Sbfcntfennmt*. Rsed, of Kllsworth, and Mrs. Annie 'Itjfnrtiacmmis. _ v- LOCAL AFFAIRS. Powers, of Bangor. Mrs. Higgins had friends in Ellsworth who NEW AI1VKUTIM M ENT* THIS WEEK. many regret C. 0. RURRILL & deeply to hear of her death. She visited SON, state assessor**’ notice. here about two *■* I‘s ('omtnissiiiu of fi-h and fisheries—Sealed years ago. ^ 1 proposals. The Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New Hancork lmll— M urrDon ( omeily « «>. m j of m qenekal INSURANCE Robert It H" in. < *<ut *\ culture *»ale- York, *, |Kent, of this city, j AGENTS, I’anook Is a speciafagent, has paid through Mr. Hi him Bank Bldg., ELLSWORTH, ME. Tyler, Fogg A « •»—Municipal bonds. Kent the policy of |15,0CK) on the life of ^ Rockland, My the late W. it. Blaisdell, of Franklin. ARSOL«JT.F*v 'piJRE Rockland Cumin* rc’.al < *•!!* ;<■. WE REPRESENT THE This is one of the largest policies of life \ A '•:iimri)1 '* > in«u1 me v; paid in this vicinity. Makes the food more de'icious and v 'v '. sew Most Kciiiihle Home ami Foreign Coni pan it's. Curtis Novelty < <>— Agent wanted George W. Davis, of Boston, formerly J'■■//> a ih/r V'i/h ! ■■■■■■■BHanannaHDunaniaaBHBaMHManiir^nMnnnnHr «ommJ9 L Safi )J. of this a brother of 10. Davis, t'nvijmt Far othrr focal news see pages •/, .7 and S. city, Henry lias purchased the Tontine house at Miss Mari* *i of Auburndaln, In sums to Hu it on real c.si ate and Morgan, Unitarian noinc. improved Brunswick. The Tontine is a popular re- of the engine had passed over the boy’s Conference at MON KY TO LOAN J is the guest of Miss Mabel —--- collateral.- ... MafiH., .joy. it off at ankle and The annual session be Han- sort for travelling men, and as Mr. Davis leg, cutting the badly eighth Miss Be tie Bnd are vis- the bones above the ankle. cock conferenee of l .an Had Joy Harry Joy has hjmself been on the road for many mangling county iting their Mrs. F. W. Stanton, in The was below the Christian churches ill he held sister, years, both host and hostelry are likely to leg amputated juBt pother Boston. * be popular. knee. with the Lamoine church on MV; day and THERE’S NO ARTICLE E. K. and wife drove to Ells- The State tish and commissioners Wednesday, Aug. 1 and 2. Hopkins James S. Reynolds, an honest and in- game On ho a worth from Brooklin a house Tuesday evening at 6.30 the opening at small Saturday, returning dustrious citizen of Elllsworth, died held hearing at' the American on the sermon of the conference will h Jven by Sunday. Tuesday, aged fifty-eight years. The de- last Wednesday evening petition of Ellsworth to close the Rev. A. L. Hudson, of Buffalo, in the FURNITURE .... M iss Sadie W. Burrill has returned from ceased was a native of Kllsworth, a son of sportsmen OF church at East Lamoine. Th° exerciser a visit f three weeks with friends in the 1h'< Nathaniel C. Reynolds, and all streams flowing Into Branch pond. The on at 1 * of was to a to Wednesday will begin o’clock, Montreal. his life had been spent here. He was a object the petitioii put stop the of small salmon which run and will be held at Shore L el, Kov. C. F. of Jamaica Mast* vetc;n of the civil war. An aged mother catching Dole, Plain, Lamoine Point. up the streams from the pond. The will preach at the Unitarian church survives him. small salmon bite voraciously, and un- Rev. Charle F. 1 ok, c? Jr- P; n, BELGIAN COUCHES. Sunday morning. R. B. Holmes, proprietor of the West conscionable fishermen have taken hun- will speak on “Religion f Men and The schooner “Samuel Lewis” came off End furniture store, announces that lie dreds of salmon from Hix to eight inches Boys”. Other speakers are .. C. C. the marine railway last week, and the is about to retire from the business. long from the streams. There were two Everett, D. D., Rev. H. A. Eli Rev. S. C. * went on. Some years ago Mr. Holmes gave up the “Victory” remonstrants at the hearing before the Bench, and Rev. T. C. Perkin Tin are made of well-seasoned and fruit and confectionery business because y substantially wood, highly finished, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knox, of Chester, commissioners. asked that certain Lamoine will be reached boat leav- the indoor work too They by A few we are proved confining, are upholstered in Velour of handsome patterns. days ago bought Mass., visiting Mrs. Knox’s parents, brooks up which the salmon did not run, ing Bar Harbor daily at 5.15 p. m.. and on I and his present change is to be made for Calvin P. and wife. were b at '• a us to offer these Joy but