International Sociological Association - Association Internationale de Sociologie Secr~tariat: Oude Hoogstraat 2_, 1012 CE Amsterdam, Tbe Netberlands Phone: (3120) 5253584, (3120) 5253589. Cable address: ISAGRAH AHSTERDAH SPRING 1985 rsa• bulletin 37 Back: Artur Meier Parry Michael Martin Albrow Erik Allardt Secretary to UCCP Front: Robert Harris Margaret Archer Lyn Evans UCC Bursar Deputy Principal UCC A~ter more than ayear of preparatory work by the Publications Committee under the ac t í ve chairmanship of Margaret Archer, a contract has been signed on January ~, 1985 between the ün í ve r-s í t y College Cardlff Press and the Int.er-na t í.onaI SccIc Icg í.ca I Assoclatlor for publlshing a new journal of the :Sk, IN'!ERNATIONALSOCIOLOGY.The ~irst year or publication wl11 be ' 986 and ~our .ssues of 112 pages a year are p:anned. E:itorial poLí cy has beer. form' ~ateó and editorial advisers are be íng app oant.e c or a I%rldwide baS1S. ':'he journa. wi11 pr-ov to e a pub.lcation opportun.ty ~or papers witr. i.nt.er-nat rena t , cr-cs e-cu Lt.ura; ano ceepar-at í ve mt.er-e st , whe"e the results of work in one Loca t í.on or field are worth convey ing to socio:ogists in t ne world at large and in many flelos. lt lS intended that the journal should be representative of wide~y dlfferent o"lentations ano national and c ltural bacKgrounds. Artie es in the journal are expected to meet one or more of the fo ~o._ng objeetives: advance the discipline ln fundamenta. issues of theo"v ano methodj pr-oví.de new eir-ec t rons in empirlca: "esearchj identify social processes and developments wh.ch have cr-o s s -nat Icna; s í gn í.r í cance j ana1yse aspects of inte"national social structure ano changej undertake comparative soc o oglcal analysisj promote lnternationa. and c"oss-cultura: understandlngj demonst"ate the POl1CY r-erevance of soc aoLcgy apP:led to major social problems an tne wo:-:o. '!ne Edito", ~ofessor Martlr. Albrow, w1:1 be pleasec to recelve submisslons for pub.leatlon and any other enqu."ies concernlng the Journal, at the fo~~owlng acor-ess i University Co.lege, P. O. Box 78, Cardlff CFl 1XL, Unlted Kingdom. • International Sociological Association - Association Internationale de Sociologie Secretariat: Oude Hoogstraat 24, 1012 CE Amsterdam, Tbe Hetherlands Phone: (3120) 5253584, (3120) 5253589. Cable address: ISAGRAH AKSTERDAH EXECUTIVE C<HUTTEE S.C. Dube Kembership and Finance ICSSR, New Delhi, India CoaIII.ittee : Khatchik Momdjan, Chairperson President: Wilfried Dumon Niko Yahiel, Bulgaria Fernando H. Cardoso University of Leuven, Belgium Kurt Jonassohn, Canada CEBRAP Enzo Mingione, Italy Rua Morgado de t<1ateus615 Salvador Giner Erwin SCheuch, FRG 04015 Sao Paulo, S.P. Brunel University, England Brazil Anne-Marie Guillemard Publications Committee: Vice-President, Chairperson, Centre d'Etude des Mouvements Margaret Archer, Chairperson Research Council: Sociaux, Paris, France Martin Albrow, Editor: Jacques Dofny INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY Département de Sociologie Melvin Kohn James Beckford, Editor: Université de Montréal National Institute of Mental CURRENT SOCIOLOGY C.P. 6128, Succ."A" Health,Washington, USA Céline Saint-Pierre, Editor: Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7 SAGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL Canada Philip M. Mbithi SOCIOLOGY University of Nairobi, Kenya Erik Allardt, Finland Vice-President, Chairperson, Fernando H. Cardoso, Brazil Hembership & Finance Artur Meier Leo P. Chall, USA (observer) Collllllittee: Academy of Educational Issam El-Zaim, Syria Khatchik Momdjan Sciences, Berlin, GDR Orlando Fals Borda, Colombia Soviet Sociological Assoc. Marie Haug, USA Krzhizhanovskogo 24/35-5 Enzo Mingione Kurt Jonassohn, Canada 117259 Moscow, USSR University of Messina, Italy Shogo Koyano, Japan Artur Meier, GDR Vice-President, Chairperson, EIse tJyen Andrée Michel, France Program CoaIII.ittee: University of Bergen, Norway Gennadi Osipov, USSR Joji Watanuki Naka-Cho 2-12-11-606 Erwin Scheuch Program Committee: Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180 University of Koln, FRG Joji Watanuki, Chairperson Japan Akinsola Akiwowo, Nigeria Margaret Archer, England Past President 1918-1982: Executive Secretary: Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, USSR Ulf Himmelstrand Felix Geyer Fernando H. Cardoso, Brazil Institute of Sociology Deputy Executive Secretaries: Alessandro Cavalli, Italy Uppsala University Izabela Barlinska and Jacques Dofny, Canada Box 513 Peter Reinsch S.C. Dube,India S-751 20 Uppsala Issam El-Zaim, Syria Sweden SUB-C<HUTTEES : Ulf Himmelstrand, Sweden Elizabeth Jelin, Argentina Hembers: Researcb Coordinating Melvin Kohn, USA Erik Allardt Committee: Jacques Lautman, France University of Helsinki, Jacques Dofny, Chairperson Artur Meier, GDR Finland Erik Allardt (RC 18) , Khatchik Momdjan, USSR Margaret Archer (RC 04) EIse tJyen, Norway Margaret Archer Wilfried Dumon (RC 06) Stella R. Quah, Singapore University of Warwick, UK Anne-Marie Guillemard (RC 11) Erwin Scheuch, FRG Enzo Mingione (RC 21) Magdalena Sokolowska, Poland Alessandro Cavalli EIse tJyen (RC 19) Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Mexico University of Pavia, Italy John Rex (RC 05) Ralph Turner, USA The ISA BULLETIN is the official publication of the Secretariat of the International Sociological Association. Editor: Izabela Barlinska. Cover design: John Lioni. Three issues per year appear in Spring, Summer and Autumn with an average printing of 6000 copies. The ISA BULLETIN is distributed free of charge to members of the ISA. Deadlines for submission of items of interest to our members are: Spring issue: January 1 Summer issue: June 1 Autu~~ issue: October Published by the International Sociological Association under the auspices of the ISSC and with the financial assistance of UNESCO. UNESCO subvention 1984-85/DG/7.6.2/SUB.16 (SHSl Printed by de Boer-Cuperus Ltd., Utrecht,The Netherlands One should use the opportunity of being in a sociologically and otherwise highly interesting FROH THE SECRETARIAT and exotic country, where one may not so quickly go back another time, to really see it for an additional week or two at a relatively small extra A passage to India: costo India is an immensely varied country in In February, an ISA delegation visited India for nearly all conceivable respects: culture, an on-site inspection of the existing facilities landscape, religion, climate. And to really see and for coordinating the activities of the Indian it, one surely has to venture outside NewDelhi, Organizing Committee (INOC) and the Secretariat. which is not India - like NewYork is not the US. It consisted of Enzo Mingione, congress organizer However, I start sounding more like an ad-libbing Mrs. Quirine Laman Trip - the director of QLT tour operator than a serious sociologist. So let's Convention Services in Amsterdam, who will help move to the intellectual side. But not before the Secretariat and INOCto organize the World giving you one last bit of advice: India is a very Congress in the most professional way possible - romantic country, and will not fail to impress and your secretary. As a result of our visito it even the most world-weary cynic. So take your was decided that TCI, Travel Corporation (India), partner along - it will be the experience of a will be our local tour opera tor. They will not lifetime! (And your psychoanalyst is on holidays only take care of organizational matters anyway in August; besides, a guru is cheaper.) regarding the Congress itself, like hotel registrations and shuttle bus service, but will As for the Congress itself: also offer pre- and post-congress t our-s , in 'modular packages' that will allow you to put Intellectually, there will be plenty of food for your own trip together, on the dates that suit thought: with 27 symposia sessions and some 400 you best, and to the places tha t interest you Research Committees' sessions, not to speak of Ad mosto Detailed information on these tours will Hoc Groups and SSO sessions, and with some 2500 appear in the Fall issue of the ISA Bulletin, papers expected, there are surely some pearls to which will also contain registration forms and pick for everyone, if you know how to pick them. hotel booking forms. Moreover, India is a country with a large and well developed sociological community - which was one It is too early as yet to give you exact of the reasons for choosing Delhi - and Indian information on what may interest you most: colleagues are actively involved in a majority of roundtrip prices to NewDelhi and hotel prices. the sessions. This is therefore a unique Here again, we have to refer you to the Fall opportunity to meet them, especially at a congress issue, although it may come as a pleasant about social change - about which they will tell surprise that roundtrips to new Delhi from New you from first-hand experience, living in the York/Toronto/Montreal will most probably be in Third World' s longest experimental laboratory in the US$ 900 r-ange , while roundtrips from West this respecto European airports will be around US$ 550-600. In this respecto we soon hope to finalize nego- Some of you may be taken aback by the sheer tiations with Air India that will result in their proliferation of sessions and papers and may have obtaining the status of official congress developed a resistance against present-day mass carrier, which may in turn result in lower congresses. It certainly cannot be denied this pr í.ces , As for hotels: singles will range from will indeed be a mass congress, with 1000 Indians about US$ 20 to US$ 45 per night (two- to five- and 3500 foreigners expected, you yourself star hotels, all airconditioned). with a limited included! However, this is a tremendous advantage availability of cheaper accomodation at around if one indeed knows how to pick the pearls. It has US$ 10 per night (non-airconditioned) that will become fashionable nowadays in some circles to be given with preference to Third World prefer rela ti vely small expert meet ings over participants and students.
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