Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council 22. Items relating to the situation between Iraq and Kuwait Initial proceedings A. The situation between Iraq and Kuwait Council, however, that the Government of Kuwait remained in control in Kuwait and was defending the Decision of 2 August 1990 (2932nd meeting): country. He said that Iraq’s pretext for the invasion was resolution 660 (1990) false and unwarranted. If not deterred decisively by the Council, such action would threaten all international By a letter dated 2 August 1990 addressed to the relations and jeopardize the security, sovereignty and 1 President of the Security Council, the representative territorial integrity of every State. It was alarming, he of Kuwait requested an immediate meeting of the added, that the invasion should come from Iraq, an Council to consider the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the Arab country with which Kuwait shared historic ties, early morning of that day. and appalling that it should occur less than one day By a letter dated 2 August 1990 addressed to the after a round of talks between the deputy leaders of the President of the Security Council,2 the representative two countries in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. At that meeting, of the United States urgently requested, in the light of Kuwait had expressed its willingness to continue the invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi forces and the request bilateral negotiations in Kuwait and Baghdad in order of the representative of Kuwait, an immediate meeting to solve the problem by peaceful means in accordance of the Council. with the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Arab League and the principles of non-alignment At its 2932nd meeting, on 2 August 1990, the and of Islam. However, Kuwait was faced with the Council adopted the agenda item entitled “The Iraqi invasion, which represented a flagrant violation situation between Iraq and Kuwait”, included in it the of the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the two above-mentioned letters and began its provisions of Article 2 (3 and 4). The speaker further consideration of the item. The Council invited the stated that it was incumbent on the Council to shoulder representatives of Iraq and Kuwait, at their request, to its responsibilities and to protect Kuwait, whose participate in the discussion without the right to vote. security, sovereignty and territorial integrity had been The President (Romania) drew the attention of violated. This was a test for the Council, which was the members of the Council to a draft resolution responsible for peace and security in that vital area of submitted by Canada, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, the world and towards all small and defenceless Ethiopia, Finland, France, Malaysia, the United nations. He added that Kuwait was asking the Security Kingdom and the United States.3 Council to immediately halt the invasion and to ensure, by every means available, the immediate and Commencing the discussion, the representative of unconditional withdrawal of Iraq to the international Kuwait stated that in the early hours of 2 August 1990 boundaries that existed before the invasion. In Iraqi forces had crossed Kuwait’s internationally conclusion, he urged the Council to adopt a resolution recognized boundaries, penetrated its territory and in conformity with the Charter and with international reached its populated area. As stated by his laws and norms.4 Government a few hours earlier, Iraq had occupied Kuwait at dawn that day. The Iraqi forces had occupied The representative of Iraq stated that his crossroads and ministries and shelled the headquarters Government’s position with respect to the item before of the Government. The Government statement added the Council was as follows: (1) the events taking place that Baghdad Radio had announced that the aim of the in Kuwait were internal matters which had no relation invasion of Kuwait was to stage a coup d’état to to Iraq; (2) Iraq’s assistance had been requested by the overthrow the government and establish a new “Free Provisional Government of Kuwait”, to establish government friendly to Iraq. The speaker assured the security and order, and was being provided solely on __________________ that basis; (3) Iraq was pursuing no goal or objective in 1 S/21423. Kuwait, with which it wished to have cordial and good- 2 S/21424. __________________ 3 S/21425. 4 S/PV.2932, pp. 5-8. 