Join the Only Newspaper Published Malibu Township In The Malibu The Malibu Times Council, Inc.! In the Heart of Malibu—Malibu in its Heart Vol. 2, No- 17 MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1947 5 CENTS YOUTHS, 13, 14, HELD IN Practice Ride On Beach CORRAL CANYON SHOOTING Special Word has teen received from doctors, in charge at Santa Monica Emergency Hospital that Theo- dore Thomas, 41, of Manhattan Beach, shot Wednesday InsideThe Malibu at Cerral Canyon, is in fair condition and will probably With recover. REEVES D. TEMPLEMAN Corral Canyon, approxim;lately three miles west of the Malibu Inn, was the scene Wednes- tance of about eight feet. day of a shooting and elleged mo The boys further reported that BOY'S BEST FRlEND—Where- lesting of two boys, 13 and 14, who sinv'lar molestations had been ever boys are gathered in this are being held by LosAngeles Juve- made on them by Thomas at his of broad land ours-or in any land nile Authorities pending investiga- ranch in the Mojave Desert near for that matter, whether in the tion of the shooting of Theodore Pear Blossom. slums of New York, on the lots of Thomas, 41, of 3001 A Herendo After the shooting the boys Street, Manhattan Beach. the Midwest, in the great farming climbed to the home of F. S. Dil- Early Wednesday morning, ac- lon, Corral Canyon resident, who (fTstricts the 4-H where clubs cording to Detective Pete Sutton then reported the affair to Sher- flourish, in scout troop houses— of the Sheriff's Crime Prevention iff's deputies. An ambulance was it makes no difference where, Bureau, Thomas picked up the two dispatched and Thomas taken to these boys can be sure of one boys at Manhattan Beach and took Santa Monica Emergency Hospit- thing. They have a staunch and them to the Malibu to investigate al, where his condition was re- sincere friend in Joe E. Brown, property in Corral Canyon, and to ported serious and probably fatal. one of the Nation's greatest com- give them an opportunity for tar- Detective Sergeant Cal Kersh edians —one of the nation's finest get shooting. !of the Sheriff's Malibu Station men. No matter their race, color, After they had reached Corral has been placed in charge of an creed—no matter their place or Canyon, according to the boys investigation into the shooting and condition of birth, Joe will always Thomas stated molesting the attack. In a statement taken from be their friend. But particularly is younger boy. Seeing this, the Thomas yesterday, Det. Sutton re- Joe interested in the boy who older boy attempted to take photo- ported him as saying. needs the break—-who needs the graphs. Thomas then advanced on j "I don't know why the boys shot one important chance—the boy the youth \yith the camera, and ac- me. There was no provocation at who needs that extra measure of cording to the boy, made several all. They had asked me to take understanding. This need to help threatening motions. The younger them on an outing and to do some is as much a part of Joe E. Brown boy reported that in an effort to target shooting." Pete as his need to make people laugh. help his friend he seized the .22 Expressing fear for his money, Archibald, Malibu Remuda Ride, who will make the 75-mile non-stop "pony And of course, just making them calibre rifle from the automobile, Thomas asked Detective Sutton expiess ride from Malibu Beach to Santa Barbara next Thursday morning, Aug. 28, laugh often satisfies that need. shouted to Thomas to stop, and to search his clothing. Doing so, makes a practice run along the beach at the Malibu Movie Colony. Interested spectators But understanding them and giving fired a warning shot at his feet. Sutton found 27 $lOO bills, in ad- and Remuda participants stand by to watch. Left to right: Pete Archibald on Golden serious consideration to their Since Thomas continued to ad- dition to real-setate deeds and Clipper. Top row: Bill Spear, Dorothy Morris, Mr. and vance, Mrs. Ed Merzoian. Center row, problems is another way that Joe the lad said he shot him other papers which indicated that left to right, Jimmy Wallington, June Havoc, Remuda Queen, Malibu Times' Columnist can help. three times—once in the head, Thomas might be engaged In the Vicki Osborn, Dion and Andy the Gittelson, Anderson, owner of Golden Clipper. Besides HE CAN'T FORGET—The other once in right shoulder, and real-estate business in Manhattan a Beach. Golden Clipper, the following horses will be used in the ride: Red Billy, owned by Jerry night at the Henry and Katherine once in the stomach—from dis- tAnderson; Cimarron, owned by Mrs- Pat Millerick, and