President Rev·eals Queen Title Sought Plans for Student By Coed, Quintet Activity Building CALJPO POLYT:BCIIInC For Poly Royal Plans for an activity building A quintet of coeds was selected are in the making, according to VOL. XXX, No. 25 EL MUSTANG Tuesday, March 29, 1960 Thursday night to represent Cal President Julian A. McPhee. He Poly during the 28th annual Poly announced that he hopes the first Royal next month. They are Faye stage of the project, including a Clausen, LeRae Donaldson, Jan two or three-story structure, will De Voto, Sandra Jackson and be completed within the next three Barbara Rhodes. years and that the second stage Five Candidates and Friend Finalists were chosen after would be started within the next being interviewed by a seven­ five years. member selection committee. The building will serve as a col­ Faye CIa us en, 19 year old lege union and will be the center sophomore Ph y sic a I Education of campus life for future students. major from San Ardo is a gradu­ It will house the bookstore, rec­ ate of King City High School. reational, social and other student She has been active in music and activities. P.E since coming to Poly. President McPhee emphasized LeRae Donaldson, 20, j u n i o r that the building will be construc­ Elementary Education Major ted from non-state funds and will from West Covina, is sponsored be financed from revenue of the by the Circle "K" service club. present bookstore, revenue produc­ Member of the Cal Poly band, ing features and private sources. ' Jan Devoto, 19, is a sophomore Site of the planned student Home Economics major. Miss De­ activities building will be directly voto is sponsored by the Ag. En­ east o:& the cafeteria, now under gineering Society. construction between the Science Sandra Jackson of San Luis building and the new gymnasium. Obispo is in the Home Economics "This key site," the president D e p art men t. The 20-year old said "has been reserved in the junior attended San Luis Obispo Cal Poly master b u i I din g plan High. for a complex of buildings which Mathematics major B arb a r a is dedi'cated primarily to the Rhodes, 21, is from Huntington aspirations of students and staff." Park. Plans for the bookstore, he The selection committee was continued, have been based on composed of Mary Etta Murray, information from the National Associate Dean of Women; Don Association of Bookstore Mana­ Bryant, Poly Royal Superintend­ gers and on recent experience of ent; D on McCullum, Assistant other western colleges. Planning Superintendent; AI Pease, Di­ for activity-type functions has WHO'LL BE QUEEN ... Finqlists for the 28th annual Poly Royal Queen are, from left to right: Faye Clausen, rector of Special Events; Dick been developed in co-operation Flaherty, Engineering C o u n e i 1 with other state colleges and state Sandra Jackson, Barbara Rhodes, Jan Devoto and LeRae Donaldson. One of these coeds will reign over the annual campus celebration, scheduled this year for Ap:ril 29 and 30. Th~ election will be on Wednesday, April 6. chairman; Jim Campbell, Agricul­ agencies. tural Council chairman, and Diane -------- Nicholson, Chairman of the Arts and Sciences Council. Poly Dairy Animal OH Students Enter The queen will be elected from Sold For $4000 (ampaig romises Start the five finalists on April 6. "Polytechnic Imperial Montvic," Judging Contest Swingers, Singers a 6lh-year-old bull, bred and Three Ornamental Horticulture · proved in the Cal Poly Dairy herd, students will represent Cal Poly Soon; Election April 2-13 Perform Thursday was sold to the American Breeders' at the annual Intercollegiate> Service for $4,000 last week. Flower Judging Contest to 0. "Imperial" has been classified by held at Oklahoma State Univer­ Howard Bryant, Allen Ochs and Bob Boster this I week For College Hour the Holstein Freisian Association sity, April 1. have de.clared candidacy for Student Body President, and College hour will offer a pre­ as "very good" with 87 points, Instructor Ray Houston wiU George Maybee anounced he'll be in the running for Vice­ view to Cal Poly's 19th annual three less than top rating of "ex­ accompany Leonard Grilli of San President in the 1960 ASB elections. Nominations opened home concert Thursday in Cran­ cellent," according to American Jose, James Jorrick of Pleasant dall Gym. Breeder reports. Hills, DerencQ Kernek of San Luis Monday, March 21, and will close Saturday noon April 2. Elec­ Prior to entertaining at the col­ ABS officials, also pointed out Obispo and alternate Ronnie tions are scheduled for April 12 lege hour, the musicians will put that "Imperial" has a record that Morgan of Stockton to the Still­ and . 13. I?