568 05-51675 Chapter VIII. Consideration of questions under the responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security neighbourly relations; (4) the Kuwaitis themselves of the Security Council. The speaker emphasized that would determine their future; the Iraqi forces would the United States had made it clear that it would withdraw as soon as order had been restored, which, support Kuwait in the current crisis. He further pointed his Government hoped, would take no more than a few out that it was his Government’s understanding that the days, or at most a few weeks; (5) as the previous aggression against Kuwait had been completely Kuwaiti Government had reportedly been overthrown unprovoked. United States policy had been to support and there was now a new Government in Kuwait, the every diplomatic effort to resolve the crisis. Before person in Kuwait’s seat at the Council’s meeting seeking the immediate adoption of a draft resolution represented no one, and his statement lacked credence; co-sponsored by eight other members of the Council, and (6) the Government of Iraq rejected the flagrant his Government had been in touch with many States in intervention by the United States in those events, the region. He urged the Security Council, which had which was further evidence of the collusion between seldom faced a more blatant case of the use of force, to the United States Government and the “previous act immediately to accept its full responsibilities and Government” of Kuwait. The speaker concluded by support Kuwait. In conclusion, he asked the members reiterating that his Government hoped that order would of the Council to act in accordance with the Charter.6 be swiftly restored in Kuwait and that the Kuwaitis The representatives of Canada, China, Colombia, themselves would decide upon their future, free from Finland, France, Malaysia, the Union of Soviet any outside intervention.5 Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom, and the The representative of the United States said that, President of the Council in his capacity as the according to reports received from the United States representative of Romania, expressed support for the embassy in Kuwait, Iraqi forces had moved into draft resolution, which they either sponsored or Kuwaiti territory shortly after midnight or at about endorsed. The representatives of Colombia, Malaysia 6.30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time the previous and the United Kingdom stressed the duty of the day. They had crossed over into Kuwaiti territory all Security Council to protect the sovereignty of small along the frontier and rapidly proceeded to Kuwait States. The representatives of France and the United City where they were currently present. They had faced Kingdom noted that the Iraqi aggression had resistance by the Kuwaiti forces but the extent of destabilized a region that had just emerged from a casualties was not yet known. While the Iraqi invasion lengthy and bloody conflict. All speakers called for the had been carefully planned and professionally withdrawal of Iraqi troops and a peaceful settlement of executed, the Iraqis had made a serious mistake: the dispute.7 instead of installing the so-called Free Provisional The Council then proceeded to the vote on the Government of Kuwait before the invasion, they had draft resolution before it. first invaded Kuwait and then staged the coup d’état in a blatantly deceitful effort to justify their action. Speaking before the vote, the representative of Despite Baghdad’s efforts to install its own regime in Yemen stated that his delegation would not participate that country, the Emir, the Crown Prince and the in the voting on the draft resolution because it had not Foreign Minister of Kuwait were safe and continued to received instructions from its capital. He, however, direct the Government of Kuwait. The speaker emphasized Yemen’s respect for the principles of the informed the Council that his Government had issued a Charter of the United Nations and the right of all States statement strongly condemning the invasion and to their sovereignty, territorial integrity and calling for the immediate unconditional withdrawal of independence. As a matter of principle, Yemen all Iraqi forces. The Government statement indicated condemned all forms of interference in the internal that the message had been conveyed to the Iraqi affairs of other States, opposed the use of force and Ambassador in Washington and to the Government of called for the peaceful settlement of disputes. On that Iraq, through the United States Embassy in Baghdad. It __________________ added that the United States deplored the blatant 6 Ibid., pp. 12-15. military aggression and violation of the Charter and 7 Ibid., p. 16 (Colombia); p. 17 (Canada); pp. 17-18 had joined Kuwait in calling for an emergency meeting (France); pp. 18-19 (Malaysia); pp. 19-21 (United __________________ Kingdom); pp. 21-22 (Finland); pp. 22-23 (Soviet Union); p. 23 (China); and pp. 24-25 (Romania). 5 Ibid., pp. 11-12. 05-51675 569 Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council basis, Yemen called on Iraq and Kuwait to begin Commencing the discussion, the representative of negotiations immediately, and supported all efforts by Kuwait stated that five days after the adoption of Arab States, individually and collectively.8 resolution 660 (1990), the “aggressor” had not withdrawn from the State of Kuwait but had, in fact, The draft resolution was then put to the vote and occupied the entire country.
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