in France. NEWS FROM FRANCE To the Editor of the Wnterford Xcws Jiolcs written SPIRIT OF TIIE JOURNALS ment of the pilot and engineer. The pilot in colonial dependencies in America. taking her into Bahia Honda happened to get Resolved—That Diinjiarviin , September 10, 1801. [ IIY. OIR OWN coRr.F.srosnF.Nr.] (From the Tines.) Puris, Monday Evening. " it is incumbent upon the her aground at the entrance of the harbour. As government of the Sin,—I am constrained once more to bring before the The cause of truth is never utterl y hope'ess, A report is current to-day that several of the United States to adopt mea- public , throngh the medium of TUB N EWS , a continua- WHAT THE FRENCH TIIIXK 0F F.KfiL.vNn—W ATERLOO ; soon as she struck , the commander, or the officer sures to enforce t'.ie observance by the Spanish AKING OF OME RENCH AND EMGLIS. II G ENE- and honesty und fair dealing carry with them no leading men of the three great parties compos- tion of HIT former letter with regard to the Shandon- T H —F in command of the troip, drew his sword and government in Cuba , of the rules of [ RALS —D R . C AIIII .L, &C . little vitality and po\wr even in unhappy nnd ing the majority of the National Assembly have civilized Koad. Ami I find that have met with their kind split the pilot? head at one blow, ant!, report warfare, in the treatment of wishes, anil tlie approbation of disinteieited pnrt :fs I was surprised to learn by some of the English .and priestridden Ireland . The most patient submis- come to an understanding to propose, prisoners captured as soon as says, killed him instantly. in any such contest here, who have Imiled with delight and admiration tin; callc.i to account by sion , the most abject bigotry, becomes weary at the proposition for a revision of the Constitution as that in which the Cuban French journals that Dr. Calnll was In endeavouring to back the vessel off some patriots arc engaged. spirit and energy which him actuated the writer of Hie y writing a notorious fact velative to last of following the direction of men who scarce- shall have been rejected , thai; the elections for urticle on tlu-ir locul iinprovrmrnt. the Times for simpl pai t of the engine gave out. The engineer was ly pretend to have nt heart the intere-ts of their " Resolved—That ihe President and Con^res,-- He who cannot fay something in sympathy with , or in the opinions--jicrliaps I sliouM say jealous inclining*— the new Assembly shall take p lace in January, immediatel y put under arrest, and it is believed ht us well hold his disciples or to acknowledge any other snide than in the hope that a great portion of the present ought to insist , in their respective departmen ts, aid of, the movement of humanity mig which the French as a people entertain towards the here that he has bren shot. The ship i< now a peace. As tlie particular .*, with regard to this line, haii; the encroaching spirit of priestly domination. opposition will be got rid of, upon a national atonement , by Spain , for the late Knglish . and that the com- wreck, as there came a heavy blow, and report f'ecn vomeliaie hence laid before the public, it is quite The Church of Rome is ju>t now play ing a the new Assembl atrocious act of assassination , by executing ituhiti' Dr. Onhill was right—perfectly right. A prejudice pletion of y will be such as to says she has bil ged. with- unnecessnry and uncalled for on my part to recap mighty stake in Ireland. On the one hand she out a trial , citizens of the United States , who or chronicle tlivrc mailers again ; hut suffice to say ,that dors exist, and perhaps ever will exist, in France against remove the danger connected with the election of The bng J. C. Anderson, Captain Murray, , like is culling on her votaries to violate the law and Lafayette, and his associates from Europe Famulus, with his parched li ps, rould not he more anxi- F.nglaml. I don't want to pay that it is right or that it a new President. There is a general desire in arrived last night from Hivana, whence she , volun- ous to pnr'uKr »f the cooling and refreshing dmuuht defy a Government to whose forbearance alone teered their services in aiil of liberty is wrong ; but I shall only state what 1 know, and wlint tlie party of order that this course should be sailed on the loth instant. Captain in Cuba , and from nature 's fou: 'ain .thun the people are in this locality she owes her cDntinued protection and toleration , Murray when mack- prisoners of war , liiiine under my own immediate observation. adopted , for it is supposed that