- " ■■■ ' I 1 j / / / / ^ ' , ♦ Weither *i FinFinal * if. Mostly Clear ■ EditionEdit Th#T bt MagicHagti Valley Newspaperiper DedicatedIHdicat to Serving: and l^m oti otins the'Growth of Nine IrrIrrigated Idaho Countiesntlea . ^ _____________________________ * 1^ - ^ — T-WiN-FALLSr^IDAHOr-FRlDA-YE^FRlDA-Yr4IA-Y^17r4963I------------------ ^-I ^ ___________________________ _ - T- T -E N ^ N T S ------- — — ------------------------- W|CEILTKIUI ------------------------^ ^ — " ¥ • * » ¥ ¥ ¥ VA ¥ N o r S T Vlet i e t Nam ■ I Coopersr IMerely ly Bifc J Troops PPouring o i I Woozyy IAfter TripT I I n t o L a o9S s jArea ■ ly 17 (UPD—Thousands ofif !^am were reported today to S rin g into Laos, threateningeatening to shatter the'deti- Lastingig 34 Hoilours I (»W balanced coalition governnugovernment worked oul by y I ' (See 1Picture Page IB) fj. i4.nation Geneva conference.)nference. Reports reachlntrs I By the Asaoclated Press Sffltta" tou o l North Vietnam,Vietnamese troops entering:g I Astronaut Gordon Cooperper ^vns mmer erely a bit woo?,y whenen he finishedf Ini-st a 34-hour trip cheB-over-iunRle-traj|ar^eir- S i i t e aim is to rep/ace «Gen. en . K ony Le, the' com- I Cooper, 36, expressed confidenceifidence thathat have le&cnedIA a lot from th/s misston for . — --------- ----------- 7“ “~ mmahder ander of neutralist forces, I future, more extended; d **’.4 ♦ • * * \ i with an officer subject to I spaces p a c e operations.”0 Thehe % H r i n c i p l e ^ L commuicommuniBt control. • I spaceman’ss p n c c m i perilous descent Wjservere "in"'Vientiane "agree — ^ to hig exactly predicted-im^ that if Kong Le and his rela- t o - h i r e : Merger Gets- ' tlvel£ small force of loyal follow* a pact pointpoifl P0 mlJes southeast ofof ers on the Plain of Jars are K; MidwayMidway Island Thunday after> I eliminated, the whole structurere m nooA waswa full of drama and U .P.A pproval ofof'tK the Laotian coalltlpn govern- g heroism. But his physical con* . ment will collapse. The result In g ditlondition wasw what most pleased . Tthis h u ^event v i l would be to nullify H space Agency doctors examininging. ^ ol dirtcww of p n lo n Pft* ^ fy ' ■ ' him FridFriday. - - - - ~ tUlroid ipproved fn p rln. - the® arduous vork of the Oeneva agreement last year which- stab- ff Ben JaJames, national aeronau* ^H H j S^wW iliy a proposed mer-. lllzed a government that includ- tics and space administrationIon H |||]H ;i ed the communlsta, neutralists r' spokesmanspokesma aboard the recovery A CTMtttman said a special Its JJ and Laotian right-wingers. ^ ship. U6SUS Kearsarge. said the 'fv(v'»8 H mmedical edical men were "very happy 1(9 Of three weeks to consider -j. , I wlUiwith CooCooper’s condition. In lay* >'i^ M , roraal mei^«r agreem ent th a t l ^ o iK re^tecU ve provisionsi Idaho-i-U dJ X-Ray | H a ¥ # '. ♦ • - r^H Icf bcUi nUroada, ' . r r t CiiilrniTri-ortJieboardrBrRot. I p p UDd Hirrlman. Nev York, saidj TechiiicranS | H ^^H|£h^H h9 I— A ijoardC arrier- ilpKWitockholdcre-meeUnr -m-yf------ ■J JerryJ tr r j Lloyd tngleman. 