Saint John the Baptist Latin Mass Community An Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Fr. Michael Magiera, FSSP Chaplain Fr. Joseph Orlowski, FSSP, Assistant 1921 Maple Street N. Little Rock, AR 72114 Phone: (501) 812-9155 Emergencies: (501) 551-0269 (email) [email protected] also [email protected] Facebook: St. John the Baptist Latin Mass Community Website: www.arkansaslatinMass.com Sunday: 7am and 11:30am Mon. & Tues.: 7:15am Wed., Thur., Fri.: 6pm Saturday: 8am Weddings: Please inquire 6 months prior to intended date. Holy Days of Obligation: 7:15am & 6pm Schola: Thursdays after 6 PM Mass Choir: Sundays after 11:30 AM Mass Confession offered 30 min. before all Masses or by appointment +++ BULLETIN WEEK 41 2016 Liturgical Calendar and Mass Intentions Sun. Oct 16 22nd Sunday after Pentecost (2nd cl.) 7:00 am Pro Populo 11:30 am In gratitude for the gift of charity Mon. Oct 17 St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin (3rd cl.) 7:15 am In gratitude for inspirations of the Holy Ghost Tues. Oct 18 St. Luke the Evangelist (2nd cl.) 7:15 am In gratitude for the gift of St. Joseph Wed. Oct 19 St. Peter of Alcantra, Confessor (3rd cl.) 6:00 pm Thérèse Elsinger Thurs. Oct 20 St. John Cantius, Confessor (3rd cl.) 6:00 pm Rose Elsinger Fri. Oct 21 St. Hilarion, Abbot (4th cl.) 6:00 pm Philomena Elsinger Sat. Oct 22 Saturday of Our Lady (4th cl.) 8:00 am Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Schudar Sun. Oct 23 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (2nd cl.) 7:00 am Pro Populo 11:30 am Mikayla Sanson WELCOME visitors! St. Edmund Campion missals/hymnals are available in the back of the church. At the traditional Mass, Holy Communion is received on the tongue, and kneeling, if possible. There no need to respond ‘Amen’. Chapel veils to borrow are available in the foyer of the church. If you would like to register to join the community, fill out a census form, found on the table in the back of the church, and turn in to Fr. Magiera. By the Numbers For the Week of October 2, 2016 Sunday Mass: Attendance: 7:00 am: 58 11:30 am: 95 Total: 153 Collections: Reg.: $2,150.00 Total: $2,150.00 Daily Mass attendance for week: 81 Confessions for week: 24 Propers for Today’s Mass: Propers for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost begin on page 402 of the Campion Missal/Hymnal. The Quarterly Balance (9/30) for: Checking Account - $59,066.28; Building Fund - $222,925.96; Total - $281,992.24. Priestly Fall Absences: Fr. Magiera away from Oct. 17 through Oct. 20. Fr. Orlowski away from Oct. 20 through Oct. 25. Fr. Magiera then leaves again to baptize a baby out of state, but will return October 31. Second Collection on October 23 is for World Mission Sunday. Second Collection on October 30 is for our Building Fund. Please be generous. All Saints Day Party: Our annual All Saints Day Party will take place on Sunday October 30 after the 11:30 am Mass. It is being held early as All Saints Day falls on a Tuesday. Hot dogs and chips will be served prior to the games. New volunteers are needed to help with the meal and setting up of games prior to Mass. Contact Sarah Whitehead at 920-6770. Asking all of you again: Service to your community can take forms other than that of making monetary contributions. These are needed, of course, but there are other ways Father mentions every once in a while. Men are needed for the schola and ladies of all ages for the choir. Music for Little Ones, normally held on the first Tuesday of the month, is moved to Tuesday November 8 due to the All Saints Day. It will meet from 10 am to 10:45 am in the Marian Room in the Parish Center. Upcoming Pilgrimage with Fr. Erik Deprey, FSSP You are invited to join Fr. Deprey on a pilgrimage to the Canadian Catholic Shrines in Ontario and Quebec from May 6 – 16, 2017. These include Mt. Carmel, Niagara, Canadian Martyrs , Midland, Notre Dame Basilicas and Oratory of St. Joseph. For more information visit Orbis Catholicus travel at www.oc-travel.com or call 