WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM Fall test scores show learning remotely was a struggle THE TRIANGLE’S CHOICE FOR THE BLACK VOICE By Greg Childress "Celebrating Our 23rd Year" THE POLICY WATCH Scores on state tests taken in the fall show that students across North Carolina have not fared well academically during a year VOLUME 23 NO. 11 WEEK OF MARCH 14, 2021 $1.00 when many of them learned remotely. On the beginning-of- grade, third-grade reading test, 58.2% of students across the state scored Level 1, which is the lowest level. Three quarters of third graders aren’t proficient. High schools returned to school buildings in December and 3 MEAC coaches in January to take end-of-course tests in Math 1 and Math 1, bio- logy and English II. More than half of test takers were not profi- running for top Division cient on Math 1, Math 3 or biology exams. Only 41.4% were I national award. proficient on the English II exam. The test results are the first statewide look at how students are performing academically amid the COVID-19 pandemic, forced schools to close for in- person instruction. Many of the state’s 1.5 million students have received remote instruction this year. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction officials shared the scores with the State Board of Education last week. Please see TESTS/2A The 16- Some year Raleigh losing more can take itch is affordable housing mask off due in around 2024 others By Gary Pearce By Mike Stobbe THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE There’s a 16-year cycle in NEW YORK — Fully vacci- modern politics. If it holds, nated Americans can gather the 2022 and 2024 elec- with other vaccinated people tions will be good for Dem- indoors without wearing a ocrats – nationally and in mask or social distancing, ac- North Carolina. But that’s a cording to long-awaited big if. guidance from federal health In 1960, ‘76, ‘92 and officials. 2008, Democrats won the The recommendations also White House. Each time, say that vaccinated people North Carolina went, or can come together in the nearly went, Democratic same way — in a single for president. Each time, household — with people Democrats did well in state considered at low-risk for se- elections. Each time, Dem- vere disease, such as in the ocrats did well in the pre- case of vaccinated grandpar- ceding congressional ents visiting healthy children elections: 1958, 1974, PHOTO/BONITTA BEST and grandchildren. The 1990 and 2006. The Wake County Housing Justice Coalition held a press conference Wednesday to pro- Centers for Disease Control Each time, Republicans test the increasing lack of affordable housing for low-income communities. The Coalition and Prevention announced had been in the White the guidance Monday. House at least eight years. aired its grievances at 2813 Seclusion Court in north Raleigh, a public housing community The guidance is designed The GOP had gone stale or where the city has condemned one of the apartments due to flooding and mold issues. to address a growing de- seemed out of touch. Dem- Community activist Wanda Gilbert-Coker, a passionate housing advocate, wants the mand, as more adults have ocrats nominated appeal- dwelling renovated “with our tax dollars” rather than torn down. been getting vaccinated and ing candidates who “They (Raleigh officials) are displacing families and using our tax dollars to do it,” Gilbert- wondering if it gives them promised change and pre- greater freedom to visit sented a strong contrast to Coker said. “If you can afford to live here now, once they tear it down, you will no longer family members, travel, or the past. be able to afford to live here. What are they doing with our tax dollars? People should have do other things like they did In 1960, President a sustainable place to live.” before the COVID-19 pan- Dwight Eisenhower’s Re- Housing attorney Yolanda Taylor said the Coalition is not anti-growth but want equality demic swept the world last publican Party seemed old for all. “We are not just bringing concerns but solutions as well,” she said. “What is the plan year. “With more and more and stodgy. Democrats people vaccinated each day, nominated candidates who for demolishing (the unit), and what is the intent for these other properties as well? Are the we are starting to turn a cor- represented a new genera- residents going to be relocated? Are they going to be offered assistance?” ner,” said CDC Director Dr. tion and new energy: John Gilbert-Coker says anyone who needs help can email the Coalition at wchousingjus- Rochelle Walensky. F. Kennedy for president [email protected]. During a press briefing and Terry Sanford for gov- – Bonitta Best Monday, she