European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 2769-2772 Differential studies of ovarian endometriosis cells from endometrium or oviduct W. LIU1,2, H.-Y. WANG3 1Reproductive Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical University of Anhui, Hefei, Anhui, China 3Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital, the West Branch of Anhui Provincial Hospital, Hefei, Anhui, China Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: To study the promi- In most cases, EMT affects ovary and peritone- nent differences between endometriosis (EMT) um, and as a result a plump shape cyst forms in cells derived from ovary, oviduct and endometri- the ovary. The cyst is called ovarian endometrio- um, and to provided new ideas about the patho- sis cyst (aka ovarian chocolate cyst) which usually genesis of endometriosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: contains old blood and is covered by endometrioid From June 2010 1 to June 2015, 210 patients diagnosed with en- epithelium. In 1860, Karl von Rokitansky studied dometriosis were enrolled in our study. Patients the disease and observed retrograde menstruation were treated by laparoscopy or conventional in nearly 90% of child-bearing women, and later surgeries in our hospital. Ovarian chocolate proposed “retrograde menstruation implantation cyst and paired normal ovarian tissues, fimbri- theory”. However, this theory explained endo- ated extremity of fallopian and uterine cavity en- metriosis in the abdominopelvic cavity does not domembrane tissues were collected, prepared 2 and observed by microscope. PCR was used for explain endometriosis outside of enterocelia . Lat- 3 4 amplification of target genes (FMO3 and HOXA9) er on, Iwanoff and Meyer proposed “coelomic and Western blot was used to evaluate FMO3 metaplasia theory” which stipulated that endome- and HOXA9 expression levels. triosis was derived from mesothelial cells through RESULTS: In 95 cases, endometriosis cells were metaplasia. This theory explained most cases of derived from oviduct epithelial. In 110 cases, en- endometriosis in ovary and enterocelia. However, dometriosis cells were derived from the endome- there was not adequate evidence supporting it at trium, and in 5 cases it was derived from the ova- 5 ry itself. FMO3 gene transcription and protein ex- cellular or molecular level . pression were higher in oviduct cells while HOXA9 Prior studies showed that due to the fact that gene transcription and protein expression were mucous epithelium in fallopian tube can form endo- higher in endometrial cells. In 89 cases the endo- metrioid tissue, fallopian tube may be an important metriosis cells were derived from oviduct epithe- origin for endometriosis6. We studied the prominent lial and in 113 cases endometriosis cells were de- rived from the endometrium. Protein levels indi- differences between endometriosis (EMT) cells de- cated that endometriosis cells in 85 cases were rived from ovary, oviduct and endometrium. derived from oviduct epithelial and in 116 cases were derived from the endometrium. CONCLUSIONS: A large number of ovarian Patients and Methods endometriosis cells were derived from oviduct epithelial. Experimental Materials Key Words Ovarian endometriosis, Oviduct epitheli- From June 2010 to June 2015, 210 patients di- al, PCR amplification, Western blot. agnosed with endometriosis were enrolled in our study. Patients were treated by laparoscopy or conventional surgeries. Patients were aged from Introduction 24 to 39 (average=28.6±10.3 years). The course of the disease ranged from 1 week to 2 years (av- Endometriosis (EMT) is a benign disease with erage=5.3±1.2 months) and parity history ranged a high incidence in women at child-bearing age. from 0 to 2 times, and rAFS staging was between EMT can cause chronic pelvic pain and infertility. grade III to IV. Menstrual cycles in 126 patients Corresponding Author: Huiyan Wang, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 2769 W. Liu, H.-Y. Wang were in proliferative phase, and 84 patients were solution, TEST solution, confining liquid (5% skim in secretory phase. milk powder), developing solution, fixative solution, Conditions of patients were confirmed by sur- diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) solution and PBS. gical indications, and all surgeries were per- For tissue protein extraction and concentration formed with the approval of our Ethical Com- determination we washed fresh tissue samples in mittee. Informed consents forms were signed by cryopreservation using phosphate buffered saline patients and their families. Ovarian chocolate (PBS) solution for 3 times. Tissues were then cyst and paired normal ovarian tissue, fimbri- crushed and homogenized followed by addition ated extremity of fallopian and uterine cavity of protein extraction solution. Radio-immuno- side wall endomembrane tissues were collected. precipitation assay (RIPA) and protease inhibitor Subsequently, all specimens were placed into pre- phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (100: 1) cooled D-Hanks liquid curling and were trans- were also used. After blending, samples were ferred to the laboratory for further analyses. placed in a horizontal table concentrator and were concentrated for 20 to 30 min and then tissues Experimental Methods were further crushed with sonifier. Supernatant Cells were studied closely under the micro- were collected and used for protein quantifica- scope. FMO3 and HOXA9 genes were amplified tion. Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) Protein Assay Kit using PCR and FMO3 and HOXA9 expression was used for protein quantification. SDS-PAGE levels were verified by western blot. Tissues were was used for protein separation and then Western sectioned, fixed, embedded, and frozen. blot was conducted to measure the level of protein PCR reactions: Primers used for PCR reac- expression. We used Image J software to interpret tions had the following sequences: Western blot results. FMO3: F5’-AATTCGGGCTGTGATATTGC-3’ R5 ’-TTGAGGAAGGTTCCAAATCG-3’ Observation Index HOXA9:F5’-CCCATTGTGATTGTGGAA GAT- We compared the prominent microscopic dif- 3’ R5 ’- ACAGCCTAGTTATACAGAAGAC-3’ ferences amongst endometriosis cells derived Primers were synthesized by Shanghai Sangon from oviduct epithelial, endometrium and the Biotech Co., Ltd., and PCR was performed using ovary itself. We also compared the differences in the standard reaction conditions. The standard FMO3 and HOXA9 gene and protein expression curve was constructed, and after the reaction was levels. finished, amplification curve, dissolving curve, and quantity of gene expression were studied. Statistical Analysis Results were presented by the ratio between the Statistical software package SPSS 19.0 target gene and the reference gene GAPDH and the (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statis- ratio stood for the relative expression of the target tical analyses. Measurement data were present- gene in samples. The influences of experimental ed by means±standard deviation and variance errors incurred during the process of reverse tran- analysis was used for comparisons between scription and PCR amplification were eliminated. groups. Enumeration data were presented by We made 3 to 5 complex holes in each sample and percentage (%) and the X2 test was conducted repeated each experiment for 3 times. for comparisons between the groups. p < 0.05 For Western blot we used the following re- was considered statistically significant. agents: FMO3 and HOXA9 monoclonal antibody (Abcam Company, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK), CD10 monoclonal antibody (Sig- Results ma-Aldrich Company, St. Louis, MA, USA), Vimentin monoclonal antibody (Sigma-Aldrich Analysis on the Characteristics of Cell Company, St. Louis, MA, USA) and anti-GAPDH Origins under microscope (Abcam Company, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, There were two types of epithelium of oviduct: England, UK). one with cilium and the other without cilium. To prepare protein lysis buffer, we used 5× load- They are characterized with monolayer, irregular ing buffer, 30 % acrylamide solution, 1.5 mol/L polygon, and positive cell keratin. Positive cell Tris (pH 8.8), 1 mol/L Tris (pH 6.8), 1 0% SDS, 10 numbers were over 90%, ciliated cells arranged % ammonium persulfate (APS), 10× electropho- in plexiform densely and had ciliary beat. En- retic buffer solution, 10× transfer buffer, 10× TBS dometrial cells had a tadpole or polygon shape, 2770 Differential studies of ovarian endometriosis cells from endometrium or oviduct “endometrial cells” in ectopic lesions were dis- seminated from the menstrual blood containing endometrial debris when the menstrual blood flowed reversely through oviduct into pelvic cav- ity. The oviduct is the duct connecting the uterine cavity to pelvic cavity. The endometrial debris that enters into pelvic cavity through the contranatant menstrual blood via oviduct may settle down in the abdominopelvic cavity and develop different types of endometriosis8,9. Transfer of endometrial debris through veins or lymphatic vessels toward remote sites can be considered as an extension of endometrial implantation theory10. Almost 90% of women in their child-bearing age experience different degrees of menstrual blood reverse flow, Figure 1. Transcription levels of FMO3 and HOXA9 genes observed in oviduct and endometrial cells. however only 5 % to l0 % of these women devel- op endometriosis [11]. This theory cannot explain the endometriosis occurred outside abdominal cavity, including the lung, skin, lymph nodes and
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