• RHODE ISLAND HISTO RY Pl'RI./SIIF.D 81- RHODE bl..-\Sn HISTORI C .),, !. SOCIETY \UI.. II In.y I 'H ; :'\0. \ em, ~10 1> " ln .\ 1111 ~11\ \l \ \ ' II I t't'U ( I ; -'-'- Ill I'}) . fI~~.II".I.f<.I I'.,', ..if, /l h•. f~ "1..~,I 1fi In.,.." ."' ••i". ! SSCH} 5:?.U.1RTERlX ./T I'ROI'IDESCE, RHODE ! S/..ISD T.\BLF ot CO:"TI..'\T:- RHODE I SLA ND C..\llo'l .....' Rt.•\I'R 'II \M \ \ '1111'1' 1 1 HI STORY I b n,1 Colored l'c rtrait Lu""r JUII " HK"""'s A',lIy , \ F T H <" 11<1" L',," I I" I " I I I. \ K\l..'U II \UL. [ 1 .IeLY l<H I xo. ,1 Sr...o", /'r'Jt'iJt Nrr /l u . " 'I, lIu <: ",- , "" , I·" ,i.{..~ , G." ..". L. :Io " ~ ,. , T.,~ ,u.'" b~' G <: urg<: I. , .\l inn . i 3 W " .,."" !l u '.. :101 ,.,.••, '~""'''')' W H.'.' ''' ( ;, Rn"'", Il, Di, a '", J~,J l.i~'J''-~'' T~ , Rh J, "/JeJ 1/;'f. ' ;,'JI S.cin, . ,,,, ...,, ". " ".,u;/'if'f, f~, I " Sl'K l ' C n o l" H I C,,'r. \\' 1111'1' 1,1 Jf< ,/". ,1" r" " n tJ ., . ,... ,-. .. , .f ,... "'-/'e1o ... Tua Ih,\ ":U lJ' MI" T OF Tilt: -S t <' K l" .," l i n u ~ " tr" m Rb.... ~ h b nd IIi.'" ••·• \" l. II. r. 16 John Brown's K at)', afterwards b~' John H utchins Cady Continental Armored Sloop , Providence R ODI:II.T R K II , S"cO" O E ARl. 0" \ \ 'AII.IH C K by G EO RG E L. :\IISE R Portr.nt i" fj j/ bJ Sir Alll h""J r ..." Ow-l , t'. It,)7 T il f. $<ln ,: n"~ ( h ll " " ."I, '\1.\" r,I,.'R II' I ~ J ohn Brown, t hird of the "Fou r Brot hers" should han " been a sailor. He was broug ht up on salt water. H e owned C"I'r. R <lIUK I' K t:n 'I:' s :\ , n~. B lI"K; many vessel s un his own account ; he was partn er with his b,l' Rid lJrd LeHaron Hcwcu 'JS brot hers in m all}' more. H e built Rhode b land sloops, bri gs and ships at his own shipyard at India Point. H e RIIO" I. hl.A"1> C" I.O" IAI. .\!"" I.l' A~ " I rs CUt" I "-K I'l-.1 n "" sailed up and down N urragansen Bar in his own craft and b~ ' J.t iehJrJ Lc Harcn Il" " en he sent his captains to sea with a sailor's instinct for good J(tt·i.. ~u' by DunJld I.in.'i JJ<'Uhu s . 101 voyages. J ohn's father, J ames Brown, was a sailor and owned a 10J good sized th:et in partner-hip with his brother O badiah. :" ,,11. \'-', \1. I -li n, 1' \I ' u <; . 10J J ohn wa.. less than four rears old when his father died, but Uncle O bad iah, brin ging up the four brothers to succeed in 10 J the part nersh ip, was a deep-seat sailer of note, voyaging to and from the West Indies.' . \ " UITI" " 10 F. S, I' H ' /\ C" I,I.H II," . J(1 ~ J ohn's older brother J ames was a sailor who died in Vir­ :-": 1-: " I'l' IlI.I{' , I P ' \ " W 1" 11 1'1 " rn RIWlll-' 1, 1. " 1> In l gi nia when on a coasting \'op ge when J ohn was fourteen. I John Carter Brown \ \ 'ooJ s, Fore" ord , T ht Letlt " I/',d ' ',I l .mlli '1'hirJ CU'-er B ,.,) ~'ute, l i 3 5 · l i 3 ~ , {Providence , 1( 211 ). " I S I ~\;-'; D ;" 4 RHODE H IST ORY JOII:" BRo\\.' :"·S K:\TY rs Thus by inheritance and up-bringing J ohn Brown should with eighty men, exclusive of officers ; and he equipped have been a sea captain. But life was too full i certainly the with ten guns, four-pounders, fourteen Swivil Gu ns, a press of many activities crowded his career. Ship owner, suffici ent number of Small -Arms, and allnecessary warlik e ship builde r, merchant, distiller, candle manufacturer, stores." partner in iron works and cannon foundry, found er of the The General Assemble furt her voted "that the follow­ Providence Bank, adventurer in opening a great East Indies ing officers be, and arc hereb y, appointed to command the export and import business-a man of such abounding said vessels, to wit : energy and wide interests could not go to sea. If J ohn Brown had made his voyages himself he would have come "O f th e largest \'t:s:<I,- home owning half the Orient. As it was, he sailed a bit in "Abrah am W hipple, commander, with the rank and Narragansett