Pencil Bluff BE Oden Ranger District BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION for Pencil Bluff Watershed Project Montgomery County, Arkansas Oden Ranger District Ouachita National Forest USDA-Forest Service by Rhonda Huston Wildlife Biologist Oden Ranger District 1788 Hwy 88 East Oden, AR 71961 870-326-4322 (office) 870-326-4282 (fax) September 2008 Page 1 of 51 Pencil Bluff BE Oden Ranger District I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Objective of this Biological Evaluation This Biological Evaluation (BE) is prepared in compliance with Forest Service Manual (FSM) 2670 policy and designed to avoid negative impacts that may cause a trend towards the loss of species viability, or the listing of a species under the Endangered Species Act. The direction in the 2005 Revised Land and Resource Management Plan for the Ouachita National Forest (Revised Forest Plan) (USDA FS 2005a) does not preclude or replace the requirement for specific, project-level consideration of Proposed, Endangered, Threatened or Sensitive species (PETS). The best available information on PETS species has been used to document this BE with sources that include data gathered during on-the-ground field surveys, review of the scientific literature, review of surveys which have been conducted within or adjacent to the area but which have not been published, conversations with knowledgeable individuals in the academic/scientific/resource management communities, and my best professional judgment in an effort to determine which PETS species occur or may occur within the proposed analysis area. This discussion of effects upon PETS species and/or their habitats is needed to provide useful information to decision- makers in the careful selection of activities to accomplish goals and maintain wildlife, fish and plant populations and habitats. The BE documents analysis of potential impacts of implementation of the proposed Pencil Bluff project on PETS species and their associated habitat(s). B. Area Description and General Location The Revised Forest Plan (RFP) provides primary direction for all management activities and contains the Vision, Strategy and Standards for guiding all natural resource management activities for the Ouachita National Forest. The Pencil Bluff Watershed includes four management areas (MAs) 6, 9, 14 and 20. These MAs are located in (Township 1 North, Range 25 West, Sections 29-32; Township 1 North, Range 26 West, Sections 25, 26, 35, 36; Township 1 South, Range 25 West, Sections 5, 6, 7-9, 16-20, 29-32; Township 1 South, Range 26 West, Sections 1, 2, 10-15, 23-26, 35, 36; Township 2 South, Range 2 West, Section 1; Township 2 South, Range 25 West, Sections 5, 6) Montgomery County, Arkansas. C. Purpose of this Proposed Action The purpose and need for this proposal is to improve wildlife habitat by increasing the number of acres in the 0-10 year age class; improving wildlife habitat for species by prescribed burning to improve access and palatability of browse and by lowering open road density; maintain or enhance water quality, associated aquatic biota and provide wildlife and waterfowl habitat; to maintain the health and vigor of the forest by maintaining the proper basal area (BA) in pine, pine/hardwood and hardwood stands to promote active growth to lessen the effects from insects and disease and capture natural mortality; improve recreational opportunities and visual qualities; provide firewood areas to the public; and to provide for timber production as directed by the Revised Forest. Page 2 of 51 Pencil Bluff BE Oden Ranger District II. CONSULTATION HISTORY In accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, and pursuant to Section 7 of said act formal consultation on the Biological Assessment for the Revised Forest Plan was requested by the Acting Regional Forester in a letter dated August 9, 2005 to the Arkansas Field Supervisor of the United States Department of Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service (USDI-FWS) (USDA Forest Service, 2005a). The letter requested formal consultation based on the finding of “likely to adversely affect” for American Burying Beetle (ABB). The Biological Assessment also conveyed “not likely to aversely affect” findings for Leopard darter (Percina pantherina), Leopard darter critical habitat, Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum), Arkansas fatmucket mussel (Lampsilis powelli), Scaleshell mussel (Leptodea leptodon), Ouachita rock-pocketbook (Arkansia wheeleri), Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis). In response to the request for formal consultation the USDI- FWS submitted a transmittal letter (dated August 17, 2005) accepting the request for formal consultation. This letter stated that a Biological Opinion would be prepared, assessing the affects of the Revised Forest Plan implementation on ABB. The transmittal