Ferrdinson, an Arabian stallion Guttman get-to-gether in the Col- owned by Oliver to to Jones of the Dincarre Stock Farms, Burbank. Remount Handlers for ony, I had a chance talk Joe the ride will be Andy Jerry about this interest in the welfare Anderson, Anderson, and Charles Travis. of our youth. I consider it a signal honor to have had this opportunity, because above all else, I admire a man for his honesty and sincer- Plan has this sin- 75 ity. Joe honesty and Mile Pony Ride cerity to a degree that touches anyone who comes in contact With him. Joe has never forgotten the Thurs. To particularly Herald war veteran. Most the Remuda disabled vet for whom the war RLMLDA Bl LLETIN—With the crews of reel never end. He can't forget. three'news companies scheduled to will e on hatid to chronicle the a cost their sacrifice is sc start ot spectacular 75-mile non-stop pony ride between The of JVialibu Beach and Barbara, the great that he cannot talk about it Santa first ride of its kind since early pioneer days, !o ai iesidents were without feeling the sting and smart urged by REMUDA officials to turn out enmasse to witness this his- of unshed tears. Some might say tone occasion early next 1 hursday morning, Aug. 28. Spicial festivities for the affair is an the memory of the loss of his own which advance heralding of the first annual MALIBU REMUDA, Sept. 27 and 28, son is responsible for this undying will beg,n at 1 a. m in front of the Malibu Inn. Representing Malibu at the unique mid- hp devotion to the cause of tlffeir wel- n<ght affair will Warner Baxter, honorary chairman of the MALIBU REMUDA and fare. I do not believe this is entire- mayor of Malibu Beach; ex-mayor Brian Donlevy of the Malibu Colony, ly true. I believe that Joe E. Brown Robert Walker, has seen too much of suffering and f MALIBU of sacrifice while journeying about -- . , REMUDA; Dick Havmes, famous singer, "Wild Bill" '■ " ' Republic star, and the country—so much, in fact, that ! many others. The ride will be made by Pete Archibald- memory of it never let the will By VICKI OSBORN him forget. Trancas We clamored for Joe to tell us Ass'n. The plans are made, rehearsals are over and the stage one of hig inimitable stories—per- To Hold Annual is set for the first and most unusual horseback riding at- haps the "Mousey" story. Instead, tempt of modern times. In a race against time, Pete Archi- told the story about the "tur- he Meet Aug. bald, the Remuda Rider will leave the Malibu Inn at m. after that was over he 31 2 a. tles'> and Thursday the 28th August and travel and we grew serious of 76 miles to reach grew serious Members of the Trancas Associ- listening—reflecting his mood. He the Santa Barbara Old Spanish Fiesta Days Historic Par- ation, "Property Owners Mutual ade at told us that whenever he was giv- 3:15 Thursday afternoon. Benefit Association of Trancas en a minute to address a group, Prank Heed, General Manager Beach," will hold their annual no where or when, he felt American Legion of the matter meeting at the home of Remuda, emphasized that compelled to remind them of the Trancas Association President Warden the invitation to come down early boys in the hospitals who must Auxiliary Meet Woolard Sunday, August 31 at in the evening and stay to the never be forgotten. He talked from see 11:30 a. m. The Woolard residence The American Legion Auxiliary rider off along with Mayor his heart—because he had to, be- Warner' Detective Sergeant Cal Kersh of the Sheriff's Malibu Sta- is at 30800 Broad Beach Road, held its first meeting Baxter, President cause there is no escape from that since the in- of the Remuda holding Trancas Beach. Jimmy Wallington and a number feeling of the urgent need to keep tion, the .22 rifle with which Thomas was shot. stallation of heads of committees The Association will discuss of movie stars who have promised the memory of their sacrifice Investigation of the shooting is being handled by Det. for the following year was an- problems with President Woolard to be on hand to cheer Pete on his alive. Kersh. who is also assistant managing nounced as follows: way, is open to everyone. Fox SPEAKERS—Perhaps NEED FOR editor of the Los A ngeles Exami- Past President's Parley—Gab- Movietone Newsreels and a com- know Joe's nationwide plan you of Rescue Wounded Smart Barbeque ner. Originally planned to take riella Drake. plete press party will follow the to support speakers enlist the of place at Merle Oberon Ballard's rider to take pictures of his pro- perpetual Membership—Rita Nunn.
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