View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Xavier University Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1973-03-14 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1973). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2278. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2278 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ! ',-·· .. ~:.·. ,. VOL. LVlll NO. 16 XAVIER UNIVERSITY. CINCINNATI, OHIO XAVIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 No News is good news? In a memorandum dated March 8, Mr. contacted by Shearer and told to call a Roderick C. Shearer, Vice-President for meeting of that committee to review The Student Affairs asked that the Programs Xavier News. No specific charges we~e le­ and'Publications Committee consider "the vied at the News at that time. Followiri-g a feasibility and advisability of establishing meeting with the Editor-in-Chief of the a University paper to replace The Xavier eibi, Mr. Patrick J. Nally, Dean of Stu­ News and the Communique." The note dents, decided that a meeting of the com­ went on to say that "there has been a great . mittee was not necessary. deal.of criticism of both papers by students Later, Shearer went to the Joint State­ and faculty for different reasons." ment Committee with a directive from the The memorandum also included some President to determine if any of the pre­ projected format for the publication. It said vious guidelines for The Xavier News ap­ that the University paper "would involve proved by the Board of Trustees in 1964, writers and editors from each of the could ·be reinstated in. light of "The Joint campus interest groups - students, faculty ; -Statement on Student Rights, Freedoms and staff." According t_o ..the for·mat, - and Responsibilities of Students at Xavier Alumni and Alumnae would also be in­ University," approved by the Board in vited to participate. 1971. The Editor-in-Chief of the publication The committee made the following rec­ "would (usually) be a professional journal­ ommendation forwarded to the Editor-in­ ist appointed by the President."- Ch i ef of The Xavier News in a memo­ randum from Shearer dated February 16, Additional remarks on the format in­ 1973: . cluded the possibility of a "national" edi­ tion once a month and a campus edition The Trustee-passed 1964 statement on for the remaining three weeks of .the · the Xavier News Policy has no effect and month. · has been superceded by "The Statement on Student Rights, Freedoms and Responsi­ Earlier in the year, the Chairman of the bilities," pased by the Trustees in 1971. Programs and Publications committee was Fortin receives award; Will -~tudy "'Millenialisrn'' by Frank Landry millenialism was a religious movement which arose during colonial American A Humanist.Fellowship Award of $2,000 ... times.. This-.movement, ... hf'...,added>--'antich....: · has been granted to Dr. Roger A. Fortin, pated the second coming of Christ. He said - Professor of History, this past week. The 'that the implication of millenialism was award was granted by the National En·· · that "man would have to straighten out dowment for the Humaniiies. society for the se~ond coming." · ·Fortin told the News that the award will In light of the proposal, Fortin observed enable him to spend two summer months that the award would enable (him) to study this year in research and study at the Har-' a broader subject which has to do with fu· vard'- University Library and at the Mail· ture ethos of America: He further stated . sachusetts Historical Society in Boston. that his summer studies will aid his under­ Fortin explained that in order to obtain standing of futuristic writings in the ·A little color was added to the campus laet week when some paint got mi"Ked up the award it is necessary that the candi­ United' States. in a water fight between Kuhlman and Brockman HallB. Portions ofKu~man's date present an advance proposal to the Fortin said that he will l~ave in mid July exterior were turned to a brilliant orange while the walk,way outside the National Endowment for the Humanities. and return from his studies toward the end McGra,th Health Center was Bpotted with blue. Some say that the only way to He also said that the proposals are then of September. remove the p~nt would be sandblasting. read by an examination committee and subsequently evaluated. Fortin said that a few of these awards are granted annually. Fortin added thahhe title of the pro-· posal which he submitted is "Proposal for Senate_ adopts academic proposal a study of Millenialism in Colonial Amer-· ica." In an interview, Fortin explained that observed that spring weekend alone will As a result of the opposition to the aca­ by