.*' ? - tJ VTHB FIRST Weather : . Snow turning to rain CAWUSWO~IN NEWS.'' The Tufts DaiZyl Manos Defends Proposed '82 Budget as Respectable BY DAVID HIRSCH Steve Manos, Executive Manos explained that , Vice President Of Tufts Uni- Itwe have to start thinking versitty,feels that '!The 14% about the 83-84 budget now, iIlCreaSe in tuition and 10% because it's the budget de- increase in the Arts and termination that drives the Science's budget is respec- tuition. ~~~t of the ip- in terms Of Other creases in the budget go schools similar to Tufts, to faculty salaries; other and that it took a lot Of increments include energy work to keep tuition from costs and student going up more than it did." According to Manos, 'There is a great deal of "There is a great deal of hassle in determining a tui- hassle in determinating a tion that is fair to the student and maintains the tuitionthat is quality of the school.It Ma- nos added that part of the Anlorig rne long term is- problem is that other sour- that need attention ces of revenue besides tui- are budgeting salary and tion have not increased fast merit increases for the fa- enough* It be nice culty. Accordixg to Manos, if we had a better endow- ~ "The ~i~~;.j.~~i~~~i~~ ment. The administration that professors will is just as con'cerned as the be teaching longer, whereas students with the type of in the past the University student body we have at has anticipated retirements Tufts, although it is becorn- of tenured faqulty. Tufts ing harder to do that*" Ma- wants to treat faculty as nos that the stu- the excellent faculty they dent body at Tufts has im- proved academically and that As far as long-termpro- this improvement Will not jects go, Manos believes be affected by the rising that it is important to look Steve Manos, Exec. Vice President of Tufts, has costs of education. at the changing needs of some positive feelings about the University's future. , Manos said that all COl- the student body, as well leges and Universities have as technological changes. in student loans. Manos ex- our needs will be ten years College- Survey pressed the hope that there from now. "It I s conceivable BY DANA DEGENHARDT may be a possibility of ex- that the need for a computer Senate reaction to a -New planned to write Edward tra help from the State, terminal in every student s York Times evaluation of Fiske, editor of the New but, he says, "that remains room should be examined now." Tufts University highlighted York Times Education sec- to be seen." Defending his Manos does not expect this Sunday's TCU Senate tion, to complain about the position, Manos said that;" any major changes in the meeting. The Senate was es- methods used to determine "Tufts isn't the only school proposed budget and tuition pecially skeptical .of the the rating. Committees were to increase tuition; even between now and the Trustees methods used in taking the assigned to develop a letter State institutions are wor- meeting at the end of the survey, pointing out that writing campaign to show ried about .their budgets, month. "The budget and tui- it was necessary for only student despleasure toward and they are becoming less tion levels have received eight to ten evalutations. the method, as well as the democratic. Manos noted a lot of attention from the to be read before an evalu- rating. that at Boston University, Administration, a1though ation was written. Thurm pointed out that faculty salaries are going there still is the possibi- TCU Senate Rresident Ke- up 9%, and .as a result tui- lity for a little fine tu- tion increase's will be much ning. vin Thurm added that he See SENATE page 3 greater. 2 I Tufts Daily E.ANTHONY WERETT, Editor-in-Chief .l!.CK BARRETTE, f:xccurivc tditor KORERT KELLER, Associate Editor ' Staff Reflections MARINA M. KALB, Editorial Assistant. TIXA TERRACIANO, Managing Editor MARCY TARNOFF, Photography Editor MICHAEL :1IAM, News Editor KIM SIMON, Features Editor STAFF R&F.EU.9O/S me opAni0~ of mmbw of ,the MARK BEHLIND, Arts Editor ROBERT WOLF, Sports Editor ~ai4niaff. 0pini0~expnemed in ,thio c~htmne- JOE LUCA, Copy Editor .fled fiooe of fie authon and me not necaoa/tily MARY BUCCI, Graphics Editor SUE LESSLER, Layout Editor ohmed by ofiu oiaff mmbeno. PATTI-. LOCKHART,- Graphics Edit-or , SUE SIMON, Layouc Editor JOSEPH T. DIAZ, Business Manager CAROLE A. COLEMAN, Asst. Business Manager By mTNA KALB The Tufts Daily is a non-protit student-run neuspaper put .shed by the students of Tufts Uni Not only was I shockid n0.t know the slightest thing versity ueekdays during the academic year Printing by the Harward Crimson. Inc.. Carn6ridge. and appalled at the news about the University. How, MA. Please address correspondence to: The lufts Oaily. Curtis Hzll, T-ufts University, Medford. , MA. 02155. Telephone: (617) 628-5000. exts 6130. 