Quarterly Report MindanaoHealth Project Program Year 4 Quarter 2 (January 1 – March 30, 2016) Submitted: April 30, 2016 Submitted by: Dolores C. Castillo, MD, MPH, CESO III Chief of Party MindanaoHealth Project E-mail: [email protected] Mobile phone: 0917795430 On the cover: Top left: Center for Teens Focal Person Nurse Margie Junio talks to 17-year old Garneth Sebial and her mother, Merlina about newborn care, the importance of immunization and the need for family planning counseling in order to delay another pregnancy. (Cossid/Jhpiego) Bottom left: Male Participants in the Hi5 Caravan and IP summit in Lakewood, Zamboanga del Sur (Jhpiego) Top right: Male clients gather around the area where Usapan sessions were held by trained facilitators to gain knowledge on their responsibility and involvement on family planning and on maternal and child health/safe motherhood. (Jhpiego) Bottom right: Brokenshire Hospital Resident-in-Charge of the Program for Teens Dr. Tessa Mae Bonguyan (right) shows USAID Philippines’ Mission Director Susan Brems the Program for Teens Operational Guide. (Cossid/Jhpiego) This report was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of the Cooperative Agreement AID-492-A-13-00005. The contents are the responsibility of the Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health/Family Planning (MNCHN/FP) Regional Projects in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Table of Contents List of Abbreviations.................................................................................................................. i Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. ii Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 Progress Against Performance Indicators .................................................................................. 2 Analysis of CYP and Current FP Users, Overall and by Region ................................................... 11 Narrative of Key Achievements by Strategy ............................................................................. 14 Strategy 1: Strengthening MNCHN/FP/RH service delivery ..................................... 14 Strategy 2: Increasing the Demand for MNCHN/FP Services ................................... 20 Strategy 3: Removal of policy and systems barriers to service delivery and its utilization ................................................................................................................... 25 Strategy 4: Strengthening the Capabilities of DOH Regional Offices and Provincial Health Offices in Program Development, Management and Oversight .................... 28 Program Management ........................................................................................................... 32 Challenges and Solutions ........................................................................................................ 35 Success Stories and Evolving Initiatives ................................................................................... 37 Financial Expenditure and Cost Share ...................................................................................... 41 Annexes: Annex A: List of Certified Trained Health Service Providers and Trainers by FP/LAPM/LARC Annex B: List of Trainings and Participants in Q2 PY4 List of Abbreviations ABC Association of Barangay Captains COP ADNPH Agusan del Norte Provincial Hospital Chief of Party ADPCN Association of Deans of Philippine CPS Clinical Practice Site Colleges of Nursing CRMC Cotabato Regional and Medical Center AJA Adolescent Job Aids CSO Civil Society Organization AMTSL Active Management of the Third CSR Contraceptive Self-Reliance Stage of Labor CTU Contraceptive Technology Update ANC Antenatal Care CYP Couple Year of Protection AOP Annual Operational Plan DCOP Deputy Chief of Party APSOM Association of Philippine Schools of DepEd Department of Education Midwifery DMO Development Management Officer ARMM Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao DMPA Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate AY Adolescent and Youth DMSF Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. AYRH Adolescent and Youth Reproductive DO2 Development Objectives 2 Health DOH Department of Health BCS + Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus DOH-AO Department of Health - Administrative BEmONC Basic Emergency and Obstetric Order Newborn Care DOH-CO Department of Health-Central Office BH Birthing Homes DOH-RO Department of Health-Regional Office BHS Barangay Health Station DQC Data Quality Check BHW Barangay Health Worker DRMC Davao Regional Medical Center BMC Butuan Medical Center DSWD Department of Social Welfare and BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation Development CA Cooperating