20, j'I^Vj I , ~lwironir7"aBd'Mrf."IwiTor Olenn; -------1f a n H LfS£“^.re'hcT«™?l[eetmT.F:^^l e< m Cofleman, 519 ’Third avenue H north. Twin Palls, was hie lumraer. , . ^ TlieT h e IdahoId X>Ray Technicians ■ aboard the carrier Kearkarge Tbi board also reelected ita* annualarim ial statei convention openeded when Uie ship picked np As- ttllcers and declared &. regular Fridayyjj^jay afternoon4, at Magic Valley 8TAND1I ey STANDINQ OH. FLOTA'nONDN eollar.eolUr. thnthree navy frogmen await■wait arrival of tbe carrier Kear-V* Uonaut Gordon Cooper near ICTBWi ]0^ l QuarUrly dividend, pay- MemorialM em orla h o sp ita l auditorium urge t« Ui un targe «« Uft the eatwole In whichfhich AstronaiAstronant Gordon Cooper hurtledh u rtle d Un UiUmet around the world,•*' Itlldway bland after Cooper’s t'^ a | BirW r*i-‘®-*tookholder8-fit -Wim-wtth-*- a Him . - n « Wbw Inalde -tff thBTepi de -tff thBTwntef i lu iiifa > dwK. -€ooper-flosted-to-tbe-enrface-9f-th«-FacifloCouper- n o»t> 1»f-the-Paelflc-aiMiUieaat-of MUway. »-orblt'fp*ee^flight^nrs-—£{ “*h wartJiiwJO. ^ story,"Stojy," by Robert Kimbrough,rh, few2eai UUun «B fo. u r mttea from whera■bero the KeaiKearearye waa w aiterr forfo r him.h im . (AP(A P wlrejrfiotb)____________ A 9eelal lO-car train brought s a Jl t LakeLak City, E astm an K odak ----------------- ___ day night. HuTlosn! Robert A. Lovett, New" companycom pany representative. 1 Engleman Is a qoarter- ll|Q ^ lort. cbnUmta of Uie execuUve Idaho SUte Patrolman Larry W tA ' maater third eUss, stationed g 3 |i KaiD]tt<«.-uid A rthur E. Slod<I' Plott.pIQ ^ Twin<p, Falls, discussed an- O L C |, on the bridge of the carrleiC:? mQSBHMMMI lui OmitellKsldent of Union atomy 0 I State Eyesis ResortR( UseUse (df 400 ^Ills woilL In d ad e a ehaiH bg E W W “ atomy of an accident and the w ilurBA aiidJV «tne«*»f i Smsihim-:*: ith-ayst^-of drtvlng.-Also -- tbe ahlp'c ooun« and log- B o B finf.-Har}iaB-been^-t^3Sar; iz^H B • “■ ' ' ’p '' '* -- speaking during the: Friday aft- L k O w emoon session was Dr, RichardI AcfesX JkV /Ji AlongDng ^Edge of CCanyorf navy four years. Driver’p d d ' SSmith, j Twin Falls, on first aid - ' V V « « and emergency care. • - r - BOISE.BOISE, May 17 (flV-Statetate U nd CommissionerC 0.. J.J . Buxton £said today the statea t e ^ Cedi Watson., Tw in Palla.^ of Idaho Ibi asltinfl' for 4000 acrea'ofacres'of laland ftbng the northernlorthern banbank of Snaice rivir. in^ man’s languago, 70U would «ay b Hit, Rim . wided tii« group through Maglo * ®2 I i- his condition Is normal............. ' VaUeyValley WMeinwlW-JJwpiW'a ^ KromKrome e ocotmty-for possibleible fufutures tu re -d e M l^ n e n t foir-resort-purpasfis. r-reso rt-p u i The land* ^is "The only thing he did expert*» ri- departmeht. owned by the federal government/emment andan m d been withdrawnithdrawn fnfrom private use. It ence was about 16 seconds of be* Crash H ere Concluding Friday’s erenta-vlUIU has recentlyre^en been restored,>d, Buxton said,i and the statetate has firfirst choice on It. HeH e ing woozwoozy after he stepped outIt of J. W a party ,an<1’ gft,.tngfthfr ^at — - " '^jaaid-the.tha land pvtpndfl BflfltilP flfltl ZZ ' .................................