U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Oct. 1 .19gT SO S plea: EiGhth should hire engineer / page 3 Bagged; Cardinals ★ ★ clinch crown In TAG SALE!!! teekend: WaGon Shed is worth a trip / page 13 4 Days for the Price of 3! N L East / page 9 PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOUTtE ALL SET ** FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR IRENE OR JANE IN CLASSIFIED. ___ TAB CARS CABS CAM CAM CAM BALES FOB BALE Automotive RMBALE RMBALE H M 8A U RMBALE AUTBIWTItfE I 1 aurhratrrManche-slnr A City o! Village Charm Hrralft FOUR G«n«ratlon too S5 CAMARO Z3S t-top OAT8UN 510 1971. Auto­ sal*. Movlno,antlqu*s, OLDS Cutlass Supr*m* USE RICE to cNon th* 84 Hondo Civic S. 5 speed, 73.4 door, powor stiwr* bluo, • cylindor, auto­ Inside of bottles and long- matic transmission, A/C, original owner. furnitur*, coll*ctlbl*s, IFOR BALE •tc. Octobtr 3 and 4, Ino, brakos, outomotlc. matic, with air. Fac­ stom vases. Sprinkle ric* body In good condition. Excellent condition. GDDDYEAR Eagle ST $500. 64341S35. tory sound systom 4 Inside container, odd Excellent 3nd car, now 67K.84500. 646-SB03. 10^. 61 Sprue* Str**t. P185r70R13 raised 30 Cents Manch*st*r. Rain or GRANADA. 1071. Runs 1901 D ODGE Colt. 4 ey- now Eogl* G T RWL worm, sudsy water and bottory, and now id Ford Escort GT- whit* letter Ares (4) shin*. wall. Vary rollabi* llnd*r, standard trans­ tiros. 39,000 mllos. shake vigorously. The muffler. Runs great. Electrlc sunroof, 5 good tread left, in­ transmission, am/fm mission. Good condi­ *10,500. 6434600 or 649- rice will polish « id cloon *1000 or best offer. speed, 38,000 miles. cludes (4) 13" rims and cossott*, air. *1300 or tion. Now point lob. 006Z Interior. Us* the classified Must sellll Coll 647- *6800. Ask for Karen. (4) triple chrome b*st off*r. 563-9656 of- Asking $1300. 649-3S07 1977 BUICK Apollo. Good columns to sell those still 8314 after 5. Ask for plated wire wheel cov­ oftor 3:30pm. Paul.a #ord Gronodo. Depen- CAM t*r 6pm or l*av* onglno, now tiros, ra­ good, but no longer used dable, no rust, 95,000 ers. *135 or best offer. New owner plans expansion of Burr Corners RMBALE mossaoa.o diator and wotor pump. Items around your honw. mllos. *800 Arm. 647- Coll 649-3643 after *300.6494331. 19^DLDSGm*ga4door, Bv Andrew Yurkovsky t6Y‘6TA T*rc*l 19*3. 3 0338 osk for Eric. 5:30pm. .____________ buildings In the Tolland Turnpike Caldor and A A P anchor stores, Buckland Hills, about a mile away. Hartford 'seems to show that a wishing will not soil any­ door, 5 sp**d, om/fm NISSAN Sentra wagon 305 V-8, 107K mllos. Herald Reporter center would be much lower, Morin 19>i DDD GE Coronet. 19i3 Alllance-65,000 miles. strip mall. would be encouraged to stay. He drew a comparison between positive Interractlon between Burr thing ... a low-cost od In cossott*, oir. Mk. Ex- Many now ports. 1983. 5 speed. Good Very good condition. said. A/C. AM -FM Cassette. CAM White Enterprises Corp. of Far­ The addition would be built off of his project and the renovation of the Corners and the Mall at Buckland Cloulflod will. Why not collont condition. Driven dolly. *500.649- condition. *3000. 7 « - *1500 or best offer. Call The buyer of the Burr Comers 6315. oftor 6pm. 6494538. *2300. or best offer. FOB BALE mington closed a deal Wednesday the movie theater building, and Corbins Comer shopping center in Hills could work. Town Planning Director Mark Sell Your Car ploc* on* todoyl 643-3711. *3300. 649-5673. 4188 after 5. 871-6451 after 6pm. Shopping Center announced plans to purchase the shopping center for extend to the Dunkin’ Donuts, West Hartford, a strip shopping Morin said the addition should not today to expand and renovate the Pellegrini said this morning that about $6 million from a Florida running parallel toToIland Turn­ center which has continued to resuIMn an increase In traffic on center, in order to take advantage expansion of Burr Comers should * 1 5 developer. pike. Work on the shopping center, thrive in spite of its proximity to the . Tolland Turnpike. Those now driv­ have no effect on the Buckland Hills C of shoppers who will bedrawn to the Dennis L. Morin, president of to be renamed the Plaza at Burr larger Westfarms Mall acros.s the ing past the shopping center will 4 Line* — 10 Day* proposed Mall at Buckland Hills. development. But he said that Burr White EnterpHses, said this morn­ Comers, will begin as soon as street. simply have more Incentive to stop Corners probably would benefit SO* otwrg* oach addi­ The