BRAZIL IS NOT ONLY URBAN, it is also an increasingly The innovations of the INCT Observa- metropolitan country. Today, the Brazilian tório das Metrópoles are expressed in various urban network comprises 13 cities with over formats, such as the search for new models of one million inhabitants, megacities (São Paulo public policies, the provision of strategic data and Rio de Janeiro), 52 metropolitan areas and for the intervention of various societal actors 9 urban-regional agglomerations. – governmental, third sector, private sector, Monitoring trends of reconfiguration of and civil society in general – related to the urban agglomerates, understanding their role in metropolitan theme, as well as the set of the territorial coordination on global, national outreach activities aimed at strengthening and regional scales, as well as the differences their capacity to intervene in a number of between them, has been the contribution that arenas and forums. the INCT Observatório das Metrópoles has Now, with this release – The Metropolis of given to the country in recent years. Rio de Janeiro: a space in transition – the The institute, originated in the 1990s, institute directs its efforts at the international when analyzing the transformations of the dissemination of the Brazilian metropolitan needs and social inequalities in the reality. In the case of this selection of articles in Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro English, the object of investigation is the (RMRJ), joined the Millennium Institutes formation of Rio de Janeiro as a city-metropolis. Program (CNPq) in 2005 and the group of the From its cycle of decay and crisis, started in the National Institutes of Science and Technology late 1970s and deepened in the 1980s, to the (INCT) in 2009, under the coordination of the period of recovery from the second half of the Ministry of Science, Technology and 2000s with the so-called "Carioca miracle", Innovation (MCTI) and the National Council through several topics such as the evolution of for Scientific and Technological Development slum populations, housing, labor market, urban (CNPq) in partnership with the Carlos Chagas inequality, until approaching the process of Filho Research Support Foundation of Rio de commodification of the city in the context of the Janeiro State (FAPERJ). Over the past five mega sporting events. years – 2009-2013 – the National Network In this moment that the city of Rio de Janeiro INCT Observatório das Metrópoles has been is about to celebrate the 450 years of its recognized as an innovative scientific foundation, I congratulate all the researchers experiment by conducting research in a of the INCT Observatório das Metrópoles, collaborative and creative way, overcoming coordinated by Professor Luiz Cesar de not only inter- and intra-universities and Queiroz Ribeiro, for the beautiful and timely disciplinary borders, but also borders of work being made available. sectorial and regional policies, and producing Ruy Garcia Marques expertise in different fronts, especially in the President of the Carlos Chagas Filho development of methodologies and tools for Research Support Foundation the research of the metropolitan question. of Rio de Janeiro State – FAPERJ THE METROPOLIS OF RIO DE JANEIRO A SPACE IN TRANSITION LUIZ CESAR DE QUEIROZ RIBEIRO (Editor) Copyright © Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro (Ed.), 2014. All rights are reserved and protected by Law 9,610 of 02/19/1998. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, whatever the means employed, without the prior written permission of the author(s). Editor - João Baptista Pinto Coordination - Iaci d’Assunção Santos Book Cover - Flávia de Sousa Araújo Graphic Design/Layout - Francisco Macedo Revision - By the Authors Maps and Images Edition - Gustavo Henrique Pinto Costa, Raquel de Lucena Oliveira, João Luis Nery Junior e Isabella Franca Magalhães Ferretti Maciel CIP-BRASIL. CATALOGAÇÃO NA FONTE SiNDicATO NACIONAL DOS EDITORES DE LIVROS, RJ M553 The Metropolis of Rio de Janeiro: a space in transition I Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro (Editor). 1st. ed. - Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital, 2014. 436 p.: il.; 15.5x23 cm. Text in English Bibliography included Summary ISBN 9788577852413 *Free e-book download available 1. Rio de Janeiro, Metropolitan Region of (RJ) – Social conditions. 3. Rio de Janeiro, Metropolitan Region of (RJ) – Economic conditions. 3. Urban Planning. I. Ribeiro, Luiz Cesar de Queiroz. 14-08544 CDD: 307.76098153 CDU : 316.334.56 ( 815.3) Observatório das Metrópoles - IPPUR/UFRJ General Coordination: Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro Av. Pedro Calmon, 550, sala 537, 5o andar - Ilha do Fundão Cep 21.941-901 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil Tel/ Fax 55-21-2598-1950 www.observatoriodasmetropoles.net Letra Capital Editora Tels: 21. 