from which only trout caught Wednesday by special .ng Bar tin1 entire stock *>f Boston dealer, and this enables high- the same reason. Mr-J. J. i\ Simon!on ;s much mocc com- be left open. The commissioners voted Harbor about 9.20 a. m. P * will re- at the nominal of of grade couches price Rev. N. H. Whittlesey, D. D., New < fortable thi~* week, and her friends are to close Winkutnpaw, Gotta, and Rocky j turn to Bar Harbor after th>- ercih*s. II,. the committee n, Conn., secretary of Rond and to that effect A dinner will be st : at t ue more hopeful of her recovery. brooks, notices picnic of the national council of ministerial re- will be at once. I hotel noon free to who at- C. \V. Bobbins, editor of the Oldtown posted Wednesday lief for the Congregational churches, tend the conference. A cord.-b invita- $5.50. Enterprise, was in town last week and | in the I spoke Sunday morning Congrega- “J IIK tion is extended to all to attend. made The American a call. BLUFFS.” pleasant tionnl church. He made an earnest ap- one to a customer. At Hancock Furniture Store. ^ Only County's Largest Miss Margaret H. the Hayes, competent peal for contributions for the ministerial Ellsworth Men Negotiating for Pur- jjinancial. and faithful in The Ameri- book-keeper relief fund, making it appear as a duty chase of Hotel at Mt. Desert Ferry. can is her annual vaca- ••••••» i« • ••• •: office, enjoying rather than a charity. E. H. Oeely. of Ellsworth, representing tion. The MethodiHt and Bantist r Ellsworth and Bar •) -C • A. W. CUSHMAN & SON, Sunday numher of Harbor CL d-i ^4-~7 Harvey W. Bowie*, of Bangor, formerly schools are arranging for their unnunl ex- is for the pur- gentlemen, negotiating ; Jciiciy^ of Ellsworth, was married yesterday. cursion lo Newbury Neck by schooner chase of the hotel, “The Bluffs,” at Mt. (• ») Cor. Main and Franklin Stn., Ellsworth. C) is the most import ;feature '• 1 lie bruit* v. us m iss iselle A. Merrill, or and The will be made next Desert It was an- tug. trip Ferry. prematurely <• ol an invcslmeut. *) Bangor. Tuesday, Aug. 1, if a suitable vessel can be nounced last week that the sale had been Miss Lizzie M. Osgood it ft Tuesday for obtained. It is probable that a number of closed. i Borh I* MunicipalX 9) Cottage City, Vineyard llaven, where she Cninn river yachts will go down the bay Mr. Greely said yesterday that the CLOTHING had been a are safer than alm< t any form MIDSUMMER will be the remainder of the slight en.j toyed negotiations delayed by of investment, a: ''.l fair » the < .it of the school ex- hitch in the title. He 0, now demand No better stock in Ellsworth summer. .joyok Sunday thought, however, in in greatest <• interest returns. •) cursionists. that it w ould not a serious obstacle, to select from. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lynch, of prove and that the hotel would soou change West Somerville, Mass., are vi iting rela- At an adjourned parish meeting of the hands. LIGHT-WEIGHT SUITS. tives and friends in this c.iy, thoir for- C'u;.i;:egHtionai society held last Saturday Y fOGG & GO. the matter of a was It is the purpose of the prospective pro- ?;T LE.s, mer home. parsonage | evening, to continue The Bluffs as a first LIGHT-WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. further discussed. After long delibera- prietors « » Col. Joseph W. Porter, of Bangor, was IVi. class summer hotel. Extensive BANGOR, tion it was voted to build, and to place improve- • in Ellsworth Monday. Col. Porter is • • 0 • • • i • 3 • 9 • • * « ?. 5 *y LIGHT-WEIGHT HOSIERY. the matter in the hands of a ments will be made. The hotel com- familiar to Bangor Commercial readers as absolutely committee of three. A committee of live mands one of the finest views to be f und And everything else that will tend to add ease and com- Wayfarer”. \\u chosen to select this committee of along the coast of Maine. fort to the hot spell. Miss Alice Haslem, whose serious illness a BARROWS & three. At this writing the latter com- The hotel was erected in 1885 by stock BLAKE, BROWN, was is now _ reported last week, critically It mittee has not been chosen. company, and cost about £11,000. has, BANGOR, ME. ill. Her little en- physician gives very with the two adjacent cottages belonging ■e Morrison comedy company is couragement. to the property, about sixty-five guest- OWEN BYRN, booked to appear in Hancock hall for the Senator ant| Mrs. McMillan, of Michi- rooms, and there are dining entire week 31.
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