when public states that when he left the greatest excitement were publicl y in having tliis spin.did ami most delightful mail , or public while on the other she is encaged in a deadly inion shall have clearl manifested butchered without a trial , or upon a promenade , opened to that beautiful mid magnificent To liken England and France to two great , well-ftsl op y itself in the prevailed in Havana , in consequence of the national dis- struggle with that which the ninetecrth century new elections, there will be much less anxiety as avowal of the atrocity, and punishment Norman bridge, which would prove so iucMicululily uene- Game-Cocks would hardly be expressive enough. Hut , landing of the invaders. Captain Murray also of its per- lieial , useful and ornamental in the viti iity of this com is more powerful than any Government and any It is thoug ht petrator s, b y Spain. if we compare them to tiro obstinate " buffer'' or i)iigili.;ts to t'-e Presidency. , however , that states that the Spaniards do not hesitate to use mcrriiil town , riiing every I I HV to fitch inijiorlnnce ; ami law—tlie thirst of the human mind for know- if the majority of tho present Assembly should " Resolved—That the President oug hc« ' I think we shall lie nearer the mark. Prior to Water- the slightest pretext and the basest subterfuge ht to v.iuM , in a great measure, mnelionite and better the led ge and its tendency towards instruction and agree in advancing the period of the elections, authorized b y Congress to send a comliiion of the heavil y-taxed rale-payers , by enabling loo Kngland trembled at her fate ! Xo w.inder that she to harass the Americans, both strangers and re- commissioner enli ghtenment, Scarcely were the Queen's Col- it may go on still farther , and dissolve itself im- with a suitable naval anil militar y escort to Cuba , the farmers of that great mill extensive district who lire should, when she MW a little 'grcat man pitching about sidents, in every way possible. ' much inconvenienced, in consequence of the narrowness leges launched into existence, when the hitter meiiiiitel y afterwards , so as to enable the new to soe to the honourable interment , , crowned-heads at his pleasure. Nr.w O ULT.KANS , A UGUST 21, ISol.—The in that island i>f the pnssajj!-, in making- it ijicir way to market for dis- and remorseless enemies of Ireland , nevet weary Assembly, if it should be Conservative , to dis- of tlie remains of our mnnlered compatriots , re- posing of their and other commodities. This Well, Waterloo conies on—the ring H cleared—the excitement which prevails in this city relative to ' produce , of thwarting whatever was designed for her good cuss the question of revision. The right of tin- ported to be now the food of dogs, or ro brin- necessarily, identities a circulation of money among the Little Man i'.ills—France is down—England wins the the Cuban outbreak is great. Two more steam- and converting it, if^ possible, into a fresh ele- National Assembly to do this will, of couise be their honoured remains to the United States for Miop krepL-is, &c , in times of such unprecedented want belt. Here now comes the dispute. It is easily told. ers filled with men to join Lopez. Tlie inter- misery ment of discord and misery, conspired together desperatel disputed ; but some of our best interment in the national burial and . game was not fairly y ference of tho United Stites mirshal was of no ground , at Dut let me not dilate longer upon onr melancholy and Tiie French Inldly assert that the for their desiruction. Washington , . Jawve.'s arc of opinion that there is nothing in avnil . The fitting out and embarkation with such a monument as Congress prostrate condition , nor act the part of n shi p-wrecked won—that England was rfotrn and well threshed when a Henceforth , we trust the Irish nation will , were ac- may direct. ° the Constitution to prevent it nnd if public opi- complished in defiance of the authorities. ivaiim-r , cast by adverse winds on some desidtite short fresh i»wer ((irouchey) came up ; and that the winning look for advice neither to wordy demagogues , The impatientl hoping assistance from some unknown linnd nion were to be ou its side the opposition would most " Resolved—T lint it is the duty of the govern- y of the belt was more the Child of Chance than the God nor intri guing priests, but will seek in its own intense excitemint prevails, and everything —let iisheatirjourselvfs and set forth our complaint befurc be powerless.
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