VOLUME84, ISSUE8 FEBRUARY22,2006 HE Baseball and softball Former season basketball star previews. David Logan See Page 5. UNIVERSITYOF INDIANAPOLIS plays in Israel. 1400 EASTHANNA AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46227 See Page 6. E STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic task force plans changes for campus Strategic task force disscusses new ideas for university’s future II I Shelly Grimes and graduate student representative, want to go,” said John McIlvried, dean Opinion Editor began talks of a new strategic plan at of the School of Psychological Sciences Strategic Planning Task Force: the end of the 2004-2005 school year. and chair of the Strategic Planning Task A new task force has been meeting to However, this semester, the group has Force. “It’s not every day that an institu- List of Proposed Goals discuss facets for the new strategic plan been meeting every few weeks to create tion gets an opportunity to just sit back at the University of Indianapolis. the plan, which they hope to complete by and think about it and say, ‘What do we # 1 Focus on student learning. The Strategic Planning Task Force, the end of the semester. want to do?”’ which consists of representatives from “What we want, with the highest qual- So far, the task force has come up with /I /I many university departments and aca- ity in mind, is for the university to think four proposed goals. These goals include #2 Strenghten sense of community for students demic units as well as an undergraduate about what we want to be and where we focusing on student learning, strengthen- through varied, formative experiences on ing the sense of community for students campus and in the nearby neighborhoods. 8‘ through experiences both on campus and in nearby neighborhoods, expanding the impact of the university, and enhancing #3 Expand the impact of th iversity beyond the image, of the university. both inter- its physical boundaries. nally and externally. “The discussions are focused on how we develop the learning environment #4 Enhance the in al and external image of for students and the way we support the the university. interaction between faculty and students to come up with something that makes us the best we can be in those interactions,” Graphic by Emily Scott said Joe Burnell, associate professor of classes,” Brazel said. “But if you go into parts of the learning environment, and in chemisty and president of the faculty your classes, you don‘t really feel that a strategic plan all of those thihgs have senate. Burnell serves as a faculty rep- you have much of aconnection with your to be considered,” Burnell said. resentative from the College of Arts and professor unless they initiate it.“ The new plan is being constructed at Sciences. Brazel also said that enhancing par- the request of University of Indianapolis The task force is still in the brainstorm- nerships between the surrounding coni- President Beverley Pitts, who became ing process of these goals, and each goal munity and the campus was important to president in July, 2005. The plan is will be elaborated on more fully as the the task force. expected to be completed by the end of discussions continue. Once the task force “ With the parking lot that was just put the semester. has determined a final draft of the goals, behind Warren, we feel that that might “Strategic planning is something new it will present the ideas in open forums, have been an invasion into that area,” presidents do. It’s how a new president so that students, faculty and staff can Brazel said. “So what we’re thinking is, really learns the strengths and weaknesses discuss and debate the plan. The final instead of being an invasion to the area of an institution. A new president may plan is expected to be completed by the around us, we need to find a way to be know the reputation of the university, end of the semester and presented to the more included with the community. and but strategic planning helps them learn Board of Trustees in May. we want to build relationships with vol- what is going on underneath the surface,” According to sophomore psychology unteerworksandwithcompanies, getting Burnell said. major Kristen Brazel, who serves as the more internships for students.” According to Mcllvried, the current undergraduate representative to the task Adding social space for students is strategic plan is being constructed dif- force, the goals will remain focused on also a key issue being discussed by the ferently than the previous strategic plan, students. One of the first suggestions she task force. which was created after Dr. Jerry Israel made to the task force was the idea of “Students need places on campus became president of the university in enhancing community on campus. where they can maintain their physical 199‘). “Most students can agree that wechose and meatal health. Stitdents need places (in The previous plan was more focused this school for the small class sizes, and campus where they can get away and study on individual departments auditing their we thought there would be a huge sense effectively. Students need access to as own strengths and weaknesses and then of community with the small amount of much relevant reference material as they Graphic by Kuty Yeiser students on campus and with the small can get. All of those things are important Strategic plan continued on p. 3 MUSIC PROFESSOR Music Prof named VP of national music association to become the new vice president. sees the Higher Education Act, which Sandra Ameny “I was very pleased to do what I do, and authorizes the federal government’s stu- Stuff Writer I will remain the institutional representa- dent aid programs, and other important tive [for the University of Indianapolis] forms of aid and scholarships to various this year because one has to have an active institutions. Domb said that the director music executive. And I talked with the serves as a communication tool between provost to make sure that it was okay,” the government and organizations that Jo Ann Domb, University of India- Domb said. support music education. napolis professor and chair of the De- Domb summed up several goals that The NASM not only has crossed na- partment of Music, has been named the she wants to implement for the NASM. tional boundaries but has also reached out new vice president pro tempore of the “Lessen turn over rates, implement to international partners in Europe. National Association of Schools of Music proper leadership training, and place more “We had a federal grant for, I believe, (NASM). According toauniversity Com- emphasis on ‘art music,’ also known as three years, to work with conservatories munications press release, the prestigious classical music to appeal to the general in Europe,” Domb said. “Every year, organization is responsible for specialized population,” she said. we have someone from the Association accreditation, which is not mandatory According to Domb, music has been of European Conservatories and we see but voluntary, reaching more than 600 de-emphasized in the community and accreditation spreading across the world. schools across the U. S to bring quality she wants to find ways to ensure that It’s really building for quality.” music education to schools. “art music” is part of the public school The NASM also has remained visible Domb has been an active and dedicated system. in the Indianapolis area. Domb said that member of the organization. “I’ve been Domb said that schools usually hear the organization has accreditation fornon- Photo by Megan Komlanc working with them for more than 20 about NASM through word of mouth degree granting institutions because many years. It is apeerevaluation. Overthe last and the schools are the ones that usually schools will have community programs Jo Ann Domb is a professor and chair of the University of 20 years, I have visited over 65 schools contact the organization to start the ac- for outreach, forpeople who have not ma- Indianapolis music department who was recently named across the nation for routine evaluation creditation process. triculated as college students. Domb said visits,” Domb said. “If you want information about the when the University of Indianapolis vice president of a national music association. “I served two, three-year terms on the NASM, the public site on the Internet has goes through its evaluation in 2007, the Commission for Evaluation and then I information for students and parents, what community music center will be reviewed According to the NASM public web education and preparatory schools in as- became the Secretary for the Association you need to prepare for music school. It through an accreditation process. site, accreditation is offered to individuals sociation with degree giving universities, for two terms,” Domb said. “I thought that is a very extensive web site, including According to Domb, the NASM ap- such as musicians and educators for a fee $407. was it, because I am retiring at the end papers that are presented at the annual peals to both public, and private schools of $65. The fee for non degree schools According to the University Commu- of this year. I have dedicated 30 years of meetings.” of all sizes. The organization consists of and community colleges fees are $8 13. nications’ press release, Domb’s appoint- my life to higher education.” According to the Almanac of Policy faculty from the University of Colorado, Baccalaureate degree granting universi- ment to the NASM will continue through The former president resigned due to issues, a web site that gives background Ohio State University, Vanderbilt, and the ties, $1,065; master degree-granting the group’s annual meeting in Nov.
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