E896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2000 tragic flaws which facilitated this catas- the survivors and the righteous gentiles, in- journey, but it has been a triumphant one. trophe and moved to purify themselves. More spire us to a new human solidarity that will Now, more than ever, as Israel strives to build and more Christians worldwide have studied enable all peoples to live in freedom and a stable and peaceful region, it is vital that we the lessons, confessed the sins and deter- peace? mined to correct the teachings. Thereby The memory of the victims and the voices unite behind its efforts. Christianity chose life and love again and re- of the survivors, the actions of the righteous This critical step must be followed by equal asserted its own vitality as a gospel of love and the rescuers call out to us: Choose life efforts by Israel's neighbors. It is vital that all bringing healing to the world. that you and your children may live. foreign forces withdraw from Lebanese terri- This process led the United States Govern- tory, that all acts of terrorism against the peo- f ment to establish a United States Holocaust ple of Israel cease, and that southern Lebanon Memorial Museum on the national mall, and POPE JOHN PAUL II CONGRES- be given a real chance of rebuilding and re- to establish Days of Remembrance in the integrating. Southern Lebanon must never be- very week of Yom Hashoah when the sur- SIONAL GOLD MEDAL ACT vivors and the victims' families devote their come the home base for attacks against Israel days to remembering. Millions of Ameri- SPEECH OF again. cansÐthe vast majority not Jewish, not Congratulations again to Israel for taking Poles or Gypsies or gays or any of the Nazis' HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ this brave step and for continuing to stand as victims whose story is told in the MuseumÐ OF TEXAS an example of courage, vigilance, and dedica- come there to confront the painful truth. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to peace. Through this encounter, they learn how de- Tuesday, May 23, 2000 f mocracies fail, when governments turn indif- ferent, and by what process bureaucracy, Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE technology, and obedience were turned into support of H.R. 3544 which would award the AMOS C. SAUNDERS servants of death. Inwardly they pledge to Congressional Gold Medal to Pope John Paul work that this democracy shall not fail; that II. As he celebrates his 80th birthday this HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. never again will this people stand by indif- Thursday, May 25, the spiritual leader of more ferently as millions of others are degraded or OF NEW JERSEY than one billion Catholics around the world destroyed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Each of these steps represents the choice of and millions of Catholics in the United States life. deserves our nation's highest Congressional Tuesday, June 6, 2000 Everywhere, people are coming to under- honor. Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to stand that the evil we have witnessed, this In the recent past, we have honored Mother call to your attention the deeds of a man model of death and degradation cannot be ig- Teresa and South African President Nelson nored or even bypassed. Rather there must whom I and countless others consider to epit- be an active responseÐnothing less than a Mandela. The Pope clearly serves in such omize justice and fairness, the Honorable mighty outburst of freedom, a choice to company as a global figure who continues to Amos C. Saunders of Totowa, New Jersey. universalize human dignity for life. World- make an impact on spiritual and moral leader- Judge Saunders was recognized on Monday, wide, there is a frenzy of attempts to restore ship and the struggle for equal rights and pro- May 15, 2000 at the Brownstone House in the human image of God that was defaced tection for all people. Paterson, New Jersey, because of his many and destroyed. There are urgent efforts to There is no doubt that historians of the fu- years of service and leadership in the court- clear up stereotypes in religion or culture ture will single out Pope John Paul II as one rooms of Passaic County, New Jersey. He that degrade others or may lead to indiffer- of the most influential leaders of his time. He ence to their fate. There is a powerful thrust marked the end of his stellar career when he to develop pluralism in culture, in religion, used all the modern tools in transportation and retired on March 1, 2000. It is only fitting that in political process, in economic powerÐto communications to personally deliver his mes- Judge Saunders be honored in the annals of prevent any concentration of power that sage of love and compassion to the far this great body for his unwavering efforts in could lead to a future choice of destruction reaches of the globe. He not only made dia- the name of the law. or suppression of others. logue, but also influenced world movements For the past 23 years Judge Amos Saun- Everywhere worldwide, these forces turn to such as the fall of Communism and the begin- ders has become one of the most well re- the study of the Holocaust. Millions seek out ning of the third millennium of Christianity on encounter with its story and people because spected Superior Court Judges in the State of the encounter evokes the forces of love, com- earth. New Jersey. Judge Saunders has presided passion, human responsibility, the forces of We are fortunate to have lived in such over criminal, civil and family courts and was life. Wherever people seek life, they draw changing times and to have had such leaders the judge in Passaic County with the most ju- strength from the bedrock of memory. Ev- as the Pontiff who recognized the ever-chang- dicial experience. Judge Saunders last sat in erywhere, humanity is driven by the goad to ing facets of life around him and took steps to the Chancery Division, in which he served for conscience which is intrinsic in Holocaust utilize necessary tools to effect change for the the last 10 years. In doing his job, Judge education. better. As he travels the world, he leads by Saunders' motto was, ``Use your common Of course the forces of death are not quies- example as a symbol of tolerance, peace and cent. Out of fear of a changing world and the sense, be practical, read all the papers and transformation of culture, intolerance re- fairness not only for Catholics, but for people listen.'' It is by these words that he served as asserts itself. Forms of fundamentalism of different faiths, ethnicity and economic sta- judge, but anyone who knows Judge Saun- which deny others their freedom of religion tus. I commend the House for bringing this ders knows that these words simply under- appear. Anti-Semitism and denial of the legislation to the floor and urge the enactment state his jurisprudential excellence. As a lead- rights of foreigners and other outsiders surge of this bill as expeditiously as possible. er in the judicial community, Judge Saunders' again. Forces of neo-Nazism and terrorism f rulings have often served as both a precedent strengthen. Not surprisingly, such forces often deny the reality of the Holocaust or be- and a resource for other judges. COMMENDING ISRAEL'S REDE- As a judge in the Chancery Division, Judge little its dimensions. PLOYMENT FROM SOUTHERN We are asked. Will there be an imperative Saunders had the opportunity to handle pro- to remember the Holocaust in the 21st cen- LEBANON bate, estate cases and injunctions. Over the tury? The answer is: As long as humanity years, however, Judge Saunders perhaps be- chooses life, then more and more people will SPEECH OF came best known as a nationally respected remember and learn the lessons of the Holo- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO expert on the legal aspects of the sport of caust. Then governments will more likely in- boxing. He handled many high profile boxing tervene to stop genocide, more likely create OF CONNECTICUT open, pluralist multi cultural societies, more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cases in his court including those of the promi- nent boxing promoters Lou and the late Dan likely deny dictators the claim that no one Wednesday, May 24, 2000 dare interfere in their internal affairs. Duva and Don King. In 1997, the International The true question is not whether humanity Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to Boxing Digest magazine listed Judge Saun- will honor the imperative to remember the vote to commend Israel for its courageous de- ders as number 16 in the list of boxing's 50 Holocaust. The true question and challenge cision to withdraw from southern Lebanon. most influential people. is: will humans rise to greatness in the Israel stands as a reminder of the courage Born in Paterson on March 9, 1934 and choice of life. Can our conscience seared by the fires of and strength of the human spiritÐand what it raised in Paterson and Fair Lawn, New Jer- Auschwitz, become an irresistible political can accomplish. Against all odds and en- sey, Judge Saunders has spent his years in force so nations will not tolerate, nay, will emies, the people of Israel have united to dedicated service to the community. Judge intervene to stop genocide? Can the model of build a strong nation. It has not been an easy Saunders received his Bachelor of Arts degree VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:37 Jun 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06JN8.002 pfrm12 PsN: E06PT1 June 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E897 from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
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