SM-31 Leonard Calvert Monument Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 01-06-2004 s 'M -31 LEONARD CALVERT MONUMENT St. Mary's City 1891 This large granite monument honoring the first governor of Maryland is located in the cemetery of Trinity Church at St. Mary's City. It marks the traditional site, under a large mulberry tree, of the meeting where the first Maryland colonists purchasedland from the Indians for the establishment of a settlement. -------· -·-- ·,. .1 • . -~·t ·;. .- fl - ,. ~... ···"' . · ~tq+e ~~5~ d I' ·... · ... ,,76.· . .-' ·:·_ i· . .- ' .. ~"- -·.: -_· ... :.. ?... _· -~~ .. .~. ,_ .· . "' ..(. s .· .. f! l.•• S~·~o·· . ,, ·-' Cql.,e.r_f..· If~ If lor,~; h al C. /le~ e.J st-. ,._, q r't '..r >t-,.. II Free.born o-1'> Co,..r~ :eAic.c Mo11~~.. ~ Sn·"lS ·... '·. ·••··· ..• ,·~. ·........ 0 0 ·O ____ ._.................... f S"°H- JI recognized as che first day of the new year. Once the colonises had arrived at Sc. Mary's City, the Calvercs soughc co preserve incerpersonal harmony and intracolonial unity chrough an official policy of nonseccarianism. They encouraged Catholics and Proc­ escaocs co share a common chapel and denied special re­ ligious privileges and immunicies co the Jesuits, even though they were major investors in the province. Thus, according co historian Henry Kamen, Sc. Marys City became "the first colony in the New World, and ~ I indeed in the history of the Chrisrian world, co be established on the foundation of complete religious - I liberty." Bue enlightened principles of incerracial and incer­ denominacional cooperation could not alone concrol the destiny of the province. From the mid- co lace-1630s, Lord Baltimore engaged Captain Claiborne in battles legal and lechal for control of Kent Island and the key beaver cerricories in the northern Chesapeake. Through­ out the turbulent decades of the English Civil Wars ( 1642-1649) and the revolutionary Puri can Republic (1649-1660), military aggression and political oppres­ sion exacerbated che problems of the fledgling province and brought bloodshed co the once-hopeful shores of Sc. Mary's City. In 1642, Claiborne's Susquehannock allies raided secclemencs only seven miles from the capital Leonard Calvert Monument, Trinity Episcopal Churchyard, and initiated a ten-year war with the Marylanders, dur­ St. Maryi City. The 36-foot obeliJk was erected by the ing which che Virginia loyalists on Kent Island cwice State of Maryland in 1890, on the site of the "Old Mul­ revolted against Lord Baltimore's authority. In February berry Tree," to memorialize the fo11nder of St. Maryi City 1645, Captain Richard Ingle, piratical master of the and Marylandi first governor (1634-1647 ). ship, Reformation, invaded Sc. Mary's Ciry in the name of the Purican Parliament, intending co crush the al­ leged "tyrannical power" of che Calvens. During the In declaring human conscience co be free from che coer­ "Plundering Time" of che next cwo years, his brigands cion of policies, Cecil Calvert hoped co end a violenc and discontented Protestant servants vandalized Cath­ cencury of carnage char had produced "Fights, Frights, olic homesteads throughout St. Mary's City. In lace (and] Flights" in che name of religion. 1646, Governor Calvecc finally returned co the capital Lord Baltimore's convictions were conveyed co hjs and dispersed the invaders with the assistance of mer­ brother Leonard as che first Maryland expedition pre­ cenaries from Virginia. pared co sail for che Chesapeake in lace November 163 3. Leonard Calvert died in May 1647 before he could Because Catholic seeders would be vastly oucnumbered fully restore stable government, and with his passing, by Procescancs in che cramped quarters of the Ark, Cecil che province was plunged into still more crises. The Calvert thought it imperative chat che endangered mi­ presence of unpaid Protestant mercenaries encamped at nority preserve "peace and unity" by "suffer[ing] no St. Mary's City created a volatile sicuacion, which was scandall or offence co be given" chrough proselycizing addressed by a most revolutionary proposal. On Friday, ( or public worship. His wriccen "Inscruccions" co chis ef­ 21 January 1648, Mistress Margaret Brent (ca. 1601- fect explain why che colonises, who had been in che Po­ ca. 1671), a wealthy resident of che capital and che ex­ comac River for chree weeks, did noc celebrate a public ecutrix of Governor Calvert's escace, appeared before the Mass of thanksgiving until 25 March 1634. Even the General Assembly meeting at "Sc. John's," che home of most vehement antipapiscs could noc object coo stren­ John Lewger. On a spot char is coday located behind che uously co chis commemoration of "Lady Day" (Feast of President's House on campus, she requested a sear in che che Annunciacion), which all English Christians then Assembly "for her selfe and voyce allso ... as his r:J~~nis Pt (\ I ' SM-31 Leonard Calvert Monument West Elevation J . Kozlay 9/24/94 SM-31 Leonard Calvert Monument South Elevation J . Kozlay 9/24/94 ~. ' · -:. h - 31 [ r~..,t.. ,I (,, 1P•f }\~. I' ( "" •• ' lJi • ~'\ ~ r ~ \..JI nJ K.1 v k ... "l.o tr,., ~J ~v 1q1~ r}J'\J ':.l.!t''I LooY.,... N I J( ( .
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