' "' Who will tell N.O. escapees about closing time? PAGE3 .... _......, •..,ity Newspaper Company ii www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2005 Vol. 10, No. 6 ~ 48 Pages filf 3 Sections 75¢ TO OWN A HIT WITH THE LADIES Roller Derby slams its way Katrina into Allston By Audltl Guha STAFF WRITER refugees It's fast and fuiious and it's in Allston. Women zooming circles on four wheels and crashing into each other at the hockey rink on Western Avenue Monday evening are enthusiastic about the new venue and roller derby, a sport once thought passe that's making a comeback in the area. stabbed Wearing shorts, knee and elbow guards, helmets and knee-length socks with stock­ ings or colorful tights, about a dozen Pair thought they were safe seemingly fearless females sped about the rink on their roller skates weaying through orange cones placed around, with an in­ By Auditi Guha ed to serious Wednesday! after­ structor shouting out pointers or words of and Erin Smith noon, by a spokesperson tor Beth encouragement. STAFF WRITERS Israel Deaconess Medical. Center "Nice booty blocking!" cried Shelby hey survived one of the where the victims were treated. Shattered, or Carol Cunningham ofAllston worst natural disasters in Lovell and Vairo are two of TU.S. hi story. A late-night who, like the other teammates has an alias. 150 visiting students from Loy­ The new derby was formed in June by tlip to the Store 24 in Brighton, ola and Tulane Univer. ities of "Sarah Doom" from Cambiidge and however, almost cost them their New Orlean. , attending classes at "lvana Clobber" from Medford. They lives. BC this semester. began practice in Taunton. When they Two Loyola University- stu­ BC administrators notified the found the little-used hockey ri nk in All­ dents who escaped Hurncane families of the two victims ston, they began twice a week practice Katiina and came to Boston Col­ Wednesday morning, Dunn said. here 'on Monday and Thursday evenings, lege recently were stabbed during Cun'ningham said. a Cleveland Circle brawl Found on sidewalk Unlike in-line skating, this is a team Wednesda>, according 10 Boslon AL"uirding to police re 11 .. at spo1t and it's women only, which is what Police. about 1:30 p.111., oftice1. from 'dttla1,1txi many oi' he paitil..iparit". Joe Vairo. 19, Oiiginally from Di strict 14 respond(Xl to Chest11ut Holden, was stabbed in the head. Hill and Englewood avenues ilnd Too cool neck, chest and lower body, while found Yairo lying on the sidewalk Her fou1th month on the team, ..Slamala Marley Lovell, 20, of Oakland, outside 324 Cl1eq11u1 I !ill Ave. Anderson," or Leslie Quattlini of Calif., received a superficial with multiple stab wournh. Brighton, has been skating all her life. So wound on his arm, according to Lovell had been stabbed in his when she heard about a roller derby in the the police repo1t. right arm, had a broken nose and area, she jumped in. STAIT P rOTO BY KEITH E. JACOBSON Yairo's condition improved cuts on his face. police said. Carroll "Shelby Shattered ~ Cunningham of Allston and Leslie "Slamala Anderson" She's glad they can practice in Allston. around 4 a.m. Wednesday said Lovell told police he and Vairo Quattrini of Brighton, right, practice with the Boston Derby Dames league, which Jack Dunn, a spokesman of were arguing with a group of un­ DERBY, page 15 recently mo\ed their practices to Western Avenue. Boston College. known men, when one of the sus­ Vairo's condition was upgrad- STABBING page 14 SIDE Park users howl over left-behind dog poop By Audlti Guha Bad dog owner pie who don't clean up after their Don Lubin suggested residents Jonathan Ralton ·suggested STAFF WRITER oreen Kennedy. heading the pets don't reali1e what a problem police themselves and talk to dog looking at what other city parks About 20 residents attended a di cu. ~ion on dog poop, said peo- this is for others who use the park. owners who don 't. RINGER PARK, page 14 meeting Tuesday to come up" ith solutions for several problems with dogs running loose ac Ringer Park. Say a prayer While poop, leash laws. irre­ sponsible owners and ad. of trashcans have been pointed out before, residents discu. sing i. - sues in four groups came up" ith new issues that need to be added ENTERTAINMENT to the list. These include the definition of a dedicated space for dog : the New start at coffect ways of dispo. ing dog poop; the process of creating a legal space for dogs with a virtual New Rep citywide ban in place; and que - ..,.SEEPAGE33 tions about which space hould be dog-free. ''There's been a lot of ten ion last year over this issue. o we de­ cided to have a community PYCCKOE process," said Juan GonLalez from the Allston-Brighton Com­ IlPHJ\O)l{EHHE munity Development Corp. "'\ e ~SEEPAGE28 really value contlibuting 1ogether to come to a solution." While development corpora­ INSIDE tion leaders had a plan charted out for the evening, only part of the Commentary 