1984 Propaganda Hello comrades. As a member of the Party, it is your task to communicate to the citizens of your great nation their responsibilities to our version of Big Brother. What is our version? Corporate greed? Political agendas? Government rule? Building a wall? Your Assignment: In groups of no more than six, create a propaganda poster for “The Party” from this day and age (the year you’re living in now). You and your comrades are working for the Ministry of Truth and are in charge of making posters for Hate Week. This is a big deal! You need to get the people to hate something as much as you can, or to love Big Brother and The Party. You may also choose to do corporate slogans. The Alternative: Same as above, except replace “The Party” with “The Resistance”. You work for the resistance in awakening the population to some truth about our world. Your task is to awaken the population to the things that control everything from our personal habits such as what we consume, to how we are expected to comport ourselves in the world. Your digital or paper poster should have: An illustration or graphic. If hand drawn, then great. If your own digital picture, fine. If from the internet, make sure you’ve doctored it, or created a collage of some sort. A message or slogan of the party or resistance The purpose of this poster is to present one concept that is valued or hated in our great civilization. This assignment tests your general understanding and comprehension of '1984' It is primarily focused on the general ideas and philosophies of how we are all controlled in some way, and the ways we can awaken to this (legally and with respect for other beliefs). Slogans from 1984 you can use and frame into a modern graphic or illustration: “War is Peace” “Freedom is slavery” “Ignorance is Strength” For the resistance? Meat is Murder? The best thing about waking up is arsenic in your cup? Your own choice here. Due Date: _________________________ Propaganda Poster Rubric Categories Excellent 4pts Good 3pts Mediocre 2pts Poor 1pt. Creativity The ideas Most of the Some of the Few or none of included are ideas are ideas are the ideas are original, not original, but original, but original; lacks taken directly there are a few most are taken persuasion. Not from the taken directly directly from the impactful. information from the information given; the poster information given; partially is very given; persuasive but is persuasive persuasive but is missing a key slogan graphic a little confusing idea. combo. in parts. Impactful. Graphics/Relevance All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not related to the related to the relate to the relate to the topic and make topic and most topic. topic it easier to make it easier to understand. understand. Has a strong visual impact. Accuracy All of the facts Most of the facts Some of the Few to none of are correct; the are correct, but facts are correct, the facts are poster shows a there are a few but there are a accurate; the clear mistakes; the number of poster does not understanding of poster mistakes; the demonstrate an the general ideas demonstrates an poster somewhat understanding of and philosophies understanding of shows an the general ideas of the novel. the general ideas understanding of and philosophies and philosophies the general ideas of the novel. of the novel. and philosophies of the novel. Presentation Students are Students are Students appear Inappropriate or clear on what relatively clear under prepared. irreverent they did, how on the Presentation presentation of they importance of lacks personality material. accomplished it, their slogan and and/or is and what concept. wooden. The meaning it has. Presentation class appears to They speak appears a bit lose interest. naturally and formulaic have fun while maintaining academic presence. Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very terms of design, layout, font and it may be a bit poorly designed. layout, font and neatness. messy or seems It is not neatness. haphazard. attractive. \ .
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