letter also concurred with the “not likely to adversely affect” finding for Leopard darter, Leopard darter critical habitat, Harperella, Arkansas fatmucket mussel, Scaleshell mussel, Ouachita rock-pocketbook, Red- cockaded woodpecker, Bald eagle and Indiana bat (USDI-FWS, 2005a). On September 22, 2005 the USDI-FWS provided the Acting Regional Forester the Service’s Programmatic Biological Opinion on the Revised Forest Plan addressing the potential impacts to ABB. The Programmatic Biological Opinion concluded after review of the current status of ABB, the environmental baseline for the action area, the effects of the proposed action, and the cumulative effects, that the Revised Forest Plan, as proposed, is “not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of ABB across it entire range.” The Programmatic Biological Opinion also provides terms and conditions for incidental take and concluded that the “[level of anticipated take is not likely to result in jeopardy to the species or destruction or adverse modification of [habitat] critical]” to the ABB (USDI-FWS, 2005b). Issuance of the Biological Opinion by the USDI-FWS concluded all formal consultation on the Revised Forest Plan as proposed by the Ouachita National Forest. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Conway office) is on the district public scoping mailing list for all projects requiring National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. The scoping letter specific to the Pencil Bluff project was mailed to the Conway office on June 27, 2008. III. PROPOSED MANAGEMENT ACTIONS The ID team identified the following activities which would move the watershed area toward the desired conditions described in and adopted by the Revised Forest Plan, and would help meet objectives established in the Revised Forest Plan. Table 1. Proposed management actions, approximate acres and planned implementation year for the Pencil Bluff project analysis area. Page 3 of 51 Pencil Bluff BE Oden Ranger District APPROXIMATE IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY NET MEASURE YEAR RANGE Commercial Thinning 1,973 acres 2010-2011 Modified Seed Tree Regeneration 600 acres 2010-2011 Modified Shelterwood Regeneration 160 acres 2010-2011 Site Preparation by Herbicide, Manual, 760 acres 2012-2015 Mechanical, and/or Fire¹ Hand Planting (shortleaf pine) 760 acres 2013-2016 Timber Stand Improvement by Release 760 acres 2015-2017 Firewood Areas As Available 2009-2015 Wildlife Stand Improvement by Midstory 1,435 acres 2012-2015 Removal Wildlife Opening Rehabilitation 4 openings for 6 acres 2010-2012 Wildlife Pond Construction 10 2010-2015 Fish Passage Restoration 19 stream crossings 2010-2015 Bat Box Placement 8 boxes 2010-2012 Wood Duck Box Placement 5 boxes 2010-2012 Non-native Invasive Species Eradication ~160acres 2010-2015 by Manual/Herbicide Fuel Reduction Prescribed Burning 7,500 acres 2009-2014 Fireline Construction 15.8 miles 2012-∞ Fireline Reconstruction 7.0 miles 2012-∞ Helispot Construction³ 1 spot³ 2012-∞ Pine-Oak Woodland Restoration by 222 acres 2011 Commercial Thinning and Prescribed Burning¹ Shale Glade Restoration by Prescribed 7acres¹ 2010-2012 Burning¹ Shale Glade Restoration by Weeding and 2010-2012 1acres reseeding Ouachita Montane Oak Forest Restoration 2012-∞ 160 acres¹ by Prescribed Burning¹ Central Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus 80 acres¹ 2012-∞ Restoration by Prescribed burning¹ Oak Woodland Restoration by Thinning 85 acres¹ 2012-∞ and Prescribed Burning¹ Page 4 of 51 Pencil Bluff BE Oden Ranger District APPROXIMATE IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY NET MEASURE YEAR RANGE River Cane Restoration by Thinning and 2 acres¹ 2012-∞ Prescribed Burning¹ Soil Stabilization 12 acres 2012-∞ Unauthorized Road Added to System 1.0 miles 2010-2012 Unauthorized Road – Temporary Harvest 0.9 miles 2010-2012 Road (Close and Decommission) Unauthorized Road – Close and 2.3 miles 2010-2012 Decommission Unauthorized Road – Transfer to County 0.1 mile 2010-2012 System Road – Permanent Closure² 1.6 miles 2010 ACTIVITY APPROXIMATE IMPLEMENTATION NET MEASURE YEAR RANGE System Road Construction 8.2 miles 2010-2012 System Road Reconstruction 14.2 miles 2010-2012 System Road – Decommission 0.2 mile 2010-2012 System Road – Close and Decommission 1.4 miles 2010-2012 Temporary Road Construction 13.4 miles 2010-2012 Road Maintenance 0.4 mile 2010-2012 Bridge Construction 1 bridge 2010-2012 Trailhead Construction ½ acre 2011-2013 Trail Construction ¼ mile 2011-2013 Dispersed Campsite Closure 9 location 2010-2013 Rock Collection Area As available 2010-2013 Gate Installation 12 gates 2010-2013 Macedonia Pond Improvements 1 Pond 2010-2012 Use of Existing Shale Borrow Pits 2 Pits 2010-2012 ¹ These acres are included in fuel reduction prescribed burning acreage
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