CITIZI Prte* Sc (7c eu» of 7B No « SOUTH AMBOY, N. J U» Thursday, February 11, 1960 WORKS BOARD IRKED BY DAMAGED MANHOLES; COUNTY REPAIRS SOUGHT Members of the Board of PUnt Automation Program PubBc Wc/ka were some- In Projre»» — Musollno what Indignant about the Makes Appointments money constantly being George' Dal?s represent- spent tor the repair of Jng Plersol-Plne of Bed damaged manholes Their Bank sutomlbted a report on Indignation was aroused the automation program fOMowing a report made by being carried out at the Supt. Michael Nagle on a water processing plant. In Parker Ave. manhole which tiie report he revealed that cost $200 to repair. a calibrated mete ring tube Nagle explained In detail furnishing Air to the aera- the most recent manhole tor at the filtering plant impairment in which the had broken down from un- supporting ridge for the known causes several weeks manhole cover was crushed ago. by heavy weight causing He also said that piping the cover to fall through. and valving around the Most of the damaged caustic pumps had been re- manholes, according to Na- vised to correct bad leaks gte, occur on county roads. on the discharge side ot B> attributed the cause of the pumps. All screwed fit- the damage to heavy trucks tings and values were re- passing over them. In re- placed by welded fittings cent weeks the roads have and flanged valves. Also, a •been subjected to trucks 2-<nch steel feed line to the hailing sand. caustic solution tank was Board member Phillip Sul-- Installed enabling the tank •van inquired If the city Is oar driver to furnish the responsible for the" repair solution without cUmlrfhg Mayor Joseph Chormcllo today proclaimed February "Research is a primary need to discover fhe underlying and replacement of man- to the top of the tank: Heart Month in South Amboy. of the three conditions responsible for 90 per cent holes. He was toM by Nagle Dates expresssd fear that In signing Ihe proclamation today, the mayor called upon of all heart disease—hardening af the arteries, high blood that although the roads are the underdraln system is th« ptopte of In* city to give their earnest i up port to the pressure and rheumolic fever," the moyor :aid- County roads, South Amboy Is corroded requiring back- Heirf Fond Drive, which the Middle*** County Heart Attoclcr*- He urged locol resic'»nts to aid the Heart Funtf campaign It charged' with maintain- washing as frequently as tion will conduct throughout the month. during February by contributing to the variety of fund raising every 1ft hours. He recom- ing the sewers and man- "Heart and circulatory diieitei account for more c/iatbs events planned by the locol chairman ond by working for a holes. mended that at least one or successful Heart Sunday, February 28th. 1 each year In this community and in the nation thon all other Sulfivan then contended the Utters be cleaned out James Vinderveer, Jr. it local chairman. and the underdraln Inspec- cauiet of death combined," the mayor poin/xl out, in com- that maintenance by the- menting on hii proclamation. One among each 16 American* Ab9ve.j>hoto was taken on Ihe City Hall lawn follow- cRy involves cleaning the ted and replaced If neces- sary. suffer from some form of heart disease which often cauies ing a brief meeting of Irv* group. severs and keeping them in acute family hardship and serious acononjis lots to local operating order and not A flurther recommenda- industry and the community at large. repairing and replacing tion Involved installation ot manholes. At the same' one chJortnator to start Htte he stated that the and atop automatically MUNICIPAL BUDGET GIVEN mUHHART has been installing with the operation ot the shiny manholes else- booster pumps. BEARING -ESTIMATED TAX RATE AT 9.47 where but not rn South Board president ^rask Discussed by Board In $1000 Bail Barring any changes, res- Amboy. He emphasized that Mussollno submitted the At its rsgular meeting, Magistrate Edward Mod- idents of the city will be Aeooanto AMsa It Is time Sotuh Amboy was names of Manvei Apple- held Monday evening, the zeiewski of BayrevlUe last confronted with a 39-polnt mcfuded In the estimated given some consideration gate, Frank Tarallo, John South Amboy Board of night released Edward W. increase In their tax rate $500 appropirated for the by the county. Zientek and Joseph Vail Health announced that it Jewel!, 17, 31 Merritt Ave,. for 1980. "This reperesents a budget are several new ac- - The board then passed a for reappointment to the Is considering a new swim- South Amboy in $1,000 bail rate of 8 47 points per $100* counts. Among them are motion to write to Frank Board of Adjustments.. The ming pool code for the city. pending