10 agenda was finished in the allot­ ted two hours, as group of re i­ Community Notes 31 dents voiced their concern and suggested solutions. Crime 12 No votes were taken on the four issues discussed - dedicat­ STA.FF PHOTO BY KATE FLOCK Destinations 22 ed dog space; feces not cleaned The Crusaders of Fatima lead a procession of the Passlonlst Monastery Tuesday night. The Brighton-based shrine is a popular stop for up; dogs not under owners' con­ local Catholics. Ubrary Notes 27 trol; and dog-free zones. Obituaries 23 MAEL The Finest r-c~iTF~~ -~-F;;; ·-·-: ~ . People 24 (:lllROPR \CTIC m Mortgage Loans Market Analysis! Political Notebook 25 Swiss Watch Repair local knowledge. Authorized Sales & Service BEST OF BOSTON Experienced answers. All Siles & Widths ~21. Many Styles Shawmut Properties 3 8 1 134 Tremont Street • Brighton IA} ALPHA OMEGA Peoples . & Colors DIAMONDS SINCE 1976 Federal Savlng.s Bank , fnmv'ro'ir 'ffhtch '-· l/JtimKJm!.f)mvalul• All AMERICAN ROME AID, INC. Your Neigliborlrood Realtor® Natick Maff 503-655-0700 Allston 229 Nonh Hm<1rd Street Medical Supplies 556 Cambridge St., Brighton --~- -~- I Burlington Mal. 781-272-4016 Brighton 435 Market Street ! Tel. 617-787-2121 P'Ude taJ Ctr .. Boston 617-424-9030 (617) 254-0707 • www.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton (617) 787-8700 ~ www. CZ Harvard Square , Cafltlridge 617-IJ64.1227 /;;iii \lnnb.-r FDIC 617-713-4300 l l .~hawmut.<· 0111 \ Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, September 16, 2005 www.allstonbrightontab.com Allston-Brighton History Then Now By William Marchione BRIGHTON ALLSTON HISTOPICAI. SOCIETY Wow, virtually all our contestants thought this was the Brighton High School. But It was really the Harriet Baldwin School. Here we see a 1933 view of the Harriet Baldwin School at 121 Corey Road, corner of Washington Street. The Baldwin School was bullt In 1926 In the then popular Tudor Gothic style. The handsome U-shaped three-story brick and cast stone building was designed by the architectural firm of Fay, Spofford & Thorndike. The school was named fOr Harriet Baldwin, president of the community's Influential Brlghthelmstone Women's Club, and a longtime advocate of public school Improvements. ttarrlet Baldwin was the wife of Judge Henry Baldwin of the Brighton Municipal Court. Boston School We want your news! Key contacts: Committee member Jennie Loltman Barron, a resident of nearby Selklri< Road, was instrumental in bringing this new schoolhouse to her Aberdeen neighborhood. Mrs. Barron became the first full-time Editor . .. • . .. Nick Katz (781 ) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton female judge In the history of Massachusetts, in 1935. She was also an active Baldwin School parent ... ....... .. ... .. .. .... ... .. .. [email protected] TAB! We are eager to serve as a whose three daughters attended the school. Note that the photograph was taken from the vacant lot Reporter . ........... .... Auditi Guha (781 ) 433-8333 opposite the school, on which Covenant House now stands. The Baldwin School lies within the boundaries forum for the community. Please . [email protected] of the recently established Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District. send us calendar listings, social news Editor in chief ... .. .. .. .. Greg Reibman (781) 433-8345 and any other items of community . .. ...... ... .. , ...... .. [email protected] interest. Please mail lhe infonnation Advertising Director .. .... .. Cris Warren (781) 433-8313 Barbara Berry to Nick Katz, editor, Allston- Winners: Advertising sales . .. .... Harriet Steinberg (781) 433-7865 . Brighton TAB, P.O. Box 9112, Real Estate sales ... .. Mark R. Macrelli (781) 433-8204 Needham, MA 02492. You may fax Russian section advertising ... Yuri Tabansky (617) 965-1673 material to (781) 433-8202. Classified/help wanted ... .. : . .. .. .. (800) 624-7355 Next week's contest Our deadline for recieving press Calendar listings. (781) 433-8211 releases is Monday, 5 p.m., prior to Newsroom fax number .. ..•. ..... .. ..... (781) 433-8202 Hint: This Allston apartment lhe next Friday's issue. AUditiGuha Arts/listings fax number . (781) 433-8203 building was one of the most Residents are invited to call us with story fashionable addresses In the To subscribe, call . .... ... ... .. ........ (888) 343-1960 ideas or reaction to our coverage. Please call neighborhood, when it was General TAB number .. .... • .. ....... (781 ) 433-8200 built in 1906. Think you know Allston-Brighton TAB Editor Nick Katz ar Order photo reprints . ... .•.. .. .... .... (866) 746-8603 what this old place was? Send (78 l) 433-8365 or News Reporter Auditi Guha News e-mail ...... .. [email protected] your answer by fax to 781· at (781) 433-8333 with your ideas and Sp.orts .............. .. .. [email protected] 433--8202 or e-mail to allston­ ugge lions.
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