604-465-6911. Please Remember these Prayer Intentions: For the living: June Gardner (health), Gary Crouch (health), Members of the Kozlowski families, Jolanta Widuch, Linda Barry (health), Crawford Family, Peter Orlowski Family, Penny Witter (health), Gail Demerest (health), Eric Couron Family (Special Intention), Gerald Spencer (health), Leonard Bradberry (health), Sarah Whitehead (miscarriage). And for the dead: John Andrew Makovec, Sue Whitehead, Janet Sorrels, David Crockett, Shawn Trusty, Donald Greer, Gail Brooks, Patrick W. Kordsmeier, Scott Shiplett, James Steven Moore, Vergie Crimmins, Bill Barry, John Tully, Ron Prince, Lenora Price, Dorothy Lochner, Myrtle Powers, Billy-Joe Campbell, James Honeycutt, Sandra Friedl, Isadore L. Sonnier, Jean Murry, Bonnie McDonald, Marie Honeycutt, Catherine Sparks, Carolyn Bruich, Earl Bradberry, Fr. Venantius Preske, Joseph Max Bulmanski, Rachel Taylor, Betty-Jo Clayton, Bunny Hart. Dear Community Members, Thank you so much for accepting Father Saguto’s interim decision on our present situation. As he said, he must confer with Father Berg and Bishop Taylor. Father Berg, in turn, will have to have a pow-wow with his council. Then, as you can probably well imagine, things will have to be discussed and allowed to simmer. Further financial aspects will have to be considered, and the process continues. But, I also think that, instead of things going on and on as often happens in other areas, there’s not going to be an inordinate amount of discussing, simmering and considering with regard to our situation. All things considered, I believe that a decision will be arrived at sooner rather than later. Once again, you know that our bulletin is prepared on Wednesday, usually, and that, depending on when it hits the website, and then, depending on when you read it, verb tenses might not make very much sense from time to time. So, since this is Wednesday, I’ll say that Father Orlowski is due back tomorrow, Thursday. He’ll get back into the swing of things very quickly, I’m sure, beginning with Mass for the Missionaries of Charity on Friday morning. I will be around all day Friday, but only part of Saturday and really not at all on Sunday. Though I won’t be participating in all events, the annual convention of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Southwestern Lieutenancy) is this weekend. I am a Knight so it’s expected that I attend at least some of the events. One of the events is particularly meaningful for me because one of our own will be inducted as a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Mr. Tom Pyron will be invested at Mass in the Statehouse Convention Center at 2:00 PM Sunday. I will also attend the Memorial and “Promotion” Mass on Saturday at 2:00 PM. This Mass is primarily for those knights and ladies who will be “promoted” from one rank to a higher one. The big, Sunday Mass is known as the Investiture Mass where new knights and ladies are invested in their regalia. Of course, bishops from all over the southwest will attend. Following Saturday’s Mass will be a “black tie reception and dinner. Following Sunday’s Mass will be a “white tie” reception and dinner. Though you don’t see such things often these days, priests have their own black/white tie formal attire, and no, it’s not merely a suit. At least on Sunday, I’ll be wearing my Jerusalem Cross medallion with my “ferraiolo,” a long black cape, worn over the shoulders and which extends down to the ankles and is tied in front. Of course, such a cape is only worn with the cassock. I should see a few violet ones and maybe a red one or two. Arch/Bishops wear violet and Cardinals, red. A propos cardinals, three Americans were named to the Sacred College: Bishop (probably soon to be archbishop) Kevin Farrell of Dallas; Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago; and Archbishop Joseph Tobin of Indianapolis. We should keep them in our prayers, my children and my friends. Father Magiera .
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