Torero Regis Canevin. Latrobe, who is nationally known toNar Mountain Lost Honeymoon as an authority in the field of lyceum of St. Jerome's Church, ; tog la Vengeance Magnificent Rogue Surviving are two sisters, Alice Charleroi, members of the court too M San Antone Man 1 Love. The G. and Naomi Larkin, with whom history, will address the members Man's Hope of the Catholic Historical, Society attended a dinner in the Columbus I m«m Miracle on 34th St. he made his home. Hotel there, at which the new j ftp* « the Rio Grande Monsieur Verdoux at the third quarterly meeting of ì Stette Tonto Rim Nora Prentiss their seventh year in the assembly members were the guests. Speak- •PM Goat Odd Man Out ers included Mrs. John F. McKen- «Ja Days Private Affairs of Bel Ami Anniversary Mass room of the Chancery, 125 North l+r a; rear Queen's Necklace Craig St., on Monday, July 14, at na, the newly-elected grand re- 1 PN of Boomtown Stairway for a Star gent of the court; Frances Maher, fi** latum, The 13 Rue Madeleine Requiem Mass will be offered 8:30 P.M.
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