3553-2236 | 2215-3781 www.letracapital.com.br Summary Presentation - Rio de Janeiro: transition and permanence .............9 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro PART I – InequalITIES AND TERRITORY 1 - The favela in the city-commodity: deconstruction of a social question...................................................................................19 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro Marianna Olinger 2 - The favela/(formal) neighborhood contrast in the social space of Rio de Janeiro ..................................37 Luciana Corrêa do Lago Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro 3 - Work and housing in the periphery of a large metropolis: for an economically-oriented urban policy ..................59 Luciana Corrêa do Lago 4 - The social imaginary of homeownership and its effects: reflections about real estate in Brazil .....................81 Adauto Lucio Cardoso Flávia de Sousa Araújo Samuel Thomas Jaenisch 5 - The colors of the urban borders: residential segregation and “racial” inequalities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro ....................................103 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro Filipe Souza Corrêa 6 - Territory and employment: urban segregation, urban segmentation and occupational opportunities in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro ......................................137 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Juciano Martins Rodrigues Filipe Souza Correa 7 - Resident perceptions of urbanization and elite encroachment in a Jacarepaguá favela .............................167 Matthew Richmond 8 - Urban frontiers and educational opportunities: the case of Rio de Janeiro ...................................................................185 Mariane C. Koslinski Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro 9 - Residential segregation, school quasi-market and school segmentation in the context of Rio de Janeiro...............219 Mariane C. Koslinski Marcio da Costa Fátima Alves Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro PART II – Mega-EVENTS 10 - Mega sporting events in Brazil: transformation and commodification of the cities ...........................249 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro Orlando Alves dos Santos Junior 11 - The right to housing, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics: reflections on the case of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .....................................................................263 Orlando Alves dos Santos Júnior Mauro Rego Monteiro dos Santos 12 - Urban mobility in the “Olympic City”: a transportation revolution in Rio de Janeiro? ................................279 Juciano Martins Rodrigues 13 - From Culture to Spectacle, the new logics of Brazilian football ............................................................................299 Christopher Gaffney 14 - Changes and continuities on Brazilian urban governance: the impacts of mega sporting events ................319 Erick Omena 15 - From discourse to reality: impacts of Rio’s “transportation revolution” on socio-spatial justice ..........................343 Jean Legroux PART III – PolITICS AND GOVERNMENT 16 - Political culture, citizenship and the representation of the urbs without civitas: the metropolis of Rio de Janeiro ........................................................373 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro Filipe Souza Corrêa 17 - Local democracy and metropolitan governance: the case of Rio de Janeiro .............................................411 Luiz Queiroz Ribeiro Cesar Ana Lucia Britto About the authors ...............................................................................431 PRESENTATION Rio de Janeiro: transition and permanence Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro he city of Rio de Janeiro experiences an important moment of Ttransformation and departs from the period of the long crisis which started in the late 1970s and worsened in the early 1980s. The city was then living the impacts of the cycle of the national economic crisis in the form of a spiral of unemployment, labor informalization, poverty, growth of favelas, urban decay and violence. The test of neo-liberal policies in the 1990s maintained and intensified in many aspects the framework of this crisis in the city. The evidence of its decline can be synthesized in a few figures: between 1989 and 1997, 22% of industrial companies moved to other regions in the country; in 1970, out of the 50 largest Brazilian banks nine had headquarters in the city, but in 1991 there were only five; Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, the oldest in Brazil, moved to São Paulo, joining BOVESPA; in the 1980s and 1990s, the population living in favelas grew at rates of 2.6% and 2.5% per year, while the population living in the city grew just 1.8% and 0.6% per year. It was, therefore, a long cycle of nearly 25 years of a spiral of economic and urban decay, in addition to the corrosion of the social fabric of
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