Agencies EBF Exclusive Breastfeeding CAA Conflict Affected Areas EINC Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care CCT Conditional Cash Transfer EMTT Electronic Masterlisting and Tracking Tool CDI Cities Development Initiative ENC Essential Newborn Care CDO Cagayan de Oro FDS Family Development Session CDOHO Cagayan de Oro Health Office FHSIS Field Health Service Information System CECAP Cervical Cancer Prevention Program FP Family Planning CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric FPCBT Family Planning Competency-Based and Newborn Care Training CHANGE Communication for Health Advancement FPiOP Family Planning Organization of the through Networking and Governance Philippines Enhancement GIDA Geographically Isolated and CHO City Health Office Disadvantaged Area CHT Community Health Team Hi5 High Impact Five Campaign CHT-IS Community Health Team–Information HPDP Health Policy Development Program System HSP Health Service Provider CMNC Caring for Mothers and Newborns in the ICT Information Communications Technology Community COE Center of Excellence ICV Informed Choice and Volunteerism i IEC Information, Education, and PSI Progestin Only Sub-dermal Implant Communication PY Program Year ILHZ Inter-Local Health Zone RHM Rural Health Midwife IPHO Integrated Provincial Health Office RHO Regional Health Office LAM Lactational Amenorrhea Method RPRH Responsible Parenthood and LAPM Long Acting and Permanent Method Reproductive LARC Long Acting Reversible Contraception Health LGUs Local Government Units SDN Service Delivery Network LIPH Local Investment Plan for Health SDP Service Delivery Point LMT Lactation Management Training SKPH Sultan Kudarat Provincial Hospital M&E Monitoring and Evaluation SMRS Supply Management and Recording MCP Maternity Care Package System MH MindanaoHealth SMS Short Message Service MLLA Mini Laparotomy using Local Anesthesia SPMC Southern Philippines Medical Center MNCHN/FP Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health SS Supportive Supervision and Nutrition/Family Planning STTA Short Term Technical Assistance MOA Memorandum of Agreement TA Technical Assistance MSH Marawi Specialist Hospital TB Tuberculosis MSI Marie Stopes International TBA-RHM Traditional Birth Attendant - Rural Health NCP Newborn Care Package Midwife NDP Nurse Deployment Program TOT Training of Trainers NHT National Household Targeting System TRO Temporary Restraining Order NSV No Scalpel Vasectomy TWG Technical Working Group OSCE Objective Structured Competency USAID United States Agency for International Evaluation Development PHO Provincial Health Office WRA Women of Reproductive Age PHN Public Health Nurse ZCMC Zamboanga City Medical Center PMP Performance Monitoring Plan ZDNPH Zamboanga del North Provincial Hospital POPCOM Commission on Population ZFF-MH Zuellig Family Foundation PPFP Postpartum Family Planning PPIUD Postpartum Intrauterine Device i Executive Summary The five-year (2013–2018) MindanaoHealth (MH) is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded project, primed by Jhpiego in partnership with RTI International. The project’s goal is to improve family health by dramatically increasing the quality and uptake of integrated maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition/family planning (MNCHN/FP) services at the household level, in communities, and at public and private facilities, thereby improving child health and nutrition, reducing maternal and infant deaths, and decreasing the unmet need for FP services—especially among Mindanao’s lowest wealth quintiles and in conflict-affected areas. The project actively works and collaborates with the Department of Health (DOH)-led scale-up of high-impact services and client-centered information for Mindanao, the southernmost of the three island groups in the Philippines. MH works directly with five DOH-regional health offices (RHOs) of Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, Davao Region, SOCCSKSARGEN, and CARAGA as well as the DOH for the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The MH partnership covers local government units (LGUs) (provincial/municipal/city/barangays) in 19 provinces, two cities, and 366 municipalities/component cities. Building on the commitment of the DOH, MH made key achievements in this reporting period covering January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2016: • Accomplished a promising increase in couple years of protection (CYP) from previous quarters; however, acceleration to reach the Program Year (PY) 4 target is still needed. • Increased family planning (FP) current users from the previous quarter, with the exception of Davao region. Data Quality Checks have
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