-T-.hla hla PPalth ^ t 7 capsule. .ThU was ■ ■ Drinr of a m i Ford Wbicn“ Kay’akbv’b Supperan dub at 8 p. m . ^ _ -------liuiiiiiU m itt w p « ;t« l." ■ ' toKk- ina-tnjured '4-yearH)ld Saturday momlng.-DoTtald A -f 1 from the Perrine Memorial _ The testa and the engineeringring HU KXXmsSION teOa the story M Artn irlrliMoe Bkkelton, daughter of® Cliunpner, dUef technlcli^ at -^2- A tto rn ey s- - bUdge north'drTwln-FallsS XPostmasters^ -O S ^— Sdebrleflng-sejstena-wlll-bonUnu*inu» -Ulka-t»--Una-«» hb wlfa and <wn.Jaaghta»,Ja-B« I/, tai Mn. Raymond Skelton, sSacred i ^ Heart■ hosplUl. SeatUe. Is. 'W V T » 1 • untiluntll CoCooper is tlow n fro m theth e carrier IK earuna which plwked him and h UT Fourth avenue west, w as . „ J ie. Y ' 1 • almalmost ost tlto Shoshone falls, -ra-r* will conduct a refresher .course I f l t P t "We think thU land has a lot W IT , Kearsarge to Honolulu Saturdayrday the PadPadfle Thnnday after » S4-henrt4-henr JounMy,Joan n U m m a ro o n d tarirt Prlday aflemoon with" oon n poilUonlng.v ^ t i Officers will Sbe Intervene m of poMlbllltles,” Buxton said. Winding up afternoon for a parade and publicibUc theOie worlworld. (AP wiropheto) ,_____________ iTtoi the scene of an accident ^,1, ^ ^ “ elected during the business meet* '- p j_ _ • "We have had some inquiries -jn reception. ______ ______ . •“ ikh-o«Mr»d -ahorUy - befora It* T * - • - /~ i. “We have - - from jieoplejntereated In-a-re. -T- J — -F K- -M eetin « r--■o r . ' ■■'A'merlcail'“S space agency ({octors ______________________ RSftWtil aturdav's arxilnni will h»-h>ldi^fiacingzG ase-^spSsort hotel. It also might be made - ■) had expressed, leara beforehand |4V fci tijile 3. eiftltcr, about 40, w as»8 kfct t Kay'SK ay's supper club. BOISE. RM ay 17 f.T -T w o Boise)lae available Ifo r private hom csltes,'’Ites.'’ Memberslilpw em bc Jn Uie Notionali^nal tl‘“t CCooper might falnt-orP FeedX C ’ Grainin B a n s i irrattd at 8:20 p.m. H iu rsd ayly A t ththe e a n n u al banQUet S a tu‘r* r- attorneys,a tto r n e d one0 of whom was conr)nr BuktonBukton said he went to thethe Leagueungue ofc Postmasters was dls- worse—vworse—when he came down. They"hey w-hilt mile south of C urry on<n ^ilay y nightnigh at lUy's Supper club,*o- cerne'd In thot legal action whichIch area areayestei yesterday to Inspect It. cussedcussed duringdi the Friday morn-lorn- obvlousljobviously were delighted he did I county road and charged withh dtlieersAUcers will be InsUlled andn<> brought outlawingou of slot ma-la- He said the area Includes land lugi„g sessiongcAgi of the annual con- •'“t- Kitif dnink In nn a\ito. awawards ards ppresented. Kimbrough will’•U chines 10 yeara- ago, asked the In the botibottom of the canyon' ®hdond ventlonventlon of1 the Idnlio branch of P«sldiPresident Kennedy, who con-r SentO C J to Presiiresident | He idmltted lo police Friday»y be mmaaU aaU r of ceremonies, l<lah(,Idaho guprsupreme court today to also on totop of bluff.
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