IFPP - Integrated Family Planning Program Agreement No. #AID-656-A-16-00005 Quarterly Report: October to December 2020 – Q1 of the 5th Year of the Project Table of Contents ACRONYM LIST ..................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECT SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 6 SUMMARY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD (October to December 2020) ............................................... 7 IR 1: Increased access to a wide range of modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Sub-IR 1.1: Increased access to modern contraceptive methods and quality, facility-based FP/RH services ................................................................................................................ 11 Sub-IR 1.3: Improved and increased active and completed referrals between community and facility for FP/RH services ....................................................................................... 39 Upcoming Plans for IR 1: Increased access to a wide range of modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ........................................................................................................................ 40 IR 2: Increased demand for modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ............ 41 Sub-IR 2.1: Improved ability of individuals to adopt healthy FP behaviors ......................... 41 Sub-IR 2.2: Improved community environment to support healthy FP behaviors ............... 42 Sub-IR 2.3: Improved systems to implement and evaluate (Social and Behavior Change Communication) (SBCC) interventions .......................................................................... 47 Upcoming Plans for IR 2: Increased demand for modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ............................................................................................................................................... 47 IR 3: Strengthened FP/RH health systems ...................................................................................... 48 Sub-IR 3.1: Improved FP financial management, strategic planning, and budget execution ........................................................................................................................................ 48 Sub-IR 3.5: Improved generation, dissemination and use of FP data for more effective decision-making ............................................................................................................. 57 Upcoming Plans for IR 3: Strengthened FP/RH health systems ......................................................... 57 IR 1: Increased access to a wide range of modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ........................................................................................................................................... 63 Sub- IR 1.1: Increased access to modern contraceptive methods and quality, facility-based 69 Sub- IR 1.2: Increased access to modern contraceptive methods and quality, community- based .............................................................................................................................. 69 Sub-IR 1.3: Improved and increased active and completed referrals between community and facility for FP/RH services ............................................................................................... 70 IR 2: Increased demand for modern contraceptive methods and quality FP/RH services ............ 70 Sub-IR 2.1: Improved ability of individuals to adopt healthy FP behaviors ............................ 70 1 Sub-IR 2.3: Improved systems to implement and evaluate SBCC interventions ..................... 71 IR 3: Strengthened FP/RH health systems ...................................................................................... 71 Sub-IR 3.1: Improved FP financial management, strategic planning, and budget execution 72 Sub-IR 3.2: Improved management of commodities to ensure availability at local levels ..... 73 Sub-IR 3.3: Strengthened governance, including civil society engagement, for an improved FP enabling environment ................................................................................................ 73 Sub-IR 3.4: Improved government capacity to increase supply, distribution and retention of skilled workers ................................................................................................................ 73 Sub-IR 3.5: Improved generation, dissemination and use of FP data for more effective decision-making .............................................................................................................. 74 Collaboration with other donor projects............................................................................................ 74 Evaluation/Assessment Update ......................................................................................................... 75 Annexes .............................................................................................................................................. 75 Annex A - Success stories ............................................................................................................... 76 2 ACRONYM LIST Acronym Description AC Accommodation Center ACD Adolescent Community Dialogue ANC Antenatal Care AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative ART Antiretroviral Treatment AYSRH Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health APE Agente Polivalente Elementar (Ministry of Health Approved Community Health Worker) BL Baseline BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation CACUM Cancro de Colo de Útero e da Mama (Cervical Cancer of the uterus and breast cancer) CBD Community-based Distribution CBOs Community Based Organizations CDCS Country Development Coordination Strategy CDFMP Cenário de Despesas Fiscal de Médio Prazo (Midterm Fiscal Review) CECAP Cervical Cancer Prevention CF Community Facilitator CHW Community Health Worker CIHO Communication for Improved Health Outcomes CL Community Leader CLC Conselho de Lideres Comunitarios (Community Leader Council at village level) CLL Conselho Local da Localidade (Locality’s local council covering an area of approximately 20 villages) CMAM Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (National Drugs, Commodities, and Supplies Warehouse) CMM Consumo Medio Mensal (Monthly Average Consumption) COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CR Community Radio CSC Community Score Card CYP Couple Years of Protection CwS Connect with Sarah (digital application) DDM Depósito Distrital de Medicamentos (District Medicines Depot) DGGQ DMPA-IM Medroxyprogesterone acetate – Injectable contraceptive DMPA-SC Sayana Press DP District Profile DPC DPM Depósito Provincial de Medicamentos (Provincial Medicines Depot) DPS Provincial Health Directorate E2A Evidence to Action ECHO Efficiencies for Clinical HIV Outcomes EMMP Environmental mitigation and monitoring plan EPC Escola Primaria Completa (Primary School - 6th and 7th grade) FP Family Planning 3 FS Field Supervisors FTP First-Time Parents FY Fiscal Year GIS Geographic Information System GRM Government of the Republic of Mozambique HCN Central Hospital of Nampula HCW Health Care Worker HDL1 Help Desk Line 1 HDL2 Help Desk Line 2 HF Health Facility HMIS Health Management Information System HP Health Provider HR Human Resources HRIS Human Resources Information System HSS Health Systems Strengthening HTSP Health Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy IEC Information, Education and Communication IEE Initial Environmental Examination IFP Integrated Family Planning IFPP Integrated Family Planning Program IMASIDA National Malaria and HIV Indicator Survey IPC Interpersonal Communication IR Intermediate Result ISL Implementation Science and Learning IT Information Technology IUD Intrauterine Device LARC Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive LOE Level of Effort LOP Life of Project LTM Long Term Method M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MB Mobile Brigade MCH Maternal and Child Health mCPR Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate MCSP Mother and Child Survival Program MINEDH Ministry of Education and Human Development MISAU Mozambican Ministry of Health MMEMS Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism Services MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSC Management Standards Compliance NED District Statistical Nucleus NEP Provincial Statistical Nucleus NGOs Non-governmental Organizations NHS National Health System OC Oral Contraceptives OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act 4 PES Social and Economic Plan PESOD District Operational Social and Economic Plan PHD Provincial Health Directorate PM Permanent Method PMP Performance Monitoring Plan POA Annual Operational Plan PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPFP Post-Partum Family Planning PPIUD Post-Partum IUD PSI Population Services International QI Quality Improvement RDQA Routine Data Quality Audit RH Reproductive Health SARA Service Availability, Readiness Assessment SAAJ Serviços Amigos dos Adolescentes e Jovens (Youth Friendly Services) SAPERS-CPF Sistema de Alerta Precoce para Evitar Roturas de Stock dos Consumíveis de Planeamento Familiar (Early Warning System to Avoid Stock Outs of Family Planning Commodities) SBCC Social and Behavioral Change Communication SDP Service
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