called the guid- ernor. ance a “first step” toward re- In 1976, after eight years storing normalcy in how of Richard Nixon and Ger- people come together. She ald Ford, Vietnam and Wa- said more activities would be tergate, Democrats ok’d for vaccinated individ- nominated a Southerner uals once caseloads and and Washington outsider, Vaccinations in Black and deaths decline, more Ameri- Jimmy Carter, for pres- cans are vaccinated, and as ident and 39-year-old Jim more science emerges on the Hunt for governor. white: Hesitancy or exclusion? ability of those who have In 1992, after 12 years of been vaccinated to get and Ronald Reagan and George spread the virus. The CDC is H.W. Bush, Republicans By Melba Newsome continuing to recommend didn’t seem to feel Ameri- N.C. HEALTH NEWS that fully vaccinated people cans’ economic pain. Dem- still wear well-fitted masks, ocrats nominated another For most of 2020, the coro- avoid large gatherings, and Southerner and Washing- navirus dictated every aspect physically distance them- ton outsider, Bill Clinton, of Erika Gantt’s life. For selves from others when out and Jim Hunt, again, for months the orthopedic sur- in public. The CDC also ad- governor. geon saw her patients via tele- vised vaccinated people to In 2008, after eight years medicine and canceled or get tested if they develop of George W. Bush, wars in rescheduled her elective sur- symptoms that could be re- the Middle East and a fi- geries. lated to COVID-19. nancial crisis, Democrats Accustomed to wearing an The CDC guidance did not nominated Barack Obama. N95 mask during surgery, it speak to people who may His message of hope and became a near-permanent – have gained some level of change stirred minority and very uncomfortable – fix- COURTESY immunity from being in- ture on her face. At home, she voters and young voters, a Orthopedic surgeon Erika Gantt was among the first people in fected, and recovering from, surge that helped elect Kay implemented hospital-like the coronavirus. Officials say Hagan senator and Bev Per- procedures for the whole the state scheduled for an injection. For her, the first shot couldn’t a person is considered fully due governor. Kennedy, family to avoid infection. come soon enough. vaccinated two weeks after Carter and Obama all car- There were few get-togethers receiving the last required ried North Carolina. Clin- with friends or extended But its success depends on the She said she never heard any dose of vaccine. About 31 ton came close – losing by family, no vacations and her willingness of eligible individ- of the physicians – Black or million Americans — or only less than 1%, after Reagan two daughters, Evyn and Kyle, uals to be vaccinated. white – hesitate to take the vac- about 9% of the U.S. pop- won here by 24% in 1984 have had virtual school since When the vaccine rollout cine. ulation — have been fully and Bush, by 16% in 1988. March. Her son, Alec, took a began, as a frontline health “My colleagues who are vaccinated with a federally Democrats hope the cycle gap year after learning that the care worker, Gantt was among nurses, surgical scrub techs, authorized COVID-19 vac- repeats itself again in 2021 academic year at the Uni- the first people in the state nurse assistants who were cine so far, according to the 2024. But there will be one versity of California, Berkeley scheduled for an injection. For multiracial were much more CDC. obvious difference: The in- would be virtual again. As the her, Dec. 23, the day of her hesitant,” she said. Gantt’s Authorized vaccine doses cumbent president won’t year drew to a close, Gantt was first shot, couldn’t come soon medical background allowed first became available in De- be a Republican. eager to return to a pre-pan- enough. her to do her own due dili- cember, and they were pro- That may not be such a demic life. While all the OrthoCarolina gence and feel comfortable ducts that required two big difference, though. If The consensus among public medical employees were given about the research and ap- doses spaced weeks apart. Donald Trump runs again, health officials and infectious access to the vaccine at the proval process that led to the But since January, a small he’ll be like an incumbent. disease experts is that a coro- same time, the response was vaccine. “There was some fool- but growing number of Even out of office, he navirus vaccine is the best two-tiered. “My physician col- ishness that Trump was going Americans have been fully looms over the political chance we have to end the leagues were feeling like I to put something in our arms vaccinated, and have been pandemic and return to some- was,” says Gannt.
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