grand Jury action as compared to fi 08 for celebration of Salt Water Patten, the superintendent motion approving the.ap- This is due* to the many on a death by automobile 1959. Days in August, tax office of county roads, stating So. pointments was made by requests the Board is re- charge. The city hopes to raise equipment' (automatlcv tax Amboyfe case and asking James Dugan and seconded ceiving from^private home- Richard Sola, 19, Oamp- $617,203.80 during the year computing machines) in tttat the city be given more by FtiiUlp Sullivan. owners. The Board will beld Dr., Parlln was killed based on % total assessed the amount of $1500 and attention. A request for a 6-month meet with the Board of in the car which Jewell property valuation of $6.- $500 for an Exempt Fire- Carb Alterations furlough made by Stanley Public Works to get their was driving. He was also 523,964. Broken down, this men's Memorial Monument. Proposed by Nagte Jankowskl was approved by vtew« on the new code. find $25 and $5 costs on a sum Includes an estimated. $4000 i« being appropri- Bupt. Nagle named three the board. Jankowstt is en- Richard Bchultz, presi- careless driving charge. His $461,666.50 for local schooT ated for repairs and im- Intersections which sus- tering military'service. The dent of the Board advised license was revoked indifl- purposes at a rate of 4.03; provements to local Hre- tain much heavy-duty FbBsh American Crtlzens parents ot children aged 1 $214,518.36 for municipal houeea. In addition, $3,000 (raffle. These include the Club petitioned reservation to 5 to heed tile recommen- purposes at 3.28, and $141,- Is Mated Cor the standardi- intersections at Main and ot tlhe Water Works Park.) dation of the New Jersey 000 at 2.17 for the estimat- sation of radio and trans- Stevens Ave., Feltus Street for Its annual clambake State Board of Health and Parlin Nan Invited to ed county tax. mitting equipment accord- tod Washington Ave., and August 14. see that they we immun- The actual rates during ODnflng to Federal Oommu- Parker Aw. and Borden- ised for polio. Washington Conference 1959 for school ponposes, oatton Commission spect- The board commended The Board expressed con- town Ave. plant manager Charles Harvey S. Siege! of ?» municipal purposes and flcattma. cern about the health men- Albert Dr., ParOn, has been county tax were 4.02, 3.19 Increases are being al- Tb minimise manhole THMnpson on the clean acJ of dumping garbage on at .these Intersec- condMion of the water dry- invited to attend' the Presi- and 1.87 respectively. If the lowed In the amount of 95,- empty lots and dead-end dent* conference on Occu- Inew rates are adoptee), the 000 for street lighting and tions, he proposed that the ing room. The commenda- streets. tThe Board asked present rectangular curb- Uo fioUewed an inspection pational Safety, which wfla jschool rate wUl remain at $30,169.34; an approximate the puttie's cooperation In be held In Washington, D. 4.03, the municipal rate figure, for the increase in log, at those corners be made by board member this matter and If thsy rounded out and that Vail. C. from March 1 through 3. win be increased by O» the county tax for I960. should see anyone dumping Mr. Slegel is the safety di- points and the county tax ramps be buUt from the garbage, they are asked to A reserve ot $61,000 for sUvwalkB to replace the rector for Macyis, New York- rate by .30 points. anooHected taxes is being secure the license plates CSty. Such inclines firwk-ins Reported number or report the name Registered municipal ac- eitowed. Councilman Btow- the sVdewaJks to the of the- offeade* to 4ha BcL. The purpose of the con- countant Charles Goldstein ley remarked that If every- road* would give traffic ,Ovcr the Weekend of Health or Police pepart- ference ts-to devise ana ap. eoa-xBUd his. taxa la485J. more turning clearances, Two • break-Ins were re- ment. Schufc warned that ply voluntary means for re- that gross receipts, fran- the 'i960 tax rate would he said. In this way, he ex ported over the weekend to violators will be prosecuted ducing the 13,300 deaths chise and railroad taxes be reduced by 100 points. plained, trucks would not the South Amtooy Police de- the full extent of the law. and nearly two million dis- will again be weil In excess Setting up a reserve for run over any corner basins partment. tftftrrg injuries that occur of 50% Of total revenues. unpaid tana Is reauired by All' dog owners were ask- and the manholes would Frank Prasnal, pVopfle- annually because of on- The gross receipts are an- state law.- not be directly in the path ed to keep their dogs tied the-Job accident*.
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