~erested students may on a show for the San Luis Obispo indicates he meets Silver Medal water, Okla., show. Selling Yourself obtam petitwns, along with a com­ High School student body at 9:30 Type requirements and within one Howard Brown, OH Department plete set of campaigning rules, A.M! year should qualify for Gold Medal. head, said the students will also from the ASB office. Harold Davidson, Music Depart­ The bull has sired seven proven view greenhouses and floriculture Is Topic Slated C~mpaigning starts Monday, ment Head, announces that the as­ daughters which have production in the area following the contest. April 4 at 9 P.M. and will end at sembly will include selections from records that can be compared to For Open Meeting 8 A.M. Tuesday, April 12. the Collegians' concert library their dams' records. BOOKS AT HIGH NOON "How to Sell Yourself" will be According to ASB Vice President which includes: "Medium Rare," "Imperial" will be shipped from Alvin Foote of the English guest speaker Joseph Burger's Bob McCorkle, any Cal Poly stu­ Stan Kenton's arrangement of Cal Poly early in April to the Department will open the Books topic at an open meeting of the dent who has completed 90 units "Artistry Jumps," "Manhattan," Carmel, Indiana, ABS facility. At High Noon spring program Dairy and Poultry Clubs on April of college work, has a grade point "Brown's Little Jug" (Les Brown's today in Lib. 118 by interpreting 13. The meeting begins at 7:30 average of at least 2.0 and has arrangement of "Little Brown Henry C. Miller of Sausalito the works of Albert Camus. The P.M. in Ag. Eng. 123. been at Poly for at least two con­ Jug") and "Muskrat Ramble." achieved double honors upon grad­ program is offered following a Burger is Director of Public sec~t~ve quarters is eligible. In Among the numbers performed uation this month. A mathematics request by students asking for a Relations for H. V. N ootbaar and additiOn, he must secure 50 signa­ by the Men's Glee Club are "Shen­ major, Miller was graduated with commemorative program on Mr. Company, Pasadena, Brokers and tures of ASB card holders on his andoah," "My Lord," "Stopping honors and was granted a physics Camus, who was killed in an auto­ Jobbers of grain and feed ingredi­ petition. by Woods on a Snowy Evening," teaching fellowship at Dartmouth mobile accident recently. Books At ents. A special candidate meeting will and "Cowboy Lullaby." College. Miller earned a 3.4 grade High Noon programs are open to He worked 14 years with the be held Monday, April 4, at 7:30 The Majors and Minors and the point average. faculty and students. Ralston Purina Company of St. P.M. in Lib. 116, the purpose being Collegiate Quartet will also per­ Louis and later as Vice President to inform the candidates of all the form. and Sales Manager of two other rules pertaining to campaign pro­ Home Concert, April 7 and 8, companies in the seed and chemical cedure and the election. will be two hours long, spotlight­ industries. "Candidates must attend this ing the Collegiate Quartet, three Burger has addressed the South­ meeting," said McCorkle. soloists and three students. The ern Association of Chamber of "They will also be required to program is slated to close with a Commerce Executives, the National attend the Student Affairs Coun­ mixed choral blending of the score Sales Executives, and the National cil meeting on April 5," continued from "South Pacific." Association of Life Underwriters. the vice president, "to become The performance will be taped His traveles have taken him before familiar with the rules for cam­ and recorded on a long playing audiences in 48 states and Canada, paig-ning and election. disc to go on sale about May 1, plus many European countries, "If for some acceptable reason speculates Davidson. "The records including Russia. the candidate is unable to make will sell for $3.50 apiece and only this meeting, his campaign man­ 500 copies will be available." ager may be accepted as his Rockets' Detonation is Topic proxy," he said. A campaign carnival is slated Dorm Signup Sheets Of China Lake Chemist for Saturday, April 9, giving the Dr. William McEwan, Head of candidates a chance to "give their Circulate This Week the Chemistry Division Research pitch," at an informal dance-floor "Signup sheets are being cir­ Department at the Naval Ordance show in Crandall Gym. culated by dorm managers this Test Station at China Lake, will On Monday, Aprilll, d campaign week to help the college in mak­ speak to the Physical Science Club assembly will be held in the AC ing total housing plans," says Bob on April 7. Auditorium at 7:30 P.M.
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