Geometric Biplane Graphs I: Maximal Graphs ∗ Alfredo Garc´ıa1 Ferran Hurtado2 Matias Korman3;4 In^esMatos5 Maria Saumell6 Rodrigo I. Silveira5;2 Javier Tejel1 Csaba D. T´oth7 Abstract We study biplane graphs drawn on a finite planar point set S in general position. This is the family of geometric graphs whose vertex set is S and can be decomposed into two plane graphs. We show that two maximal biplane graphs|in the sense that no edge can be added while staying biplane|may differ in the number of edges, and we provide an efficient algorithm for adding edges to a biplane graph to make it maximal. We also study extremal properties of maximal biplane graphs such as the maximum number of edges and the largest maximum connectivity over n-element point sets. 1 Introduction In a geometric graph G = (V; E), the vertices are distinct points in the plane in general position, and the edges are straight line segments between pairs of vertices. A plane graph is a geometric graph in which no two edges cross. Every (abstract) graph has a realization as a geometric graph (by simply mapping the vertices into distinct points in the plane, no three of which are collinear), and every planar graph can be realized as a plane graph by F´ary'stheorem [13]. The number of n-vertex labeled planar graphs is at least 27:22n n! [15]. · However, there are only 2O(n) plane graphs on any given set of n points in the plane [2, 22]. We consider a generalization of plane graphs. A geometric graph G = (V; E) is k-plane for some k N if it admits a partition of its edges E = E1 ::: Ek such that G1 = 2 [· [· (V; E1);:::;Gk = (V; Ek) are each plane graphs. Let S be a planar point set in general position, that is, no three points in S are collinear. Denote by k(S) the family of k-plane G graphs with vertex set S. With this terminology, 1(S) is the family of plane graphs with G vertex set S, and 2(S) is the family of 2-plane graphs (also known as biplane graphs) with G vertex set S. In this and a companion paper [14], we study 2(S) and contrast combinatorial properties G between plane graphs 1(S) and biplane graphs 2(S). Plane graphs have limitations in G G achieving some desirable properties, such as high connectivity, as it is known that every plane graph H has a vertex with degree at most 5, hence κ(H) λ(H) δ(H) 5 (we use standard ≤ ≤ ≤ graph theory notation as in [8]). It is natural to expect that significantly better values can arXiv:1702.01275v1 [cs.CG] 4 Feb 2017 ∗A preliminary version of this paper has been presented at the Mexican Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computational Geometry, Oaxaca, M´exico,November 2013. 1Departamento de M´etodos Estad´ısticos, IUMA, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. [email protected],[email protected]. 2Departament de Matem`aticaAplicada II, Universitat Polit`ecnicade Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. [email protected],[email protected]. 3National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan. [email protected] 4Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project, ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). 5Departamento de Matem´atica & CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, [email protected], [email protected]. 6Department of Mathematics and European Centre of Excellence NTIS (New Technologies for the Informa- tion Society), University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic. [email protected]. 7Department of Mathematics, California State University Northridge, Los Angeles, USA. [email protected]. 1 be obtained if the larger family 2(S) is used. This is precisely the topic we explore in these G papers, mostly focusing on graph size and vertex connectivity. One reason for the study of the family 2(S), instead of the most general family k(S), G G is that testing when a geometric graph is k-plane can be done in O(n log n) time for k = 2, but it is NP-Complete for any k 3 [12]. On the other hand, to imagine biplane graphs we ≥ can suppose that the plane has two sides, with the vertices of a graph being on both sides but each edge on only one side. In this way, biplane graphs can model some physical networks, as, for example, printed circuit boards (PCB). (A PCB consists of several electrical components embedded into a board, connected by noncrossing tracks, which can be printed on either side of the board.) Related concepts. Note that the above generalization of plane graphs is reminiscent to, al- though more restrictive than, the notion of thickness, geometric thickness, and book thickness, which are defined for abstract graphs [6, 9]. We recall their definitions for ease of comparison. The thickness of an (abstract) graph G = (V; E) is the smallest k N such that G admits 2 an edge partition E = E1 ::: Ek with the property that G1 = (V; E1);:::;Gk = (V; Ek) [· [· are each planar graphs. The geometric thickness of an (abstract) graph G = (V; E) is the smallest k N such that G admits an edge partition E = E1 ::: Ek satisfying that 2 [· [· G1 = (V; E1);:::;Gk = (V; Ek) can be simultaneously embedded as plane graphs where the vertex set is mapped to a common labeled point set. The book thickness is a restricted version of the geometric thickness where G1;:::;Gk are simultaneously embedded on a point set in convex position. Notice that every k-plane graph, if interpreted as an abstract graph, has geometric thick- ness at most k, but in addition we are given a specific embedding in the plane in which the decomposition into k plane layers is possible. In other words, the term k-plane graph refers to a geometric object, a drawing, while having geometric thickness k is a property of the un- derlying abstract graph. For example, the cycle C4 has geometric thickness 1, but a drawing connecting the points (0; 0), (1; 1), (1; 0), (0; 1) in this cyclic order with straight-line segments would have a crossing and be 2-plane. For disambiguation, we also mention two additional notions, which are commonly used in the graph drawing community, but have little to do with our subject. An (abstract) graph is called k-planar if it has a drawing in the plane (where the edges are Jordan arcs) such that each edge crosses at most k other edges. It is already NP-hard to recognize 1-planar graphs [19]. The other notion worth mentioning is 1-plane, which is used for a specific geometric drawing of a 1-planar graph [11] in which edges are crossed at most once. Note that these two notions have a different meaning from the definition of k-plane graphs introduced above. Prior work and organization of the paper. Our main focus is the study of the largest possible graphs for a fixed point set. This involves the concepts of maximum (graphs with the largest possible number of edges) and maximal graphs (i.e., graphs in which the addition of any edge would break the biplane property). In Section 2 we formally define both concepts, and study several fundamental properties. Among other results, we show that two maximal biplane graphs on the same point set do not necessarily have the same number of edges. In particular, this implies that the maximum and maximal properties of biplane graphs are not equivalent (as opposed to the case of planar graphs). Algorithmic issues are studied in Section 3. First, we present an algorithm for determining whether a given geometric graph is biplane or not. We then show how to augment a biplane graph with new edges to a maximal biplane graph. This result is a variant of the fundamental problem of graph augmentation, where one would like to add new edges, ideally as few as possible, to a given graph in such a way that some desired property is achieved. There has been extensive work on augmenting a disconnected plane graph to a connected one (see [17] 2 for a recent survey) or on achieving good connectivity properties [1, 3, 4, 21, 23]. In Section 4, we study the maximum vertex connectivity that can be attained for the graphs in 2(S) over all n-element point sets S in general position. Similar extremal problems G have been considered for graphs of thickness or geometric thickness two [6, 18]. In the companion paper [14] we consider several problems on augmenting plane graphs to biplane supergraphs with higher connectivity, including the case in which the input is only a point set S and the goal is to construct a good biplane graph on S. These problems are closely related to the results we present here, and have also received substantial attention for the case of plane graphs. 2 Fundamental Properties of Maximal Biplane Graphs A (geometric) graph G = (V; E) is maximal (or edge-maximal) in a family of graphs if there F is no graph G0 = (V; E0) in such that E E0. We are mostly concerned with problems F ⊂ related to finding a biplane graph of high connectivity or high vertex degree in 2(S) for a G given point set S. Since the addition of new edges does not decrease the vertex connectivity, we can restrict our attention to maximal graphs in 2(S). G Recall that a maximal plane graph in 1(S) is a triangulation, that is, a plane graph where G all bounded faces are triangles, and the boundary of the outer face is the convex hull ch(S).
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