work will include a *2- ing that he has begun negotiating permits are obtained and is sche­ Although White Enterprises had in and shop at the center, he said. from traffic drawn to the larger tional lino, p*r day. You milllon, 50,000-square-foot addition with potential new tenants, but he duled to be completed in June 1988. planned to purcha.se Burr Comers The shopping center would at­ mall. The benefit would not be o*n canool at any Mm*. to house seven stores, elimination would not say who they are. He said Morin said. before the owners of Corbins tract a different type of tenant than Immediate, however, because the of an X-rated movie theater provid­ SORRY, the stores now located in the Marin said the plaza would serve Comer began work there, Morin the proposed Buckland Hills mall. mall. If it is built, will be completed ing new storefronts for existing NO REFUNDS OR M shopping center, including the as a complement to the Mall at said that what Is happening in West fnr storefronts in the not earlier than 1989, he said. ADJUSTMENTS T CALL HERALD D em s put CLASSIFIED Southern California 1 643-2711 Reagan in CLYDE tough spot CHIVROLer-aUICK, INC. still awaits ‘biG one’ R O U T E 83, V E R N O N 7S Cougw xnr •2995 END OF 2 WASHINGTON (AP) - Three LOS ANGELES (AP) — Southern in the suburban community where SI Dodo* D1SO PU •4995 more Democratic senators, includ­ Californians set to work today to ■ The big one? This Richard Nixon grew up. 51 Old* Om*s* •4495 ing Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, said clear the destt*oyed buildings and was just a ‘wake-up call’ Police patrolled the town for •6495 looters, said police Sgt. Charles 52 Ragd oeup* ew 1987 C olt £ 4 -D o o r Sedan today they will oppose elevation of sea of shattered glass left by the ■ A variety of reac­ SS Century mu*« •0195 s Judge Robert H. Bork to the region’s most powerful earthquake Plummer, and Gov. George Deuk- 53 C*l*brlty 4 . •6495 Supreme Court, criticizing Bork's since 1971. tions, aplomb and panic mejian planned to tour the suburb of 71,000 residents today. S3 Potd P1M XLT 4.4 •6195 SUBCOMPACr IMPORT WINNER! record on civil rights and individual Thursday’s disaster, which offi­ •6995 STARTS privacy. One Republican an­ cials called a dress rehearsal for a — atoriM on page 5 In Los Angeles, where five people S3 OonncvHI* 4 *. Compare to: T oyota Tercel, Nissan S3 Chevy 810 Title* 4M •7195 nounced his support for the "B ig One” yet to come, killed at were arrested fonooting, a special Sentra, Mazda 323, Honda Civic, anti-looting squad Was on patrol 53 Hegel 4 er. •6995 X 7# NOW!N nominee. least six people and injured more Subaru Hatchback. Stock #1396 than 100. In an interview today on CBS, downtown and the entire depart­ 54 Oulck Skyhewk Wg. •6295 ■ "In virtually every case where he Bradley added: ” It was a valuable ment was on alert, working 12-hour S4 Tren* Am •10,795 has taken a position, Judge Bork The temblor lasted only 10 to 15 bias opposed the advancement of seconds but crumbled dozens of exercise in terms of our prepara­ shifts, said Lt. Dan Cooke, a police S4 Regel o*v** •6095 civil rights over the past 25 years,” buildings, damaged hundreds of tion. ... Within 15 minutes our spokesman. S4 Cemero ceue* •6495 Something for Everyone! Bentsen said in a Senate speech. He houses and tossed heavy pieces of emergency center was ready in At least six people died, one of SB Chevy 8-10 *telni« •6495 added; " I am not prepared to vote furniture about tike toys. Sixteen every respect.” them a college student on her way for a Supreme Court nominee who aftershocks followed. The temblor, which struck at 7; 42 to class struck by a two-ton slab of 872-9111 has steadfastly refused to ackowl- Yet, emergency jervicea-worked a.m, Thursday and measured 6.1 on concrete falling off a parking edge that the people of America smoothly, traffic flowed, power the Richter scale, was centered structure. have a constitutional right of was quickly restored, and highway seven miles east-southeast of down­ Rattled residents said they SCRANTON privacy, especially in the home.” improvements completed since the town Los Angeles at the northwest feared the "B ig One," a long- Also announcing their opposition devastating 1971 Sylmar quake end of the 30-mile-long Whittier predicted future massive quake were Sen. John Kerry of Massachu­ minimized damage, officials said. Fault. expected to release 1,000 times ANO le U O T UBSD OAhS..
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