Frank Landry cost approximately·$500. However, Bill Ar­ demic proposal, Senators Capp, Everett, News Editor nold, Student Government Treasurer, as­ Hartigan,· LaGrange, Moroney, O'Brien, The Student Senate passed an academic sured Moroney that there was currently and Saracina voted against passage. proposal which calls for Student Govern­ over $700 left in the budget - more than ment to allocate $1,200 to the academic enough for the social program. community of the university. The action was taken at the Student Senate meeting Opponents then added that while they Academic· held Wednesday, March 7. Vote on the pas­ could agree to individual academic alloca­ sage was 10-7 with one abstention. tions, they could .not endorse the freezing of a fixed.amount of money. forum The proposal was co-sponsored by Sena­ The Xavier Chapters of Alpha Sigma Nu At this point, Arnold answered questions tors Tom James; John Lechleiter, and Greg and Gamma Pi Epsilon, the National Jes­ ·Leisner. · about a ·similar program two years ago. He uit Honorary Societies will jointly sponsor stated that $1,500 of the $2,200 granted to an open academic forum on the core cur­ The text of the passage noted that "any the faculty had to be pulled back because academic department, student organiza­ riculum this·l'"riday, March 16, at 1:30 p.m. of the losses encountered in spring week·. in Kelley Auditorium. tion, or group of individuals will be per­ end of that year. Arnold stated that he felt mitted_ to apply for any or all of this aca­ "funds have to be set aside so that what The core curriculum, a basic expression demic enhancement of the university as a happened two years ago won't happen of Xavier's academic philosophy, is whole." According to the proposal, funds again." presently under reevaluation by two uni­ are to be used for items such as books, versity sub-committees; Spokesmen for the i:.·::?~~;~f-:,::'..;~:: x;~ Deadline_· is speakers, seminar.a, equipment, and the honorary societies have stated that the '1 ~, like. · · ..r:;.~~~-'.~::/ purpose of the forum will be to "allow the The proposal. sets up a mechani~m for entire university-to discuss the issue in an the distribution of the academic moneys as > •·,' open and communicative atmosphere." Approa~hing ' ·. ·--:. ,· follows. An ad hoc committee will be • .. ·f,· The format will consist of a five member The deadline for applying for the posi- created - appointed by the president. This panel including: Dr. Peter S. Carusone tion of Editor-in-Chief of the Xavier News . seven-man committee is charged with es­ (Marketing), Rev. Stanley C. Tillman, S.J. is this Friday, March 16. All applications . tablishing written criteria for judging (Philosophy), Dr. Matias G. Vega, (Modern should be addressed in care of Mr. Bill Ker- requests for allocations. , Languages), Rev. Thomas G. Savage, S.J., Win, Chairman of the Pllblications Com- At the- meeting itself, the text of the pro­ (English), and Dr. Charles J. Cusick (Biol­ mittee, and may be left in the news office. posal was read by Senator John Lechleiter, ogy). The editor will be chosen by the Publica- a co-sponsor. Opponents of the proposal . Each panelist will be invited to express tions. Committee at their meeting Friday, questioned whether $1,200 was an ex· his views on the core curriculum in a· brief, March 23, at 1:30 in the Fordham Room of cessive amount for.academics. Senator Jim five·minute presentation. Following the the University Center .. Applicants will _be Moroney expressed concern about endan­ . presentations, the panel will entertain . notified as to the specific time they will be geririg social program funding at the ex· questions and ·any discussion from mem­ . ex~ted.to_.appear before the committee.· pense of such a proposal for academics. He bers of the audience. '. ~ . ·::: ;·.:\.:(."; ~:'~rer J.~ .: ........ ,·_1 ··page·2·---· ·'.:·-:xlvter·neWi :.-·· · I,,~· __ •.:.M __...__.;. ... ~:-·--·· :_, '• ~· . .. ~- ~. ............... - A critical lOok ~.~~Mtl;i~~iAnti-Hero• ·-~·~ ... ··----- ..... - ..... - .... ~ .. -....... ..,_ •r.--....... .___._,_. ,_.., •• ....,,., ...... ._ ......... ._ ... -· • • • · BY BILL MADGES with overthrown dreams and can· sensitive ~orld nor flees from i~: _H!!., ... Y.ou .can .be back here. t~ find away. You've got· to live for today, celled plans, and she retreats to the lives ·with an· eye 't'o"the Ju tu re. · . your home is a black horizon then let it go.·.:'' 'Stevens however, . past. This reaction is evident:~~~i>.~~~~~-~!.~~~P~t:cies: ·,.. That:you don't recognize, evil is not espou&ing acarpe diem phi· Lionel Trillu~g, 1n _Freud and the t.hroughout.her recent No Secrets .
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