Bay, sent his ships up and down th e coast, to power of Commodore of both vessels. ..'" the West Indies, to Africa and later to the East Indies; and T he Kafy sailed that same week of her charter by the stared at home to take part in the burning of the Gaspee, Colony. On that day she dropped down Narragansett Bay to defy the British tyrants, to help build Rhode Island and let blaze her long four-pounders at a tender of Capt. College, of which he was treasurer for rweery-one years, to Wallace's ship R ose. T he encounter drove the tender pull his weight in the leadership of the General Assemblv ashore on Conanicut Island where Capt. W hipple captured and in the councils of the movement for independence that her. T he tight was over in a half hour; no one was hurt on wa s to bring forth a new Republic. M eantime he made the Katv and two men wounded on the tender.' But the money hand over fist. Ketv hdd made historv , she had tired the fi rst authorized J ohn Brown was thirty-nine years old when the critical nanl shot of the Revolution. T he people of Rhode Island year of 1775 came. One W ednesday in April he was sailing Providence J une 22, I ;;; up the Bay from Newport with a cargo of flour. H e was An Agreem"n t between John Brown on one part anJ th.. Committe in arrested-c-on orders of Capt ain Wall ace of H .:'\I.S. R OJe­ hchalf of the Colony for hireing.\: Fil ing an armeJ \ 'l'SSiJl On the other and spent several days in custody on Ad miral Graves' flag­ part \ "izthe Said John agree!! to 1'<: 11 to the SaiJ Comm itte the Sloop Cater from the 12 l nst to lhe Lauer part of December nett at :" inlJ' Dollars ship in Boston H arbor. T radition has it that Brother M oses rr. mo. the Said Comminc in behalf of the C" l< m,l· 10 Re$<j ue th.. Said helped him get off and rode home with him on the same Sloop at Four H undred pound s I. " lonJ' to be pd. tn Said John on Demand horse. T his was on May 3.Four weeks later J ohn put one after the Ul$S of Said Sloop with Int. from th i, Il J~ · l- U l in Case lhe Sloop of his vessels alongside his dock and began the work of , hould be Returned to the Said John She it 10 be in as Good orJ"r as she & arming her. She ....";IS the sloop Kary. now is. Common ware T are Excepted or if the G eneral a5'embIJ' at their next selling ,hall chuse to putche" Said SI"op at Four H undred At its session on "the second 7\J onday in June 1775" the pounds with Int from thi s D.,I' lhey have L i hc n ~ ' So lUdo or to Continue General Assembly had passed a vote "that the Committee her all hire as above, whatever Expens th e Said john has put to Said Sloop of Safety he, and the)' arc hereby, directed to charter ' Since begun to Fix her for the Colo n~· s U 'C \ ·i:l. Since the 12 I n ~ L . E xcept­ two suitab.le Vessels, for the use of the Colony, and tit out ing only for Cordage, the Said Committee il III pa,\' the Said lnt For the same 111 the best manner, to protect the trade of this ~ R.I, Cot, Ru ", J! \'II , H 6-, ; also Am , , ~ ,.rh i r ' <'J . 41h ii, 1 [ 5 ~, Colony:. Th at the largest of the said vessels be manned • l'a rticulsrs of an Action between the l>i.l1U Packel a T ender he­ I"nging to H is "lajest,\"; Ship Rose, and \w<> Armed Sloops belonging ' .-\ cur}' of lhi. Chnler i, in the J\ 1<:~ e $ Brown ,I f,J,,,m:rip/J, \'01. II , Rhode Island Jl iilor ieal SociCIJ'. T'his Charter reads as follows; to the Rebels. Public R. N ",J Offia . Volume 4!l5. rp. 4 (1 9-4 1.1. April l i i4.J Ulll· 1;;5, Lctu-rs of " ice :Umira! :',1Illuel G raH's. EI«( 10 Philip RH O D!': I ~ I..-~ :\D IIISTORY JOH:\ BR()\\':\' ~ I\ATY " Sk phcns ES<j ', . \dmir~h: ~l'cretJ r.l , from the (UnSC ripli in the Libur:' wen: delighted. In Octobe r the General ;\-,.'emhly carried of Congrcs•. out the purchase of J ohn Brown\.
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