6131. Business hours 9-5 weekdays. -U.S. that Tufts University was 'Iasked, could the New York Postage paid ,in Wedford, Massachusetts. rated significantly below -Times publish a guide to ' its mark in the newest edi- colleges using copypeople to tion of The New Ycrk Times who .wanted some extra wri- ers the Selective Guide to Colleges ting experience but who ac- 'Selected Guide To 1982-1983, but I was also ttually had little research More. IDC Newspapers" quite insulted. Insulted, or facts which to base their not simply because I am a summaries? To the Editor: To the Editor: proud Tufts student, but %I went to the author of xore so because of the neg- the essay, and asked him The results of this I would like to rebut year's "SELECTED GUIDE TO ligence on the part of the about his research methods. the letter to the editor New York Times staff which He told me that several NEWSPAPERS" survey have been from Robert A. Perry of Fri- tabulated, with some very compiled the Guide. questionaires had been sent day, Febrxary 5, 1982. out to Tufts and using those interesting results. is I was a copygirl at -The Thou& he an engineer, Times this past summer, and responses, he had written Information was gathered mathematics is definitely - as accurate a summary as by sending out five ques- I remember hearing about not his forte, since of the their plans to publish a possible. Had he ever been tionnaires .to editors and twelve investigations begun readers in each area. Then guide to colleges. Interest- to Tufts, asked. Had he by different portions of ed in what they had to say ever spoken to anyone from up to five stars were given the IDC, my committee han- to each paper. about Tufts, I asked if I Tufts, faculty, administra- dled three failures and one could read the essay. I was tion, or student body? The Excellent papers got five partial success. This, to granted my request, as were answers were rlno.It I then me; comes out to a rousing stars, which included the all the other copy people showed -him all the problems Boston Globe, Wall St. Jour- 33 percent, not 50 percent, with the report, and pointed as was reported. But after ,from various universities. -nal, Washington Post, and After reading the summary., out the significance of the L.A. I did almost all of the re- Times. Four stars were it was all I could do to Excollege, that Tufts just given to good tabloids, search, two of these were keep myself from blowing built new Hillside Co-ops, which included the Medford given to my committee mem- up. Not only was the report that fraternities do not Mercury, Somerville Journal, bers for write-ups (as yet a misrepresentation of the provide all the social sti- and Lynn Daily Evening Item. unseen). mulation on campus, and var- As to meeting order, Mr. school, but it also contain- The three star category in- ed information that was out- ious other ''oversights.I' Perry stated that he thought cluded the Tuft s Daily, dated, false, and very bi-. He assured me that he would Tufts ObserGer, and the New "the organization accompli- ased. take all my points into con- York Times. .The fact that shes more if it does not sideration. adhere strictly to the meet- In an attempt to set this the Times only get three matter straight, I went to I now see that almost stars was rather surprising, ing format prescribed by none or my corrections and Robert's Rules of Order." the woman who was in charge - but our results can be back- of this project (under Ted suggestions were used. The ed up. Even though only I find it difficult to see representation of Tufts is that the IDC "accomplishes Fiske, the education editor) one of the five surveys for and spent some time with in no way ah accurate one. the Times was returned, the more" anytime when the or- The research methods are ,ganization accomplishes vir- her going over the essay, one that was gave it very word for word. I pointed questionable at the least, mediocre scores all around. tually nothing all the time! as is the writing ability. Also, at the November 17, out the problems that I saw However, it received one with the report, including To many, The Times is the of the best scores national- 1981 constitutional meeting next best thing to The Bi- where Robert's Rules of Or- the misconception that Tufts ly for its cooking pages.
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